void Picture_copyToClipboard (Picture me) {
	 * Find the clipboard and clear it.
	PasteboardRef clipboard = nullptr;
	PasteboardCreate (kPasteboardClipboard, & clipboard);
	PasteboardClear (clipboard);
	 * Add a PDF flavour to the clipboard.
	static CGDataConsumerCallbacks callbacks = { appendBytes, nullptr };
	CFDataRef data = CFDataCreateMutable (kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
	CGDataConsumerRef consumer = CGDataConsumerCreate ((void *) data, & callbacks);
	int resolution = 600;
	CGRect rect = CGRectMake (0, 0, (my selx2 - my selx1) * resolution, (my sely1 - my sely2) * resolution);
	CGContextRef context = CGPDFContextCreate (consumer, & rect, nullptr);
	//my selx1 * RES, (12 - my sely2) * RES, my selx2 * RES, (12 - my sely1) * RES)
	{// scope
		autoGraphics graphics = Graphics_create_pdf (context, resolution, my selx1, my selx2, my sely1, my sely2);
		Graphics_play (my graphics.get(), graphics.get());
	PasteboardPutItemFlavor (clipboard, (PasteboardItemID) 1, kUTTypePDF, data, kPasteboardFlavorNoFlags);
	CFRelease (data);
	 * Forget the clipboard.
	CFRelease (clipboard);
void Picture_writeToPngFile_600 (Picture me, MelderFile file) {
	try {
		autoGraphics graphics = Graphics_create_pngfile (file, 600, my selx1, my selx2, my sely1, my sely2);
		Graphics_play (my graphics.get(), graphics.peek());
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (U"Picture not written to PNG file ", file, U".");
void Picture_writeToPdfFile (Picture me, MelderFile file) {
	try {
		autoGraphics graphics = Graphics_create_pdffile (file, 300, my selx1, my selx2, my sely1, my sely2);
		Graphics_play (my graphics, graphics.peek());
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (U"Picture not written to PDF file ", file, U".");
static HENHMETAFILE copyToMetafile (Picture me) {
	RECT rect;
	HDC dc;
	PRINTDLG defaultPrinter;
	int resolution;
	memset (& defaultPrinter, 0, sizeof (PRINTDLG));
	defaultPrinter. lStructSize = sizeof (PRINTDLG);
	defaultPrinter. Flags = PD_RETURNDEFAULT | PD_RETURNDC;
	PrintDlg (& defaultPrinter);
	SetRect (& rect, my selx1 * 2540, (12 - my sely2) * 2540, my selx2 * 2540, (12 - my sely1) * 2540);
	dc = CreateEnhMetaFile (defaultPrinter. hDC, nullptr, & rect, L"Praat\0");
	if (! dc) Melder_throw (U"Cannot create Windows metafile.");
	resolution = GetDeviceCaps (dc, LOGPIXELSX);   // Virtual PC: 360; Parallels Desktop: 600
	//Melder_fatal (U"resolution ", resolution);
	if (Melder_debug == 6) {
		DEVMODE *devMode = * (DEVMODE **) defaultPrinter. hDevMode;
		MelderInfo_open ();
		MelderInfo_writeLine (U"DEVICE CAPS:");
		MelderInfo_writeLine (U"aspect x ", GetDeviceCaps (dc, ASPECTX),
			U" y ", GetDeviceCaps (dc, ASPECTY));
		MelderInfo_writeLine (U"res(pixels) hor ", GetDeviceCaps (dc, HORZRES),
			U" vert ", GetDeviceCaps (dc, VERTRES));
		MelderInfo_writeLine (U"size(mm) hor ", GetDeviceCaps (dc, HORZSIZE),
			U" vert ", GetDeviceCaps (dc, VERTSIZE));
		MelderInfo_writeLine (U"pixels/inch hor ", GetDeviceCaps (dc, LOGPIXELSX),
			U" vert ", GetDeviceCaps (dc, LOGPIXELSY));
		MelderInfo_writeLine (U"physicalOffset(pixels) hor ", GetDeviceCaps (dc, PHYSICALOFFSETX),
			U" vert ", GetDeviceCaps (dc, PHYSICALOFFSETY));
		MelderInfo_writeLine (U"PRINTER:");
		MelderInfo_writeLine (U"dmFields ", devMode -> dmFields);
		if (devMode -> dmFields & DM_YRESOLUTION)
			MelderInfo_writeLine (U"y resolution ", devMode -> dmYResolution);
		if (devMode -> dmFields & DM_PRINTQUALITY)
			MelderInfo_writeLine (U"print quality ", devMode -> dmPrintQuality);
		if (devMode -> dmFields & DM_PAPERWIDTH)
			MelderInfo_writeLine (U"paper width ", devMode -> dmPaperWidth);
		if (devMode -> dmFields & DM_PAPERLENGTH)
			MelderInfo_writeLine (U"paper length ", devMode -> dmPaperLength);
		if (devMode -> dmFields & DM_PAPERSIZE)
			MelderInfo_writeLine (U"paper size ", devMode -> dmPaperSize);
		if (devMode -> dmFields & DM_ORIENTATION)
			MelderInfo_writeLine (U"orientation ", devMode -> dmOrientation);
		MelderInfo_close ();
	autoGraphics pictGraphics = Graphics_create_screen ((void *) dc, nullptr, resolution);
	Graphics_setWsViewport (pictGraphics.peek(), 0, WIN_WIDTH * resolution, 0, WIN_HEIGHT * resolution);
	Graphics_setWsWindow (pictGraphics.peek(), 0.0, WIN_WIDTH, 12.0 - WIN_HEIGHT, 12.0);
	Graphics_play (my graphics.get(), pictGraphics.peek());
	HENHMETAFILE metafile = CloseEnhMetaFile (dc);
	return metafile;
void Picture_writeToEpsFile (Picture me, MelderFile file, bool includeFonts, bool useSilipaPS) {
	try {
		MelderFile_delete (file);   // to kill resources as well (fopen only kills data fork)
		/* BUG: no message if file cannot be deleted (e.g. because still open by Microsoft Word 2001 after reading). */

		{// scope
			autoGraphics ps = Graphics_create_epsfile (file, 600, thePrinter. spots,
				my selx1, my selx2, my sely1, my sely2, includeFonts, useSilipaPS);
			Graphics_play (my graphics.get(), ps.peek());
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (U"Picture not written to EPS file ", file);
static void gui_drawingarea_cb_expose (Picture me, GuiDrawingArea_ExposeEvent event) {
	#if gtk
		 * The size of the viewable part of the drawing area may have changed.
		Melder_assert (event -> widget);
			gdk_cairo_reset_clip ((cairo_t *) Graphics_x_getCR (my graphics.get()),          GDK_DRAWABLE (GTK_WIDGET (event -> widget -> d_widget) -> window));
			gdk_cairo_reset_clip ((cairo_t *) Graphics_x_getCR (my selectionGraphics.get()), GDK_DRAWABLE (GTK_WIDGET (event -> widget -> d_widget) -> window));
		(void) event;
	drawMarkers (me);
	Graphics_play (my graphics.get(), my graphics.get());
	drawSelection (me, 1);
static void print (void *void_me, Graphics printer) {
	iam (Picture);
	Graphics_play (my graphics.get(), printer);