void ProjBasedSelector::calc_projection_errors(Element* e, const CandsInfo& info_h, const CandsInfo& info_p, const CandsInfo& info_aniso, Solution* rsln, CandElemProjError herr[4], CandElemProjError perr, CandElemProjError anisoerr[4]) {
    assert_msg(info_h.is_empty() || (H2D_GET_H_ORDER(info_h.max_quad_order) <= H2DRS_MAX_ORDER && H2D_GET_V_ORDER(info_h.max_quad_order) <= H2DRS_MAX_ORDER), "Maximum allowed order of a son of H-candidate is %d but order (H:%d,V:%d) requested.", H2DRS_MAX_ORDER, H2D_GET_H_ORDER(info_h.max_quad_order), H2D_GET_V_ORDER(info_h.max_quad_order));
    assert_msg(info_p.is_empty() || (H2D_GET_H_ORDER(info_p.max_quad_order) <= H2DRS_MAX_ORDER && H2D_GET_V_ORDER(info_p.max_quad_order) <= H2DRS_MAX_ORDER), "Maximum allowed order of a son of P-candidate is %d but order (H:%d,V:%d) requested.", H2DRS_MAX_ORDER, H2D_GET_H_ORDER(info_p.max_quad_order), H2D_GET_V_ORDER(info_p.max_quad_order));
    assert_msg(info_aniso.is_empty() || (H2D_GET_H_ORDER(info_aniso.max_quad_order) <= H2DRS_MAX_ORDER && H2D_GET_V_ORDER(info_aniso.max_quad_order) <= H2DRS_MAX_ORDER), "Maximum allowed order of a son of ANISO-candidate is %d but order (H:%d,V:%d) requested.", H2DRS_MAX_ORDER, H2D_GET_H_ORDER(info_aniso.max_quad_order), H2D_GET_V_ORDER(info_aniso.max_quad_order));

    int mode = e->get_mode();

    // select quadrature, obtain integration points and weights
    Quad2D* quad = &g_quad_2d_std;
    double3* gip_points = quad->get_points(H2DRS_INTR_GIP_ORDER);
    int num_gip_points = quad->get_num_points(H2DRS_INTR_GIP_ORDER);

    // everything is done on the reference domain

    // obtain reference solution values on all four refined sons
    scalar** rval[H2D_MAX_ELEMENT_SONS];
    Element* base_element = rsln->get_mesh()->get_element(e->id);
    for (int son = 0; son < H2D_MAX_ELEMENT_SONS; son++)
      //set element
      Element* e = base_element->sons[son];
      assert(e != NULL);

      //obtain precalculated values
      rval[son] = precalc_ref_solution(son, rsln, e, H2DRS_INTR_GIP_ORDER);

    //retrieve transformations
    Trf* trfs = NULL;
    int num_noni_trfs = 0;
    if (mode == H2D_MODE_TRIANGLE) {
      trfs = tri_trf;
      num_noni_trfs = H2D_TRF_TRI_NUM;
    else {
      trfs = quad_trf;
      num_noni_trfs = H2D_TRF_QUAD_NUM;

    // precalculate values of shape functions
    TrfShape empty_shape_vals;
    if (!cached_shape_vals_valid[mode]) {
      precalc_ortho_shapes(gip_points, num_gip_points, trfs, num_noni_trfs, shape_indices[mode], max_shape_inx[mode], cached_shape_ortho_vals[mode]);
      precalc_shapes(gip_points, num_gip_points, trfs, num_noni_trfs, shape_indices[mode], max_shape_inx[mode], cached_shape_vals[mode]);
      cached_shape_vals_valid[mode] = true;

      //issue a warning if ortho values are defined and the selected cand_list might benefit from that but it cannot because elements do not have uniform orders
      if (!warn_uniform_orders && mode == H2D_MODE_QUAD && !cached_shape_ortho_vals[mode][H2D_TRF_IDENTITY].empty()) {
        warn_uniform_orders = true;
        if (cand_list == H2D_H_ISO || cand_list == H2D_H_ANISO || cand_list == H2D_P_ISO || cand_list == H2D_HP_ISO || cand_list == H2D_HP_ANISO_H) {
          warn_if(!info_h.uniform_orders || !info_aniso.uniform_orders || !info_p.uniform_orders, "Possible inefficiency: %s might be more efficient if the input mesh contains elements with uniform orders strictly.", get_cand_list_str(cand_list));
    TrfShape& svals = cached_shape_vals[mode];
    TrfShape& ortho_svals = cached_shape_ortho_vals[mode];

    if (!info_h.is_empty()) {
      Trf* p_trf_identity[1] = { &trfs[H2D_TRF_IDENTITY] };
      std::vector<TrfShapeExp>* p_trf_svals[1] = { &svals[H2D_TRF_IDENTITY] };
      std::vector<TrfShapeExp>* p_trf_ortho_svals[1] = { &ortho_svals[H2D_TRF_IDENTITY] };
      for(int son = 0; son < H2D_MAX_ELEMENT_SONS; son++) {
        scalar **sub_rval[1] = { rval[son] };
        calc_error_cand_element(mode, gip_points, num_gip_points
          , 1, &base_element->sons[son], p_trf_identity, sub_rval
          , p_trf_svals, p_trf_ortho_svals
          , info_h, herr[son]);

    if (!info_aniso.is_empty()) {
      const int sons[4][2] = { {0,1}, {3,2}, {0,3}, {1,2} }; //indices of sons for sub-areas
      const int tr[4][2]   = { {6,7}, {6,7}, {4,5}, {4,5} }; //indices of ref. domain transformations for sub-areas
      for(int version = 0; version < 4; version++) { // 2 elements for vertical split, 2 elements for horizontal split
        Trf* sub_trfs[2] = { &trfs[tr[version][0]], &trfs[tr[version][1]] };
        Element* sub_domains[2] = { base_element->sons[sons[version][0]], base_element->sons[sons[version][1]] };
        scalar **sub_rval[2] = { rval[sons[version][0]], rval[sons[version][1]] };
        std::vector<TrfShapeExp>* sub_svals[2] = { &svals[tr[version][0]], &svals[tr[version][1]] };
        std::vector<TrfShapeExp>* sub_ortho_svals[2] = { &ortho_svals[tr[version][0]], &ortho_svals[tr[version][1]] };
        calc_error_cand_element(mode, gip_points, num_gip_points
          , 2, sub_domains, sub_trfs, sub_rval
          , sub_svals, sub_ortho_svals
          , info_aniso, anisoerr[version]);

    if (!info_p.is_empty()) {
      Trf* sub_trfs[4] = { &trfs[0], &trfs[1], &trfs[2], &trfs[3] };
      scalar **sub_rval[4] = { rval[0], rval[1], rval[2], rval[3] };
      std::vector<TrfShapeExp>* sub_svals[4] = { &svals[0], &svals[1], &svals[2], &svals[3] };
      std::vector<TrfShapeExp>* sub_ortho_svals[4] = { &ortho_svals[0], &ortho_svals[1], &ortho_svals[2], &ortho_svals[3] };

      calc_error_cand_element(mode, gip_points, num_gip_points
        , 4, base_element->sons, sub_trfs, sub_rval
        , sub_svals, sub_ortho_svals
        , info_p, perr);
  void ProjBasedSelector::calc_error_cand_element(const int mode
    , double3* gip_points, int num_gip_points
    , const int num_sub, Element** sub_domains, Trf** sub_trfs, scalar*** sub_rvals
    , std::vector<TrfShapeExp>** sub_nonortho_svals, std::vector<TrfShapeExp>** sub_ortho_svals
    , const CandsInfo& info
    , CandElemProjError errors_squared
    ) {
    //allocate space
    int max_num_shapes = next_order_shape[mode][current_max_order];
    scalar* right_side = new scalar[max_num_shapes];
    int* shape_inxs = new int[max_num_shapes];
    int* indx = new int[max_num_shapes]; //solver data
    double* d = new double[max_num_shapes]; //solver data
    double** proj_matrix = new_matrix<double>(max_num_shapes, max_num_shapes);
    ProjMatrixCache& proj_matrices = proj_matrix_cache[mode];
    std::vector<ShapeInx>& full_shape_indices = shape_indices[mode];

    //check whether ortho-svals are available
    bool ortho_svals_available = true;
    for(int i = 0; i < num_sub && ortho_svals_available; i++)
      ortho_svals_available &= !sub_ortho_svals[i]->empty();

    //clenup of the cache
    for(int i = 0; i <= max_shape_inx[mode]; i++) {
      nonortho_rhs_cache[i] = ValueCacheItem<scalar>();
      ortho_rhs_cache[i] = ValueCacheItem<scalar>();

    //calculate for all orders
    double sub_area_corr_coef = 1.0 / num_sub;
    OrderPermutator order_perm(info.min_quad_order, info.max_quad_order, mode == H2D_MODE_TRIANGLE || info.uniform_orders);
    do {
      int quad_order = order_perm.get_quad_order();
      int order_h = H2D_GET_H_ORDER(quad_order), order_v = H2D_GET_V_ORDER(quad_order);

      //build a list of shape indices from the full list
      int num_shapes = 0;
      unsigned int inx_shape = 0;
      while (inx_shape < full_shape_indices.size()) {
        ShapeInx& shape = full_shape_indices[inx_shape];
        if (order_h >= shape.order_h && order_v >= shape.order_v) {
          assert_msg(num_shapes < max_num_shapes, "more shapes than predicted, possible incosistency");
          shape_inxs[num_shapes] = shape.inx;

      //continue only if there are shapes to process
      if (num_shapes > 0) {
        bool use_ortho = ortho_svals_available && order_perm.get_order_h() == order_perm.get_order_v();
        //error_if(!use_ortho, "Non-ortho"); //DEBUG

        //select a cache
        std::vector< ValueCacheItem<scalar> >& rhs_cache = use_ortho ? ortho_rhs_cache : nonortho_rhs_cache;
        std::vector<TrfShapeExp>** sub_svals = use_ortho ? sub_ortho_svals : sub_nonortho_svals;

        //calculate projection matrix iff no ortho is used
        if (!use_ortho) {
          //error_if(!use_ortho, "Non-ortho"); //DEBUG
          if (proj_matrices[order_h][order_v] == NULL)
            proj_matrices[order_h][order_v] = build_projection_matrix(gip_points, num_gip_points, shape_inxs, num_shapes);
          copy_matrix(proj_matrix, proj_matrices[order_h][order_v], num_shapes, num_shapes); //copy projection matrix because original matrix will be modified

        //build right side (fill cache values that are missing)
        for(int inx_sub = 0; inx_sub < num_sub; inx_sub++) {
          Element* this_sub_domain = sub_domains[inx_sub];
          ElemSubTrf this_sub_trf = { sub_trfs[inx_sub], 1 / sub_trfs[inx_sub]->m[0], 1 / sub_trfs[inx_sub]->m[1] };
          ElemGIP this_sub_gip = { gip_points, num_gip_points, sub_rvals[inx_sub] };
          std::vector<TrfShapeExp>& this_sub_svals = *(sub_svals[inx_sub]);

          for(int k = 0; k < num_shapes; k++) {
            int shape_inx = shape_inxs[k];
            ValueCacheItem<scalar>& shape_rhs_cache = rhs_cache[shape_inx];
            if (!shape_rhs_cache.is_valid()) {
              TrfShapeExp empty_sub_vals;
              ElemSubShapeFunc this_sub_shape = { shape_inx, this_sub_svals.empty() ? empty_sub_vals : this_sub_svals[shape_inx] };
              shape_rhs_cache.set(shape_rhs_cache.get() + evaluate_rhs_subdomain(this_sub_domain, this_sub_gip, this_sub_trf, this_sub_shape));

        //copy values from cache and apply area correction coefficient
        for(int k = 0; k < num_shapes; k++) {
          ValueCacheItem<scalar>& rhs_cache_value = rhs_cache[shape_inxs[k]];
          right_side[k] = sub_area_corr_coef * rhs_cache_value.get();

        //solve iff no ortho is used
        if (!use_ortho) {
          //error_if(!use_ortho, "Non-ortho"); //DEBUG
          ludcmp(proj_matrix, num_shapes, indx, d);
          lubksb<scalar>(proj_matrix, num_shapes, indx, right_side);

        //calculate error
        double error_squared = 0;
        for(int inx_sub = 0; inx_sub < num_sub; inx_sub++) {
          Element* this_sub_domain = sub_domains[inx_sub];
          ElemSubTrf this_sub_trf = { sub_trfs[inx_sub], 1 / sub_trfs[inx_sub]->m[0], 1 / sub_trfs[inx_sub]->m[1] };
          ElemGIP this_sub_gip = { gip_points, num_gip_points, sub_rvals[inx_sub] };
          ElemProj elem_proj = { shape_inxs, num_shapes, *(sub_svals[inx_sub]), right_side, quad_order };

          error_squared += evaluate_error_squared_subdomain(this_sub_domain, this_sub_gip, this_sub_trf, elem_proj);
        errors_squared[order_h][order_v] = error_squared * sub_area_corr_coef; //apply area correction coefficient
    } while (order_perm.next());

    delete[] proj_matrix;
    delete[] right_side;
    delete[] shape_inxs;
    delete[] indx;
    delete[] d;
void Orderizer::process_solution(Space* space)
  // sanity check
  if (space == NULL) error("Space is NULL in Orderizer:process_solution().");

  if (!space->is_up_to_date())
    error("The space is not up to date.");

  int type = 1;

  nv = nt = ne = nl = 0;
  del_slot = -1;

  // estimate the required number of vertices and triangles
  Mesh* mesh = space->get_mesh();
  if (mesh == NULL) {
    error("Mesh is NULL in Orderizer:process_solution().");
  int nn = mesh->get_num_active_elements();
  int ev = 77 * nn, et = 64 * nn, ee = 16 * nn, el = nn + 10;

  // reuse or allocate vertex, triangle and edge arrays
  lin_init_array(verts, double3, cv, ev);
  lin_init_array(tris, int3, ct, et);
  lin_init_array(edges, int3, ce, ee);
  lin_init_array(lvert, int, cl1, el);
  lin_init_array(ltext, char*, cl2, el);
  lin_init_array(lbox, double2, cl3, el);
  info = NULL;

  int oo, o[6];

  RefMap refmap;

  // make a mesh illustrating the distribution of polynomial orders over the space
  Element* e;
  for_all_active_elements(e, mesh)
    oo = o[4] = o[5] = space->get_element_order(e->id);
    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < e->nvert; k++)
      o[k] = space->get_edge_order(e, k);

    double* x = refmap.get_phys_x(type);
    double* y = refmap.get_phys_y(type);

    double3* pt = quad_ord.get_points(type);
    int np = quad_ord.get_num_points(type);
    int id[80];
    assert(np <= 80);

    #define make_vert(index, x, y, val) \
      { (index) = add_vertex(); \
      verts[index][0] = (x); \
      verts[index][1] = (y); \
      verts[index][2] = (val); }

    int mode = e->get_mode();
    if (e->is_quad())
      o[4] = H2D_GET_H_ORDER(oo);
      o[5] = H2D_GET_V_ORDER(oo);
    make_vert(lvert[nl], x[0], y[0], o[4]);

    for (int i = 1; i < np; i++)
      make_vert(id[i-1], x[i], y[i], o[(int) pt[i][2]]);

    for (int i = 0; i < num_elem[mode][type]; i++)
      add_triangle(id[ord_elem[mode][type][i][0]], id[ord_elem[mode][type][i][1]], id[ord_elem[mode][type][i][2]]);

    for (int i = 0; i < num_edge[mode][type]; i++)
      if (e->en[ord_edge[mode][type][i][2]]->bnd || (y[ord_edge[mode][type][i][0] + 1] < y[ord_edge[mode][type][i][1] + 1]) ||
          ((y[ord_edge[mode][type][i][0] + 1] == y[ord_edge[mode][type][i][1] + 1]) &&
           (x[ord_edge[mode][type][i][0] + 1] <  x[ord_edge[mode][type][i][1] + 1])))
        add_edge(id[ord_edge[mode][type][i][0]], id[ord_edge[mode][type][i][1]], 0);

    double xmin = 1e100, ymin = 1e100, xmax = -1e100, ymax = -1e100;
    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < e->nvert; k++)
      if (e->vn[k]->x < xmin) xmin = e->vn[k]->x;
      if (e->vn[k]->x > xmax) xmax = e->vn[k]->x;
      if (e->vn[k]->y < ymin) ymin = e->vn[k]->y;
      if (e->vn[k]->y > ymax) ymax = e->vn[k]->y;
    lbox[nl][0] = xmax - xmin;
    lbox[nl][1] = ymax - ymin;
    ltext[nl++] = labels[o[4]][o[5]];