 * Function:    h5tools_str_append
 * Purpose: Formats variable arguments according to printf() format
 *      string and appends the result to variable length string STR.
 * Return:  Success:    Pointer to buffer containing result.
 *      Failure:    NULL
 * Programmer:  Robb Matzke
 *              Monday, April 26, 1999
 * Modifications:
 *              Major change:  need to check results of vsnprintf to
 *              handle errors, empty format, and overflows.
 * Programmer:  REMcG Matzke
 *              June 16, 2004
char *
h5tools_str_append(h5tools_str_t *str/*in,out*/, const char *fmt, ...)
    va_list ap;

    /* Make sure we have some memory into which to print */
    if (!str->s || str->nalloc <= 0) {
        str->nalloc = STR_INIT_LEN;
        str->s = malloc(str->nalloc);
        str->s[0] = '\0';
        str->len = 0;

    if (strlen(fmt) == 0) {
        /* nothing to print */
        return str->s;

    /* Format the arguments and append to the value already in `str' */
    while (1) {
        /* How many bytes available for new value, counting the new NUL */
        size_t avail = str->nalloc - str->len;
        int nchars = -1;

        va_start(ap, fmt);
        nchars = HDvsnprintf(str->s + str->len, avail, fmt, ap);

        if (nchars < 0) {
            /* failure, such as bad format */
            return NULL;

        if ((size_t) nchars >= avail || (0 == nchars && (strcmp(fmt, "%s")))) {
            /* Truncation return value as documented by C99, or zero return value with either of the
             * following conditions, each of which indicates that the proper C99 return value probably
             *  should have been positive when the format string is
             *  something other than "%s"
             * Alocate at least twice as much space and try again.
            size_t newsize = MAX(str->len + nchars + 1, 2 * str->nalloc);
            assert(newsize > str->nalloc); /*overflow*/
            str->s = realloc(str->s, newsize);
            str->nalloc = newsize;
        else {
            /* Success */
            str->len += nchars;
    return str->s;
 * Function: parallel_print
 * Purpose: wrapper for printf for use in parallel mode.
 * Programmer: Leon Arber
 * Date: December 1, 2004
void parallel_print(const char* format, ...)
    int  bytes_written;
    va_list ap;

    HDva_start(ap, format);

        HDvprintf(format, ap);
    else {
        if(overflow_file == NULL) /*no overflow has occurred yet */ {
#if 0
            printf("calling HDvsnprintf: OUTBUFF_SIZE=%ld, outBuffOffset=%ld, ", (long)OUTBUFF_SIZE, (long)outBuffOffset);
            bytes_written = HDvsnprintf(outBuff+outBuffOffset, OUTBUFF_SIZE-outBuffOffset, format, ap);
#if 0
            printf("bytes_written=%ld\n", (long)bytes_written);
            HDva_start(ap, format);

#if 0
            printf("Result: bytes_written=%ld, OUTBUFF_SIZE-outBuffOffset=%ld\n", (long)bytes_written, (long)OUTBUFF_SIZE-outBuffOffset);

            if ((bytes_written < 0) ||
                    (bytes_written >= (OUTBUFF_SIZE-outBuffOffset))
                    ((bytes_written+1) == (OUTBUFF_SIZE-outBuffOffset))
                /* Terminate the outbuff at the end of the previous output */
                outBuff[outBuffOffset] = '\0';

                overflow_file = HDtmpfile();
                if(overflow_file == NULL)
                    HDfprintf(rawerrorstream, "warning: could not create overflow file.  Output may be truncated.\n");
                    bytes_written = HDvfprintf(overflow_file, format, ap);
                outBuffOffset += bytes_written;
            bytes_written = HDvfprintf(overflow_file, format, ap);
