SkOSWindow::SkOSWindow(void* hWnd) : fHWND(hWnd), fAGLCtx(NULL)
	OSStatus    result;
    WindowRef   wr = (WindowRef)hWnd;

    HIViewRef imageView, parent;
    HIViewRef rootView = HIViewGetRoot(wr);
    HIViewFindByID(rootView, kHIViewWindowContentID, &parent);
    result = HIImageViewCreate(NULL, &imageView);
	SkASSERT(result == noErr);

    result = HIViewAddSubview(parent, imageView);
	SkASSERT(result == noErr);

    fHVIEW = imageView;

    HIViewSetVisible(imageView, true);
    HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt(imageView, 0, 0);

    if (true) {
        HILayoutInfo layout;
        layout.version = kHILayoutInfoVersionZero;
        set_bindingside(&layout.binding.left, parent, kHILayoutBindLeft);
        set_bindingside(&layout.binding.top, parent, kHILayoutBindTop);
        set_bindingside(&layout.binding.right, parent, kHILayoutBindRight);
        set_bindingside(&layout.binding.bottom, parent, kHILayoutBindBottom);
        set_axisscale(&layout.scale.x, parent);
        set_axisscale(&layout.scale.y, parent);
        set_axisposition(&layout.position.x, parent, kHILayoutPositionLeft);
        set_axisposition(&layout.position.y, rootView, kHILayoutPositionTop);
        HIViewSetLayoutInfo(imageView, &layout);

    HIImageViewSetOpaque(imageView, true);
    HIImageViewSetScaleToFit(imageView, false);

	static const EventTypeSpec  gTypes[] = {
		{ kEventClassKeyboard,  kEventRawKeyDown			},
        { kEventClassKeyboard,  kEventRawKeyUp              },
		{ kEventClassMouse,		kEventMouseDown				},
		{ kEventClassMouse,		kEventMouseDragged			},
		{ kEventClassMouse,		kEventMouseMoved			},
		{ kEventClassMouse,		kEventMouseUp				},
		{ kEventClassTextInput, kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent   },
		{ kEventClassWindow,	kEventWindowBoundsChanged	},
//		{ kEventClassWindow,	kEventWindowDrawContent		},
		{ SK_MacEventClass,		SK_MacEventKind				}

	EventHandlerUPP handlerUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(SkOSWindow::EventHandler);
	int				count = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gTypes);

	result = InstallEventHandler(GetWindowEventTarget(wr), handlerUPP,
						count, gTypes, this, nil);
	SkASSERT(result == noErr);

	gCurrOSWin = this;
	gCurrEventQ = GetCurrentEventQueue();
	gEventTarget = GetWindowEventTarget(wr);

	static bool gOnce = true;
	if (gOnce) {
		gOnce = false;
		gPrevNewHandler = set_new_handler(sk_new_handler);
	Event handler for the content view that gets attached to the menu frame.

	The content view will (eventually) contain the menu view.
OSStatus ContentViewEventHandler(
	EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef,
	EventRef inEvent,
	void *refcon)
	OSStatus retVal = eventNotHandledErr;
	if(GetEventClass(inEvent) == kEventClassMenu) {
		return noErr;
	} else
	if(GetEventClass(inEvent) == kEventClassControl) {
		HIViewRef hiSelf = NULL;
		verify_noerr(GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef, NULL, sizeof(hiSelf), NULL, &hiSelf));

		if(hiSelf) {
			HIRect frame;
			HIViewGetFrame(hiSelf, &frame);

			switch(GetEventKind(inEvent)) {
				case kEventControlAddedSubControl : {
					HIViewRef subControl;
					ControlID subControlID;

					GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamControlSubControl, typeControlRef, NULL, sizeof(subControl), NULL, &subControl );
					GetControlID(subControl, &subControlID);

					// This should be comparing against kHIViewMenuContentID as shown inside the
					// #if 0. At the time of this writing, however, using that constant causes a
					// linker error (and a crash if you use ZeroLink).  I extracted the signature
					// and id by determining the value at run-time the value I compare against.
#if 0
					if( kHIViewMenuContentID.signature == subControlID.signature && kHIViewMenuContentID.id == subControlID.id ) {
					if( 'menu' == subControlID.signature && 0 == subControlID.id ) {
						// If we have the menu content view then set up some view bindings for it.
						HIRect bounds;
						HIViewGetBounds(hiSelf, &bounds);
						HIViewSetFrame(subControl, &bounds);

						HILayoutInfo contentLayout = {
								{ NULL, kHILayoutBindTop },
								{ NULL, kHILayoutBindLeft },
								{ NULL, kHILayoutBindBottom },
								{ NULL, kHILayoutBindRight }
								{ NULL, kHILayoutScaleAbsolute, 0 },
								{ NULL, kHILayoutScaleAbsolute, 0 }
								{ NULL, kHILayoutPositionTop, 0 },
								{ NULL, kHILayoutPositionLeft, 0 }

						verify_noerr(HIViewSetLayoutInfo(subControl, &contentLayout));

					retVal = noErr;
				} break;

				case kEventControlGetFrameMetrics :
					HIViewFrameMetrics metrics;

					// The offset from the frame view to the content view is 
					// given by the kFrameOffset constant
					metrics.top = kFrameOffset;
					metrics.left = kFrameOffset;
					metrics.right = kFrameOffset;
					metrics.bottom = kFrameOffset;

					verify_noerr(SetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamControlFrameMetrics, typeControlFrameMetrics, sizeof(metrics), &metrics));

					retVal = noErr;

				case kEventControlBoundsChanged :
				case kEventControlOwningWindowChanged : {
					// Maintain the QuickDraw port by changing its position to
					// match that of the content view.
					CGrafPtr windowPort = NULL;
					WindowRef window = GetControlOwner(hiSelf);

					if(window && (windowPort = GetWindowPort(window))) {
						CGrafPtr savePort;
						bool swapped = QDSwapPort(windowPort, &savePort);

						MovePortTo((short) frame.origin.x, (short) frame.origin.y);
						PortSize((short) frame.size.width, (short) frame.size.height);

						if(swapped) {
							QDSwapPort(savePort, NULL);

					retVal = noErr;
				} break;
			} // switch
		} // if (hiSelf)

	return retVal;

/* ------------------------------------------ CreatePathForEntireStarMenu */
	Create a path shape for the star frame.
	This looks an awful lot like CreatePathForEntireStarMenu in
	StarMenu.cpp but takes the radius to use as a parameter and
	then takes into account the kFrameOffest when creating the path.

	In true Core Foundation style, this is a CreateXXX routine and the
	caller is responsible for freeing the path that is returned.
CGPathRef CreatePathForStarFrame(StarFrameData *menuData, float radius)
   CGMutablePathRef retVal = CGPathCreateMutable();
   MenuItemIndex numItems = CountMenuItems(menuData->menu);

   if(numItems > 0) {
	  const CGPoint fullRadiusPoint = { radius, 0 };
	  const CGPoint halfRadiusPoint = { ((radius - kFrameOffset) / 2.0) + kFrameOffset , 0 };

	  float   anglePerItem = 2 * pi / (float)numItems;   // in radians naturally
	  float   halfAngle = anglePerItem / 2.0;

	  CGPoint startPoint = halfRadiusPoint;
	  CGAffineTransform midRotate = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(halfAngle);
	  CGPoint midPoint = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(fullRadiusPoint, midRotate);

	  CGAffineTransform rotateToNext = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(anglePerItem);

	  CGPathMoveToPoint(retVal, NULL, startPoint.x, startPoint.y);
	  CGPathAddLineToPoint(retVal, NULL, midPoint.x, midPoint.y);

	  for(short ctr = 0; ctr < numItems; ctr++) {
		 startPoint = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(startPoint, rotateToNext);
		 midPoint = CGPointApplyAffineTransform(midPoint, rotateToNext);

		 CGPathAddLineToPoint(retVal, NULL, startPoint.x, startPoint.y);
		 CGPathAddLineToPoint(retVal, NULL, midPoint.x, midPoint.y);


   return retVal;
* Do_NewWindow() 
* Purpose:  called to create a new window that has been constructed with Interface Builder
* Inputs:   none
* Returns:  OSStatus			- error code (0 == no error) 
OSStatus Do_NewWindow(void)
	OSStatus status;
	static IBNibRef gIBNibRef = NULL;
	WindowRef aWindowRef = NULL;
	CFStringRef theTitle = NULL;
	CFMutableStringRef theNewTitle = NULL;
	if (gIBNibRef == NULL)
		// Create a Nib reference passing the name of the nib file (without the .nib extension)
		// CreateNibReference only searches into the application bundle.
		status = CreateNibReference(CFSTR("main"), &gIBNibRef);
		require_noerr(status, CantGetNibRef);
	require(gIBNibRef != NULL, CantGetNibRef);
	// Create a window. "MainWindow" is the name of the window object. This name is set in 
	// InterfaceBuilder when the nib is created.
	status = CreateWindowFromNib(gIBNibRef, CFSTR("MainWindow"), &aWindowRef);
	require_noerr(status, CantCreateWindow);
	require(NULL != aWindowRef, CantCreateWindow);
	// Grab the title of the window and add the window count to it
	status = CopyWindowTitleAsCFString(aWindowRef, &theTitle);
	require_noerr(status, CantGetSetTitle);
	theNewTitle = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, theTitle);
	require(NULL != theNewTitle, CantGetSetTitle);
	CFStringAppendFormat(theNewTitle, NULL, CFSTR(" %ld"), ++gWindowCount);
	status = SetWindowTitleWithCFString(aWindowRef, theNewTitle);
	require_noerr(status, CantGetSetTitle);
	// Create the custom view to be tested and embed it in our group box control 
	HIViewRef groupBox;
	status = HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(aWindowRef), kGroupBoxID, &groupBox);
	require_noerr(status, CantFindGroupBox);
	require(groupBox != NULL, CantFindGroupBox);
	HIViewRef customView;
	status = HICreateCustomView(NULL, &customView);
	require_noerr(status, CantCreateCustom);
	require(customView != NULL, CantCreateCustom);
	HIRect groupBoxBounds;
	HIViewGetBounds(groupBox, &groupBoxBounds);
	groupBoxBounds.origin.x += 20;
	groupBoxBounds.origin.y += 34;
	groupBoxBounds.size.width -= 40;
	groupBoxBounds.size.height -= 54;
	HIViewSetFrame(customView, &groupBoxBounds);
	HIViewSetLayoutInfo(customView, &kBindToParentLayout);
	status = HIViewAddSubview(groupBox, customView);
	require_noerr(status, CantAddSubview);

	HIViewSetVisible(customView, true);
	// Let's react to User's commands.
	EventTypeSpec eventTypeCP = {kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess};
	status = InstallWindowEventHandler(aWindowRef, Handle_WindowCommandProcess, 1, &eventTypeCP, (void *)customView, NULL);
	require_noerr(status, CantInstallEventHandler);
	// Let's update our static text field whenever the value or hilite of our tested custom view changes
	EventTypeSpec eventTypeCVFC[] =
			{kEventClassControl, kEventControlValueFieldChanged},
			{kEventClassControl, kEventControlHiliteChanged}
	status = InstallControlEventHandler(customView, Handle_ControlValueFieldOrHiliteChanged, 2, eventTypeCVFC, (void *)customView, NULL);
	require_noerr(status, CantInstallEventHandler);

	// We accept only numbers in our Edit text control
	HIViewRef editText;
	HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kSetValueEditID, &editText);

#ifdef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4
	// in Tiger, only 1 event handler is necessary for the key filtering
	EventTypeSpec eventTypeTSCIR = {kEventClassTextField, kEventTextShouldChangeInRange};
	status = InstallControlEventHandler(editText, Handle_TextShouldChangeInRange, 1, &eventTypeTSCIR, (void *)editText, NULL);
	require_noerr(status, CantInstallEventHandler);
	// pre-Tiger, we need a different event handler and a validation proc to handle pastes and drops.
	ControlEditTextValidationUPP textValidation = MyValidationProc;
	SetControlData(editText, kControlEntireControl, kControlEditTextValidationProcTag, sizeof(textValidation), &textValidation);

	EventTypeSpec eventTypeTIUFKE = {kEventClassTextInput, kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent};
	status = InstallControlEventHandler(editText, Handle_TextInputEvent, 1, &eventTypeTIUFKE, (void *)editText, NULL);
	require_noerr(status, CantInstallEventHandler);

	// Finishing the custom view setup
	SetControl32BitMinimum(customView, 0);
	SetControl32BitMaximum(customView, 36);
	SetControl32BitValue(customView, 2);

	// We want window and thus our custom view to be able to respond to drops
	status = SetAutomaticControlDragTrackingEnabledForWindow(aWindowRef, true);
	require_noerr(status, SetAutomaticControlDragTrackingEnabledForWindow);

	SetWindowModified(aWindowRef, false);


	if (theTitle != NULL) CFRelease(theTitle);
	if (theNewTitle != NULL) CFRelease(theNewTitle);
	return status;
	}   // Do_NewWindow
* Handle_WindowCommandProcess(inHandlerCallRef, inEvent, inUserData) 
* Purpose:  called to handle of the events generated by the various controls of the HICustomView_Tester window
* Inputs:   inHandlerCallRef    - reference to the current handler call chain
*           inEvent             - the event
*           inUserData          - app-specified data you passed in the call to InstallEventHandler
* Returns:  OSStatus            - noErr indicates the event was handled
*                                 eventNotHandledErr indicates the event was not handled and the Toolbox should take over
static pascal OSStatus Handle_WindowCommandProcess(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData)
	OSStatus status;
	HIViewRef customView = (HIViewRef)inUserData;
	// getting the command
	HICommandExtended aCommand;
	status = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(aCommand), NULL, &aCommand);
	require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
	status = eventNotHandledErr;

	// cheking that the command came from a control
	if ( ! (aCommand.attributes & kHICommandFromControl) ) goto ExitCommandProcess;

	switch (aCommand.commandID)
		// Asking for a refresh of the custom view
		case 'SNDt':
			HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(customView, true);
			status = noErr;

		// Setting the control value of the custom view
		case 'SV00':
			SetControl32BitValue(customView, 0);
			status = noErr;
		case 'SV01':
			SetControl32BitValue(customView, 1);
			status = noErr;
		case 'SV17':
			SetControl32BitValue(customView, 17);
			status = noErr;
		case 'SVTH':
			SetControl32BitValue(customView, 1000);
			status = noErr;
		case 'SVet':
			HIViewRef editText;
			HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kSetValueEditID, &editText);
			char buffer[11];
			Size actualSize;
			GetControlData(editText, kControlEntireControl, kControlEditTextTextTag, 10, buffer, &actualSize);
			if (actualSize > 10) actualSize = 10;
			buffer[actualSize] = 0;
			SetControl32BitValue(customView, atoi(buffer));
			status = noErr;

		// Setting the state of the custom view
		case 'CHlt':
			// setting the hilite to non-0 also stomps the previous hilite state if any
			// and we don't want that in our testing
			if (GetControl32BitValue(aCommand.source.control) == 1)
				HiliteControl(customView, 1);
				HiliteControl(customView, 0);
			status = noErr;
		case 'CEnb':
			HIViewRef hiliteControl;
			HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kCheckHiliteID, &hiliteControl);
			if (GetControl32BitValue(aCommand.source.control) == 1)
			UInt16 prevHilite = GetControlHilite(customView);
			if ((prevHilite == kControlInactivePart) || (prevHilite == kControlDisabledPart))
			HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(customView, true);
			status = noErr;
		case 'CAct':
			HIViewRef hiliteControl;
			HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kCheckHiliteID, &hiliteControl);
			if (GetControl32BitValue(aCommand.source.control) == 1)
			UInt16 prevHilite = GetControlHilite(customView);
			if ((prevHilite == kControlInactivePart) || (prevHilite == kControlDisabledPart))
			HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(customView, true);
			status = noErr;

		// Testing the custom view in or as a scroller in a HIScrollView
		case 'CTiS':
		case 'CTaS':
			if (GetControl32BitValue(aCommand.source.control) == 1)
				// create a HIScrollView and install it where and as the custom view was
				HIViewRef scrollView;
				status = HIScrollViewCreate(kHIScrollViewValidOptions, &scrollView);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
				HIRect frame;
				status = HIViewGetFrame(customView, &frame);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
				status = HIViewSetFrame(scrollView, &frame);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);

				HIViewSetLayoutInfo(scrollView, &kBindToParentLayout);
				HIViewSetLayoutInfo(customView, &kNoBindLayout);
				status = HIViewAddSubview(HIViewGetSuperview(customView), scrollView);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
				if (aCommand.commandID == 'CTiS')
					// if we are testing the custom view in a scroller, we embed it in a scrolling User Pane
					// that we embed in the HIScrollView
					Rect boundsRect = {0, 0, 1000, 1000};
					HIViewRef userPane;
					status = CreateUserPaneControl(NULL, &boundsRect, kControlSupportsEmbedding, &userPane);
					require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
					EventTypeSpec userPaneEvents[] =
							{kEventClassScrollable, kEventScrollableGetInfo},
							{kEventClassScrollable, kEventScrollableScrollTo}
					InstallControlEventHandler(userPane, UserPaneHandler, 2, userPaneEvents, userPane, NULL);

					status = HIViewAddSubview(scrollView, userPane);
					require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
					status = HIViewAddSubview(userPane, customView);
					require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);

					HIViewSetVisible(userPane, true);
					// else we just embed the custom view directly in the HIScrollView
					status = HIViewAddSubview(scrollView, customView);
					require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
				HIViewSetVisible(scrollView, true);
				// the 2 modes are not compatible so we disable the other check box
				HIViewRef otherCheckToDisable;
				if (aCommand.commandID == 'CTiS')
					HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kCheckTestAsScrollID, &otherCheckToDisable);
					HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kCheckTestInScrollID, &otherCheckToDisable);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
				// if we reach here, status is already set to noErr so we don't set it again
				// we remove the HIScrollView and set the custom view back to where and as it was
				HIViewRef scrollView;
				if (aCommand.commandID == 'CTiS')
					scrollView = HIViewGetSuperview(HIViewGetSuperview(customView));
					scrollView = HIViewGetSuperview(customView);

				status = HIViewAddSubview(HIViewGetSuperview(scrollView), customView);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);

				HIRect frame;
				status = HIViewGetFrame(scrollView, &frame);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
				status = HIViewSetFrame(customView, &frame);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);

				HIViewSetLayoutInfo(customView, &kBindToParentLayout);

				// by releasing the HIScrollView, we also release the scrolling User Pane if any
				// which was embedded inside
				// we renable the other check box
				HIViewRef otherCheckToEnable;
				if (aCommand.commandID == 'CTiS')
					HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kCheckTestAsScrollID, &otherCheckToEnable);
					HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(GetControlOwner(customView)), kCheckTestInScrollID, &otherCheckToEnable);
				require_noerr(status, ExitCommandProcess);
				// if we reach here, status is already set to noErr so we don't set it again


	return status;
	}   // Handle_WindowCommandProcess

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To make a TextView auto-size along with its parent view, use the following
// code:

HIViewRef textView;
HILayoutInfo layoutInfo;
HIRect parentFrame;


// Bind the view to its parent on all sides (affects resize)
layoutInfo.binding.left.kind = kHILayoutBindLeft;
layoutInfo.binding.left.toView = NULL;
layoutInfo.binding.left.offset = 0.0;
layoutInfo.binding.top.kind = kHILayoutBindTop;
layoutInfo.binding.top.toView = NULL;
layoutInfo.binding.top.offset = 0.0;
layoutInfo.binding.right.kind = kHILayoutBindRight;
layoutInfo.binding.right.toView = NULL;
layoutInfo.binding.right.offset = 0.0;
layoutInfo.binding.bottom.kind = kHILayoutBindBottom;
layoutInfo.binding.bottom.toView = NULL;
layoutInfo.binding.bottom.offset = 0.0;
status = HIViewSetLayoutInfo(textView, &layoutInfo);

// Set the initial size to be the same as the parent
status = HIViewGetFrame(HIViewGetSuperview(textView), &parentFrame);
status = HIViewSetFrame(textView, &parentFrame);