int productQ(char side, char trans, ScalarArray<T>* qr, T* tau, ScalarArray<T>* c) {
  int m = c->rows;
  int n = c->cols;
  int k = qr->cols;
  T* a = qr->m;
  assert((side == 'L') ? qr->rows == m : qr->rows == n);
  int ldq = qr->lda;
  int ldc = c->lda;
  int info;
  int workSize;
  T workSize_req;
    size_t _m = m, _n = n, _k = k;
    size_t muls = 2 * _m * _n * _k - _n * _k * _k + 2 * _n * _k;
    size_t adds = 2 * _m * _n * _k - _n * _k * _k + _n * _k;
    increment_flops(Multipliers<T>::mul * muls + Multipliers<T>::add * adds);
  info = proxy_lapack_convenience::or_un_mqr(side, trans, m, n, k, a, ldq, tau, c->m, ldc, &workSize_req, -1);
  workSize = (int) hmat::real(workSize_req) + 1;
  T* work = new T[workSize];
  info = proxy_lapack_convenience::or_un_mqr(side, trans, m, n, k, a, ldq, tau, c->m, ldc, work, workSize);
  delete[] work;
  return 0;
template<> int sddCall<hmat::C_t>(char jobz, int m, int n, hmat::C_t* a, int lda,
                            double* sigma, hmat::C_t* u, int ldu, hmat::C_t* vt, int ldvt) {
  int result;
  int workSize;
  hmat::C_t workSize_C;
  int p = min(m, n);
  float* sigmaFloat = new float[p];
  int* iwork = new int[8*p];

  // We request the right size for WORK
  result = proxy_lapack::gesdd(jobz, m, n, a, lda, sigmaFloat, u, ldu, vt, ldvt, &workSize_C, -1, iwork);
  workSize = (int) workSize_C.real() + 1;
  hmat::C_t* work = new hmat::C_t[workSize];
  HMAT_ASSERT(work) ;
  result = proxy_lapack::gesdd(jobz, m, n, a, lda, sigmaFloat, u, ldu, vt, ldvt, work, workSize, iwork);
  delete[] work;
  delete[] iwork;

  for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
    sigma[i] = sigmaFloat[i];
  delete[] sigmaFloat;
  return result;
template<typename T> T* qrDecomposition(ScalarArray<T>* m) {
  int rows = m->rows;
  int cols = m->cols;
  T* tau = (T*) calloc(min(rows, cols), sizeof(T));
    size_t mm = max(rows, cols);
    size_t n = min(rows, cols);
    size_t multiplications = mm * n * n - (n * n * n) / 3 + mm * n + (n * n) / 2 + (29 * n) / 6;
    size_t additions = mm * n * n + (n * n * n) / 3 + 2 * mm * n - (n * n) / 2 + (5 * n) / 6;
    increment_flops(Multipliers<T>::mul * multiplications + Multipliers<T>::add * additions);
  int info;
  int workSize;
  T workSize_S;
  // int info = LAPACKE_sgeqrf(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, rows, cols, m->m, rows, *tau);
  info = proxy_lapack::geqrf(rows, cols, m->m, rows, tau, &workSize_S, -1);
  workSize = (int) hmat::real(workSize_S) + 1;
  T* work = new T[workSize];// TODO Mettre dans la pile ??
  HMAT_ASSERT(work) ;
  info = proxy_lapack::geqrf(rows, cols, m->m, rows, tau, work, workSize);
  delete[] work;

  return tau;
void ClusterData::moveDoF(int index, ClusterData* right)
  HMAT_ASSERT(offset_ + size_ == right->offset_ );
  HMAT_ASSERT(index >= offset_);
  HMAT_ASSERT(index < offset_ + size_);
  // Swap degree of freedom and the last element of this bucket
  std::swap(indices()[index], indices()[offset_ + size_ - 1]);
  // Make current index set smaller ...
  size_ -= 1;
  // ... and expand right sibling
  right->offset_ -=  1;
  right->size_ += 1;
template<> int svdCall<hmat::C_t>(char jobu, char jobv, int m, int n, hmat::C_t* a,
                            int lda, double* sigma, hmat::C_t* u, int ldu, hmat::C_t* vt,
                            int ldvt) {
  int result;
  int workSize;
  hmat::C_t workSize_C;
  int p = min(m, n);
  float* sigmaFloat = new float[p];

  // We request the right size for WORK
  result = proxy_lapack::gesvd(jobu, jobv, m, n, a, lda, sigmaFloat, u, ldu, vt, ldvt, &workSize_C, -1);
  if(result != 0)
      throw hmat::LapackException("gesvd", result);
  workSize = (int) workSize_C.real() + 1;
  hmat::C_t* work = new hmat::C_t[workSize];
  HMAT_ASSERT(work) ;
  result = proxy_lapack::gesvd(jobu, jobv, m, n, a, lda, sigmaFloat, u, ldu, vt, ldvt, work, workSize);
  if(result != 0)
      throw hmat::LapackException("gesvd", result);
  delete[] work;

  for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
    sigma[i] = sigmaFloat[i];
  delete[] sigmaFloat;
  return result;
template<> int sddCall<hmat::Z_t>(char jobz, int m, int n, hmat::Z_t* a, int lda,
                            double* sigma, hmat::Z_t* u, int ldu, hmat::Z_t* vt, int ldvt) {
  int result;
  int workSize;
  hmat::Z_t workSize_Z;
  int* iwork = new int[8*min(m,n)];

  // We request the right size for WORK
  result = proxy_lapack::gesdd(jobz, m, n, a, lda, sigma, u, ldu, vt, ldvt, &workSize_Z, -1, iwork);
  workSize = (int) workSize_Z.real() + 1;
  hmat::Z_t* work = new hmat::Z_t[workSize];
  HMAT_ASSERT(work) ;
  result = proxy_lapack::gesdd(jobz, m, n, a, lda, sigma, u, ldu, vt, ldvt, work, workSize, iwork);
  delete[] work;
  delete[] iwork;
  return result;
template<typename T> int truncatedSvd(ScalarArray<T>* m, ScalarArray<T>** u, Vector<double>** sigma, ScalarArray<T>** vt) {
  static char * useGESSD = getenv("HMAT_GESSD");
      return truncatedSdd(m, u, sigma, vt);

  // Allocate free space for U, S, V
  int rows = m->rows;
  int cols = m->cols;
  int p = min(rows, cols);

  *u = new ScalarArray<T>(rows, p);
  *sigma = new Vector<double>(p);
  *vt = new ScalarArray<T>(p, cols);

  assert(m->lda >= m->rows);

  char jobz = 'S';
  int mm = rows;
  int n = cols;
  T* a = m->m;
  int lda = rows;
  int info;

    const size_t _m = mm, _n = n;
    // Warning: These quantities are a rough approximation.
    // What's wrong with these estimates:
    //  - Golub only gives 14 * M*N*N + 8 N*N*N
    //  - This is for real numbers
    //  - We assume the same number of * and +
    size_t adds = 7 * _m * _n * _n + 4 * _n * _n * _n;
    size_t muls = 7 * _m * _n * _n + 4 * _n * _n * _n;
    increment_flops(Multipliers<T>::add * adds + Multipliers<T>::mul * muls);
  info = svdCall<T>(jobz, jobz, mm, n, a, lda, (*sigma)->m, (*u)->m,
                    (*u)->lda, (*vt)->m, (*vt)->lda);
  if (info) {
    cerr << "Erreur dans xGESVD: " << info << endl;
  return info;
template<> int svdCall<hmat::D_t>(char jobu, char jobv, int m, int n, hmat::D_t* a,
                            int lda, double* sigma, hmat::D_t* u, int ldu, hmat::D_t* vt,
                            int ldvt) {
  int workSize;
  hmat::D_t workSize_D;
  int result;

  // We request the right size for WORK
  result = proxy_lapack::gesvd(jobu, jobv, m, n, a, lda, sigma, u, ldu, vt, ldvt, &workSize_D, -1);
  if(result != 0)
      throw hmat::LapackException("gesvd", result);
  workSize = (int) workSize_D + 1;
  hmat::D_t* work = new hmat::D_t[workSize];
  HMAT_ASSERT(work) ;
  result = proxy_lapack::gesvd(jobu, jobv, m, n, a, lda, sigma, u, ldu, vt, ldvt, work, workSize);
  if(result != 0)
      throw hmat::LapackException("gesvd", result);
  delete[] work;
  return result;