文件: main.c 项目: bhdminh/uGFX
static void _updateColor(void) {
    uint32_t color;

    color  = (unsigned)gwinSliderGetPosition(ghSliderR) << 16;
    color |= (unsigned)gwinSliderGetPosition(ghSliderG) <<  8;
    color |= (unsigned)gwinSliderGetPosition(ghSliderB) <<  0;

    gwinSetBgColor(ghWindow1, HTML2COLOR(color));
文件: main.c 项目: bunnie/chibi-ugfx
 * Create the widgets.
static void createWidgets(void) {
	GWidgetInit		wi;


	// Create the console - set colors before making it visible
	wi.g.show = FALSE;
	wi.g.x = 0; wi.g.y = 0;
	wi.g.width = gdispGetWidth(); wi.g.height = gdispGetHeight()/2;
	ghConsole = gwinConsoleCreate(0, &wi.g);
	gwinSetColor(ghConsole, Black);
	gwinSetBgColor(ghConsole, HTML2COLOR(0xF0F0F0));

	// Create the keyboard
	wi.g.show = TRUE;
	wi.g.x = 0; wi.g.y = gdispGetHeight()/2;
	wi.g.width = gdispGetWidth(); wi.g.height = gdispGetHeight()/2;
	ghKeyboard = gwinKeyboardCreate(0, &wi);
文件: main.c 项目: bigzed/uGFX
 * Create all the widgets.
 * With the exception of the Pages they are all initially visible.
 * This routine is complicated by the fact that we want a dynamic
 * layout so it looks good on small and large displays.
 * It is tested to work on 320x272 as a minimum LCD size.
static void createWidgets(void) {
	GWidgetInit		wi;
	coord_t			border, pagewidth;


	// Calculate page borders based on screen size
	border = ScrWidth < 450 ? 1 : 5;

	// Create the Tabs
		wi.g.show = TRUE;
		wi.g.x = border; wi.g.y = 0;
		wi.g.width = ScrWidth - 2*border; wi.g.height = ScrHeight-wi.g.y-border;
		ghTabset			= gwinTabsetCreate(0, &wi, GWIN_TABSET_BORDER);
		ghPgButtons			= gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Buttons", FALSE);
		ghPgSliders			= gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Sliders", FALSE);
		ghPgCheckboxes		= gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Checkbox", FALSE);
		ghPgRadios			= gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Radios", FALSE);
		ghPgLists			= gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Lists", FALSE);
		ghPgLabels			= gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Labels", FALSE);
		ghPgImages			= gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Images", FALSE);
		ghPgProgressbars	= gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Progressbar", FALSE);

		pagewidth = gwinGetInnerWidth(ghTabset)/2;

		// Console - we apply some special colors before making it visible
		//	We put the console on the tabset itself rather than a tab-page.
		//	This makes it appear on every page :)
		wi.g.parent = ghTabset;
		wi.g.x = pagewidth;
		wi.g.width = pagewidth;
		ghConsole = gwinConsoleCreate(0, &wi.g);
	    gwinSetColor(ghConsole, Black);
	    gwinSetBgColor(ghConsole, HTML2COLOR(0xF0F0F0));

		wi.g.show = TRUE; wi.customDraw = gwinRadioDraw_Tab;
		wi.g.height = TAB_HEIGHT; wi.g.y = 0;
		wi.g.x = 0; setbtntext(&wi, ScrWidth, "Buttons");
		ghTabButtons     = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
		wi.g.x += wi.g.width; settabtext(&wi, "Sliders");
		ghTabSliders     = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
		wi.g.x += wi.g.width; settabtext(&wi, "Checkbox");
		ghTabCheckboxes  = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
		wi.g.x += wi.g.width; settabtext(&wi, "Radios");
		ghTabRadios      = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
		wi.g.x += wi.g.width; settabtext(&wi, "Lists");
		ghTabLists       = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
		wi.g.x += wi.g.width; settabtext(&wi, "Labels");
		ghTabLabels      = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
		wi.g.x += wi.g.width; settabtext(&wi, "Images");
		ghTabImages      = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
		wi.g.x += wi.g.width; settabtext(&wi, "Progressbar");
		ghTabProgressbar = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_TABS);
		wi.g.y += wi.g.height;
		wi.customDraw = 0;

		// Create the Pages
		wi.g.show = FALSE;
		wi.g.x = border; wi.g.y += border;
		wi.g.width = ScrWidth/2 - border; wi.g.height = ScrHeight-wi.g.y-border;
		ghPgButtons			= gwinContainerCreate(0, &wi, GWIN_CONTAINER_BORDER);
		ghPgSliders			= gwinContainerCreate(0, &wi, GWIN_CONTAINER_BORDER);
		ghPgCheckboxes		= gwinContainerCreate(0, &wi, GWIN_CONTAINER_BORDER);
		ghPgRadios			= gwinContainerCreate(0, &wi, GWIN_CONTAINER_BORDER);
		ghPgLists			= gwinContainerCreate(0, &wi, GWIN_CONTAINER_BORDER);
		ghPgLabels			= gwinContainerCreate(0, &wi, GWIN_CONTAINER_BORDER);
		ghPgImages			= gwinContainerCreate(0, &wi, GWIN_CONTAINER_BORDER);
		ghPgProgressbars	= gwinContainerCreate(0, &wi, GWIN_CONTAINER_BORDER);
		wi.g.show = TRUE;

		// Console - we apply some special colors before making it visible
		wi.g.x = ScrWidth/2+border;
		wi.g.width = ScrWidth/2 - 2*border;
		ghConsole = gwinConsoleCreate(0, &wi.g);
	    gwinSetColor(ghConsole, Black);
	    gwinSetBgColor(ghConsole, HTML2COLOR(0xF0F0F0));

	    pagewidth = gwinGetInnerWidth(ghPgButtons);

    // Buttons
	wi.g.parent = ghPgButtons;
	wi.g.width = BUTTON_WIDTH; wi.g.height = BUTTON_HEIGHT; wi.g.y = 5;
	wi.g.x = 5; setbtntext(&wi, pagewidth, "Button 1");
	ghButton1 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);
	wi.g.x += wi.g.width+3; setbtntext(&wi, pagewidth, "Button 2");
	ghButton2 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);
	wi.g.x += wi.g.width+3; setbtntext(&wi, pagewidth, "Button 3");
	ghButton3 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);
	wi.g.x += wi.g.width+3; setbtntext(&wi, pagewidth, "Button 4");
	ghButton4 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi);

	// Horizontal Sliders
	wi.g.parent = ghPgSliders;
	wi.g.width = pagewidth - 10; wi.g.height = SLIDER_WIDTH;
	wi.g.x = 5; wi.g.y = 5; wi.text = "S1";
	ghSlider1 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinSliderSetPosition(ghSlider1, 33);
	wi.g.y += wi.g.height + 1; wi.text = "S2";
	ghSlider2 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinSliderSetPosition(ghSlider2, 86);

	// Vertical Sliders
	wi.g.y += wi.g.height + 5;
	wi.g.width = SLIDER_WIDTH; wi.g.height = gwinGetInnerHeight(ghPgSliders) - 5 - wi.g.y;
	wi.g.x = 5; wi.text = "S3";
	ghSlider3 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinSliderSetPosition(ghSlider3, 13);
	wi.g.x += wi.g.width+1; wi.text = "S4";
	ghSlider4 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinSliderSetPosition(ghSlider4, 76);

	// Checkboxes - for the 2nd and 3rd checkbox we apply special drawing before making it visible
	wi.g.parent = ghPgCheckboxes;
	wi.g.width = CHECKBOX_WIDTH; wi.g.height = CHECKBOX_HEIGHT; wi.g.x = 5;
	wi.g.y = 5; wi.text = "C1";
	ghCheckbox1 = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi);
	wi.customDraw = gwinCheckboxDraw_CheckOnRight;
	wi.g.y += wi.g.height+1; wi.text = "C2";
	ghCheckbox2 = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi);
	wi.customDraw = gwinCheckboxDraw_Button;
	wi.g.y += wi.g.height+1; wi.text = "C3"; wi.g.width = BUTTON_WIDTH; wi.g.height = BUTTON_HEIGHT;
	ghCheckbox3 = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi);
	wi.g.y += wi.g.height+1; wi.text = "Disable All";
	wi.customDraw = 0; wi.g.width = DISABLEALL_WIDTH; wi.g.height = CHECKBOX_HEIGHT;
	ghCheckDisableAll = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi);

    // Labels
	wi.g.parent = ghPgLabels;
	wi.g.width = pagewidth-10;	wi.g.height = LABEL_HEIGHT;
	wi.g.x = wi.g.y = 5; wi.text = "N/A";
	ghLabelSlider1 = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinLabelSetAttribute(ghLabelSlider1, 100, "Slider 1:");
	wi.g.y += LABEL_HEIGHT + 2;
	ghLabelSlider2 = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinLabelSetAttribute(ghLabelSlider2, 100, "Slider 2:");
	wi.g.y += LABEL_HEIGHT + 2;
	ghLabelSlider3 = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinLabelSetAttribute(ghLabelSlider3, 100, "Slider 3:");
	wi.g.y += LABEL_HEIGHT + 2;
	ghLabelSlider4 = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinLabelSetAttribute(ghLabelSlider4, 100, "Slider 4:");
	wi.g.y += LABEL_HEIGHT + 2;
	ghLabelRadio1 = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinLabelSetAttribute(ghLabelRadio1, 100, "RadioButton 1:");

	// Radio Buttons
	wi.g.parent = ghPgRadios;
	wi.g.width = RADIO_WIDTH; wi.g.height = RADIO_HEIGHT; wi.g.y = 5;
	wi.g.x = 5; wi.text = "Yes";
	ghRadio1 = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_YESNO);
	wi.g.x += wi.g.width; wi.text = "No"; if (wi.g.x + wi.g.width > pagewidth) { wi.g.x = 5; wi.g.y += RADIO_HEIGHT; }
	ghRadio2 = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_YESNO);
	wi.g.width = COLOR_WIDTH; wi.g.y += RADIO_HEIGHT+5;
	wi.g.x = 5; wi.text = "Black";
	ghRadioBlack = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_COLORS);
	wi.g.x += wi.g.width; wi.text = "White"; if (wi.g.x + wi.g.width > pagewidth) { wi.g.x = 5; wi.g.y += RADIO_HEIGHT; }
	ghRadioWhite = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_COLORS);
	wi.g.x += wi.g.width; wi.text = "Yellow"; if (wi.g.x + wi.g.width > pagewidth) { wi.g.x = 5; wi.g.y += RADIO_HEIGHT; }
	ghRadioYellow = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_COLORS);

	// Lists
	border = pagewidth < 10+2*LIST_WIDTH ? 2 : 5;
	wi.g.parent = ghPgLists;
	wi.g.width = LIST_WIDTH; wi.g.height = LIST_HEIGHT; wi.g.y = border;
	wi.g.x = border; wi.text = "L1";
	ghList1 = gwinListCreate(0, &wi, FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 0", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 1", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 2", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 3", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 4", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 5", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 6", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 7", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 8", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 9", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 10", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 11", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 12", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 13", FALSE);
	wi.text = "L2"; wi.g.x += LIST_WIDTH+border; if (wi.g.x + LIST_WIDTH > pagewidth) { wi.g.x = border; wi.g.y += LIST_HEIGHT+border; }
	ghList2 = gwinListCreate(0, &wi, TRUE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 0", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 1", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 2", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 3", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 4", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 5", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 6", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 7", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 8", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 9", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 10", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 11", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 12", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 13", FALSE);
	wi.text = "L3"; wi.g.x += LIST_WIDTH+border; if (wi.g.x + LIST_WIDTH > pagewidth) { wi.g.x = border; wi.g.y += LIST_HEIGHT+border; }
	ghList3 = gwinListCreate(0, &wi, TRUE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 0", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 1", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 2", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 3", FALSE);
	gdispImageOpenFile(&imgYesNo, "image_yesno.gif");
	gwinListItemSetImage(ghList3, 1, &imgYesNo);
	gwinListItemSetImage(ghList3, 3, &imgYesNo);
	wi.text = "L4"; wi.g.x += LIST_WIDTH+border; if (wi.g.x + LIST_WIDTH > pagewidth) { wi.g.x = border; wi.g.y += LIST_HEIGHT+border; }
	ghList4 = gwinListCreate(0, &wi, TRUE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 0", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 1", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 2", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 3", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 4", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 5", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 6", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 7", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 8", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 9", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 10", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 11", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 12", FALSE);
	gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 13", FALSE);
	gwinListSetScroll(ghList4, scrollSmooth);

	// Image
	wi.g.parent = ghPgImages;
	wi.g.x = wi.g.y = 0; wi.g.width = pagewidth; wi.g.height = gwinGetInnerHeight(ghPgImages);
	ghImage1 = gwinImageCreate(0, &wi.g);
	gwinImageOpenFile(ghImage1, "romfs_img_ugfx.gif");

	// Progressbar
	wi.g.parent = ghPgProgressbars;
	wi.g.width = pagewidth-10; wi.g.height = SLIDER_WIDTH; wi.g.y = 5;
	wi.g.x = 5; wi.text = "Progressbar 1";
	ghProgressbar1 = gwinProgressbarCreate(0, &wi);
	gwinProgressbarSetResolution(ghProgressbar1, 10);
文件: main.c 项目: bigzed/uGFX
 * The ROMFS uses the file "romfs_files.h" to describe the set of files in the ROMFS.

 * The code can either use the Tabset control or use Radio buttons set to the Tab style.
 * Change this in your gfxconf.h file by defining GWIN_NEED_TABSET (or not). It is
 * defined by default in this demo.

/* Our custom yellow style */
static const GWidgetStyle YellowWidgetStyle = {
	Yellow,							// window background

	// enabled color set
		HTML2COLOR(0x0000FF),		// text
		HTML2COLOR(0x404040),		// edge
		HTML2COLOR(0xE0E0E0),		// fill
		HTML2COLOR(0xE0E0E0),		// progress - inactive area

	// disabled color set
		HTML2COLOR(0xC0C0C0),		// text
		HTML2COLOR(0x808080),		// edge
		HTML2COLOR(0xE0E0E0),		// fill
		HTML2COLOR(0xC0E0C0),		// progress - active area

	// pressed color set
#include <string.h>

#include "gwin_class.h"

// Our listener for events for widgets
static GListener gl;

	// Our current focus window
	static GHandle				_widgetInFocus;

// Our default style - a white background theme
const GWidgetStyle WhiteWidgetStyle = {
	HTML2COLOR(0xFFFFFF),			// window background
	HTML2COLOR(0x2A8FCD),			// focused

	// enabled color set
		HTML2COLOR(0x000000),		// text
		HTML2COLOR(0x404040),		// edge
		HTML2COLOR(0xE0E0E0),		// fill
		HTML2COLOR(0xE0E0E0)		// progress - inactive area

	// disabled color set
		HTML2COLOR(0xC0C0C0),		// text
		HTML2COLOR(0x808080),		// edge
		HTML2COLOR(0xE0E0E0),		// fill