Core::Core() : mGameRunning( false ), mGameMode( MODE_UNKNOWN ), mOutcome( OUTCOME_UNKNOWN ), mOrder( ORDER_UNKNOWN ), mOwnClass( CLASS_UNKNOWN ), mOpponentClass( CLASS_UNKNOWN ), mDuration( 0 ), mGameClientRestartRequired( false ) { mTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( mTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( Tick() ) ); mTimer->start( 1000 ); // Connect log connect( &mLogTracker, SIGNAL( HandleOutcome(Outcome) ), this, SLOT( HandleOutcome(Outcome) ) ); connect( &mLogTracker, SIGNAL( HandleOrder(GoingOrder) ), this, SLOT( HandleOrder(GoingOrder) ) ); connect( &mLogTracker, SIGNAL( HandleOwnClass(Class) ), this, SLOT( HandleOwnClass(Class) ) ) ; connect( &mLogTracker, SIGNAL( HandleOpponentClass(Class) ), this, SLOT( HandleOpponentClass(Class) ) ); connect( &mLogTracker, SIGNAL( HandleGameMode(GameMode) ), this, SLOT( HandleGameMode(GameMode) ) ); connect( &mLogTracker, SIGNAL( HandleMatchStart() ), this, SLOT( HandleMatchStart() ) ); connect( &mLogTracker, SIGNAL( HandleMatchEnd(const ::CardHistoryList&, bool) ), this, SLOT( HandleMatchEnd(const ::CardHistoryList&, bool) ) ); ResetResult(); }
void HearthstoneLogTracker::HandleLogLine( const QString& line ) { if( line.trimmed().isEmpty() || line.startsWith( "(Filename:" ) ) { return; } // CardPlayed / CardReturned / PlayerDied static QRegExp regex( "ProcessChanges.*\\[.*id=(\\d+).*cardId=(\\w+|).*\\].*zone from (.*) ->\\s?(.*)" ); if( regex.indexIn(line) != -1 ) { QStringList captures = regex.capturedTexts(); int id = captures[1].toInt(); QString cardId = captures[2]; QString from = captures[3]; QString to = captures[4]; bool draw = from.contains( "DECK" ) && to.contains( "HAND" ); bool mulligan = from.contains( "HAND" ) && to.contains( "DECK" ); // Discarded cards by playing Soulfire, Doomguard etc. bool discard = from.contains( "HAND" ) && to.contains( "GRAVEYARD" ); if( !draw && !mulligan && !discard ) { if( from.contains( "FRIENDLY HAND" ) ) { CardPlayed( PLAYER_SELF, cardId.toStdString(), id ); } else if( from.contains( "OPPOSING HAND" ) ) { CardPlayed( PLAYER_OPPONENT, cardId.toStdString(), id ); } else if( from.contains( "OPPOSING SECRET" ) && to.contains( "OPPOSING GRAVEYARD" ) ) { SecretResolved( PLAYER_OPPONENT, cardId.toStdString(), id ); } } if( from.contains( "FRIENDLY PLAY" ) && to.contains( "FRIENDLY HAND" ) ) { CardReturned( PLAYER_SELF, cardId.toStdString() ); } DBG( "Card %s from %s -> %s. (draw: %d, mulligan %d, discard %d) [%d]", qt2cstr( cardId ), qt2cstr( from ), qt2cstr( to ), draw, mulligan, discard, id ); } // Outcome static QRegExp regexOutcome( "name=(victory|defeat)_screen_start" ); if( regexOutcome.indexIn(line) != -1 ) { QStringList captures = regexOutcome.capturedTexts(); QString outcome = captures[1]; if( outcome == "victory" ) { emit HandleOutcome( OUTCOME_VICTORY ); } else if( outcome == "defeat" ) { emit HandleOutcome( OUTCOME_DEFEAT ); } emit HandleMatchEnd( mCardHistoryList ); Reset(); } // Coin static QRegExp regexCoin( "ProcessChanges.*zonePos=5.*zone from -> (.*)" ); // unique because from is nothing -> " " if( regexCoin.indexIn(line) != -1 ) { QStringList captures = regexCoin.capturedTexts(); QString to = captures[1]; if( to.contains( "FRIENDLY HAND" ) ) { // I go second because I get the coin emit HandleOrder( ORDER_SECOND ); } else if( to.contains( "OPPOSING HAND" ) ) { // Opponent got coin, so I go first emit HandleOrder( ORDER_FIRST ); } } // Turn Info static QRegExp regexTurn( "change=powerTask.*tag=NEXT_STEP value=MAIN_ACTION" ); if( regexTurn.indexIn(line) != -1 ) { mTurnCounter++; emit HandleTurn( mTurnCounter ); // reset hero power usage on turn change mHeroPowerUsed = false; } // Hero Power static QRegExp regexHeroPowerEquip( "player=(\\d+).*-> FRIENDLY PLAY \\(Hero Power\\)" ); if( regexHeroPowerEquip.indexIn(line) != -1 ) { QStringList captures = regexHeroPowerEquip.capturedTexts(); QString playerId = captures[1]; mHeroPlayerId = playerId.toInt(); DBG( "Hero Power Equip -> My Player Id: %d", mHeroPlayerId ); } static QRegExp regexHeroPower( "PowerProcessor\\.DoTaskListForCard.*cardId=(\\w+).*player=(\\d+)" ); if( regexHeroPower.indexIn(line) != -1 ) { QStringList captures = regexHeroPower.capturedTexts(); QString cardId = captures[1]; int playerId = captures[2].toInt(); Player player = ( playerId == mHeroPlayerId ) ? PLAYER_SELF : PLAYER_OPPONENT; bool isHeroPower = false; for( int i = 0; i < NUM_HERO_POWER_CARDS; i++ ) { if( cardId == HERO_POWER_CARD_IDS[ i ] ) { isHeroPower = true; break; } } // Power log line is emitted multiple times // Make sure we only account for first occurrence // Plus line is emitted when match starts, so ignore turn 0 if( isHeroPower && !mHeroPowerUsed && CurrentTurn() > 0 ) { CardPlayed( player, cardId.toStdString() ); mHeroPowerUsed = true; } } // Hero Equip static QRegExp regexHeroEquip( "cardId=(\\w+).*-> (\\w+) PLAY \\(Hero\\)" ); if( regexHeroEquip.indexIn(line) != -1 ) { QStringList captures = regexHeroEquip.capturedTexts(); QString cardId = captures[1]; QString type = captures[2]; // This log line can be emitted when hero swaps (Lord Jaraxxus) // So make sure we only account for the "initial" playable heroes Class hero = CLASS_UNKNOWN; for( int i = 0; i < NUM_HEROES; i++ ) { // startsWith instead of exact match to support // the new reasonably priced hero skins // (e.g. HERO_01a instead of HERO_01) if( cardId.startsWith( HERO_IDS[ i ] ) ) { hero = ( Class )i; } } // Set solo mode when encountering naxxramas/blackrock mountain heroes if( hero == CLASS_UNKNOWN ) { if( cardId.startsWith("NAX") || cardId.startsWith("BRM") ) { HandleGameMode( MODE_SOLO_ADVENTURES ); } } if( hero != CLASS_UNKNOWN ) { if( type == "FRIENDLY" ) { emit HandleMatchStart(); emit HandleOwnClass( hero ); } else { emit HandleOpponentClass( hero ); } } } // Game Mode // Practice, Casual/Ranked, ScreenForge static QRegExp regexMode( "---(\\w+)---" ); if( regexMode.indexIn(line) != -1 ) { QStringList captures = regexMode.capturedTexts(); QString screen = captures[1]; if( screen == "RegisterScreenPractice" ) { HandleGameMode( MODE_SOLO_ADVENTURES ); } else if( screen == "RegisterScreenTourneys") { HandleGameMode( MODE_CASUAL ); // or ranked resp. } else if( screen == "RegisterScreenForge" ) { HandleGameMode( MODE_ARENA ); } else if( screen == "RegisterScreenFriendly" ) { HandleGameMode( MODE_FRIENDLY ); } } // Tavern Brawl static QRegExp regexTavernBrawl( "SAVE --> NetCacheTavernBrawlRecord" ); if( regexTavernBrawl.indexIn(line) != -1 ) { HandleGameMode( MODE_TAVERN_BRAWL ); } // Rank // Rank events via log are unreliable // Legend // Emitted at the end of the game twice, make sure we capture only the first time static QRegExp regexLegend( "legend rank (\\d+)" ); if( !mLegendTracked && regexLegend.indexIn(line) != -1 ) { QStringList captures = regexLegend.capturedTexts(); int legend = captures[1].toInt(); if( legend > 0 ) { mLegendTracked = true; HandleLegend( legend ); } } // Casual/Ranked distinction static QRegExp regexRanked( "name=rank_window" ); if( regexRanked.indexIn(line) != -1 ) { HandleGameMode( MODE_RANKED ); } // flag current GAME as spectated static QRegExp regexBeginSpectating( "Start Spectator Game" ); if( regexBeginSpectating.indexIn(line) != -1 ) { DBG( "Begin spectator game" ); emit HandleSpectating( true ); } // disable spectating flag if we leave the spectator MODE static QRegExp regexEndSpectating( "End Spectator Mode" ); if( regexEndSpectating.indexIn(line) != -1 ) { DBG( "End spectator mode" ); emit HandleSpectating( false ); } }