bool CTextureRefs::ContainsRef(unsigned fmt, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width, unsigned height)
	// Pack texture reference into bitfield
	unsigned texRef = (fmt&7)<<24|(x&0x7E0)<<13|(y&0x7E0)<<7|(width&0x7E0)<<1|(height&0x7E0)>>5;
	// Check if using array or hashset
	if (m_size <= TEXREFS_ARRAY_SIZE)
		// See if texture reference held in array
		for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_size; i++)
			if (texRef == m_array[i])
				return true;
		return false;
		// See if texture reference held in hashset
		return HashContains(texRef);
/* Adding a specific string to hashtable
 * @str: char buffer to add to hash
 * @hashTab: hash table to add the string
int HashAdd(char *str, HashTable *hashTab, int curDocID){

	// allocate memory for the new node
	GenHashTableNode *addNode; 
	// see if a word is contained already in the hashtable. 
	// Two cases (word already contained or not) are processed
	// very differently
	addNode = HashContains(str, hashTab);
	if(!addNode){ // the word is not contained in the hashtable.

		// allocate memory for a hashtable node, WordNode
		// and DocNode
		addNode = calloc(1, sizeof(GenHashTableNode));
        	if(!addNode) return 0;
		WordNode *addWord;
		addWord = calloc(1, sizeof(GenHashTableNode));	
		if(!addWord) return 0;
		addWord->word = str; // add current word into the WordNode

		DocNode *addDoc;
		addDoc = calloc(1, sizeof(DocNode));
		if(!addDoc) return 0;

		// link the DocNode, WordNode, and hashtable node correctly.
		addDoc->documentID = curDocID; // store documentID passed into function
		addDoc->occurrences = 1; // count of occurences starts at 1
		addWord->docs = addDoc;
		addNode->hashKey = addWord;

		// find the index that the word hashes to
		unsigned long hashValue = JenkinsHash(str, MAX_HASH_SLOT);
		GenHashTableNode *presentNode = hashTab->table[hashValue]; 

		if(presentNode == NULL){
			// didn't find anything in slot, so add the current node
			// at slot.
			hashTab->table[hashValue] = addNode;
			// found something in the slot, so go down the list until 
			// the last element and append 
			while(presentNode->next != NULL){
				presentNode = presentNode->next; 
			presentNode->next = addNode;
		return 1;
	else{  // the word was already in the hashtable
		free(str); // we do not need the actual words anymore so free. 

		// iterate through the DocNode chain stored at the current WordNode
		// position, while keeping a previous pointer so we can use it later
		// to append to this DocNode chain
		DocNode *curDoc = ((WordNode*)addNode->hashKey)->docs;
		DocNode *prevDoc;
		for( ; curDoc != NULL; curDoc = curDoc->nextDoc){
			if(curDoc->documentID == curDocID){
				// if there is a document ID match, we have seen the
				// word already in a the same document to increment
				// its occurrence value and return
				curDoc->occurrences = (curDoc->occurrences + 1);
				return 1;
			prevDoc = curDoc;
                DocNode *addDoc;
                addDoc = calloc(1, sizeof(DocNode));
                if(!addDoc) return 0;

		// we didnt find a DocNode with the same document ID as the current
		// file so store the document ID into a new DocNode, and the occurrence
		// of this word in this document is the starting number, 1.
                addDoc->documentID = curDocID;
                addDoc->occurrences = 1;

		// append this new DocNode into the DocNode chain.
		prevDoc->nextDoc = addDoc;

		return 1;