void cScreenGangs::check_events() { if (g_InterfaceEvents.GetNumEvents() == 0) return; // no events means we can go home if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(back_id)) // if it's the back button, pop the window off the stack and we're done { g_InitWin = true; g_WinManager.Pop(); return; } if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(ganghire_id)) { hire_recruitable(); return; } if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(weaponup_id)) { int cost = 0; int *wlev = g_Gangs.GetWeaponLevel(); cost = tariff.goon_weapon_upgrade(*wlev); if (g_Gold.item_cost(cost) == true) { *wlev += 1; g_InitWin = true; } wlev = 0; return; } int buynets = 0; if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(netbuy_id)) buynets = 1; if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(netbuy10_id)) buynets = 10; if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(netbuy20_id)) buynets = 20; if (buynets > 0) { int cost = 0; int amount = buynets; int *nets = g_Gangs.GetNets(); if (((*nets) + buynets) > 60) amount = 60 - (*nets); cost = tariff.nets_price(amount); if (g_Gold.item_cost(cost) == true) { *nets += amount; if (IsCheckboxOn(netautobuy_id)) g_Gangs.KeepNetStocked(*nets); g_InitWin = true; } nets = 0; buynets = 0; return; } int buypots = 0; if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(healbuy_id)) buypots = 1; if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(healbuy10_id)) buypots = 10; if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(healbuy20_id)) buypots = 20; if (buypots > 0) { int cost = 0; int amount = buypots; int *potions = g_Gangs.GetHealingPotions(); if (((*potions) + buypots) > 200) amount = 200 - (*potions); cost = tariff.healing_price(amount); if (g_Gold.item_cost(cost) == true) { *potions += amount; if (IsCheckboxOn(healautobuy_id)) g_Gangs.KeepHealStocked(*potions); g_InitWin = true; } potions = 0; buypots = 0; return; } if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckCheckbox(netautobuy_id)) { int *nets = g_Gangs.GetNets(); g_Gangs.KeepNetStocked(IsCheckboxOn(netautobuy_id) ? *nets : 0); } if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckCheckbox(healautobuy_id)) { int *potions = g_Gangs.GetHealingPotions(); g_Gangs.KeepHealStocked(IsCheckboxOn(healautobuy_id) ? *potions : 0); } if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(gangfire_id)) { selection = GetLastSelectedItemFromList(ganglist_id); if (selection != -1) { g_Gangs.FireGang(selection); g_InitWin = true; } return; } if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckListbox(recruitlist_id)) { string ClickedHeader = HeaderClicked(recruitlist_id); if (ClickedHeader != "") { g_LogFile.ss() << "User clicked \"" << ClickedHeader << "\" column header on Recruit listbox" << endl; g_LogFile.ssend(); return; } g_LogFile.ss() << "selected recruitable gang changed" << endl; g_LogFile.ssend(); sel_recruit = GetLastSelectedItemFromList(recruitlist_id); if (ListDoubleClicked(recruitlist_id)) { g_LogFile.ss() << "User double-clicked recruitable gang! Hiring if possible." << endl; g_LogFile.ssend(); hire_recruitable(); return; } // g_InitWin = true; } // this is what gets called it you change the selected gang if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckListbox(ganglist_id)) { string ClickedHeader = HeaderClicked(ganglist_id); if (ClickedHeader != "") { g_LogFile.ss() << "User clicked \"" << ClickedHeader << "\" column header on Gangs listbox" << endl; g_LogFile.ssend(); return; } g_LogFile.write("selected gang changed"); selection = GetLastSelectedItemFromList(ganglist_id); if (selection != -1) { sGang* gang = g_Gangs.GetGang(selection); ss.str(""); ss << "Name: " << gang->m_Name << "\n" << "Number: " << gang->m_Num << "\n" << "Combat: " << gang->m_Skills[SKILL_COMBAT] << "%\n" << "Magic: " << gang->m_Skills[SKILL_MAGIC] << "%\n" << "Intelligence: " << gang->m_Stats[STAT_INTELLIGENCE] << "%\n"; EditTextItem(ss.str(), gangdesc_id); SetSelectedItemInList(missionlist_id, gang->m_MissionID, false); set_mission_desc(gang->m_MissionID); // set the long description for the mission } } if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckListbox(missionlist_id)) { // get the index into the missions list int mission_id = GetLastSelectedItemFromList(missionlist_id); g_LogFile.ss() << "selchange: mid = " << mission_id << endl; g_LogFile.ssend(); set_mission_desc(mission_id); // set the textfield with the long description and price for this mission g_LogFile.ss() << "selection change: rebuilding gang list box" << endl; g_LogFile.ssend(); for (int selection = multi_first(); selection != -1; selection = multi_next()) { sGang* gang = g_Gangs.GetGang(selection); /* * make sure we found the gang - pretty catastrophic * if not, so log it if we do */ if (gang == 0) { g_LogFile.ss() << "Error: No gang for index " << selection; g_LogFile.ssend(); continue; } /* * if the mission id is -1, nothing else to do * (moving this to before the recruitment check * since -1 most likely means nothing selected in * the missions list) */ if (mission_id == -1) { continue; } /* * if the gang is already doing <whatever> * then let them get on with it */ if (gang->m_MissionID == u_int(mission_id)) { continue; } /* * if they were recruiting, turn off the * auto-recruit flag */ if (gang->m_MissionID == MISS_RECRUIT && gang->m_AutoRecruit) { gang->m_AutoRecruit = false; gang->m_LastMissID = -1; } gang->m_MissionID = mission_id; /* * format the display line */ g_InitWin = true; } int cost = 0; if (g_Gangs.GetNumGangs() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < g_Gangs.GetNumGangs(); i++) { sGang* g = g_Gangs.GetGang(i); cost += tariff.goon_mission_cost(g->m_MissionID); } } ss.str(""); ss << "Weekly Cost: " << cost; EditTextItem(ss.str(), totalcost_id); if (gold_id >= 0) { ss.str(""); ss << "Gold: " << g_Gold.ival(); EditTextItem(ss.str(), gold_id); } } if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckCheckbox(controlcatacombs_id)) { g_Gangs.Control_Gangs(IsCheckboxOn(controlcatacombs_id)); } bool dosliders = false; if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckSlider(girlspercslider_id)) { int s1 = SliderValue(girlspercslider_id); int s2 = SliderValue(itemspercslider_id); if (s2 < s1) { s2 = s1; SliderRange(itemspercslider_id, 0, 100, s2, 1); } dosliders = true; } if (g_InterfaceEvents.CheckSlider(itemspercslider_id)) { int s1 = SliderValue(itemspercslider_id); int s2 = SliderValue(girlspercslider_id); if (s1 < s2) { s2 = s1; SliderRange(girlspercslider_id, 0, 100, s2, 1); } dosliders = true; } if (dosliders) { int s1 = SliderValue(girlspercslider_id); int s2 = SliderValue(itemspercslider_id); g_Gangs.Gang_Gets_Girls(s1); g_Gangs.Gang_Gets_Items(s2 - s1); g_Gangs.Gang_Gets_Beast(100 - s2); ss.str(""); ss << "Girls : " << g_Gangs.Gang_Gets_Girls() << "%"; EditTextItem(ss.str(), ganggetsgirls_id); ss.str(""); ss << "Items : " << g_Gangs.Gang_Gets_Items() << "%"; EditTextItem(ss.str(), ganggetsitems_id); ss.str(""); ss << "Beasts : " << g_Gangs.Gang_Gets_Beast() << "%"; EditTextItem(ss.str(), ganggetsbeast_id); return; } }
void cScreenGangs::check_events() { // no events means we can go home if(g_InterfaceEvents.GetNumEvents() == 0) return; // if it's the back button, pop the window off the stack and we're done if(g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(back_id)) { g_InitWin = true; g_WinManager.Pop(); return; } if(g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(ganghire_id)) { hire_recruitable(); return; } if(g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(weaponup_id)) { int cost = 0; int *wlev = g_Gangs.GetWeaponLevel(); cost = tariff.goon_weapon_upgrade(*wlev); if(g_Gold.item_cost(cost) == true) { *wlev += 1; g_InitWin = true; } wlev = nullptr; return; } if(g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(netbuy_id)) { int cost = 0; int amount = 20; int *nets = g_Gangs.GetNets(); if(((*nets) + 20) > 60) amount = 60 - (*nets); cost = tariff.nets_price(amount); if(g_Gold.item_cost(cost) == true) { *nets += amount; if(IsCheckboxOn(netautobuy_id)) g_Gangs.KeepNetStocked(*nets); g_InitWin = true; } nets = nullptr; return; } if(g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(healbuy_id)) { int cost = 0; int amount = 20; int *potions = g_Gangs.GetHealingPotions(); if(((*potions) + 20) > 200) amount = 200 - (*potions); cost = tariff.healing_price(amount); if(g_Gold.item_cost(cost) == true) { *potions += amount; g_InitWin = true; } potions = nullptr; return; } if(g_InterfaceEvents.CheckCheckbox(netautobuy_id)) { int *nets = g_Gangs.GetNets(); if(IsCheckboxOn(netautobuy_id)) g_Gangs.KeepNetStocked(*nets); else g_Gangs.KeepNetStocked(0); } if(g_InterfaceEvents.CheckCheckbox(healautobuy_id)) { int *potions = g_Gangs.GetHealingPotions(); if(IsCheckboxOn(healautobuy_id)) g_Gangs.KeepHealStocked(*potions); else g_Gangs.KeepHealStocked(0); } if(g_InterfaceEvents.CheckButton(gangfire_id)) { selection = GetLastSelectedItemFromList(ganglist_id); if(selection != -1) { g_Gangs.FireGang(selection); g_InitWin = true; } return; } if(g_InterfaceEvents.CheckListbox(recruitlist_id)) { std::string ClickedHeader = HeaderClicked(recruitlist_id); if(ClickedHeader != "") { g_LogFile.ss() << "User clicked \"" << ClickedHeader << "\" column header on Recruit listbox" << std::endl; g_LogFile.ssend(); return; } g_LogFile.ss() << "selected recruitable gang changed" << std::endl; g_LogFile.ssend(); sel_recruit = GetLastSelectedItemFromList(recruitlist_id); if(ListDoubleClicked(recruitlist_id)) { g_LogFile.ss() << "User double-clicked recruitable gang! Hiring if possible." << std::endl; g_LogFile.ssend(); hire_recruitable(); return; } // g_InitWin = true; } /* * this is what gets called it you change the selected gang */ if(g_InterfaceEvents.CheckListbox(ganglist_id)) { std::string ClickedHeader = HeaderClicked(ganglist_id); if(ClickedHeader != "") { g_LogFile.ss() << "User clicked \"" << ClickedHeader << "\" column header on Gangs listbox" << std::endl; g_LogFile.ssend(); return; } g_LogFile.ss() << "selected gang changed" << std::endl; g_LogFile.ssend(); selection = GetLastSelectedItemFromList(ganglist_id); if(selection != -1) { sGang* gang = g_Gangs.GetGang(selection); std::string text = "Name: "; text += gang->m_Name; text += "\n"; text += "Number: "; text += toString((int)gang->m_Num); text += "\n"; text += "Combat: "; text += toString(gang->m_Skills[SKILL_COMBAT]); text += "%\n"; text += "Magic: "; text += toString(gang->m_Skills[SKILL_MAGIC]); text += "%\n"; text += "Intelligence: "; text += toString(gang->m_Stats[STAT_INTELLIGENCE]); text += "%\n"; EditTextItem(text, gangdesc_id); SetSelectedItemInList(missionlist_id, gang->m_MissionID, false); /* * set the long description for the mission */ set_mission_desc(gang->m_MissionID); } } if(g_InterfaceEvents.CheckListbox(missionlist_id)) { /* * get the index into the missions list */ int mission_id = GetLastSelectedItemFromList(missionlist_id); g_LogFile.ss() << "selchange: mid = " << mission_id << std::endl; g_LogFile.ssend(); /* * set the textfield with the long description and price * for this mission */ set_mission_desc(mission_id); g_LogFile.ss() << "selection change: rebuilding gang list box" << std::endl; g_LogFile.ssend(); for(int selection = multi_first(); selection != -1; selection = multi_next() ) { sGang* gang = g_Gangs.GetGang(selection); /* * make sure we found the gang - pretty catastrophic * if not, so log it if we do */ if(gang == nullptr) { g_LogFile.ss() << "Error: No gang for index " << selection ; g_LogFile.ssend(); continue; } /* * if the mission id is -1, nothing else to do * (moving this to before the recruitment check * since -1 most likely means nothing selected in * the missions list) */ if(mission_id == -1) { continue; } /* * if the gang is already doing <whatever> * then let them get on with it */ if(gang->m_MissionID == u_int(mission_id)) { continue; } /* * if they were recruiting, turn off the * auto-recruit flag */ if(gang->m_MissionID == MISS_RECRUIT && gang->m_AutoRecruit) { gang->m_AutoRecruit = false; gang->m_LastMissID = -1; } gang->m_MissionID = mission_id; /* * format the display line */ std::string Data[6]; ss.str(""); ss << gang->m_Name; Data[0] = ss.str(); ss.str(""); ss << gang->m_Num; Data[1] = ss.str(); ss.str(""); ss << short_mission_desc(mission_id); Data[2] = ss.str(); ss.str(""); ss << (int)gang->m_Skills[SKILL_COMBAT] << "%"; Data[3] = ss.str(); ss.str(""); ss << (int)gang->m_Skills[SKILL_MAGIC] << "%"; Data[4] = ss.str(); ss.str(""); ss << (int)gang->m_Stats[STAT_INTELLIGENCE] << "%"; Data[5] = ss.str(); // g_LogFile.ss() << "Gang:\t" << Data[0] << "\t" << Data[1] << "\t" << Data[2] // << "\t" << Data[3] << "\t" << Data[4] << "\t" << Data[5] << "\t" << Data[6] << std::endl // << " index " << mission_id << ": " << ss.str() << std::endl; // g_LogFile.ssend(); /* * and add it to the list */ SetSelectedItemText( ganglist_id, selection, Data, 6 ); } std::string message = ""; if(g_Gangs.GetNumGangs() > 0) { int cost = 0; for(int i=0; i < g_Gangs.GetNumGangs(); i++) { sGang* g = g_Gangs.GetGang(i); cost += tariff.goon_mission_cost( g->m_MissionID ); } message = "Daily Cost: "; message += toString(cost); } else message = "Daily Cost: 0"; EditTextItem(message, totalcost_id); } }