void kernel_main()

	int i = 0;
	//start_mmu();  /* 开启MMU */
	unsigned int end = (unsigned int)(&__end+PGDR_MASK)&0xffffc000;
  unsigned int physfree =	init_paging(end-0xC0000000);

	/* 重定位内核*/
	asm volatile(
		"add sp, sp, #0xC0000000\n\t"

	for(i = 1; i < NR_KERN_PAGETABLE; i++)
		PTD[i] = 0;

	char *_temp = "0000000000\r\n";
	unsigned int temp;
	HexToString((unsigned int)&temp, _temp);
	unsigned char rank = MAX_rank ;
	unsigned int task_func = (unsigned int)task_idle0;
	unsigned char TID = task_create( rank , task_func);
	task_func = (unsigned int)task_idle1;
	TID = task_create( rank , task_func);
	task_func = (unsigned int)task_idle2;
	TID = task_create( rank , task_func);
  task_func = (unsigned int)task_idle3;
	TID = task_create( rank , task_func);

		char *_ch = "0000000000\r\n";
		for(i = 0; i < 20; i++)
			HexToString(PTD[i], _ch);
		for(i = 0; i < 20; i++)
			HexToString(PTD[i+0xC00], _ch);
bool TestAsnOid()
	const char * pszHexPacket = "060c2b0601020102020101848003";
	char szPacket[1500];
	int iPacketLen;
	CAsnOid clsOid;
	std::string	strValue;

	iPacketLen = HexToString( pszHexPacket, szPacket, sizeof(szPacket) );

	if( clsOid.ParsePacket( szPacket, iPacketLen ) == -1 ) return false;

	clsOid.GetString( strValue );

	if( strcmp( strValue.c_str(), "" ) )
		return false;

	char szValue[100];

	for( int a = 0; a <= 2; ++a )
		for( int b = 0; b <= 39; ++b )
			for( int c = 0; c <= 1000; ++c )
				snprintf( szValue, sizeof(szValue), "%d.%d.%d", a, b, c );
				clsOid.m_strValue = szValue;
				iPacketLen = clsOid.MakePacket( szPacket, sizeof(szPacket) );
				if( iPacketLen <= 0 )
					printf( "%s oid(%s) make packet error\n", __FUNCTION__, szValue );
					return false;

				if( clsOid.ParsePacket( szPacket, iPacketLen ) != iPacketLen )
					printf( "%s oid(%s) parse packet error\n", __FUNCTION__, szValue );
					return false;

				if( strcmp( clsOid.m_strValue.c_str(), szValue ) )
					printf( "%s oid(%s) != oid(%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, clsOid.m_strValue.c_str(), szValue );
					return false;

	return true;
void isColorPickerDlg::RefreshColor()
	unsigned char r = (unsigned char) rSlider->GetValue(),  g=(unsigned char)gSlider->GetValue(),  b=(unsigned char)bSlider->GetValue();
	wxColour colour(r,g,b);
std::string CBlurayDirectory::GetDiscInfoString(DiscInfo info)
  switch (info)
  case XFILE::CBlurayDirectory::DiscInfo::TITLE:
    if (!m_blurayInitialized)
      return "";
    const BLURAY_DISC_INFO* disc_info = bd_get_disc_info(m_bd);
    if (!disc_info || !disc_info->bluray_detected)
      return "";

    std::string title = "";

    title = disc_info->disc_name ? disc_info->disc_name : "";

    return title;
  case XFILE::CBlurayDirectory::DiscInfo::ID:
    if (!m_blurayInitialized)
      return "";

    const BLURAY_DISC_INFO* disc_info = bd_get_disc_info(m_bd);
    if (!disc_info || !disc_info->bluray_detected)
      return "";

    std::string id = "";

    id = disc_info->udf_volume_id ? disc_info->udf_volume_id : "";

    if (id.empty())
      id = HexToString(disc_info->disc_id, 20);

    return id;

  return "";
bool TestSnmpMessage()
	const char * pszHex = "303002010104067075626c6963a2230202021f02010002010030173015060c2b060102011f0101010aa70f46051a00be371d";
	char szPacket[1500];
	int iPacketLen, n;
	CSnmpMessage clsMessage;

	iPacketLen = HexToString( pszHex, (char *)szPacket, sizeof(szPacket) );
	if( iPacketLen == -1 ) 
		printf( "%s HexToString error\n", __FUNCTION__ );
		return false;

	n = clsMessage.ParsePacket( szPacket, iPacketLen );
	if( n == -1 ) 
		printf( "%s clsMessage.ParsePacket error\n", __FUNCTION__ );
		return false;

	return true;
MeshExtractor( const MeshData& mesh_data, const Ogre::String& material_name, File* file, int offset_to_data, VectorTexForGen& textures, const Ogre::MeshPtr& mesh )
    File* file12 = new File( "./data/field/5/1b/1/12/1" );
    u32 offset_to_clut_tex = 4 + file12->GetU32LE( 4 + 4 ) & 0x00ffffff;
    LOGGER->Log( "offset_to_clut_tex = \"" + HexToString( offset_to_clut_tex, 8, '0' ) + "\".\n" );
    u32 offset_to_tx_ty = offset_to_clut_tex + file12->GetU8( 4 + 7 ) * 4;
    LOGGER->Log( "offset_to_tx_ty = \"" + HexToString( offset_to_tx_ty, 8, '0' ) + "\".\n" );

    int number_of_monochrome_textured_quads = file->GetU16LE( offset_to_data + 0x02 );
    int number_of_monochrome_textured_triangles = file->GetU16LE( offset_to_data + 0x04 );
    int number_of_shaded_textured_quads = file->GetU16LE( offset_to_data + 0x06 );
    int number_of_shaded_textured_triangles = file->GetU16LE( offset_to_data + 0x08 );
    int number_of_gradated_quads = file->GetU16LE( offset_to_data + 0x0a );
    int number_of_gradated_triangles = file->GetU16LE( offset_to_data + 0x0c );
    int number_of_monochrome_quads = file->GetU16LE( offset_to_data + 0x0e );
    int number_of_monochrome_triangles = file->GetU16LE( offset_to_data + 0x10 );

    u32 pointer_to_vertex_groups = file->GetU32LE( offset_to_data + 0x14 );
    u32 pointer_to_vertex_data = file->GetU32LE( offset_to_data + 0x18 );
    u32 pointer_to_mesh_data = file->GetU32LE( offset_to_data + 0x1c );
    u32 pointer_to_texture_data = file->GetU32LE( offset_to_data + 0x20 );

    Ogre::SubMesh* sub_mesh = mesh->createSubMesh(/* name */);
    sub_mesh->setMaterialName( material_name );
    sub_mesh->useSharedVertices = false;
    sub_mesh->operationType = Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST;

    // Allocate and prepare vertex data
    sub_mesh->vertexData = new Ogre::VertexData();
    sub_mesh->vertexData->vertexStart = 0;
    sub_mesh->vertexData->vertexCount = static_cast< size_t >(
        number_of_monochrome_textured_quads * 6 +
        number_of_monochrome_textured_triangles * 3/* +
        number_of_shaded_textured_quads * 6 +
        number_of_shaded_textured_triangles * 3 +
        number_of_gradated_quads * 6 +
        number_of_gradated_triangles * 3 +
        number_of_monochrome_quads * 6 +
        number_of_monochrome_triangles * 3*/ );

    sub_mesh->indexData = new Ogre::IndexData();
    sub_mesh->indexData->indexStart = 0;
    sub_mesh->indexData->indexCount = sub_mesh->vertexData->vertexCount;
    sub_mesh->indexData->indexBuffer = Ogre::HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createIndexBuffer(
        Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY );
    u16* idata = static_cast< u16* >( sub_mesh->indexData->indexBuffer->lock( Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD ) );
    u32 cur_index = 0;

    Ogre::VertexDeclaration* decl = sub_mesh->vertexData->vertexDeclaration;
    Ogre::VertexBufferBinding* bind = sub_mesh->vertexData->vertexBufferBinding;
    // 1st buffer
    decl->addElement( POSITION_BINDING, 0, Ogre::VET_FLOAT3, Ogre::VES_POSITION );
    Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf0 = Ogre::HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer(
        decl->getVertexSize( POSITION_BINDING ),
        Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY );
    bind->setBinding( POSITION_BINDING, vbuf0 );

    // 2nd buffer
    decl->addElement( COLOUR_BINDING, 0, Ogre::VET_COLOUR, Ogre::VES_DIFFUSE );
    Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf1 = Ogre::HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer(
        decl->getVertexSize( COLOUR_BINDING ),
        Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY );
    // Set vertex buffer binding so buffer 1 is bound to our colour buffer
    bind->setBinding( COLOUR_BINDING, vbuf1 );

    // 3rd buffer
    decl->addElement( TEXTURE_BINDING, 0, Ogre::VET_FLOAT2, Ogre::VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 0 );
    Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf2 = Ogre::HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createVertexBuffer(
        decl->getVertexSize( TEXTURE_BINDING ),
        Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY );
    bind->setBinding( TEXTURE_BINDING, vbuf2 );

    float* pPos   = static_cast< float* >( vbuf0->lock( Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD ) );
    float* tPos   = static_cast< float* >( vbuf2->lock( Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD ) );

    Ogre::RenderSystem* rs = Ogre::Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem();
    std::vector<Ogre::RGBA> coloursVec(sub_mesh->vertexData->vertexCount);

    Ogre::RGBA* colours = coloursVec.data();

    for( int i = 0; i < number_of_monochrome_textured_quads; ++i )
        int index_a = file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x0 );
        int index_b = file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x2 );
        int index_c = file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x4 );
        int index_d = file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x6 );

        Ogre::Vector3 a( ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_a * 0x8 + 0x0 ),
                         ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_a * 0x8 + 0x2 ),
                         ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_a * 0x8 + 0x4 ) );
        Ogre::Vector3 b( ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_b * 0x8 + 0x0 ),
                         ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_b * 0x8 + 0x2 ),
                         ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_b * 0x8 + 0x4 ) );
        Ogre::Vector3 c( ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_c * 0x8 + 0x0 ),
                         ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_c * 0x8 + 0x2 ),
                         ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_c * 0x8 + 0x4 ) );
        Ogre::Vector3 d( ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_d * 0x8 + 0x0 ),
                         ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_d * 0x8 + 0x2 ),
                         ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_d * 0x8 + 0x4 ) );
        a /= 512;
        b /= 512;
        c /= 512;
        d /= 512;

        int image_id = file->GetU8( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x13 );
        u16 blend = file12->GetU16LE( offset_to_clut_tex + image_id * 4 + 0 );
        u16 clut = file12->GetU16LE( offset_to_clut_tex + image_id * 4 + 2 );
        LOGGER->Log( "image_id = \"" + HexToString( image_id, 2, '0' ) + "\", clut = \"" + HexToString( clut, 4, '0' ) + "\", blend = \"" + HexToString( blend, 4, '0' ) + "\".\n" );
        int clut_x = (clut & 0x003f) << 3;
        int clut_y = (clut & 0xffc0) >> 6;
        int bpp    = (tpage >> 0x7) & 0x3;
        int vram_x = (tpage & 0xf) * 64;
        int vram_y = ((tpage & 0x10) >> 4) * 256;
        TexForGen texture;
        texture.palette_x = 128/*clut_x*/;
        texture.palette_y = 224/*clut_y*/;
        if( image_id == 1 )
            texture.texture_x = 768/*vram_x*/;
            texture.texture_x = 832/*vram_x*/;
        texture.texture_y = 256/*vram_y*/;
        texture.bpp = BPP_8/*bpp*/;
        AddTexture( texture, mesh_data, textures, LOGGER );

        Ogre::Vector2 at( 0, 0 );
        Ogre::Vector2 bt( 0, 0 );
        Ogre::Vector2 ct( 0, 0 );
        Ogre::Vector2 dt( 0, 0 );

        u16 vertex1_uv = file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x8 );
        at.x = ( file->GetU8( pointer_to_texture_data + vertex1_uv * 2 + 0x0 ) + texture.start_x ) / ( float )mesh_data.tex_width;
        at.y = ( file->GetU8( pointer_to_texture_data + vertex1_uv * 2 + 0x1 ) + texture.start_y ) / ( float )mesh_data.tex_height;

        u16 vertex2_uv = file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0xa );
        bt.x = ( file->GetU8( pointer_to_texture_data + vertex2_uv * 2 + 0x0 ) + texture.start_x ) / ( float )mesh_data.tex_width;
        bt.y = ( file->GetU8( pointer_to_texture_data + vertex2_uv * 2 + 0x1 ) + texture.start_y ) / ( float )mesh_data.tex_height;

        u16 vertex3_uv = file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0xc );
        ct.x = ( file->GetU8( pointer_to_texture_data + vertex3_uv * 2 + 0x0 ) + texture.start_x ) / ( float )mesh_data.tex_width;
        ct.y = ( file->GetU8( pointer_to_texture_data + vertex3_uv * 2 + 0x1 ) + texture.start_y ) / ( float )mesh_data.tex_height;

        u16 vertex4_uv = file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0xe );
        dt.x = ( file->GetU8( pointer_to_texture_data + vertex4_uv * 2 + 0x0 ) + texture.start_x ) / ( float )mesh_data.tex_width;
        dt.y = ( file->GetU8( pointer_to_texture_data + vertex4_uv * 2 + 0x1 ) + texture.start_y ) / ( float )mesh_data.tex_height;

        *pPos++ = a.x; *pPos++ = a.y; *pPos++ = a.z;
        *pPos++ = c.x; *pPos++ = c.y; *pPos++ = c.z;
        *pPos++ = b.x; *pPos++ = b.y; *pPos++ = b.z;
        *pPos++ = b.x; *pPos++ = b.y; *pPos++ = b.z;
        *pPos++ = c.x; *pPos++ = c.y; *pPos++ = c.z;
        *pPos++ = d.x; *pPos++ = d.y; *pPos++ = d.z;

        *tPos++ = at.x; *tPos++ = at.y;
        *tPos++ = ct.x; *tPos++ = ct.y;
        *tPos++ = bt.x; *tPos++ = bt.y;
        *tPos++ = bt.x; *tPos++ = bt.y;
        *tPos++ = ct.x; *tPos++ = ct.y;
        *tPos++ = dt.x; *tPos++ = dt.y;

        Ogre::ColourValue colour = Ogre::ColourValue( file->GetU8( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x10 ) / 256.0f,
                                                      file->GetU8( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x11 ) / 256.0f,
                                                      file->GetU8( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x12 ) / 256.0f,
                                                      1.0f );

        rs->convertColourValue( colour, colours + cur_index + 0 );
        rs->convertColourValue( colour, colours + cur_index + 1 );
        rs->convertColourValue( colour, colours + cur_index + 2 );
        rs->convertColourValue( colour, colours + cur_index + 3 );
        rs->convertColourValue( colour, colours + cur_index + 4 );
        rs->convertColourValue( colour, colours + cur_index + 5 );

        idata[ cur_index + 0 ] = cur_index + 0;
        idata[ cur_index + 1 ] = cur_index + 1;
        idata[ cur_index + 2 ] = cur_index + 2;
        idata[ cur_index + 3 ] = cur_index + 3;
        idata[ cur_index + 4 ] = cur_index + 4;
        idata[ cur_index + 5 ] = cur_index + 5;

        Ogre::VertexBoneAssignment vba;
        vba.weight = 1.0f;

        vba.vertexIndex = cur_index + 0;
        vba.boneIndex = file->GetU8( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_a * 0x8 + 0x6 ) * 2 + 3;
        sub_mesh->addBoneAssignment( vba );
        vba.vertexIndex = cur_index + 1;
        vba.boneIndex = file->GetU8( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_c * 0x8 + 0x6 ) * 2 + 3;
        sub_mesh->addBoneAssignment( vba );
        vba.vertexIndex = cur_index + 2;
        vba.boneIndex = file->GetU8( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_b * 0x8 + 0x6 ) * 2 + 3;
        sub_mesh->addBoneAssignment( vba );
        vba.vertexIndex = cur_index + 3;
        vba.boneIndex = file->GetU8( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_b * 0x8 + 0x6 ) * 2 + 3;
        sub_mesh->addBoneAssignment( vba );
        vba.vertexIndex = cur_index + 4;
        vba.boneIndex = file->GetU8( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_c * 0x8 + 0x6 ) * 2 + 3;
        sub_mesh->addBoneAssignment( vba );
        vba.vertexIndex = cur_index + 5;
        vba.boneIndex = file->GetU8( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_d * 0x8 + 0x6 ) * 2 + 3;
        sub_mesh->addBoneAssignment( vba );

        cur_index += 6;
        pointer_to_mesh_data += 0x18;

    for( int i = 0; i < number_of_monochrome_textured_triangles; ++i )
        int index_a = file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x0 );
        int index_b = file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x2 );
        int index_c = file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x4 );

        Ogre::Vector3 a( ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_a * 0x8 + 0x0 ),
                         ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_a * 0x8 + 0x2 ),
                         ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_a * 0x8 + 0x4 ) );
        Ogre::Vector3 b( ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_b * 0x8 + 0x0 ),
                         ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_b * 0x8 + 0x2 ),
                         ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_b * 0x8 + 0x4 ) );
        Ogre::Vector3 c( ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_c * 0x8 + 0x0 ),
                         ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_c * 0x8 + 0x2 ),
                         ( s16 )file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_c * 0x8 + 0x4 ) );
        a /= 512;
        b /= 512;
        c /= 512;

        int image_id = file->GetU8( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x6 );
        u16 blend = file12->GetU16LE( offset_to_clut_tex + image_id * 4 + 0 );
        u16 clut = file12->GetU16LE( offset_to_clut_tex + image_id * 4 + 2 );
        LOGGER->Log( "image_id = \"" + HexToString( image_id, 2, '0' ) + "\", clut = \"" + HexToString( clut, 4, '0' ) + "\", blend = \"" + HexToString( blend, 4, '0' ) + "\".\n" );
        int clut_x = (clut & 0x003f) << 3;
        int clut_y = (clut & 0xffc0) >> 6;
        int bpp    = (tpage >> 0x7) & 0x3;
        int vram_x = (tpage & 0xf) * 64;
        int vram_y = ((tpage & 0x10) >> 4) * 256;

        TexForGen texture;
        texture.palette_x = 128/*clut_x*/;
        texture.palette_y = 224/*clut_y*/;
        if( image_id == 1 )
            texture.texture_x = 768/*vram_x*/;
            texture.texture_x = 832/*vram_x*/;
        texture.texture_y = 256/*vram_y*/;
        texture.bpp = BPP_8/*bpp*/;
        AddTexture( texture, mesh_data, textures, LOGGER );

        Ogre::Vector2 at( 0, 0 );
        Ogre::Vector2 bt( 0, 0 );
        Ogre::Vector2 ct( 0, 0 );

        u16 vertex1_uv = file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0xc );
        at.x = ( file->GetU8( pointer_to_texture_data + vertex1_uv * 2 + 0x0 ) + texture.start_x ) / ( float )mesh_data.tex_width;
        at.y = ( file->GetU8( pointer_to_texture_data + vertex1_uv * 2 + 0x1 ) + texture.start_y ) / ( float )mesh_data.tex_height;

        u16 vertex2_uv = file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0xe );
        bt.x = ( file->GetU8( pointer_to_texture_data + vertex2_uv * 2 + 0x0 ) + texture.start_x ) / ( float )mesh_data.tex_width;
        bt.y = ( file->GetU8( pointer_to_texture_data + vertex2_uv * 2 + 0x1 ) + texture.start_y ) / ( float )mesh_data.tex_height;

        u16 vertex3_uv = file->GetU16LE( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x10 );
        ct.x = ( file->GetU8( pointer_to_texture_data + vertex3_uv * 2 + 0x0 ) + texture.start_x ) / ( float )mesh_data.tex_width;
        ct.y = ( file->GetU8( pointer_to_texture_data + vertex3_uv * 2 + 0x1 ) + texture.start_y ) / ( float )mesh_data.tex_height;

        *pPos++ = a.x; *pPos++ = a.y; *pPos++ = a.z;
        *pPos++ = c.x; *pPos++ = c.y; *pPos++ = c.z;
        *pPos++ = b.x; *pPos++ = b.y; *pPos++ = b.z;

        *tPos++ = at.x; *tPos++ = at.y;
        *tPos++ = ct.x; *tPos++ = ct.y;
        *tPos++ = bt.x; *tPos++ = bt.y;

        Ogre::ColourValue colour = Ogre::ColourValue( file->GetU8( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x08 ) / 256.0f,
                                                      file->GetU8( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x09 ) / 256.0f,
                                                      file->GetU8( pointer_to_mesh_data + 0x0a ) / 256.0f,
                                                      1.0f );

        rs->convertColourValue( colour, colours + cur_index + 0 );
        rs->convertColourValue( colour, colours + cur_index + 1 );
        rs->convertColourValue( colour, colours + cur_index + 2 );

        idata[ cur_index + 0 ] = cur_index + 0;
        idata[ cur_index + 1 ] = cur_index + 1;
        idata[ cur_index + 2 ] = cur_index + 2;

        Ogre::VertexBoneAssignment vba;
        vba.weight = 1.0f;

        vba.vertexIndex = cur_index + 0;
        vba.boneIndex = file->GetU8( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_a * 0x8 + 0x6 ) * 2 + 3;
        sub_mesh->addBoneAssignment( vba );
        vba.vertexIndex = cur_index + 1;
        vba.boneIndex = file->GetU8( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_c * 0x8 + 0x6 ) * 2 + 3;
        sub_mesh->addBoneAssignment( vba );
        vba.vertexIndex = cur_index + 2;
        vba.boneIndex = file->GetU8( pointer_to_vertex_data + index_b * 0x8 + 0x6 ) * 2 + 3;
        sub_mesh->addBoneAssignment( vba );

        cur_index += 3;
        pointer_to_mesh_data += 0x14;

    vbuf1->writeData( 0, vbuf1->getSizeInBytes(), colours, true );

    // Optimize index data

    delete file12;
PciRomLoadEfiDriversFromRomImage (

Routine Description:
  Command entry point. 

  ImageHandle     The image handle. 
  SystemTable     The system table.

  EFI_SUCCESS             - The command completed successfully
  EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   - Command usage error
  EFI_UNSUPPORTED         - Protocols unsupported
  EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    - Out of memory
  Other value             - Unknown error

  VOID                          *RomBar;
  UINTN                         RomSize;
  CHAR16                        *FileName;
  PCI_DATA_STRUCTURE            *Pcir;
  UINTN                         ImageIndex;
  UINTN                         RomBarOffset;
  UINT32                        ImageSize;
  UINT16                        ImageOffset;
  EFI_HANDLE                    ImageHandle;
  EFI_STATUS                    Status;
  EFI_STATUS                    retStatus;
  BOOLEAN                       SkipImage;
  UINT32                        DestinationSize;
  UINT32                        ScratchSize;
  UINT8                         *Scratch;
  VOID                          *ImageBuffer;
  VOID                          *DecompressedImageBuffer;
  UINT32                        ImageLength;
  EFI_DECOMPRESS_PROTOCOL       *Decompress;

  RomBar = (VOID *) (UINTN) PciOptionRomDescriptor->RomAddress;
  RomSize = (UINTN) PciOptionRomDescriptor->RomLength;
  FileName = L"PciRom Seg=00000000 Bus=00 Dev=00 Func=00 Image=0000";

  HexToString (&FileName[11], PciOptionRomDescriptor->Seg, 8);
  HexToString (&FileName[24], PciOptionRomDescriptor->Bus, 2);
  HexToString (&FileName[31], PciOptionRomDescriptor->Dev, 2);
  HexToString (&FileName[39], PciOptionRomDescriptor->Func, 2);

  ImageIndex    = 0;
  retStatus     = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
  RomBarOffset  = (UINTN) RomBar;

  do {

    EfiRomHeader = (EFI_PCI_EXPANSION_ROM_HEADER *) (UINTN) RomBarOffset;

    if (EfiRomHeader->Signature != 0xaa55) {
      return retStatus;

    Pcir      = (PCI_DATA_STRUCTURE *) (UINTN) (RomBarOffset + EfiRomHeader->PcirOffset);
    ImageSize = Pcir->ImageLength * 512;

    if ((Pcir->CodeType == PCI_CODE_TYPE_EFI_IMAGE) &&
        (EfiRomHeader->EfiSignature == EFI_PCI_EXPANSION_ROM_HEADER_EFISIGNATURE) ) {

      if ((EfiRomHeader->EfiSubsystem == EFI_IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER) ||
          (EfiRomHeader->EfiSubsystem == EFI_IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER) ) {

        ImageOffset             = EfiRomHeader->EfiImageHeaderOffset;
        ImageSize               = EfiRomHeader->InitializationSize * 512;

        ImageBuffer             = (VOID *) (UINTN) (RomBarOffset + ImageOffset);
        ImageLength             = ImageSize - ImageOffset;
        DecompressedImageBuffer = NULL;

        // decompress here if needed
        SkipImage = FALSE;
        if (EfiRomHeader->CompressionType > EFI_PCI_EXPANSION_ROM_HEADER_COMPRESSED) {
          SkipImage = TRUE;

        if (EfiRomHeader->CompressionType == EFI_PCI_EXPANSION_ROM_HEADER_COMPRESSED) {
          Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiDecompressProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &Decompress);
          if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
            SkipImage = TRUE;
          } else {
            SkipImage = TRUE;
            Status = Decompress->GetInfo (
            if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
              DecompressedImageBuffer = NULL;
              DecompressedImageBuffer = AllocatePool (DestinationSize);
              if (DecompressedImageBuffer != NULL) {
                Scratch = AllocatePool (ScratchSize);
                if (Scratch != NULL) {
                  Status = Decompress->Decompress (
                  if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
                    ImageBuffer = DecompressedImageBuffer;
                    ImageLength = DestinationSize;
                    SkipImage   = FALSE;

                  gBS->FreePool (Scratch);

        if (!SkipImage) {

          // load image and start image

          HexToString (&FileName[48], ImageIndex, 4);
          FilePath = FileDevicePath (NULL, FileName);

          Status = gBS->LoadImage (
          if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
            Status = gBS->StartImage (ImageHandle, NULL, NULL);
            if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
              PciRomAddImageMapping (
              retStatus = Status;
          if (FilePath != NULL) {
            gBS->FreePool (FilePath);

        if (DecompressedImageBuffer != NULL) {
          gBS->FreePool (DecompressedImageBuffer);


    RomBarOffset = RomBarOffset + ImageSize;
  } while (((Pcir->Indicator & 0x80) == 0x00) && ((RomBarOffset - (UINTN) RomBar) < RomSize));

  return retStatus;