文件: HttpProto.c 项目: shekho/edk2
  Configure TCP4 protocol child.

  @param[in]  HttpInstance       The HTTP instance private data.
  @param[in]  Wrap               The HTTP token's wrap data.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The TCP4 protocol child is configured.
  @retval Others                 Other error as indicated.

HttpConfigureTcp4 (
    IN  HTTP_PROTOCOL        *HttpInstance,
    IN  HTTP_TOKEN_WRAP      *Wrap
    EFI_STATUS                 Status;
    EFI_TCP4_CONFIG_DATA       *Tcp4CfgData;
    EFI_TCP4_OPTION            *Tcp4Option;
    HTTP_TCP_TOKEN_WRAP        *TcpWrap;

    ASSERT (HttpInstance != NULL);
    TcpWrap = &Wrap->TcpWrap;

    Tcp4CfgData = &HttpInstance->Tcp4CfgData;
    ZeroMem (Tcp4CfgData, sizeof (EFI_TCP4_CONFIG_DATA));

    Tcp4CfgData->TypeOfService = HTTP_TOS_DEAULT;
    Tcp4CfgData->TimeToLive    = HTTP_TTL_DEAULT;
    Tcp4CfgData->ControlOption = &HttpInstance->Tcp4Option;

    Tcp4AP = &Tcp4CfgData->AccessPoint;
    Tcp4AP->UseDefaultAddress = HttpInstance->IPv4Node.UseDefaultAddress;
    if (!Tcp4AP->UseDefaultAddress) {
        IP4_COPY_ADDRESS (&Tcp4AP->StationAddress, &HttpInstance->IPv4Node.LocalAddress);
        IP4_COPY_ADDRESS (&Tcp4AP->SubnetMask, &HttpInstance->IPv4Node.LocalSubnet);

    Tcp4AP->StationPort = HttpInstance->IPv4Node.LocalPort;
    Tcp4AP->RemotePort  = HttpInstance->RemotePort;
    Tcp4AP->ActiveFlag  = TRUE;
    IP4_COPY_ADDRESS (&Tcp4AP->RemoteAddress, &HttpInstance->RemoteAddr);

    Tcp4Option = Tcp4CfgData->ControlOption;
    Tcp4Option->ReceiveBufferSize      = HTTP_BUFFER_SIZE_DEAULT;
    Tcp4Option->SendBufferSize         = HTTP_BUFFER_SIZE_DEAULT;
    Tcp4Option->MaxSynBackLog          = HTTP_MAX_SYN_BACK_LOG;
    Tcp4Option->ConnectionTimeout      = HTTP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;
    Tcp4Option->DataRetries            = HTTP_DATA_RETRIES;
    Tcp4Option->FinTimeout             = HTTP_FIN_TIMEOUT;
    Tcp4Option->KeepAliveProbes        = HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE_PROBES;
    Tcp4Option->KeepAliveTime          = HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME;
    Tcp4Option->KeepAliveInterval      = HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL;
    Tcp4Option->EnableNagle            = TRUE;
    Tcp4CfgData->ControlOption         = Tcp4Option;

    Status = HttpInstance->Tcp4->Configure (HttpInstance->Tcp4, Tcp4CfgData);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "HttpConfigureTcp4 - %r\n", Status));
        return Status;

    Status = HttpCreateTcp4ConnCloseEvent (HttpInstance);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        return Status;

    Status = HttpCreateTcp4TxEvent (Wrap);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        return Status;

    HttpInstance->State = HTTP_STATE_TCP_CONFIGED;

    return EFI_SUCCESS;
  The Request() function queues an HTTP request to this HTTP instance.

  Similar to Transmit() function in the EFI TCP driver. When the HTTP request is sent
  successfully, or if there is an error, Status in token will be updated and Event will
  be signaled.

  @param[in]  This                Pointer to EFI_HTTP_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param[in]  Token               Pointer to storage containing HTTP request token.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             Outgoing data was processed.
  @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED         This EFI HTTP Protocol instance has not been started.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR        An unexpected system or network error occurred.
  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT             Data was dropped out of the transmit or receive queue.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    Could not allocate enough system resources.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED         The HTTP method is not supported in current
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
                                  This is NULL.
                                  Token->Message is NULL.
                                  Token->Message->Body is not NULL,
                                  Token->Message->BodyLength is non-zero, and
                                  Token->Message->Data is NULL, but a previous call to
                                  Request()has not been completed successfully.
EfiHttpRequest (
  IN  EFI_HTTP_PROTOCOL         *This,
  IN  EFI_HTTP_TOKEN            *Token
  EFI_HTTP_MESSAGE              *HttpMsg;
  EFI_HTTP_REQUEST_DATA         *Request;
  VOID                          *UrlParser;
  EFI_STATUS                    Status;
  CHAR8                         *HostName;
  UINT16                        RemotePort;
  HTTP_PROTOCOL                 *HttpInstance;
  BOOLEAN                       Configure;
  BOOLEAN                       ReConfigure;
  CHAR8                         *RequestStr;
  CHAR8                         *Url;
  CHAR16                        *HostNameStr;
  HTTP_TOKEN_WRAP               *Wrap;
  HTTP_TCP_TOKEN_WRAP           *TcpWrap;

  if ((This == NULL) || (Token == NULL)) {

  HttpMsg = Token->Message;
  if ((HttpMsg == NULL) || (HttpMsg->Headers == NULL)) {

  // Current implementation does not support POST/PUT method.
  // If future version supports these two methods, Request could be NULL for a special case that to send large amounts
  // of data. For this case, the implementation need check whether previous call to Request() has been completed or not.
  Request = HttpMsg->Data.Request;
  if ((Request == NULL) || (Request->Url == NULL)) {

  // Only support GET and HEAD method in current implementation.
  if ((Request->Method != HttpMethodGet) && (Request->Method != HttpMethodHead)) {

  ASSERT (HttpInstance != NULL);

  if (HttpInstance->State < HTTP_STATE_HTTP_CONFIGED) {
    return EFI_NOT_STARTED;

  if (HttpInstance->LocalAddressIsIPv6) {

  // Check whether the token already existed.
  if (EFI_ERROR (NetMapIterate (&HttpInstance->TxTokens, HttpTokenExist, Token))) {
    return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED;   

  Url         = NULL;
  HostName    = NULL;
  Wrap        = NULL;
  HostNameStr = NULL;
  TcpWrap     = NULL;

  // Parse the URI of the remote host.
  Url = AllocatePool (StrLen (Request->Url) + 1);
  if (Url == NULL) {

  UnicodeStrToAsciiStr (Request->Url, Url);
  UrlParser = NULL;
  Status = HttpParseUrl (Url, (UINT32) AsciiStrLen (Url), FALSE, &UrlParser);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto Error1;

  RequestStr = NULL;
  HostName   = NULL;
  Status     = HttpUrlGetHostName (Url, UrlParser, &HostName);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto Error1;

  Status = HttpUrlGetPort (Url, UrlParser, &RemotePort);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    RemotePort = HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT;

  Configure   = TRUE;
  ReConfigure = TRUE;  

  if (HttpInstance->RemoteHost == NULL && HttpInstance->RemotePort == 0) {
    // Request() is called the first time. 
    ReConfigure = FALSE;
  } else {
    if ((HttpInstance->RemotePort == RemotePort) &&
        (AsciiStrCmp (HttpInstance->RemoteHost, HostName) == 0)) {
      // Host Name and port number of the request URL are the same with previous call to Request().
      // Check whether previous TCP packet sent out.
      if (EFI_ERROR (NetMapIterate (&HttpInstance->TxTokens, HttpTcpNotReady, NULL))) {
        // Wrap the HTTP token in HTTP_TOKEN_WRAP
        Wrap = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (HTTP_TOKEN_WRAP));
        if (Wrap == NULL) {
          Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
          goto Error1;

        Wrap->HttpToken    = Token;
        Wrap->HttpInstance = HttpInstance;

        Status = HttpCreateTcp4TxEvent (Wrap);
        if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
          goto Error1;

        Status = NetMapInsertTail (&HttpInstance->TxTokens, Token, Wrap);
        if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
          goto Error1;

        Wrap->TcpWrap.Method = Request->Method;

        FreePool (Url);
        FreePool (HostName);
        // Queue the HTTP token and return.
        return EFI_SUCCESS;
      } else {
        // Use existing TCP instance to transmit the packet.
        Configure   = FALSE;
        ReConfigure = FALSE;
    } else {
      // Need close existing TCP instance and create a new TCP instance for data transmit.
      if (HttpInstance->RemoteHost != NULL) {
        FreePool (HttpInstance->RemoteHost);
        HttpInstance->RemoteHost = NULL;

  if (Configure) {
    // Parse Url for IPv4 address, if failed, perform DNS resolution.
    Status = NetLibAsciiStrToIp4 (HostName, &HttpInstance->RemoteAddr);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      HostNameStr = AllocateZeroPool ((AsciiStrLen (HostName) + 1) * sizeof (UINT16));
      if (HostNameStr == NULL) {
        Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
        goto Error1;

      AsciiStrToUnicodeStr (HostName, HostNameStr);
      Status = HttpDns4 (HttpInstance, HostNameStr, &HttpInstance->RemoteAddr);
      FreePool (HostNameStr);
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        goto Error1;

    // Save the RemotePort and RemoteHost.
    ASSERT (HttpInstance->RemoteHost == NULL);
    HttpInstance->RemotePort = RemotePort;
    HttpInstance->RemoteHost = HostName;
    HostName = NULL;

  if (ReConfigure) {
    // The request URL is different from previous calls to Request(), close existing TCP instance.
    ASSERT (HttpInstance->Tcp4 != NULL);
    HttpCloseConnection (HttpInstance);
    EfiHttpCancel (This, NULL);

  // Wrap the HTTP token in HTTP_TOKEN_WRAP
  Wrap = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (HTTP_TOKEN_WRAP));
  if (Wrap == NULL) {
    goto Error1;

  Wrap->HttpToken      = Token;
  Wrap->HttpInstance   = HttpInstance;
  Wrap->TcpWrap.Method = Request->Method;

  if (Configure) {
    // Configure TCP instance.
    Status = HttpConfigureTcp4 (HttpInstance, Wrap);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto Error1;
    // Connect TCP.
    Status = HttpConnectTcp4 (HttpInstance);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto Error2;
  } else {
    // For the new HTTP token, create TX TCP token events.    
    Status = HttpCreateTcp4TxEvent (Wrap);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto Error1;

  // Create request message.
  RequestStr = HttpGenRequestString (HttpInstance, HttpMsg, Url);
  if (RequestStr == NULL) {
    goto Error3;

  Status = NetMapInsertTail (&HttpInstance->TxTokens, Token, Wrap);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto Error4;

  FreePool (Url);
  if (HostName != NULL) {
    FreePool (HostName);

  // Transmit the request message.
  Status = HttpTransmitTcp4 (
             (UINT8*) RequestStr,
             AsciiStrLen (RequestStr)
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    goto Error5;    

  return EFI_SUCCESS;

    NetMapRemoveTail (&HttpInstance->TxTokens, NULL);

  if (RequestStr != NULL) {
    FreePool (RequestStr);

  HttpCloseConnection (HttpInstance);

  HttpCloseTcp4ConnCloseEvent (HttpInstance);
  if (NULL != Wrap->TcpWrap.TxToken.CompletionToken.Event) {
    gBS->CloseEvent (Wrap->TcpWrap.TxToken.CompletionToken.Event);

  if (Url != NULL) {
    FreePool (Url);
  if (HostName != NULL) {
    FreePool (HostName);
  if (Wrap != NULL) {
    FreePool (Wrap);
  if (UrlParser!= NULL) {
    HttpUrlFreeParser (UrlParser);

  return Status;