qboolean NET_GetPacket (void)
	int 	ret;
	struct sockaddr_in	from;
	int		fromlen;

	fromlen = sizeof(from);
	ret = recvfrom (net_socket,(char *) huffbuff, sizeof(net_message_buffer), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen);
	if (ret == -1)
		int errno = WSAGetLastError();

		if (errno == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
			return false;
		Sys_Error ("NET_GetPacket: %s", strerror(errno));

	SockadrToNetadr (&from, &net_from);

	if (ret == sizeof(net_message_buffer) )
		Con_Printf ("Oversize packet from %s\n", NET_AdrToString (net_from));
		return false;

	LastCompMessageSize += ret;//keep track of bytes actually received for debugging

	HuffDecode(huffbuff, (unsigned char *)net_message_buffer,ret,&ret);
	net_message.cursize = ret;

	return ret;
void HuffEncode (const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int inlen, int *outlen)
	int	i, j, bitat;
	unsigned int	t;
	unsigned char	*buf;
	int	tlen;
#endif	/* _DEBUG_HUFFMAN */

	bitat = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < inlen; i++)
		t = HuffLookup[in[i]].bits;
		for (j = 0; j < HuffLookup[in[i]].len; j++)
			PutBit (out+1, bitat + HuffLookup[in[i]].len-j-1, t&1);
			t >>= 1;
		bitat += HuffLookup[in[i]].len;

	*outlen = 1 + (bitat + 7)/8;
	*out = 8 * ((*outlen)-1) - bitat;

	if (*outlen >= inlen+1)
		*out = 0xff;
		memcpy (out+1, in, inlen);
		*outlen = inlen+1;

	HuffIn += inlen;
	HuffOut += *outlen;
	HuffPrintf("in: %d  out: %d  ratio: %f\n", HuffIn, HuffOut, 1-(float)HuffOut/(float)HuffIn);
	CalcFreq(in, inlen);

	buf = (unsigned char *) malloc (inlen);
	HuffDecode (out, buf, *outlen, &tlen, inlen);
	if (tlen != inlen)
		Sys_Error("bogus compression");
	for (i = 0; i < inlen; i++)
		if (in[i] != buf[i])
			Sys_Error("bogus compression");
	free (buf);
#endif	/* _DEBUG_HUFFMAN */
void HuffEncode(unsigned char *in,unsigned char *out,int inlen,int *outlen)
	int i,j,bitat;
	unsigned int t;
	for (i=0;i<inlen;i++)
		for (j=0;j<HuffLookup[in[i]].len;j++)
	if(*outlen >= inlen+1)
#if _DEBUG


		unsigned char *buf;
		int tlen;
			Sys_Error("bogus compression");
		for (i=0;i<inlen;i++)
				Sys_Error("bogus compression");
void LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft4Comps() {
  uchar8 *draw = mRaw->getData();
  // First line
  HuffmanTable *dctbl1 = &huff[frame.compInfo[0].dcTblNo];
  HuffmanTable *dctbl2 = &huff[frame.compInfo[1].dcTblNo];
  HuffmanTable *dctbl3 = &huff[frame.compInfo[2].dcTblNo];
  HuffmanTable *dctbl4 = &huff[frame.compInfo[3].dcTblNo];

  //Prepare slices (for CR2)
  uint32 slices = (uint32)slicesW.size() * (frame.h - skipY);
  offset = new uint32[slices+1];

  uint32 t_y = 0;
  uint32 t_x = 0;
  uint32 t_s = 0;
  uint32 slice = 0;
  for (slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) {
    offset[slice] = ((t_x + offX) * mRaw->getBpp() + ((offY + t_y) * mRaw->pitch)) | (t_s << 28);
    _ASSERTE((offset[slice]&0x0fffffff) < mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y);
    if (t_y == (frame.h - skipY)) {
      t_y = 0;
      t_x += slicesW[t_s++];
  offset[slices] = offset[slices-1];        // Extra offset to avoid branch in loop.

  slice_width = new int[slices];

  // This is divided by comps, since comps pixels are processed at the time
  for (uint32 i = 0 ; i <  slicesW.size(); i++)
    slice_width[i] = slicesW[i] / COMPS;

  if (skipX)
    slice_width[slicesW.size()-1] -= skipX;

  // First pixels are obviously not predicted
  int p1;
  int p2;
  int p3;
  int p4;
  ushort16 *dest = (ushort16*) & draw[offset[0] & 0x0fffffff];
  ushort16 *predict = dest;
  *dest++ = p1 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl1);
  *dest++ = p2 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl2);
  *dest++ = p3 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl3);
  *dest++ = p4 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl4);

  slice = 1;
  uint32 pixInSlice = slice_width[0] - 1;

  uint32 cw = (frame.w - skipX);
  uint32 x = 1;                            // Skip first pixels on first line.

  for (uint32 y = 0;y < (frame.h - skipY);y++) {
    for (; x < cw ; x++) {
      p1 += HuffDecode(dctbl1);
      *dest++ = (ushort16)p1;

      p2 += HuffDecode(dctbl2);
      *dest++ = (ushort16)p2;

      p3 += HuffDecode(dctbl3);
      *dest++ = (ushort16)p3;

      p4 += HuffDecode(dctbl4);
      *dest++ = (ushort16)p4;

      if (0 == --pixInSlice) { // Next slice
        if (slice > slices)
          ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Ran out of slices");
        uint32 o = offset[slice++];
        dest = (ushort16*) & draw[o&0x0fffffff];  // Adjust destination for next pixel
        if((o&0x0fffffff) > mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y)
          ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Offset out of bounds");
        pixInSlice = slice_width[o>>28];
    if (skipX) {
      for (uint32 i = 0; i < skipX; i++) {
    p1 = predict[0];  // Predictors for next row
    p2 = predict[1];
    p3 = predict[2];  // Predictors for next row
    p4 = predict[3];
    predict = dest;  // Adjust destination for next prediction
    x = 0;
void LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft4_2_2() {
  _ASSERTE(slicesW.size() < 16);  // We only have 4 bits for slice number.
  _ASSERTE(!(slicesW.size() > 1 && skipX)); // Check if this is a valid state
  _ASSERTE(frame.compInfo[0].superH == 2);   // Check if this is a valid state
  _ASSERTE(frame.compInfo[0].superV == 1);   // Check if this is a valid state
  _ASSERTE(frame.compInfo[1].superH == 1);   // Check if this is a valid state
  _ASSERTE(frame.compInfo[1].superV == 1);   // Check if this is a valid state
  _ASSERTE(frame.compInfo[2].superH == 1);   // Check if this is a valid state
  _ASSERTE(frame.compInfo[2].superV == 1);   // Check if this is a valid state
  _ASSERTE(frame.cps == COMPS);
  _ASSERTE(skipX == 0);

  HuffmanTable *dctbl1 = &huff[frame.compInfo[0].dcTblNo];
  HuffmanTable *dctbl2 = &huff[frame.compInfo[1].dcTblNo];
  HuffmanTable *dctbl3 = &huff[frame.compInfo[2].dcTblNo];

  mRaw->subsampling.x = 2;
  mRaw->subsampling.y = 1;

  ushort16 *predict;      // Prediction pointer

  uchar8 *draw = mRaw->getData();

  //Prepare slices (for CR2)
  uint32 slices = (uint32)slicesW.size() * (frame.h - skipY);
  offset = new uint32[slices+1];

  uint32 t_y = 0;
  uint32 t_x = 0;
  uint32 t_s = 0;
  uint32 slice = 0;
  slice_width = new int[slices];

  // This is divided by comps, since comps pixels are processed at the time
  for (uint32 i = 0 ; i <  slicesW.size(); i++)
    slice_width[i] = slicesW[i] / 2;

  for (slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) {
    offset[slice] = ((t_x + offX) * mRaw->getBpp() + ((offY + t_y) * mRaw->pitch)) | (t_s << 28);
    _ASSERTE((offset[slice]&0x0fffffff) < mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y);
    t_y ++;
    if (t_y >= (frame.h - skipY)) {
      t_y = 0;
      t_x += slice_width[t_s++];
  offset[slices] = offset[slices-1];        // Extra offset to avoid branch in loop.

  if (skipX)
    slice_width[slicesW.size()-1] -= skipX;

  // Predictors for components
  ushort16 *dest = (ushort16*) & draw[offset[0] & 0x0fffffff];

  // Always points to next slice
  slice = 1;
  uint32 pixInSlice = slice_width[0];

  // Initialize predictors and decode one group.
  uint32 x = 0;
  int p1;
  int p2;
  int p3;
  // First pixel is not predicted, all other are.
  *dest = p1 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl1);
  p1 = dest[COMPS] = p1 + HuffDecode(dctbl1);
  predict = dest;

  dest[1] = p2 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl2);
  dest[2] = p3 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl3);

  // Skip to next
  dest += COMPS * 2;

  x = 2;
  pixInSlice -= 2;

  uint32 cw = (frame.w - skipX);
  for (uint32 y = 0;y < (frame.h - skipY);y++) {
    for (; x < cw ; x += 2) {

      if (0 == pixInSlice) { // Next slice
        if (slice > slices)
          ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Ran out of slices");
        uint32 o = offset[slice++];
        dest = (ushort16*) & draw[o&0x0fffffff];  // Adjust destination for next pixel
        if((o&0x0fffffff) > mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y)
          ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Offset out of bounds");
        pixInSlice = slice_width[o>>28];

        // If new are at the start of a new line, also update predictors.
        if (x == 0) {
          predict = dest;
      p1 += HuffDecode(dctbl1);
      *dest = p1;
      p1 += HuffDecode(dctbl1);
      dest[COMPS] = p1;

      dest[1] = p2 = p2 + HuffDecode(dctbl2);
      dest[2] = p3 = p3 + HuffDecode(dctbl3);

      dest += COMPS * 2;
      pixInSlice -= 2;

    // Update predictors
    p1 = predict[0];
    p2 = predict[1];
    p3 = predict[2];
    predict = dest;
    x = 0;
    // Check if we are still within the file.
void LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeftGeneric() {
  _ASSERTE(slicesW.size() < 16);  // We only have 4 bits for slice number.
  _ASSERTE(!(slicesW.size() > 1 && skipX)); // Check if this is a valid state

  uint32 comps = frame.cps;  // Components
  HuffmanTable *dctbl[4];   // Tables for up to 4 components
  ushort16 *predict;         // Prediction pointer
  /* Fast access to supersampling component settings
  * this is the number of components in a given block.
  uint32 samplesH[4];
  uint32 samplesV[4];

  uchar8 *draw = mRaw->getData();
  uint32 maxSuperH = 1;
  uint32 maxSuperV = 1;
  uint32 samplesComp[4]; // How many samples per group does this component have
  uint32 pixGroup = 0;   // How many pixels per group.

  for (uint32 i = 0; i < comps; i++) {
    dctbl[i] = &huff[frame.compInfo[i].dcTblNo];
    samplesH[i] = frame.compInfo[i].superH;
    if (!isPowerOfTwo(samplesH[i]))
      ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeftGeneric: Horizontal sampling is not power of two.");
    maxSuperH = max(samplesH[i], maxSuperH);
    samplesV[i] = frame.compInfo[i].superV;
    if (!isPowerOfTwo(samplesV[i]))
      ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeftGeneric: Vertical sampling is not power of two.");
    maxSuperV = max(samplesV[i], maxSuperV);
    samplesComp[i] = samplesV[i] * samplesH[i];
    pixGroup += samplesComp[i];

  mRaw->subsampling.x = maxSuperH;
  mRaw->subsampling.y = maxSuperV;

  //Prepare slices (for CR2)
  uint32 slices = (uint32)slicesW.size() * (frame.h - skipY) / maxSuperV;
  offset = new uint32[slices+1];

  uint32 t_y = 0;
  uint32 t_x = 0;
  uint32 t_s = 0;
  uint32 slice = 0;
  uint32 pitch_s = mRaw->pitch / 2;  // Pitch in shorts
  slice_width = new int[slices];

  // This is divided by comps, since comps pixels are processed at the time
  for (uint32 i = 0 ; i <  slicesW.size(); i++)
    slice_width[i] = slicesW[i] / pixGroup / maxSuperH; // This is a guess, but works for sRaw1+2.

  for (slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) {
    offset[slice] = ((t_x + offX) * mRaw->getBpp() + ((offY + t_y) * mRaw->pitch)) | (t_s << 28);
    _ASSERTE((offset[slice]&0x0fffffff) < mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y);
    t_y += maxSuperV;
    if (t_y >= (frame.h - skipY)) {
      t_y = 0;
      t_x += slice_width[t_s++];
  offset[slices] = offset[slices-1];        // Extra offset to avoid branch in loop.

  if (skipX)
    ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeftGeneric: Cannot skip right border in subsampled mode");

  // Predictors for components
  int p[4];
  ushort16 *dest = (ushort16*) & draw[offset[0] & 0x0fffffff];

  // Always points to next slice
  slice = 1;
  uint32 pixInSlice = slice_width[0];

  // Initialize predictors and decode one group.
  uint32 x = 0;
  predict = dest;
  for (uint32 i = 0; i < comps; i++) {
    for (uint32 y2 = 0; y2 < samplesV[i]; y2++) {
      for (uint32 x2 = 0; x2 < samplesH[i]; x2++) {
        // First pixel is not predicted, all other are.
        if (y2 == 0 && x2 == 0) {
          *dest = p[i] = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl[i]);
        } else {
          p[i] += HuffDecode(dctbl[i]);
          _ASSERTE(p[i] >= 0 && p[i] < 65536);
          dest[x2*comps+y2*pitch_s] = p[i];
    // Set predictor for this component
    // Next component

  // Increment destination to next group
  dest += (maxSuperH - 1) * comps;
  x = maxSuperH;
  pixInSlice -= maxSuperH;

  uint32 cw = (frame.w - skipX);
  for (uint32 y = 0;y < (frame.h - skipY);y += maxSuperV) {
    for (; x < cw ; x += maxSuperH) {

      if (0 == pixInSlice) { // Next slice
        if (slice > slices)
          ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Ran out of slices");
        uint32 o = offset[slice++];
        dest = (ushort16*) & draw[o&0x0fffffff];  // Adjust destination for next pixel
        if((o&0x0fffffff) > mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y)
          ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Offset out of bounds");
        pixInSlice = slice_width[o>>28];

        // If new are at the start of a new line, also update predictors.
        if (x == 0)
          predict = dest;

      for (uint32 i = 0; i < comps; i++) {
        for (uint32 y2 = 0; y2 < samplesV[i]; y2++) {
          for (uint32 x2 = 0; x2 < samplesH[i]; x2++) {
            p[i] += HuffDecode(dctbl[i]);
            _ASSERTE(p[i] >= 0 && p[i] < 65536);
            dest[x2*comps+y2*pitch_s] = p[i];
      dest += (maxSuperH * comps) - comps;
      pixInSlice -= maxSuperH;
    // Update predictors
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < comps; i++) {
      p[i] = predict[i];
      // Ensure, that there is a slice shift at new line
      if (!(pixInSlice == 0 || maxSuperV == 1))
        ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeftGeneric: Slice not placed at new line");
    // Check if we are still within the file.
    predict = dest;
    x = 0;
void LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft4Comps() {
  // First line
  HuffmanTable *dctbl1 = &huff[frame.compInfo[0].dcTblNo];
  HuffmanTable *dctbl2 = &huff[frame.compInfo[1].dcTblNo];
  HuffmanTable *dctbl3 = &huff[frame.compInfo[2].dcTblNo];
  HuffmanTable *dctbl4 = &huff[frame.compInfo[3].dcTblNo];

  if (mCanonDoubleHeight) {
    frame.h *= 2;
    mRaw->dim = iPoint2D(frame.w * 2, frame.h);
  uchar8 *draw = mRaw->getData();

  //Prepare slices (for CR2)
  uint32 slices = (uint32)slicesW.size() * (frame.h - skipY);
  offset = new uint32[slices+1];

  uint32 t_y = 0;
  uint32 t_x = 0;
  uint32 t_s = 0;
  uint32 slice = 0;
  for (slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) {
    offset[slice] = ((t_x + offX) * mRaw->getBpp() + ((offY + t_y) * mRaw->pitch)) | (t_s << 28);
    _ASSERTE((offset[slice]&0x0fffffff) < mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y);
    if (t_y == (frame.h - skipY)) {
      t_y = 0;
      t_x += slicesW[t_s++];
  // We check the final position. If bad slice sizes are given we risk writing outside the image
  if ((offset[slices-1]&0x0fffffff) >= mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y) {
    ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Last slice out of bounds");
  offset[slices] = offset[slices-1];        // Extra offset to avoid branch in loop.

  slice_width = new int[slices];

  // This is divided by comps, since comps pixels are processed at the time
  for (uint32 i = 0 ; i <  slicesW.size(); i++)
    slice_width[i] = slicesW[i] / COMPS;

  if (skipX)
    slice_width[slicesW.size()-1] -= skipX;

  // First pixels are obviously not predicted
  int p1;
  int p2;
  int p3;
  int p4;
  ushort16 *dest = (ushort16*) & draw[offset[0] & 0x0fffffff];
  ushort16 *predict = dest;
  *dest++ = p1 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl1);
  *dest++ = p2 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl2);
  *dest++ = p3 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl3);
  *dest++ = p4 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl4);

  slice = 1;
  uint32 pixInSlice = slice_width[0] - 1;

  uint32 cw = (frame.w - skipX);
  uint32 x = 1;                            // Skip first pixels on first line.

  if (mCanonDoubleHeight)
    skipY = frame.h >> 1;

  uint32 ch = (frame.h - skipY);

  // Fix for Canon 80D mraw format.
  // In that format, `frame` is 4032x3402, while `mRaw` is 4536x3024.
  // Consequently, the slices in `frame` wrap around (this is taken care of by
  // `offset`) and must be decoded fully (without skipY) to fill the image
  if (mWrappedCr2Slices)
    ch = frame.h;

  for (uint32 y = 0;y < ch;y++) {
    for (; x < cw ; x++) {
      p1 += HuffDecode(dctbl1);
      *dest++ = (ushort16)p1;

      p2 += HuffDecode(dctbl2);
      *dest++ = (ushort16)p2;

      p3 += HuffDecode(dctbl3);
      *dest++ = (ushort16)p3;

      p4 += HuffDecode(dctbl4);
      *dest++ = (ushort16)p4;

      if (0 == --pixInSlice) { // Next slice
        if (slice > slices)
          ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Ran out of slices");
        uint32 o = offset[slice++];
        dest = (ushort16*) & draw[o&0x0fffffff];  // Adjust destination for next pixel
        if((o&0x0fffffff) > mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y)
          ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Offset out of bounds");
        pixInSlice = slice_width[o>>28];
    if (skipX) {
      for (uint32 i = 0; i < skipX; i++) {
    p1 = predict[0];  // Predictors for next row
    p2 = predict[1];
    p3 = predict[2];  // Predictors for next row
    p4 = predict[3];
    predict = dest;  // Adjust destination for next prediction
    x = 0;
void LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft4_2_0() {
  _ASSERTE(slicesW.size() < 16);  // We only have 4 bits for slice number.
  _ASSERTE(!(slicesW.size() > 1 && skipX)); // Check if this is a valid state
  _ASSERTE(frame.compInfo[0].superH == 2);   // Check if this is a valid state
  _ASSERTE(frame.compInfo[0].superV == 2);   // Check if this is a valid state
  _ASSERTE(frame.compInfo[1].superH == 1);   // Check if this is a valid state
  _ASSERTE(frame.compInfo[1].superV == 1);   // Check if this is a valid state
  _ASSERTE(frame.compInfo[2].superH == 1);   // Check if this is a valid state
  _ASSERTE(frame.compInfo[2].superV == 1);   // Check if this is a valid state
  _ASSERTE(frame.cps == COMPS);
  _ASSERTE(skipX == 0);

  HuffmanTable *dctbl1 = &huff[frame.compInfo[0].dcTblNo];
  HuffmanTable *dctbl2 = &huff[frame.compInfo[1].dcTblNo];
  HuffmanTable *dctbl3 = &huff[frame.compInfo[2].dcTblNo];

  ushort16 *predict;      // Prediction pointer

  mRaw->metadata.subsampling.x = 2;
  mRaw->metadata.subsampling.y = 2;

  uchar8 *draw = mRaw->getData();
  // Fix for Canon 6D mRaw, which has flipped width & height
  uint32 real_h = mCanonFlipDim ? frame.w : frame.h;

  //Prepare slices (for CR2)
  uint32 slices = (uint32)slicesW.size() * (real_h - skipY) / 2;
  offset = new uint32[slices+1];

  uint32 t_y = 0;
  uint32 t_x = 0;
  uint32 t_s = 0;
  uint32 slice = 0;
  uint32 pitch_s = mRaw->pitch / 2;  // Pitch in shorts
  slice_width = new int[slices];

  // This is divided by comps, since comps pixels are processed at the time
  for (uint32 i = 0 ; i <  slicesW.size(); i++)
    slice_width[i] = slicesW[i] / COMPS;

  for (slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) {
    offset[slice] = ((t_x + offX) * mRaw->getBpp() + ((offY + t_y) * mRaw->pitch)) | (t_s << 28);
    _ASSERTE((offset[slice]&0x0fffffff) < mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y);
    t_y += 2;
    if (t_y >= (real_h- skipY)) {
      t_y = 0;
      t_x += slice_width[t_s++];

  // We check the final position. If bad slice sizes are given we risk writing outside the image
  if ((offset[slices-1]&0x0fffffff) >= mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y) {
    ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Last slice out of bounds");

  offset[slices] = offset[slices-1];        // Extra offset to avoid branch in loop.

  if (skipX)
    slice_width[slicesW.size()-1] -= skipX;

  // Predictors for components
  ushort16 *dest = (ushort16*) & draw[offset[0] & 0x0fffffff];

  // Always points to next slice
  slice = 1;
  uint32 pixInSlice = slice_width[0];

  // Initialize predictors and decode one group.
  uint32 x = 0;
  int p1;
  int p2;
  int p3;
  // First pixel is not predicted, all other are.
  *dest = p1 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl1);
  p1 = dest[COMPS] = p1 + HuffDecode(dctbl1);
  p1 = dest[pitch_s] = p1 + HuffDecode(dctbl1);
  p1 = dest[COMPS+pitch_s] = p1 + HuffDecode(dctbl1);
  predict = dest;

  dest[1] = p2 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl2);
  dest[2] = p3 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl3);

  // Skip next
  dest += COMPS * 2;

  x = 2;
  pixInSlice -= 2;

  uint32 cw = (frame.w - skipX);
  uint32 ch = (frame.h - skipY);

  // Fix for Canon 80D mraw format.
  // In that format, `frame` is 4032x3402, while `mRaw` is 4536x3024.
  // Consequently, the slices in `frame` wrap around (this is taken care of by
  // `offset`) and must be decoded fully (without skipY) to fill the image
  if (mWrappedCr2Slices)
    ch = frame.h;

  for (uint32 y = 0;y < ch;y += 2) {
    for (; x < cw ; x += 2) {

      if (0 == pixInSlice) { // Next slice
        if (slice > slices)
          ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Ran out of slices");
        uint32 o = offset[slice++];
        dest = (ushort16*) & draw[o&0x0fffffff];  // Adjust destination for next pixel
        _ASSERTE((o&0x0fffffff) < mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y);
        if((o&0x0fffffff) > mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y)
          ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Offset out of bounds");
        pixInSlice = slice_width[o>>28];

        // If new are at the start of a new line, also update predictors.
        if (x == 0) {
          predict = dest;
      p1 += HuffDecode(dctbl1);
      *dest = p1;
      p1 += HuffDecode(dctbl1);
      dest[COMPS] = p1;
      p1 += HuffDecode(dctbl1);
      dest[pitch_s] = p1;
      p1 += HuffDecode(dctbl1);
      dest[pitch_s+COMPS] = p1;

      dest[1] = p2 = p2 + HuffDecode(dctbl2);
      dest[2] = p3 = p3 + HuffDecode(dctbl3);

      dest += COMPS * 2;
      pixInSlice -= 2;

    // Update predictors
    p1 = predict[0];
    p2 = predict[1];
    p3 = predict[2];
    _ASSERTE(pixInSlice == 0);  // Ensure, that there is a slice shift at new line
    // Check if we are still within the file.

    x = 0;
void LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeftGeneric() {
  _ASSERTE(slicesW.size() < 16);  // We only have 4 bits for slice number.
  _ASSERTE(!(slicesW.size() > 1 && skipX)); // Check if this is a valid state

  uint32 comps = frame.cps;  // Components
  HuffmanTable *dctbl[4];   // Tables for up to 4 components
  ushort16 *predict;         // Prediction pointer
  /* Fast access to supersampling component settings
  * this is the number of components in a given block.
  uint32 samplesH[4];
  uint32 samplesV[4];

  uchar8 *draw = mRaw->getData();
  uint32 maxSuperH = 1;
  uint32 maxSuperV = 1;
  uint32 samplesComp[4]; // How many samples per group does this component have
  uint32 pixGroup = 0;   // How many pixels per group.

  for (uint32 i = 0; i < comps; i++) {
    dctbl[i] = &huff[frame.compInfo[i].dcTblNo];
    samplesH[i] = frame.compInfo[i].superH;
    if (!isPowerOfTwo(samplesH[i]))
      ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeftGeneric: Horizontal sampling is not power of two.");
    maxSuperH = max(samplesH[i], maxSuperH);
    samplesV[i] = frame.compInfo[i].superV;
    if (!isPowerOfTwo(samplesV[i]))
      ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeftGeneric: Vertical sampling is not power of two.");
    maxSuperV = max(samplesV[i], maxSuperV);
    samplesComp[i] = samplesV[i] * samplesH[i];
    pixGroup += samplesComp[i];

  mRaw->metadata.subsampling.x = maxSuperH;
  mRaw->metadata.subsampling.y = maxSuperV;

  //Prepare slices (for CR2)
  uint32 slices = (uint32)slicesW.size() * (frame.h - skipY) / maxSuperV;
  ushort16** imagePos = new ushort16*[slices+1];
  int* sliceWidth = new int[slices+1];

  uint32 t_y = 0;
  uint32 t_x = 0;
  uint32 t_s = 0;
  uint32 slice = 0;
  uint32 pitch_s = mRaw->pitch / 2;  // Pitch in shorts
  slice_width = new int[slices];

  // This is divided by comps, since comps pixels are processed at the time
  for (uint32 i = 0 ; i <  slicesW.size(); i++)
    slice_width[i] = slicesW[i] / pixGroup / maxSuperH; // This is a guess, but works for sRaw1+2.

  if (skipX && (maxSuperV > 1 || maxSuperH > 1)) {
    ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeftGeneric: Cannot skip right border in subsampled mode");
  if (skipX) {
    slice_width[slicesW.size()-1] -= skipX;

  for (slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) {
    imagePos[slice] = (ushort16*)&draw[(t_x + offX) * mRaw->getBpp() + ((offY + t_y) * mRaw->pitch)];
    sliceWidth[slice] = slice_width[t_s];
    t_y += maxSuperV;
    if (t_y >= (frame.h - skipY)) {
      t_y = 0;
      t_x += slice_width[t_s++];
  delete[] slice_width;
  slice_width = NULL;

  // We check the final position. If bad slice sizes are given we risk writing outside the image
  if (imagePos[slices-1] >= (ushort16*)&mRaw->getData()[mRaw->pitch * mRaw->dim.y]) {
    ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Last slice out of bounds");
  imagePos[slices] = imagePos[slices-1];      // Extra offset to avoid branch in loop.
  sliceWidth[slices] = sliceWidth[slices-1];        // Extra offset to avoid branch in loop.

  // Predictors for components
  int p[4];
  ushort16 *dest = imagePos[0];

  // Always points to next slice
  slice = 1;
  uint32 pixInSlice = sliceWidth[0];

  // Initialize predictors and decode one group.
  uint32 x = 0;
  predict = dest;
  for (uint32 i = 0; i < comps; i++) {
    for (uint32 y2 = 0; y2 < samplesV[i]; y2++) {
      for (uint32 x2 = 0; x2 < samplesH[i]; x2++) {
        // First pixel is not predicted, all other are.
        if (y2 == 0 && x2 == 0) {
          *dest = p[i] = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl[i]);
        } else {
          p[i] += HuffDecode(dctbl[i]);
          _ASSERTE(p[i] >= 0 && p[i] < 65536);
          dest[x2*comps+y2*pitch_s] = p[i];
    // Set predictor for this component
    // Next component

  // Increment destination to next group
  dest += (maxSuperH - 1) * comps;
  x = maxSuperH;
  pixInSlice -= maxSuperH;

  uint32 cw = (frame.w - skipX);
  uint32 ch = (frame.h - skipY);

  // Fix for Canon 80D mraw format.
  // In that format, `frame` is 4032x3402, while `mRaw` is 4536x3024.
  // Consequently, the slices in `frame` wrap around (this is taken care of by
  // `offset`) and must be decoded fully (without skipY) to fill the image
  if (mWrappedCr2Slices)
    ch = frame.h;

  for (uint32 y = 0;y < ch;y += maxSuperV) {
    for (; x < cw ; x += maxSuperH) {

      if (0 == pixInSlice) { // Next slice
        if (slice > slices)
          ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Ran out of slices");
        pixInSlice = sliceWidth[slice];
        dest = imagePos[slice];  // Adjust destination for next pixel

        // If new are at the start of a new line, also update predictors.
        if (x == 0)
          predict = dest;

      for (uint32 i = 0; i < comps; i++) {
        for (uint32 y2 = 0; y2 < samplesV[i]; y2++) {
          for (uint32 x2 = 0; x2 < samplesH[i]; x2++) {
            p[i] += HuffDecode(dctbl[i]);
            _ASSERTE(p[i] >= 0 && p[i] < 65536);
            dest[x2*comps+y2*pitch_s] = p[i];
      dest += (maxSuperH * comps) - comps;
      pixInSlice -= maxSuperH;

    if (skipX) {
      for (uint32 sx = 0; sx < skipX; sx++) {
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < comps; i++) {

    // Update predictors
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < comps; i++) {
      p[i] = predict[i];
      // Ensure, that there is a slice shift at new line
      if (!(pixInSlice == 0 || maxSuperV == 1))
        ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeftGeneric: Slice not placed at new line");
    // Check if we are still within the file.
    predict = dest;
    x = 0;
  delete[] imagePos;
  delete[] sliceWidth;
void LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft2Comps() {
  _ASSERTE(slicesW.size() < 16);  // We only have 4 bits for slice number.
  _ASSERTE(!(slicesW.size() > 1 && skipX)); // Check if this is a valid state

  uchar8 *draw = mRaw->getData();
  // First line
  HuffmanTable *dctbl1 = &huff[frame.compInfo[0].dcTblNo];
  HuffmanTable *dctbl2 = &huff[frame.compInfo[1].dcTblNo];

  //Prepare slices (for CR2)
  uint32 slices = (uint32)slicesW.size() * (frame.h - skipY);
  offset = new uint32[slices+1];

  uint32 t_y = 0;
  uint32 t_x = 0;
  uint32 t_s = 0;
  uint32 slice = 0;
  uint32 cw = (frame.w - skipX);
  for (slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) {
    offset[slice] = ((t_x + offX) * mRaw->getBpp() + ((offY + t_y) * mRaw->pitch)) | (t_s << 28);
    _ASSERTE((offset[slice]&0x0fffffff) < mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y);
    if (t_y == (frame.h - skipY)) {
      t_y = 0;
      t_x += slicesW[t_s++];
  // We check the final position. If bad slice sizes are given we risk writing outside the image
  if ((offset[slices-1]&0x0fffffff) >= mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y) {
    ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Last slice out of bounds");
  offset[slices] = offset[slices-1];        // Extra offset to avoid branch in loop.

  slice_width = new int[slices];

  // This is divided by comps, since comps pixels are processed at the time
  for (uint32 i = 0 ; i <  slicesW.size(); i++)
    slice_width[i] = slicesW[i] / COMPS;

  if (skipX)
    slice_width[slicesW.size()-1] -= skipX;

  // First pixels are obviously not predicted
  int p1;
  int p2;
  ushort16 *dest = (ushort16*) & draw[offset[0] & 0x0fffffff];
  ushort16 *predict = dest;
  *dest++ = p1 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl1);
  *dest++ = p2 = (1 << (frame.prec - Pt - 1)) + HuffDecode(dctbl2);

  slice = 1;    // Always points to next slice
  uint32 pixInSlice = slice_width[0] - 1;  // Skip first pixel

  uint32 x = 1;                            // Skip first pixels on first line.
  for (uint32 y = 0;y < (frame.h - skipY);y++) {
    for (; x < cw ; x++) {
      int diff = HuffDecode(dctbl1);
      p1 += diff;
      *dest++ = (ushort16)p1;
  //    _ASSERTE(p1 >= 0 && p1 < 65536);

      diff = HuffDecode(dctbl2);
      p2 += diff;
      *dest++ = (ushort16)p2;
//      _ASSERTE(p2 >= 0 && p2 < 65536);

      if (0 == --pixInSlice) { // Next slice
        if (slice > slices)
          ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Ran out of slices");
        uint32 o = offset[slice++];
        dest = (ushort16*) & draw[o&0x0fffffff];  // Adjust destination for next pixel
        if((o&0x0fffffff) > mRaw->pitch*mRaw->dim.y)
          ThrowRDE("LJpegPlain::decodeScanLeft: Offset out of bounds");
        pixInSlice = slice_width[o>>28];

    if (skipX) {
      for (uint32 i = 0; i < skipX; i++) {

    p1 = predict[0];  // Predictors for next row
    p2 = predict[1];
    predict = dest;  // Adjust destination for next prediction
    x = 0;