文件: inp2z.c 项目: Anastien/ngspice
void INP2Z(CKTcircuit *ckt, INPtables * tab, card * current)

    /* Zname <node> <node> <node> <model> [<val>] [OFF] [IC=<val>,<val>] */

    int type;			/* the type the model says it is */
    char *line;			/* the part of the current line left to parse */
    char *name;			/* the resistor's name */
    char *nname1;		/* the first node's name */
    char *nname2;		/* the second node's name */
    char *nname3;		/* the third node's name */
    CKTnode *node1;		/* the first node's node pointer */
    CKTnode *node2;		/* the second node's node pointer */
    CKTnode *node3;		/* the third node's node pointer */
    int error;			/* error code temporary */
    GENinstance *fast;		/* pointer to the actual instance */
    IFvalue ptemp;		/* a value structure to package resistance into */
    int waslead;		/* flag to indicate that funny unlabeled number was found */
    double leadval;		/* actual value of unlabeled number */
    char *model;		/* the name of the model */
    INPmodel *thismodel;	/* pointer to model description for user's model */
    GENmodel *mdfast;		/* pointer to the actual model */
    IFuid uid;			/* uid for default model */

    line = current->line;
    INPgetTok(&line, &name, 1);
    INPinsert(&name, tab);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname1, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname1, tab, &node1);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname2, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname2, tab, &node2);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname3, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname3, tab, &node3);
    INPgetTok(&line, &model, 1);
    INPinsert(&model, tab);
    thismodel = NULL;
    current->error = INPgetMod(ckt, model, &thismodel, tab);
    if (thismodel != NULL) {
		if (   thismodel->INPmodType != INPtypelook("MES") 
    		    && thismodel->INPmodType != INPtypelook("MESA")
    		    && thismodel->INPmodType != INPtypelook("HFET1")
    		    && thismodel->INPmodType != INPtypelook("HFET2")) 
            LITERR("incorrect model type");
	type = thismodel->INPmodType;
	mdfast = (thismodel->INPmodfast);
    } else {
     type = INPtypelook("MES");
	if (type < 0 ) {
			LITERR("Device type MES not supported by this binary\n");
	if (!tab->defZmod) {
	    /* create default Z model */
	    IFnewUid(ckt, &uid, NULL, "Z", UID_MODEL, NULL);
	    IFC(newModel, (ckt, type, &(tab->defZmod), uid));
	mdfast = tab->defZmod;
    IFC(newInstance, (ckt, mdfast, &fast, name));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 1, node1));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 2, node2));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 3, node3));
    PARSECALL((&line, ckt, type, fast, &leadval, &waslead, tab));
  /* use type - not thismodel->INPmodType as it might not exist! */
    /* FIXME: Why do we need checking for type here? */
    if ( (waslead) && ( type /*thismodel->INPmodType*/ != INPtypelook("MES") ) ) {
	ptemp.rValue = leadval;
	GCA(INPpName, ("area", &ptemp, ckt, type, fast));
文件: inp2w.c 项目: Anastien/ngspice
void INP2W(CKTcircuit *ckt, INPtables * tab, card * current)

    /* Wname <node> <node> <vctrl> [<modname>] [IC] */

    int mytype;			/* the type we determine resistors are */
    int type;			/* the type the model says it is */
    char *line;			/* the part of the current line left to parse */
    char *name;			/* the resistor's name */
    char *model;		/* the name of the resistor's model */
    char *nname1;		/* the first node's name */
    char *nname2;		/* the second node's name */
    CKTnode *node1;		/* the first node's node pointer */
    CKTnode *node2;		/* the second node's node pointer */
    int error;			/* error code temporary */
    INPmodel *thismodel;	/* pointer to model structure describing our model */
    GENmodel *mdfast;		/* pointer to the actual model */
    GENinstance *fast;		/* pointer to the actual instance */
    IFvalue ptemp;		/* a value structure to package resistance into */
    IFvalue *parm;		/* pointer to a value structure for functions to return */
    int waslead;		/* flag to indicate that funny unlabeled number was found */
    double leadval;		/* actual value of unlabeled number */
    IFuid uid;			/* uid for default model */

    mytype = INPtypelook("CSwitch");
    if (mytype < 0) {
	LITERR("Device type CSwitch not supported by this binary\n");
    line = current->line;
    INPgetTok(&line, &name, 1);
    INPinsert(&name, tab);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname1, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname1, tab, &node1);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname2, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname2, tab, &node2);
    parm = INPgetValue(ckt, &line, IF_INSTANCE, tab);
    ptemp.uValue = parm->uValue;

    INPgetTok(&line, &model, 1);
    INPinsert(&model, tab);
    current->error = INPgetMod(ckt, model, &thismodel, tab);
    if (thismodel != NULL) {
	if (mytype != thismodel->INPmodType) {
	    LITERR("incorrect model type");
	type = mytype;
	mdfast = (thismodel->INPmodfast);
    } else {
	type = mytype;
	if (!tab->defWmod) {
	    /* create deafult W model */
	    IFnewUid(ckt, &uid, NULL, "W", UID_MODEL, NULL);
	    IFC(newModel, (ckt, type, &(tab->defWmod), uid));
	mdfast = tab->defWmod;
    IFC(newInstance, (ckt, mdfast, &fast, name));

    GCA(INPpName, ("control", &ptemp, ckt, type, fast));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 1, node1));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 2, node2));
    PARSECALL((&line, ckt, type, fast, &leadval, &waslead, tab));
    if (waslead) {
	/* ignore a number */
void INP2S(void *ckt, INPtables * tab, card * current)

    /* Sname <node> <node> <node> <node> [<modname>] [IC] */

    int mytype;			/* the type we determine resistors are */
    int type;			/* the type the model says it is */
    char *line;			/* the part of the current line left to parse */
    char *name;			/* the resistor's name */
    char *model;		/* the name of the resistor's model */
    char *nname1;		/* the first node's name */
    char *nname2;		/* the second node's name */
    char *nname3;		/* the third node's name */
    char *nname4;		/* the fourth node's name */
    void *node1;		/* the first node's node pointer */
    void *node2;		/* the second node's node pointer */
    void *node3;		/* the third node's node pointer */
    void *node4;		/* the fourth node's node pointer */
    int error;			/* error code temporary */
    INPmodel *thismodel;	/* pointer to model structure describing our model */
    void *mdfast;		/* pointer to the actual model */
    void *fast;			/* pointer to the actual instance */
    int waslead;		/* flag to indicate that funny unlabeled number was found */
    double leadval;		/* actual value of unlabeled number */
    IFuid uid;			/* uid of default model */

    mytype = INPtypelook("Switch");
    if (mytype < 0) {
	LITERR("Device type Switch not supported by this binary\n");
    line = current->line;
    INPgetTok(&line, &name, 1);
    INPinsert(&name, tab);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname1, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname1, tab, &node1);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname2, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname2, tab, &node2);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname3, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname3, tab, &node3);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname4, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname4, tab, &node4);
    INPgetTok(&line, &model, 1);
    INPinsert(&model, tab);
    current->error = INPgetMod(ckt, model, &thismodel, tab);
    if (thismodel != NULL) {
	if (mytype != thismodel->INPmodType) {
	    LITERR("incorrect model type");
	type = mytype;
	mdfast = (thismodel->INPmodfast);
    } else {
	type = mytype;
	if (!tab->defSmod) {
	    /* create deafult S model */
	    IFnewUid(ckt, &uid, (IFuid) NULL, "S", UID_MODEL,
		     (void **) NULL);
	    IFC(newModel, (ckt, type, &(tab->defSmod), uid));
	mdfast = tab->defSmod;
    IFC(newInstance, (ckt, mdfast, &fast, name));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 1, node1));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 2, node2));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 3, node3));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 4, node4));
    PARSECALL((&line, ckt, type, fast, &leadval, &waslead, tab));
    if (waslead) {
	/* ignore a number */
void INP2O(CKTcircuit *ckt, INPtables * tab, card * current)

    /* Oname <node> <node> <node> <node> [IC=<val>,<val>,<val>,<val>] */

    int type;			/* the type the model says it is */
    char *line;			/* the part of the current line left to parse */
    char *name;			/* the resistor's name */
    char *nname1;		/* the first node's name */
    char *nname2;		/* the second node's name */
    char *nname3;		/* the third node's name */
    char *nname4;		/* the fourth node's name */
    CKTnode *node1;		/* the first node's node pointer */
    CKTnode *node2;		/* the second node's node pointer */
    CKTnode *node3;		/* the third node's node pointer */
    CKTnode *node4;		/* the fourth node's node pointer */
    int error;			/* error code temporary */
    GENinstance *fast;		/* pointer to the actual instance */
    int waslead;		/* flag to indicate that funny unlabeled number was found */
    double leadval;		/* actual value of unlabeled number */
    char *model;		/* the name of the model */
    INPmodel *thismodel;	/* pointer to model description for user's model */
    GENmodel *mdfast;		/* pointer to the actual model */
    IFuid uid;			/* uid for default model */

    type = INPtypelook("LTRA");
    if (type < 0) {
        LITERR("Device type LossyXmissionLine not supported by this binary\n");
    line = current->line;
    INPgetTok(&line, &name, 1);
    INPinsert(&name, tab);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname1, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname1, tab, &node1);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname2, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname2, tab, &node2);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname3, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname3, tab, &node3);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname4, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname4, tab, &node4);
    INPgetTok(&line, &model, 1);
    if (INPlookMod(model)) {
        /* do nothing for now */
        /* no action required */
    } else {
           nname4 = model;
    INPinsert(&model, tab);
    current->error = INPgetMod(ckt, model, &thismodel, tab);
    if (thismodel != NULL) {
        if (type != thismodel->INPmodType) {
            LITERR("incorrect model type");
        mdfast = (thismodel->INPmodfast);
    } else {
        if (!tab->defOmod) {
            /* create default O model */
            IFnewUid(ckt, &uid, NULL, "O", UID_MODEL, NULL);
            IFC(newModel, (ckt, type, &(tab->defOmod), uid));
        mdfast = tab->defOmod;
    IFC(newInstance, (ckt, mdfast, &fast, name));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 1, node1));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 2, node2));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 3, node3));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 4, node4));
    PARSECALL((&line, ckt, type, fast, &leadval, &waslead, tab));
文件: inp2d.c 项目: Anastien/ngspice
void INP2D(CKTcircuit *ckt, INPtables * tab, card * current)

/* Dname <node> <node> <model> [<val>] [OFF] [IC=<val>] */

    int mytype;			/* the type we looked up */
    int type;			/* the type the model says it is */
    char *line;			/* the part of the current line left to parse */
    char *name;			/* the resistor's name */
    char *nname1;		/* the first node's name */
    char *nname2;		/* the second node's name */
    CKTnode *node1;		/* the first node's node pointer */
    CKTnode *node2;		/* the second node's node pointer */
    int error;			/* error code temporary */
    GENinstance *fast;		/* pointer to the actual instance */
    IFvalue ptemp;		/* a value structure to package resistance into */
    int waslead;		/* flag to indicate that funny unlabeled number was found */
    double leadval;		/* actual value of unlabeled number */
    char *model;		/* the name of the model */
    INPmodel *thismodel;	/* pointer to model description for user's model */
    GENmodel *mdfast;		/* pointer to the actual model */
    IFuid uid;			/* uid of default model */

    mytype = INPtypelook("Diode");
    if (mytype < 0) {
	LITERR("Device type Diode not supported by this binary\n");
    line = current->line;
    INPgetTok(&line, &name, 1);
    INPinsert(&name, tab);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname1, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname1, tab, &node1);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname2, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname2, tab, &node2);
    INPgetTok(&line, &model, 1);
    INPinsert(&model, tab);
    current->error = INPgetMod(ckt, model, &thismodel, tab);
    if (thismodel != NULL) {
	if ((mytype != thismodel->INPmodType)

#ifdef CIDER
                      && (thismodel->INPmodType != INPtypelook("NUMD"))
                      && (thismodel->INPmodType != INPtypelook("NUMD2"))
	    LITERR("incorrect model type");
	type = thismodel->INPmodType; /*HT 050903*/
	mdfast = (thismodel->INPmodfast);
    } else {
	type = mytype;
	if (!tab->defDmod) {
	    /* create default D model */
	    IFnewUid(ckt, &uid, NULL, "D", UID_MODEL, NULL);
	    IFC(newModel, (ckt, type, &(tab->defDmod), uid));
	mdfast = tab->defDmod;
    IFC(newInstance, (ckt, mdfast, &fast, name));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 1, node1));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 2, node2));
    PARSECALL((&line, ckt, type, fast, &leadval, &waslead, tab));
    if (waslead) {

#ifdef CIDER
    	if( type == INPtypelook("NUMD2") ) {
            LITERR(" error:  no unlabelled parameter permitted on NUMD2\n");
	} else {
	ptemp.rValue = leadval;
	GCA(INPpName, ("area", &ptemp, ckt, type, fast));
#ifdef CIDER    
文件: inp2c.c 项目: imr/ngspice
void INP2C(CKTcircuit *ckt, INPtables * tab, struct card *current)

/* parse a capacitor card */
/* Cname <node> <node> [<val>] [<mname>] [IC=<val>] */

    static int mytype = -1; /* the type we determine capacitors are */
    int type = 0;        /* the type the model says it is */
    char *line;          /* the part of the current line left to parse */
    char *saveline;      /* ... just in case we need to go back... */
    char *name;          /* the resistor's name */
    char *model;         /* the name of the capacitor's model */
    char *nname1;        /* the first node's name */
    char *nname2;        /* the second node's name */
    CKTnode *node1;      /* the first node's node pointer */
    CKTnode *node2;      /* the second node's node pointer */
    double val;          /* temp to held resistance */
    int error;           /* error code temporary */
    int error1;          /* secondary error code temporary */
    INPmodel *thismodel; /* pointer to model structure describing our model */
    GENmodel *mdfast = NULL; /* pointer to the actual model */
    GENinstance *fast;   /* pointer to the actual instance */
    IFvalue ptemp;       /* a value structure to package resistance into */
    int waslead;         /* flag to indicate that funny unlabeled number was found */
    double leadval;      /* actual value of unlabeled number */
    IFuid uid;           /* uid for default cap model */

#ifdef TRACE
    printf("In INP2C, Current line: %s\n", current->line);

    if (mytype < 0) {
        if ((mytype = INPtypelook("Capacitor")) < 0) {
            LITERR("Device type Capacitor not supported by this binary\n");
    line = current->line;
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &name, 1);
    INPinsert(&name, tab);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname1, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname1, tab, &node1);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname2, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname2, tab, &node2);
    val = INPevaluate(&line, &error1, 1);
    saveline = line;
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &model, 1);
    if (*model && (strcmp(model, "c") != 0)) {
    /* token isn't null */
      if (INPlookMod(model)) {
          /* If this is a valid model connect it */
          INPinsert(&model, tab);
          current->error = INPgetMod(ckt, model, &thismodel, tab);
          if (thismodel != NULL) {
          if (mytype != thismodel->INPmodType) {
              LITERR("incorrect model type");
          mdfast = thismodel->INPmodfast;
          type = thismodel->INPmodType;
      } else {
          /* It is not a model */
          line = saveline;    /* go back */
          type = mytype;
          if (!tab->defCmod) {    /* create default C model */
          IFnewUid(ckt, &uid, NULL, "C", UID_MODEL, NULL);
          IFC(newModel, (ckt, type, &(tab->defCmod), uid));
          mdfast = tab->defCmod;
      IFC(newInstance, (ckt, mdfast, &fast, name));
    } else {
      /* The token is null and a default model will be created */
      type = mytype;
      if (!tab->defCmod) {
          /* create default C model */
          IFnewUid(ckt, &uid, NULL, "C", UID_MODEL, NULL);
          IFC(newModel, (ckt, type, &(tab->defCmod), uid));
      IFC(newInstance, (ckt, tab->defCmod, &fast, name));
      if (error1 == 1) {		/* was a c=val construction */
        val = INPevaluate(&line, &error1, 1);	/* [<val>] */
#ifdef TRACE
        printf ("In INP2C, C=val construction: val=%g\n", val);
    if (error1 == 0) {        /* Looks like a number */
      ptemp.rValue = val;
      GCA(INPpName, ("capacitance", &ptemp, ckt, type, fast));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 1, node1));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 2, node2));
    PARSECALL((&line, ckt, type, fast, &leadval, &waslead, tab));
    if (waslead) {
      ptemp.rValue = leadval;
      GCA(INPpName, ("capacitance", &ptemp, ckt, type, fast));

void INP2R(void *ckt, INPtables * tab, card * current)
/* parse a resistor card */
/* Rname <node> <node> [<val>][<mname>][w=<val>][l=<val>][ac=<val>] */

    int mytype;			/* the type we determine resistors are */
    int type = 0;		/* the type the model says it is */
    char *line;			/* the part of the current line left to parse */
    char *saveline;		/* ... just in case we need to go back... */
    char *name;			/* the resistor's name */
    char *model;		/* the name of the resistor's model */
    char *nname1;		/* the first node's name */
    char *nname2;		/* the second node's name */
    void *node1;		/* the first node's node pointer */
    void *node2;		/* the second node's node pointer */
    double val;			/* temp to held resistance */
    int error;			/* error code temporary */
    int error1;			/* secondary error code temporary */
    INPmodel *thismodel;	/* pointer to model structure describing our model */
    void *mdfast = NULL;	/* pointer to the actual model */
    void *fast;			/* pointer to the actual instance */
    IFvalue ptemp;		/* a value structure to package resistance into */
    int waslead;		/* flag to indicate that funny unlabeled number was found */
    double leadval;		/* actual value of unlabeled number */
    IFuid uid;			/* uid for default model */

    char *s,*t;/* Temporary buffer and pointer for translation */
    int i;
#ifdef TRACE
    printf("In INP2R()\n");
    printf("  Current line: %s\n",current->line);

    mytype = INPtypelook("Resistor");
    if (mytype < 0) {
	LITERR("Device type Resistor not supported by this binary\n");
    line = current->line;
    INPgetTok(&line, &name, 1);			/* Rname */
    INPinsert(&name, tab);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname1, 1);		/* <node> */
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname1, tab, &node1);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname2, 1);		/* <node> */
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname2, tab, &node2);
    val = INPevaluate(&line, &error1, 1);	/* [<val>] */
    /* either not a number -> model, or
     * follows a number, so must be a model name
     * -> MUST be a model name (or null)
    saveline = line;		/* save then old pointer */
#ifdef TRACE
    printf("Begining tc=xxx yyyy search and translation in '%s'\n", line);
#endif /* TRACE */    
    /* This routine translates "tc=xxx yyy" to "tc=xxx tc2=yyy".
       This is a re-write of the routine originally proposed by Hitoshi tanaka.
       In my version we simply look for the first occurence of 'tc' followed
       by '=' followed by two numbers. If we find it then we splice in "tc2=".
       sjb - 2005-05-09 */
    for(s=line; *s; s++) { /* scan the remainder of the line */
	/* reject anything other than "tc" */
	if(*s!='t') continue;
	if(*s!='c') continue;
	/* skip any white space */
	while(isspace(*s)) s++;
	/* reject if not '=' */
	if(*s!='=') continue;
	/* skip any white space */
	while(isspace(*s)) s++;
	/* if we now have +, - or a decimal digit then assume we have a number,
	   otherwise reject */
	if((*s!='+') && (*s!='-') && !isdigit(*s)) continue;
	/* look for next white space or null */
	while(!isspace(*s) && *s) s++;
	/* reject whole line if null (i.e not white space) */
	if(*s==0) break;
	/* remember this location in the line.
	   Note that just before this location is a white space character. */
	t = s;
	/* skip any additional white space */
	while(isspace(*s)) s++;
	/* if we now have +, - or a decimal digit then assume we have the 
	    second number, otherwise reject */
	if((*s!='+') && (*s!='-') && !isdigit(*s)) continue;
	/* if we get this far we have met all are criterea,
	   so now we splice in a "tc2=" at the location remembered above. */
	/* first alocate memory for the new longer line */
	i = strlen(current->line);  /* length of existing line */	
	line = tmalloc(i + 4 + 1);  /* alocate enough for "tc2=" & terminating NULL */
	if(line == NULL) {
	    /* failed to allocate memory so we recover rather crudely
	       by rejecting the translation */
	    line = saveline;
	/* copy first part of line */
	i -= strlen(t);
	line[i]=0;  /* terminate */
	/* add "tc2=" */
	strcat(line, "tc2=");
	/* add rest of line */
	strcat(line, t);
	/* calculate our saveline position in the new line */
	saveline = line + (saveline - current->line);
	/* replace old line with new */
	current->line = line;
	line = saveline;
#ifdef TRACE
    printf("(Translated) Res line: %s\n",current->line);

    INPgetTok(&line, &model, 1);

    if (*model) {
	/* token isn't null */
	if (INPlookMod(model)) {
	    /* If this is a valid model connect it */
	    INPinsert(&model, tab);
	    thismodel = (INPmodel *) NULL;
	    current->error = INPgetMod(ckt, model, &thismodel, tab);
	    if (thismodel != NULL) {
		if (mytype != thismodel->INPmodType) {
		    LITERR("incorrect model type for resistor");
		mdfast = thismodel->INPmodfast;
		type = thismodel->INPmodType;
	} else {
	    /* It is not a model */
	    line = saveline;	/* go back */
	    type = mytype;
	    if (!tab->defRmod) {	/* create default R model */
		IFnewUid(ckt, &uid, (IFuid) NULL, "R", UID_MODEL,
			 (void **) NULL);
		IFC(newModel, (ckt, type, &(tab->defRmod), uid));
	    mdfast = tab->defRmod;
	IFC(newInstance, (ckt, mdfast, &fast, name));
    } else {
	/* The token is null and a default model will be created */
	type = mytype;
	if (!tab->defRmod) {
	    /* create default R model */
	    IFnewUid(ckt, &uid, (IFuid) NULL, "R", UID_MODEL,
		     (void **) NULL);
	    IFC(newModel, (ckt, type, &(tab->defRmod), uid));
	IFC(newInstance, (ckt, tab->defRmod, &fast, name));

    if (error1 == 0) {		/* got a resistance above */
	ptemp.rValue = val;
	GCA(INPpName, ("resistance", &ptemp, ckt, type, fast))
void INP2U(void *ckt, INPtables * tab, card * current)

    /* Uname <node> <node> <model> [l=<val>] [n=<val>] */

    int mytype;			/* the type my lookup says URC is */
    int type;			/* the type the model says it is */
    char *line;			/* the part of the current line left to parse */
    char *name;			/* the resistor's name */
    char *nname1;		/* the first node's name */
    char *nname2;		/* the second node's name */
    char *nname3;		/* the third node's name */
    void *node1;		/* the first node's node pointer */
    void *node2;		/* the second node's node pointer */
    void *node3;		/* the third node's node pointer */
    int error;			/* error code temporary */
    void *fast;			/* pointer to the actual instance */
    int waslead;		/* flag to indicate that funny unlabeled number was found */
    double leadval;		/* actual value of unlabeled number */
    char *model;		/* name of the model */
    INPmodel *thismodel;	/* pointer to our model descriptor */
    void *mdfast;		/* pointer to the actual model */
    IFuid uid;			/* uid for default model */

    mytype = INPtypelook("URC");
    if (mytype < 0) {
	LITERR("Device type URC not supported by this binary\n");
    line = current->line;
    INPgetTok(&line, &name, 1);
    INPinsert(&name, tab);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname1, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname1, tab, &node1);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname2, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname2, tab, &node2);
    INPgetNetTok(&line, &nname3, 1);
    INPtermInsert(ckt, &nname3, tab, &node3);
    INPgetTok(&line, &model, 1);
    INPinsert(&model, tab);
    current->error = INPgetMod(ckt, model, &thismodel, tab);
    if (thismodel != NULL) {
	if (mytype != thismodel->INPmodType) {
	    LITERR("incorrect model type");
	type = mytype;
	mdfast = (thismodel->INPmodfast);
    } else {
	type = mytype;
	if (!tab->defUmod) {
	    /* create deafult U model */
	    IFnewUid(ckt, &uid, (IFuid) NULL, "U", UID_MODEL,
		     (void **) NULL);
	    IFC(newModel, (ckt, type, &(tab->defUmod), uid));
	mdfast = tab->defUmod;
    IFC(newInstance, (ckt, mdfast, &fast, name));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 1, node1));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 2, node2));
    IFC(bindNode, (ckt, fast, 3, node3));
    PARSECALL((&line, ckt, type, fast, &leadval, &waslead, tab));