void rewrite_jumps(uint8_t *code_ref, jump_type *jump_list,
                   hashtable_type *labels) {
    vm_int target = 0;
    vm_int *label_addr = 0;

        /* rewrite jumps */
    while(jump_list) {

        /* look up label */
        if(!hash_get(labels, jump_list->label, (void **)&label_addr)) {
            printf("Undefined jump to '%s' @ %" PRIi64 " on line %" PRIi64 "\n", jump_list->label, jump_list->addr, jump_list->lineno);

        /* convert to relative address */
        target = *label_addr - jump_list->addr;
        target -= 8; /* adjust for addr field */

        /* get bytes, there should be 8 */
        uint8_t addr[] = { INT_64(target)};
        /* write bytes into code_ref */
        for(int i=0; i < 8; i++) {
            code_ref[jump_list->addr + i] = addr[i];
        jump_list = jump_list->next;

void asm_jump(gc_type *gc, buffer_type *buf,
              yyscan_t *scanner, jump_type **jump_list) {

    static int init = 0;
    static gc_type_def jump_def = 0;
    jump_type *jump = 0;
    char *label = 0;

    /* TODO: This is a hack */
    if(!init) {
        init = 1;
        jump_def = gc_register_type(gc, sizeof(jump_type));
        gc_register_pointer(gc, jump_def, offsetof(jump_type, label));
        gc_register_pointer(gc, jump_def, offsetof(jump_type, next)); 

    gc_register_root(gc, (void **)&jump);

    /* allocate a new jump */
    gc_alloc_type(gc, 0, jump_def, (void **)&jump);

    /* save location of jump addr field */
    jump->addr = buffer_size(buf);

    /* save the line number for this jump */
    jump->lineno = yyget_lineno(scanner);

    /* make sure we have a label */
    if(yylex(scanner) != LABEL_TOKEN) {

    /* save a copy of the label */
    label = get_text(scanner);
    gc_alloc(gc, 0, strlen(label)+1, (void **)&(jump->label));
    strcpy(jump->label, label);
    /* put this jump at the head of the
       list */
    jump->next = *jump_list;
    *jump_list = jump;
    gc_unregister_root(gc, (void **)&jump);

    /* Make sure we have space to write target */
    EMIT(buf, INT_64(0),8);

文件: FnCast.cpp 项目: Azq2/ctpp2
// Handler
INT_32 FnCast::Handler(CDT            * aArguments,
                       const UINT_32    iArgNum,
                       CDT            & oCDTRetVal,
                       Logger         & oLogger)
	// 2 arguments need
	if (iArgNum != 2)
		oLogger.Emerg("Usage: CAST(flag, x)");
		return -1;

	// Arg 1: destination type
	const STLW::string & sWhat = aArguments[1].GetString();
	if (sWhat.length() == 0)
		oLogger.Error("The last argument should be 's', 'S', 'o', 'O', 'd', 'D', 'i', 'I', 'h', 'H', 'f' or 'F', but is `%s`", sWhat.c_str());
		return -1;

	CDT & oTMP = aArguments[0];
		// S[tring]
		case 'S':
		case 's':
			oCDTRetVal = oTMP.GetString();
			return 0;

		// O[ct[al]]
		case 'o':
		case 'O':
			if      (oTMP.GetType() <= CDT::REAL_VAL)   { oCDTRetVal = oTMP.GetInt(); return 0; }
			else if (oTMP.GetType() == CDT::STRING_VAL)
				unsigned long long iLL = 0;
				sscanf(oTMP.GetString().c_str(), "%llo", &iLL);
				oCDTRetVal = INT_64(iLL);
				return 0;
			oLogger.Error("Invalid source type of first argument. Should be INT, REAL or STRING, but is `%s`", oTMP.PrintableType());
			return -1;

		// D[ec[imal]]
		case 'd':
		case 'D':
			if      (oTMP.GetType() <= CDT::REAL_VAL)   { oCDTRetVal = oTMP.GetInt(); return 0; }
			else if (oTMP.GetType() == CDT::STRING_VAL)
				long long iLL = 0;
				sscanf(oTMP.GetString().c_str(), "%lld", &iLL);
				oCDTRetVal = INT_64(iLL);
				return 0;
			oLogger.Error("Invalid source type of first argument. Should be INT, REAL or STRING, but is `%s`", oTMP.PrintableType());
			return -1;

		// I[nt[eger]]
		case 'i':
		case 'I':
			if      (oTMP.GetType() <= CDT::REAL_VAL)   { oCDTRetVal = oTMP.GetInt(); return 0; }
			else if (oTMP.GetType() == CDT::STRING_VAL)
				long long iLL = 0;
				sscanf(oTMP.GetString().c_str(), "%lli", &iLL);
				oCDTRetVal = INT_64(iLL);
				return 0;
			oLogger.Error("Invalid source type of first argument. Should be INT, REAL or STRING, but is `%s`", oTMP.PrintableType());
			return -1;

		// H[ex[adecimal]]
		case 'H':
		case 'h':
			if      (oTMP.GetType() <= CDT::REAL_VAL)   { oCDTRetVal = oTMP.GetInt(); return 0; }
			else if (oTMP.GetType() == CDT::STRING_VAL)
				unsigned long long iLL = 0;
				sscanf(oTMP.GetString().c_str(), "%llx", &iLL);
				oCDTRetVal = INT_64(iLL);
				return 0;
			oLogger.Error("Invalid source type of first argument. Should be INT, REAL or STRING, but is `%s`", oTMP.PrintableType());
			return -1;

		// F[loat]
		case 'F':
		case 'f':
			if      (oTMP.GetType() <= CDT::REAL_VAL)   { oCDTRetVal = oTMP.GetFloat(); return 0; }
			else if (oTMP.GetType() == CDT::STRING_VAL)
				double dVal = 0;
				sscanf(oTMP.GetString().c_str(), "%lg", &dVal);
				oCDTRetVal = dVal;
				return 0;
			oLogger.Error("Invalid source type of first argument. Should be INT, REAL or STRING, but is `%s`", oTMP.PrintableType());
			return -1;

		// Error
			oLogger.Error("The last argument should be 's', 'S', 'o', 'O', 'd', 'D', 'i', 'I', 'h', 'H', 'f' or 'F', but is `%s`", sWhat.c_str());
			return -1;
文件: FnRandom.cpp 项目: Azq2/ctpp2
// Handler
INT_32 FnRandom::Handler(CDT            * aArguments,
                         const UINT_32    iArgNum,
                         CDT            & oCDTRetVal,
                         Logger         & oLogger)
	// 0 .. MAX(unsigned long)
	if (iArgNum == 0)
		oCDTRetVal = UINT_64(random());
		return 0;
	// RAND(x) -> 0 .. RAND(x)
	else if (iArgNum == 1)
		const CDT & oFirstArg = aArguments[0];
		// Integer value
		if (oFirstArg.GetType() == CDT::INT_VAL)
			oCDTRetVal = INT_64(random() % oFirstArg.GetInt());
			return 0;
		// Floating point value
		else if (oFirstArg.GetType() == CDT::REAL_VAL)
			oCDTRetVal = W_FLOAT(oFirstArg.GetFloat() * (random() % UINT_64(RAND_MAX)) / UINT_64(RAND_MAX));
			return 0;

		// Invalid data type, just return 0
		oCDTRetVal = 0;
		return 0;
	// RAND(x, y) -> x .. y
	else if (iArgNum == 2)
		const CDT & oFirstArg  = aArguments[1];
		const CDT & oSecondArg = aArguments[0];

		// x and y is integer values
		if (oFirstArg.GetType()  == CDT::INT_VAL &&
		    oSecondArg.GetType() == CDT::INT_VAL)
			const UINT_64 iFirst    = oFirstArg.GetInt();
			const UINT_64 iInterval = oSecondArg.GetInt() - iFirst;

			oCDTRetVal = INT_64(random() % iInterval + iFirst);
			return 0;
		// x or y (or both) are floating point value
		else if ((oFirstArg.GetType() == CDT::REAL_VAL && oSecondArg.GetType() == CDT::INT_VAL)  ||
		         (oFirstArg.GetType() == CDT::INT_VAL  && oSecondArg.GetType() == CDT::REAL_VAL) ||
		         (oFirstArg.GetType() == CDT::REAL_VAL && oSecondArg.GetType() == CDT::REAL_VAL))
			const W_FLOAT dFirst    = oFirstArg.GetFloat();
			const W_FLOAT dInterval = oSecondArg.GetFloat() - dFirst;

			oCDTRetVal = W_FLOAT(dInterval * (random() % UINT_64(RAND_MAX)) / UINT_64(RAND_MAX) + dFirst);
			return 0;

		// Invalid data type, just return 0
		oCDTRetVal = 0;
		return 0;

	oLogger.Emerg("Usage: RANDOM([[min,] max])");
return -1;