* Function Name: R_S12ADb_Stop
* Description  : This function stops the AD converter.
* Arguments    : None
* Return Value : None
void R_S12ADb_Stop(void)
    S12AD.ADCSR.BIT.ADST = 0U;  /* Disable AD conversion */
    IEN(S12AD,S12ADI0) = 0U;    /* Disable S12ADI0 interrupt */
    IR(S12AD,S12ADI0) = 0U;     /* Clear S12ADI0 interrupt flag */
/* Unroll loop. */
static void loop_unroll(jit_State *J)
  IRRef1 phi[LJ_MAX_PHI];
  uint32_t nphi = 0;
  IRRef1 *subst;
  SnapNo onsnap;
  SnapShot *osnap, *loopsnap;
  SnapEntry *loopmap, *psentinel;
  IRRef ins, invar;

  /* Use temp buffer for substitution table.
  ** Only non-constant refs in [REF_BIAS,invar) are valid indexes.
  ** Caveat: don't call into the VM or run the GC or the buffer may be gone.
  invar = J->cur.nins;
  subst = (IRRef1 *)lj_str_needbuf(J->L, &G(J->L)->tmpbuf,
				   (invar-REF_BIAS)*sizeof(IRRef1)) - REF_BIAS;
  subst[REF_BASE] = REF_BASE;

  /* LOOP separates the pre-roll from the loop body. */
  emitir_raw(IRTG(IR_LOOP, IRT_NIL), 0, 0);

  /* Grow snapshot buffer and map for copy-substituted snapshots.
  ** Need up to twice the number of snapshots minus #0 and loop snapshot.
  ** Need up to twice the number of entries plus fallback substitutions
  ** from the loop snapshot entries for each new snapshot.
  ** Caveat: both calls may reallocate J->cur.snap and J->cur.snapmap!
  onsnap = J->cur.nsnap;
  lj_snap_grow_buf(J, 2*onsnap-2);
  lj_snap_grow_map(J, J->cur.nsnapmap*2+(onsnap-2)*J->cur.snap[onsnap-1].nent);

  /* The loop snapshot is used for fallback substitutions. */
  loopsnap = &J->cur.snap[onsnap-1];
  loopmap = &J->cur.snapmap[loopsnap->mapofs];
  /* The PC of snapshot #0 and the loop snapshot must match. */
  psentinel = &loopmap[loopsnap->nent];
  lua_assert(*psentinel == J->cur.snapmap[J->cur.snap[0].nent]);
  *psentinel = SNAP(255, 0, 0);  /* Replace PC with temporary sentinel. */

  /* Start substitution with snapshot #1 (#0 is empty for root traces). */
  osnap = &J->cur.snap[1];

  /* Copy and substitute all recorded instructions and snapshots. */
  for (ins = REF_FIRST; ins < invar; ins++) {
    IRIns *ir;
    IRRef op1, op2;

    if (ins >= osnap->ref)  /* Instruction belongs to next snapshot? */
      loop_subst_snap(J, osnap++, loopmap, subst);  /* Copy-substitute it. */

    /* Substitute instruction operands. */
    ir = IR(ins);
    op1 = ir->op1;
    if (!irref_isk(op1)) op1 = subst[op1];
    op2 = ir->op2;
    if (!irref_isk(op2)) op2 = subst[op2];
    if (irm_kind(lj_ir_mode[ir->o]) == IRM_N &&
	op1 == ir->op1 && op2 == ir->op2) {  /* Regular invariant ins? */
      subst[ins] = (IRRef1)ins;  /* Shortcut. */
    } else {
      /* Re-emit substituted instruction to the FOLD/CSE/etc. pipeline. */
      IRType1 t = ir->t;  /* Get this first, since emitir may invalidate ir. */
      IRRef ref = tref_ref(emitir(ir->ot & ~IRT_ISPHI, op1, op2));
      subst[ins] = (IRRef1)ref;
      if (ref != ins) {
	IRIns *irr = IR(ref);
	if (ref < invar) {  /* Loop-carried dependency? */
	  /* Potential PHI? */
	  if (!irref_isk(ref) && !irt_isphi(irr->t) && !irt_ispri(irr->t)) {
	    if (nphi >= LJ_MAX_PHI)
	      lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_PHIOV);
	    phi[nphi++] = (IRRef1)ref;
	  /* Check all loop-carried dependencies for type instability. */
	  if (!irt_sametype(t, irr->t)) {
	    if (irt_isinteger(t) && irt_isinteger(irr->t))
	    else if (irt_isnum(t) && irt_isinteger(irr->t))  /* Fix int->num. */
	      ref = tref_ref(emitir(IRTN(IR_CONV), ref, IRCONV_NUM_INT));
	    else if (irt_isnum(irr->t) && irt_isinteger(t))  /* Fix num->int. */
	      ref = tref_ref(emitir(IRTGI(IR_CONV), ref,
	      lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_TYPEINS);
	    subst[ins] = (IRRef1)ref;
	    irr = IR(ref);
	    goto phiconv;
	} else if (ref != REF_DROP && irr->o == IR_CONV &&
		   ref > invar && irr->op1 < invar) {
	  /* May need an extra PHI for a CONV. */
	  ref = irr->op1;
	  irr = IR(ref);
	  if (ref < invar && !irref_isk(ref) && !irt_isphi(irr->t)) {
	    if (nphi >= LJ_MAX_PHI)
	      lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_PHIOV);
	    phi[nphi++] = (IRRef1)ref;
  if (!irt_isguard(J->guardemit))  /* Drop redundant snapshot. */
    J->cur.nsnapmap = (uint16_t)J->cur.snap[--J->cur.nsnap].mapofs;
  lua_assert(J->cur.nsnapmap <= J->sizesnapmap);
  *psentinel = J->cur.snapmap[J->cur.snap[0].nent];  /* Restore PC. */

  loop_emit_phi(J, subst, phi, nphi, onsnap);
  const lp::direct::Ctrl<Real>& ctrl )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("bp::LPIPM"))
    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    const Range<Int> uInd(0,n), vInd(n,2*n);
    Matrix<Real> c, AHat;

    // c := ones(2*n,1)
    // ================
    Ones( c, 2*n, 1 );

    // \hat A := [A, -A]
    // =================
    Zeros( AHat, m, 2*n );
    auto AHatu = AHat( IR(0,m), uInd );
    auto AHatv = AHat( IR(0,m), vInd );
    AHatu = A;
    AHatv -= A;

    // Solve the direct LP
    // ===================
    Matrix<Real> xHat, y, z;
    LP( AHat, b, c, xHat, y, z, ctrl );

    // x := u - v
    // ==========
    x = xHat( uInd, ALL );
    x -= xHat( vInd, ALL );
void vInitialiseTimerForIntQueueTest( void )
	/* Ensure interrupts do not start until full configuration is complete. */
		/* Give write access. */
		SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = 0xa502;

		/* Cascade two 8bit timer channels to generate the interrupts. 
		8bit timer unit 1 (TMR0 and TMR1) and 8bit timer unit 2 (TMR2 and TMR3 are
		utilised for this test. */

		/* Enable the timers. */

		/* Enable compare match A interrupt request. */

		/* Clear the timer on compare match A. */

		/* Set the compare match value. */
		TMR01.TCORA = ( unsigned short ) ( ( ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / tmrTIMER_0_1_FREQUENCY ) -1 ) / 8 );
		TMR23.TCORA = ( unsigned short ) ( ( ( configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ / tmrTIMER_0_1_FREQUENCY ) -1 ) / 8 );

		/* 16 bit operation ( count from timer 1,2 ). */
		/* Use PCLK as the input. */
		/* Divide PCLK by 8. */

		/* Enable TMR 0, 2 interrupts. */

		/* Map TMR0 CMIA0 interrupt to vector slot B number 128 and set
		priority above the kernel's priority, but below the max syscall
		priority. */
	    ICU.SLIBXR128.BYTE = 3; /* Three is TMR0 compare match A. */
		IEN( PERIB, INTB128 ) = 1;

		/* Ensure that the flag is set to 0, otherwise the interrupt will not be
		accepted. */
		IR( PERIB, INTB128 ) = 0;

		/* Do the same for TMR2, but to vector 129. */
	    ICU.SLIBXR129.BYTE = 9; /* Nine is TMR2 compare match A. */
		IEN( PERIB, INTB129 ) = 1;
		IR( PERIB, INTB129 ) = 0;
	f32 Byteswap::byteswap(f32 num) {u32 tmp=IR(num); tmp=bswap_32(tmp); return (FR(tmp));}
void LowerBlocked
( AbstractDistMatrix<F>& APre,
  AbstractDistMatrix<F>& householderScalarsPre )
    EL_DEBUG_ONLY(AssertSameGrids( APre, householderScalarsPre ))

    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> AProx( APre );
      householderScalarsProx( householderScalarsPre );
    auto& A = AProx.Get();
    auto& householderScalars = householderScalarsProx.Get();

    const Grid& g = A.Grid();
    const Int n = A.Height();
    householderScalars.Resize( Max(n-1,0), 1 );

    DistMatrix<F,MC,STAR> UB1_MC_STAR(g), V21_MC_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,MR,STAR> V01_MR_STAR(g), VB1_MR_STAR(g), UB1_MR_STAR(g);
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> G11_STAR_STAR(g);

    const Int bsize = Blocksize();
    for( Int k=0; k<n-1; k+=bsize )
        const Int nb = Min(bsize,n-1-k);

        const Range<Int> ind0( 0,    k    ),
                         ind1( k,    k+nb ),
                         indB( k,    n    ), indR( k, n ),
                         ind2( k+nb, n    );

        auto ABR = A( indB, indR );
        auto A22 = A( ind2, ind2 );

        auto householderScalars1 = householderScalars( ind1, ALL );
        UB1_MC_STAR.AlignWith( ABR );
        UB1_MR_STAR.AlignWith( ABR );
        VB1_MR_STAR.AlignWith( ABR );
        UB1_MC_STAR.Resize( n-k, nb );
        UB1_MR_STAR.Resize( n-k, nb );
        VB1_MR_STAR.Resize( n-k, nb );
        G11_STAR_STAR.Resize( nb, nb );
        ( ABR, householderScalars1, UB1_MC_STAR, UB1_MR_STAR, VB1_MR_STAR,
          G11_STAR_STAR );

        auto AB0 = A( indB, ind0 );
        auto A2R = A( ind2, indR );

        auto U21_MC_STAR = UB1_MC_STAR( IR(nb,END), ALL );

        // AB0 := AB0 - (UB1 inv(G11)^H UB1^H AB0)
        //      = AB0 - (UB1 ((AB0^H UB1) inv(G11))^H)
        // -------------------------------------------
        V01_MR_STAR.AlignWith( AB0 );
        Zeros( V01_MR_STAR, k, nb );
        LocalGemm( ADJOINT, NORMAL, F(1), AB0, UB1_MC_STAR, F(0), V01_MR_STAR );
        El::AllReduce( V01_MR_STAR, AB0.ColComm() );
        ( NORMAL, ADJOINT, F(-1), UB1_MC_STAR, V01_MR_STAR, F(1), AB0 );

        // A2R := (A2R - U21 inv(G11)^H VB1^H)(I - UB1 inv(G11) UB1^H)
        // -----------------------------------------------------------
        // A2R := A2R - U21 inv(G11)^H VB1^H
        // (note: VB1 is overwritten)
        ( NORMAL, ADJOINT, F(-1), U21_MC_STAR, VB1_MR_STAR, F(1), A2R );
        // A2R := A2R - ((A2R UB1) inv(G11)) UB1^H
        V21_MC_STAR.AlignWith( A2R );
        Zeros( V21_MC_STAR, A2R.Height(), nb );
        LocalGemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, F(1), A2R, UB1_MR_STAR, F(0), V21_MC_STAR );
        El::AllReduce( V21_MC_STAR, A2R.RowComm() );
        ( NORMAL, ADJOINT, F(-1), V21_MC_STAR, UB1_MR_STAR, F(1), A2R );
/* Backpropagate narrowing conversion. Return number of needed conversions. */
static int narrow_conv_backprop(NarrowConv *nc, IRRef ref, int depth)
  jit_State *J = nc->J;
  IRIns *ir = IR(ref);
  IRRef cref;

  /* Check the easy cases first. */
  if (ir->o == IR_TONUM) {  /* Undo inverse conversion. */
    *nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_REF, ir->op1);
    return 0;
  } else if (ir->o == IR_KNUM) {  /* Narrow FP constant. */
    lua_Number n = ir_knum(ir)->n;
    if (nc->mode == IRTOINT_TOBIT) {  /* Allows a wider range of constants. */
      int64_t k64 = (int64_t)n;
      if (n == cast_num(k64)) {  /* Only if constant doesn't lose precision. */
	*nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_INT, 0);
	*nc->sp++ = (NarrowIns)k64;  /* But always truncate to 32 bits. */
	return 0;
    } else {
      int32_t k = lj_num2int(n);
      if (n == cast_num(k)) {  /* Only if constant is really an integer. */
	*nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_INT, 0);
	*nc->sp++ = (NarrowIns)k;
	return 0;
    return 10;  /* Never narrow other FP constants (this is rare). */

  /* Try to CSE the conversion. Stronger checks are ok, too. */
  for (cref = J->chain[fins->o]; cref > ref; cref = IR(cref)->prev)
    if (IR(cref)->op1 == ref &&
	irt_isguard(IR(cref)->t) >= irt_isguard(fins->t)) {
      *nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_REF, cref);
      return 0;  /* Already there, no additional conversion needed. */

  /* Backpropagate across ADD/SUB. */
  if (ir->o == IR_ADD || ir->o == IR_SUB) {
    /* Try cache lookup first. */
    IRRef bpref, mode = nc->mode;
    if (mode == IRTOINT_INDEX && depth > 0)
      mode = IRTOINT_CHECK;  /* Inner conversions need a stronger check. */
    bpref = narrow_bpc_get(nc->J, (IRRef1)ref, mode);
    if (bpref) {
      *nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_REF, bpref);
      return 0;
    if (++depth < NARROW_MAX_BACKPROP && nc->sp < nc->maxsp) {
      NarrowIns *savesp = nc->sp;
      int count = narrow_conv_backprop(nc, ir->op1, depth);
      count += narrow_conv_backprop(nc, ir->op2, depth);
      if (count <= nc->lim) {  /* Limit total number of conversions. */
	*nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(IRTI(ir->o), ref);
	return count;
      nc->sp = savesp;  /* Too many conversions, need to backtrack. */

  /* Otherwise add a conversion. */
  *nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_CONV, ref);
  return 1;
/* Array and hash load forwarding. */
static TRef fwd_ahload(jit_State *J, IRRef xref)
  IRIns *xr = IR(xref);
  IRRef lim = xref;  /* Search limit. */
  IRRef ref;

  /* Search for conflicting stores. */
  ref = J->chain[fins->o+IRDELTA_L2S];
  while (ref > xref) {
    IRIns *store = IR(ref);
    switch (aa_ahref(J, xr, IR(store->op1))) {
    case ALIAS_NO:   break;  /* Continue searching. */
    case ALIAS_MAY:  lim = ref; goto cselim;  /* Limit search for load. */
    case ALIAS_MUST: return store->op2;  /* Store forwarding. */
    ref = store->prev;

  /* No conflicting store (yet): const-fold loads from allocations. */
    IRIns *ir = (xr->o == IR_HREFK || xr->o == IR_AREF) ? IR(xr->op1) : xr;
    IRRef tab = ir->op1;
    ir = IR(tab);
    if (ir->o == IR_TNEW || (ir->o == IR_TDUP && irref_isk(xr->op2))) {
      /* A NEWREF with a number key may end up pointing to the array part.
      ** But it's referenced from HSTORE and not found in the ASTORE chain.
      ** For now simply consider this a conflict without forwarding anything.
      if (xr->o == IR_AREF) {
	IRRef ref2 = J->chain[IR_NEWREF];
	while (ref2 > tab) {
	  IRIns *newref = IR(ref2);
	  if (irt_isnum(IR(newref->op2)->t))
	    goto cselim;
	  ref2 = newref->prev;
      /* NEWREF inhibits CSE for HREF, and dependent FLOADs from HREFK/AREF.
      ** But the above search for conflicting stores was limited by xref.
      ** So continue searching, limited by the TNEW/TDUP. Store forwarding
      ** is ok, too. A conflict does NOT limit the search for a matching load.
      while (ref > tab) {
	IRIns *store = IR(ref);
	switch (aa_ahref(J, xr, IR(store->op1))) {
	case ALIAS_NO:   break;  /* Continue searching. */
	case ALIAS_MAY:  goto cselim;  /* Conflicting store. */
	case ALIAS_MUST: return store->op2;  /* Store forwarding. */
	ref = store->prev;
      lua_assert(ir->o != IR_TNEW || irt_isnil(fins->t));
      if (irt_ispri(fins->t)) {
	return TREF_PRI(irt_type(fins->t));
      } else if (irt_isnum(fins->t) || irt_isstr(fins->t)) {
	TValue keyv;
	cTValue *tv;
	IRIns *key = IR(xr->op2);
	if (key->o == IR_KSLOT) key = IR(key->op1);
	lj_ir_kvalue(J->L, &keyv, key);
	tv = lj_tab_get(J->L, ir_ktab(IR(ir->op1)), &keyv);
	lua_assert(itype2irt(tv) == irt_type(fins->t));
	if (irt_isnum(fins->t))
	  return lj_ir_knum_u64(J, tv->u64);
	  return lj_ir_kstr(J, strV(tv));
      /* Othwerwise: don't intern as a constant. */

  /* Try to find a matching load. Below the conflicting store, if any. */
  ref = J->chain[fins->o];
  while (ref > lim) {
    IRIns *load = IR(ref);
    if (load->op1 == xref)
      return ref;  /* Load forwarding. */
    ref = load->prev;
  return 0;  /* Conflict or no match. */
/* XLOAD forwarding. */
TRef LJ_FASTCALL lj_opt_fwd_xload(jit_State *J)
  IRRef xref = fins->op1;
  IRIns *xr = IR(xref);
  IRRef lim = xref;  /* Search limit. */
  IRRef ref;

  if ((fins->op2 & IRXLOAD_READONLY))
    goto cselim;
  if ((fins->op2 & IRXLOAD_VOLATILE))
    goto doemit;

  /* Search for conflicting stores. */
  ref = J->chain[IR_XSTORE];
  if (J->chain[IR_CALLXS] > lim) lim = J->chain[IR_CALLXS];
  if (J->chain[IR_XBAR] > lim) lim = J->chain[IR_XBAR];
  while (ref > lim) {
    IRIns *store = IR(ref);
    switch (aa_xref(J, xr, fins, store)) {
    case ALIAS_NO:   break;  /* Continue searching. */
    case ALIAS_MAY:  lim = ref; goto cselim;  /* Limit search for load. */
    case ALIAS_MUST:
      /* Emit conversion if the loaded type doesn't match the forwarded type. */
      if (!irt_sametype(fins->t, IR(store->op2)->t)) {
	IRType st = irt_type(fins->t);
	if (st == IRT_I8 || st == IRT_I16) {  /* Trunc + sign-extend. */
	  st |= IRCONV_SEXT;
	} else if (st == IRT_U8 || st == IRT_U16) {  /* Trunc + zero-extend. */
	} else if (st == IRT_INT && !irt_isint(IR(store->op2)->t)) {
	  st = irt_type(IR(store->op2)->t);  /* Needs dummy CONV.int.*. */
	} else {  /* I64/U64 are boxed, U32 is hidden behind a CONV.num.u32. */
	  goto store_fwd;
	fins->ot = IRTI(IR_CONV);
	fins->op1 = store->op2;
	fins->op2 = (IRT_INT<<5)|st;
	return RETRYFOLD;
      return store->op2;  /* Store forwarding. */
    ref = store->prev;

  /* Try to find a matching load. Below the conflicting store, if any. */
  ref = J->chain[IR_XLOAD];
  while (ref > lim) {
    /* CSE for XLOAD depends on the type, but not on the IRXLOAD_* flags. */
    if (IR(ref)->op1 == xref && irt_sametype(IR(ref)->t, fins->t))
      return ref;
    ref = IR(ref)->prev;

  /* Reassociate XLOAD across PHIs to handle a[i-1] forwarding case. */
  if (!(fins->op2 & IRXLOAD_READONLY) && J->chain[IR_LOOP] &&
      xref == fins->op1 && (xref = reassoc_xref(J, xr)) != 0) {
    ref = J->chain[IR_XSTORE];
    while (ref > lim)  /* Skip stores that have already been checked. */
      ref = IR(ref)->prev;
    lim = xref;
    xr = IR(xref);
    goto retry;  /* Retry with the reassociated reference. */
  return EMITFOLD;
void SortAndFilter
( AbstractDistMatrix<Base<F>>& wPre,
  AbstractDistMatrix<F>& QPre,
  const HermitianTridiagEigCtrl<Base<F>>& ctrl )
    typedef Base<F> Real;

    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<Real,Real,STAR,STAR> wProx( wPre );
    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,VC,STAR> QProx( QPre );
    auto& w = wProx.Get();
    auto& Q = QProx.Get();

    const Int n = w.Height();
    const Grid& g = w.Grid();

    if( ctrl.subset.indexSubset )
        auto sortPairs = TaggedSort( w, ctrl.sort );
        for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
            w.SetLocal( j, 0, sortPairs[j].value );
        ApplyTaggedSortToEachRow( sortPairs, Q );

        DistMatrix<Real,STAR,STAR> wCopy( w );
        DistMatrix<F,VC,STAR> QCopy( Q );
        w = wCopy(IR(ctrl.subset.lowerIndex,ctrl.subset.upperIndex+1),ALL);
        Q = QCopy(ALL,IR(ctrl.subset.lowerIndex,ctrl.subset.upperIndex+1));
    else if( ctrl.subset.rangeSubset )
        Int numValid = 0;

        for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
            if( w.GetLocal(j,0) > ctrl.subset.lowerBound &&
                w.GetLocal(j,0) <= ctrl.subset.upperBound )

        DistMatrix<Real,STAR,STAR> wFilter(numValid,1,g);
        DistMatrix<F,VC,STAR> QFilter(n,numValid,g);
        numValid = 0;
        for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
           if( w.GetLocal(j,0) > ctrl.subset.lowerBound &&
               w.GetLocal(j,0) <= ctrl.subset.upperBound )
               wFilter.SetLocal( numValid, 0, w.GetLocal(j,0) );
               auto qFilterCol = QFilter(ALL,IR(numValid));
               qFilterCol = Q(ALL,IR(j));

        w = wFilter;
        Q = QFilter;

        auto sortPairs = TaggedSort( w, ctrl.sort );
        for( Int j=0; j<numValid; ++j )
            w.SetLocal( j, 0, sortPairs[j].value );
        ApplyTaggedSortToEachRow( sortPairs, Q );
        auto sortPairs = TaggedSort( w, ctrl.sort );
        for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
            w.SetLocal( j, 0, sortPairs[j].value );
        ApplyTaggedSortToEachRow( sortPairs, Q );
/* Backpropagate narrowing conversion. Return number of needed conversions. */
static int narrow_conv_backprop(NarrowConv *nc, IRRef ref, int depth)
  jit_State *J = nc->J;
  IRIns *ir = IR(ref);
  IRRef cref;

  if (nc->sp >= nc->maxsp) return 10;  /* Path too deep. */

  /* Check the easy cases first. */
  if (ir->o == IR_CONV && (ir->op2 & IRCONV_SRCMASK) == IRT_INT) {
    if ((nc->mode & IRCONV_CONVMASK) <= IRCONV_ANY)
      narrow_stripov_backprop(nc, ir->op1, depth+1);
      *nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_REF, ir->op1);  /* Undo conversion. */
    if (nc->t == IRT_I64)
      *nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_SEXT, 0);  /* Sign-extend integer. */
    return 0;
  } else if (ir->o == IR_KNUM) {  /* Narrow FP constant. */
    lua_Number n = ir_knum(ir)->n;
    if ((nc->mode & IRCONV_CONVMASK) == IRCONV_TOBIT) {
      /* Allows a wider range of constants. */
      int64_t k64 = (int64_t)n;
      if (n == (lua_Number)k64) {  /* Only if const doesn't lose precision. */
	*nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_INT, 0);
	*nc->sp++ = (NarrowIns)k64;  /* But always truncate to 32 bits. */
	return 0;
    } else {
      int32_t k = lj_num2int(n);
      /* Only if constant is a small integer. */
      if (checki16(k) && n == (lua_Number)k) {
	*nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_INT, 0);
	*nc->sp++ = (NarrowIns)k;
	return 0;
    return 10;  /* Never narrow other FP constants (this is rare). */

  /* Try to CSE the conversion. Stronger checks are ok, too. */
  cref = J->chain[fins->o];
  while (cref > ref) {
    IRIns *cr = IR(cref);
    if (cr->op1 == ref &&
	(fins->o == IR_TOBIT ||
	 ((cr->op2 & IRCONV_MODEMASK) == (nc->mode & IRCONV_MODEMASK) &&
	  irt_isguard(cr->t) >= irt_isguard(fins->t)))) {
      *nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_REF, cref);
      return 0;  /* Already there, no additional conversion needed. */
    cref = cr->prev;

  /* Backpropagate across ADD/SUB. */
  if (ir->o == IR_ADD || ir->o == IR_SUB) {
    /* Try cache lookup first. */
    IRRef mode = nc->mode;
    BPropEntry *bp;
    /* Inner conversions need a stronger check. */
    if ((mode & IRCONV_CONVMASK) == IRCONV_INDEX && depth > 0)
    bp = narrow_bpc_get(nc->J, (IRRef1)ref, mode);
    if (bp) {
      *nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_REF, bp->val);
      return 0;
    } else if (nc->t == IRT_I64) {
      /* Try sign-extending from an existing (checked) conversion to int. */
      mode = (IRT_INT<<5)|IRT_NUM|IRCONV_INDEX;
      bp = narrow_bpc_get(nc->J, (IRRef1)ref, mode);
      if (bp) {
	*nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_REF, bp->val);
	*nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_SEXT, 0);
	return 0;
    if (++depth < NARROW_MAX_BACKPROP && nc->sp < nc->maxsp) {
      NarrowIns *savesp = nc->sp;
      int count = narrow_conv_backprop(nc, ir->op1, depth);
      count += narrow_conv_backprop(nc, ir->op2, depth);
      if (count <= nc->lim) {  /* Limit total number of conversions. */
	*nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(IRT(ir->o, nc->t), ref);
	return count;
      nc->sp = savesp;  /* Too many conversions, need to backtrack. */

  /* Otherwise add a conversion. */
  *nc->sp++ = NARROWINS(NARROW_CONV, ref);
  return 1;
test_d_i (int i, long li)
  /*    +-------------------------- expected return value */
  /*    |   +---------------------- destination size */
  /*    |   |  +------------------- format string */
  /*    |   |  |                +-- variable argument(s) */
  /*    |   |  |                | */
  /*    V   V  V                V */
  EQL ( 1,  2, "%d",            0);
  EQL ( 2,  3, "%d%d",          0,   1);
  EQL ( 3,  4, "%d%d",          9,  10);
  EQL ( 4,  5, "%d%d",         11,  12);
  EQL ( 5,  6, "%d:%d",        12,  34);
  EQL ( 5,  6, "%d",           12345);
  EQL ( 6,  7, "%d",          -12345);
  EQL (15, 16, "%d:%d:%d:%d", 123, 124, 125, 126);

  EQL ( 1,  2, "%i", uchar_range (0, 9));
  EQL ( 1, -1, "%i", uchar_range (0, 9));

  /* The range information available to passes other than the Value
     Range Propoagation pass itself is so bad that the following two
     tests fail (the range seen in the test below is [0, 99] rather
     than [10, 99].
  EQL ( 2,  3, "%i", uchar_range (10, 99));
  EQL ( 3,  4, "%i", uchar_range (100, 199));

  /* Verify that the width allows the return value in the following
     calls can be folded despite the unknown value of the argument.  */
#if __SIZEOF_INT__ == 2
  EQL ( 6,  7, "%6d",      i);
  EQL ( 6,  7, "%+6d",     i);
  EQL ( 6,  7, "%-6d",     i);
  EQL ( 6,  7, "%06d",     i);
#elif __SIZEOF_INT__ == 4
  EQL (11, 12, "%11d",     i);
  EQL (11, 12, "%+11d",    i);
  EQL (11, 12, "%-11d",    i);
  EQL (11, 12, "%011d",    i);
#elif __SIZEOF_INT__ == 8
  EQL (20, 21, "%20d",     i);
  EQL (20, 21, "%+20d",    i);
  EQL (20, 21, "%-29d",    i);
  EQL (20, 21, "%020d",    i);

#if __SIZEOF_LONG__ == 2
  EQL ( 6,  7, "%6ld",      li);
  EQL ( 6,  7, "%+6ld",     li);
  EQL ( 6,  7, "%-6ld",     li);
  EQL ( 6,  7, "%06ld",     li);
#elif __SIZEOF_LONG__ == 4
  EQL (11, 12, "%11ld",     li);
  EQL (11, 12, "%+11ld",    li);
  EQL (11, 12, "%-11ld",    li);
  EQL (11, 12, "%011ld",    li);
#elif __SIZEOF_LONG__ == 8
  EQL (20, 21, "%20ld",     li);
  EQL (20, 21, "%+20ld",    li);
  EQL (20, 21, "%-20ld",    li);
  EQL (20, 21, "%020ld",    li);

  /* Verify that the output of a directive with an unknown argument
     is correctly determined at compile time to be in the expected
     range.  */

  /*    +---------------------------- expected minimum return value */
  /*    |   +------------------------ expected maximum return value */
  /*    |   |   +-------------------- destination size */
  /*    |   |   |  +----------------- format string */
  /*    |   |   |  |           +----- variable argument(s) */
  /*    |   |   |  |           | */
  /*    V   V   V  V           V */
  RNG ( 1,  4,  5, "%hhi",     i);
  RNG ( 1,  3,  4, "%hhu",     i);

  RNG ( 3,  4,  5, "%hhi",     IR (-128,  -10));
  RNG ( 2,  4,  5, "%hhi",     IR (-128,   -1));
  RNG ( 1,  4,  5, "%hhi",     IR (-128,    0));

  RNG ( 1,  4,  5, "%1hhi",    IR (-128,    0));
  RNG ( 1,  4,  5, "%2hhi",    IR (-128,    0));
  RNG ( 1,  4,  5, "%3hhi",    IR (-128,    0));
  RNG ( 1,  4,  5, "%4hhi",    IR (-128,    0));
  RNG ( 1,  5,  6, "%5hhi",    IR (-128,    0));
  RNG ( 1,  6,  7, "%6hhi",    IR (-128,    0));
  RNG ( 2,  6,  7, "%6hhi",    IR (-128,   10));

  RNG ( 0,  1,  2, "%.hhi",    IR (   0,    1));
  RNG ( 0,  1,  2, "%.0hhi",   IR (   0,    1));
  RNG ( 0,  1,  2, "%0.0hhi",  IR (   0,    1));   /* { dg-warning ".0. flag ignored with precision" } */
  RNG ( 0,  1,  2, "%*.0hhi",  0, IR (   0,    1));

  RNG ( 1,  2,  3, "%hhi",     IR (1024, 1034));
  RNG ( 1,  4,  5, "%hhi",     IR (1024, 2048));
  RNG ( 2,  3,  4, "%hhi",     IR (1034, 1151));

  RNG ( 1,  2,  3, "%hhu",     IR (1024, 1034));
  RNG ( 1,  3,  4, "%hhu",     IR (1024, 2048));
  RNG ( 2,  3,  4, "%hhu",     IR (1034, 1151));

#if __SIZEOF_SHORT__ == 2
  RNG ( 1,  6,  7, "%hi",      i);
  RNG ( 1,  5,  6, "%hu",      i);
  RNG ( 1,  6,  7, "%.1hi",    i);
  RNG ( 2,  6,  7, "%.2hi",    i);
  RNG ( 3,  6,  7, "%.3hi",    i);
  RNG ( 4,  6,  7, "%.4hi",    i);
  RNG ( 5,  6,  7, "%.5hi",    i);
  RNG ( 6,  7,  8, "%.6hi",    i);
  RNG ( 7,  8,  9, "%.7hi",    i);
#elif __SIZEOF_SHORT__ == 4
  RNG ( 1, 11, 12, "%hi",      i);
  RNG ( 1, 10, 11, "%hu",      i);

  RNG ( 1, 11, 12, "%.1hi",    i);
  RNG ( 2, 11, 12, "%.2hi",    i);
  RNG ( 3, 11, 12, "%.3hi",    i);
  RNG ( 4, 11, 12, "%.4hi",    i);
  RNG ( 5, 11, 12, "%.5hi",    i);
  RNG ( 6, 11, 12, "%.6hi",    i);
  RNG ( 7, 11, 12, "%.7hi",    i);
  RNG ( 8, 11, 12, "%.8hi",    i);
  RNG ( 9, 11, 12, "%.9hi",    i);
  RNG (10, 11, 12, "%.10hi",   i);
  RNG (11, 12, 13, "%.11hi",   i);
  RNG (12, 13, 14, "%.12hi",   i);
  RNG (13, 14, 15, "%.13hi",   i);

#if __SIZEOF_INT__ == 2
  RNG ( 1,  6,  7, "%i",       i);
  RNG ( 1,  5,  6, "%u",       i);

  RNG ( 1,  6,  7, "%.1i",     i);
  RNG ( 2,  6,  7, "%.2i",     i);
  RNG ( 3,  6,  7, "%.3i",     i);
  RNG ( 4,  6,  7, "%.4i",     i);
  RNG ( 5,  6,  7, "%.5i",     i);
  RNG ( 6,  7,  8, "%.6i",     i);
  RNG ( 7,  8,  9, "%.7i",     i);
#elif __SIZEOF_INT__ == 4
  RNG ( 1, 11, 12, "%i",       i);
  RNG ( 1, 10, 11, "%u",       i);

  RNG ( 1, 11, 12, "%.1i",    i);
  RNG ( 2, 11, 12, "%.2i",    i);
  RNG ( 3, 11, 12, "%.3i",    i);
  RNG ( 4, 11, 12, "%.4i",    i);
  RNG ( 5, 11, 12, "%.5i",    i);
  RNG ( 6, 11, 12, "%.6i",    i);
  RNG ( 7, 11, 12, "%.7i",    i);
  RNG ( 8, 11, 12, "%.8i",    i);
  RNG ( 9, 11, 12, "%.9i",    i);
  RNG (10, 11, 12, "%.10i",   i);
  RNG (11, 12, 13, "%.11i",   i);
  RNG (12, 13, 14, "%.12i",   i);
  RNG (13, 14, 15, "%.13i",   i);
#elif __SIZEOF_INT__ == 8
  RNG ( 1, 20, 21, "%i",       i);
  RNG ( 1, 19, 20, "%u",       i);

#if __SIZEOF_LONG__ == 4
  RNG ( 1, 11, 12, "%li",      li);
  RNG ( 1, 10, 11, "%lu",      li);

  RNG ( 1, 11, 12, "%.1li",    li);
  RNG ( 2, 11, 12, "%.2li",    li);
  RNG ( 3, 11, 12, "%.3li",    li);
  RNG ( 4, 11, 12, "%.4li",    li);
  RNG ( 5, 11, 12, "%.5li",    li);
  RNG ( 6, 11, 12, "%.6li",    li);
  RNG ( 7, 11, 12, "%.7li",    li);
  RNG ( 8, 11, 12, "%.8li",    li);
  RNG ( 9, 11, 12, "%.9li",    li);
  RNG (10, 11, 12, "%.10li",   li);
  RNG (11, 12, 13, "%.11li",   li);
  RNG (12, 13, 14, "%.12li",   li);
  RNG (13, 14, 15, "%.13li",   li);
#elif __SIZEOF_LONG__ == 8
  RNG ( 1, 20, 21, "%li",      li);
  RNG ( 1, 19, 20, "%lu",      li);
Int ZDependenceSearch
( const Matrix<Field>& z,
        Base<Field> NSqrt,
        Matrix<Field>& B,
        Matrix<Field>& U,
  const LLLCtrl<Base<Field>>& ctrl )
    if( z.Width() != 1 )
        LogicError("z was assumed to be a column vector");

    const Int n = z.Height();
    const Int m = n+1;

    Identity( B, m, n );
    auto bLastRow = B( IR(m-1), ALL );
    Transpose( z, bLastRow );
    Scale( NSqrt, bLastRow );

    Matrix<Field> R;
    auto info = LLL( B, U, R, ctrl );

    return info.nullity;

#define PROTO(Field) \
  template Int ZDependenceSearch \
  ( const Matrix<Field>& z, \
          Base<Field> NSqrt, \
          Matrix<Field>& B, \
          Matrix<Field>& U, \
* Function Name: R_S12ADb_Start
* Description  : This function starts the AD converter.
* Arguments    : None
* Return Value : None
void R_S12ADb_Start(void)
    IR(S12AD,S12ADI0) = 0U;     /* Clear S12ADI0 interrupt flag */
    IEN(S12AD,S12ADI0) = 1U;    /* Enable S12ADI0 interrupt */
    S12AD.ADCSR.BIT.ADST = 1U;  /* Enable AD conversion */
void Tikhonov
( Orientation orientation,
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& APre,
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& BPre, 
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& G,
        ElementalMatrix<F>& XPre, 
  TikhonovAlg alg )

      AProx( APre ),
      BProx( BPre );
      XProx( XPre );
    auto& A = AProx.GetLocked();
    auto& B = BProx.GetLocked();
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    const bool normal = ( orientation==NORMAL );
    const Int m = ( normal ? A.Height() : A.Width()  );
    const Int n = ( normal ? A.Width()  : A.Height() );
    if( G.Width() != n )
        LogicError("Tikhonov matrix was the wrong width");
    if( orientation == TRANSPOSE && IsComplex<F>::value )
        LogicError("Transpose version of complex Tikhonov not yet supported");

    if( m >= n )
        DistMatrix<F> Z(A.Grid());
        if( alg == TIKHONOV_CHOLESKY )
            if( orientation == NORMAL )
                Herk( LOWER, ADJOINT, Base<F>(1), A, Z );
                Herk( LOWER, NORMAL, Base<F>(1), A, Z );
            Herk( LOWER, ADJOINT, Base<F>(1), G, Base<F>(1), Z );
            Cholesky( LOWER, Z );
            const Int mG = G.Height();
            Zeros( Z, m+mG, n );
            auto ZT = Z( IR(0,m),    IR(0,n) );
            auto ZB = Z( IR(m,m+mG), IR(0,n) );
            if( orientation == NORMAL )
                ZT = A;
                Adjoint( A, ZT );
            ZB = G;
            qr::ExplicitTriang( Z ); 
        if( orientation == NORMAL )
            Gemm( ADJOINT, NORMAL, F(1), A, B, X );
            Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, F(1), A, B, X );
        cholesky::SolveAfter( LOWER, NORMAL, Z, X );
        LogicError("This case not yet supported");
void SolveAfter
( Orientation orientation,
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& APre,
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& householderScalars, 
  const ElementalMatrix<Base<F>>& signature,
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& B, 
        ElementalMatrix<F>& XPre )
    const Int m = APre.Height();
    const Int n = APre.Width();
    if( m > n )
        LogicError("Must have full row rank");

    DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> AProx( APre );
    DistMatrixWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> XProx( XPre );
    auto& A = AProx.GetLocked();
    auto& X = XProx.Get();

    X.Resize( n, B.Width() );
    // TODO: Add scaling

    auto AR = A( IR(0,m), IR(n-m,n) );
    if( orientation == NORMAL )
        if( m != B.Height() )
            LogicError("A and B do not conform");

        // Copy B into X
        auto XT = X( IR(0,m), ALL );
        auto XB = X( IR(m,n), ALL );
        XT = B;
        Zero( XB );

        if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
            Conjugate( XT );

        // Solve against R (checking for singularities)
        Trsm( LEFT, UPPER, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, F(1), AR, XT, true );

        // Apply Q' to X 
        rq::ApplyQ( LEFT, ADJOINT, A, householderScalars, signature, X );

        if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
            Conjugate( X );
        // Copy B into X
        X = B;

        if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
            Conjugate( X );

        // Apply Q to X
        rq::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, A, householderScalars, signature, X );

        // Shrink X to its new height
        X.Resize( m, X.Width() );

        // Solve against R' (check for singularities)
        Trsm( LEFT, UPPER, ADJOINT, NON_UNIT, F(1), AR, X, true );

        if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
            Conjugate( X );
 * Initialize mystery ICU
static void
	IW(0, IR(0) & 1);
	IW(1, IR(0) & 3);
void EN
( const AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& A,
  const AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& b,
        Real lambda1,
        Real lambda2,
        AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& xPre,
  const qp::affine::Ctrl<Real>& ctrl )

    DistMatrixWriteProxy<Real,Real,MC,MR> xProx( xPre );
    auto& x = xProx.Get();

    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();
    const Range<Int> uInd(0,n), vInd(n,2*n), rInd(2*n,2*n+m);
    DistMatrix<Real> Q(g), c(g), AHat(g), G(g), h(g);

    // Q := | 2*lambda_2     0      0 |
    //      |     0      2*lambda_2 0 |
    //      |     0          0      2 |
    // ================================
    Zeros( Q, 2*n+m, 2*n+m );
    auto QTL = Q( IR(0,2*n), IR(0,2*n) );
    FillDiagonal( QTL, 2*lambda2 );
    auto Qrr = Q( rInd, rInd );
    FillDiagonal( Qrr, Real(1) );

    // c := lambda_1*[1;1;0]
    // =====================
    Zeros( c, 2*n+m, 1 );
    auto cuv = c( IR(0,2*n), ALL );
    Fill( cuv, lambda1 );

    // \hat A := [A, -A, I]
    // ====================
    Zeros( AHat, m, 2*n+m );
    auto AHatu = AHat( ALL, uInd );
    auto AHatv = AHat( ALL, vInd );
    auto AHatr = AHat( ALL, rInd );
    AHatu = A;
    AHatv -= A;
    FillDiagonal( AHatr, Real(1) );

    // G := | -I  0 0 |
    //      |  0 -I 0 |
    // ================
    Zeros( G, 2*n, 2*n+m );
    FillDiagonal( G, Real(-1) );

    // h := 0
    // ======
    Zeros( h, 2*n, 1 );

    // Solve the affine QP
    // ===================
    DistMatrix<Real> xHat(g), y(g), z(g), s(g);
    QP( Q, AHat, G, b, c, h, xHat, y, z, s, ctrl );

    // x := u - v
    // ==========
    x = xHat( uInd, ALL );
    x -= xHat( vInd, ALL );
    const Range<Int> uInd(0,n), vInd(n,2*n), rInd(2*n,2*n+m);

    Matrix<Real> Q, c, AHat, G, h;

    // Q := | 0 0 0 |
    //      | 0 0 0 |
    //      | 0 0 I |
    // ==============
    Zeros( Q, 2*n+m, 2*n+m );
    auto Qrr = Q( rInd, rInd );
    FillDiagonal( Qrr, Real(1) );

    // c := lambda*[1;1;0]
    // ===================
    Zeros( c, 2*n+m, 1 );
    auto cuv = c( IR(0,2*n), IR(0,1) );
    Fill( cuv, lambda );

    // \hat A := [A, -A, I]
    // ====================
    Zeros( AHat, m, 2*n+m );
    auto AHatu = AHat( IR(0,m), uInd );
    auto AHatv = AHat( IR(0,m), vInd );
    auto AHatr = AHat( IR(0,m), rInd );
    AHatu = A;
    Axpy( Real(-1), A, AHatv );
    FillDiagonal( AHatr, Real(1) );

    // G := | -I  0 0 |
    //      |  0 -I 0 |
    // ================
void EN
( const SparseMatrix<Real>& A,
  const Matrix<Real>& b,
        Real lambda1,
        Real lambda2,
        Matrix<Real>& x,
  const qp::affine::Ctrl<Real>& ctrl )
    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    const Range<Int> uInd(0,n), vInd(n,2*n), rInd(2*n,2*n+m);
    SparseMatrix<Real> Q, AHat, G;
    Matrix<Real> c, h;

    // Q := | 2*lambda_2     0      0 |
    //      |     0      2*lambda_2 0 |
    //      |     0          0      2 |
    // ================================
    Zeros( Q, 2*n+m, 2*n+m );
    Q.Reserve( 2*n+m );
    for( Int e=0; e<2*n; ++e )
        Q.QueueUpdate( e, e, 2*lambda2 );
    for( Int e=0; e<m; ++e )
        Q.QueueUpdate( 2*n+e, 2*n+e, Real(1) );

    // c := lambda_1*[1;1;0]
    // =====================
    Zeros( c, 2*n+m, 1 );
    auto cuv = c( IR(0,2*n), ALL );
    Fill( cuv, lambda1 );

    // \hat A := [A, -A, I]
    // ====================
    const Int numEntriesA = A.NumEntries();
    Zeros( AHat, m, 2*n+m );
    AHat.Reserve( 2*numEntriesA+m );
    for( Int e=0; e<numEntriesA; ++e )
        AHat.QueueUpdate( A.Row(e), A.Col(e),    A.Value(e) );
        AHat.QueueUpdate( A.Row(e), A.Col(e)+n, -A.Value(e) );
    for( Int e=0; e<m; ++e )
        AHat.QueueUpdate( e, e+2*n, Real(1) );

    // G := | -I  0 0 |
    //      |  0 -I 0 |
    // ================
    Zeros( G, 2*n, 2*n+m );
    G.Reserve( 2*m );
    for( Int e=0; e<2*m; ++e )
        G.QueueUpdate( e, e, Real(-1) );

    // h := 0
    // ======
    Zeros( h, 2*n, 1 );

    // Solve the affine QP
    // ===================
    Matrix<Real> xHat, y, z, s;
    QP( Q, AHat, G, b, c, h, xHat, y, z, s, ctrl );

    // x := u - v
    // ==========
    x = xHat( uInd, ALL );
    x -= xHat( vInd, ALL );
bool CommonSolverSparseLib::_solve(Matrix *mat, double *res)
    printf("SparseLib++ solver\n");

    CSCMatrix *Acsc = NULL;

    if (CooMatrix *mcoo = dynamic_cast<CooMatrix*>(mat))
        Acsc = new CSCMatrix(mcoo);
    else if (DenseMatrix *mden = dynamic_cast<DenseMatrix *>(mat))
        Acsc = new CSCMatrix(mden);
    else if (CSCMatrix *mcsc = dynamic_cast<CSCMatrix*>(mat))
        Acsc = mcsc;
    else if (CSRMatrix *mcsr = dynamic_cast<CSRMatrix*>(mat))
        Acsc = new CSCMatrix(mcsr);
        _error("Matrix type not supported.");

    int nnz = Acsc->get_nnz();
    int size = Acsc->get_size();

    CompCol_Mat_double Acc = CompCol_Mat_double(size, size, nnz,
                                                Acsc->get_Ax(), Acsc->get_Ai(), Acsc->get_Ap());

    // rhs
    VECTOR_double rhs(res, size);

    // preconditioner
    CompCol_ILUPreconditioner_double ILU(Acc);
    VECTOR_double xv = ILU.solve(rhs);

    // method
    int result = -1;
    switch (method)
    case HERMES_CommonSolverSparseLibSolver_ConjugateGradientSquared:
        result = CGS(Acc, xv, rhs, ILU, maxiter, tolerance);
    case CommonSolverSparseLibSolver_RichardsonIterativeRefinement:
        result = IR(Acc, xv, rhs, ILU, maxiter, tolerance);
        _error("SparseLib++ error. Method is not defined.");

    if (result == 0)
        printf("SparseLib++ solver: maxiter: %i, tol: %e\n", maxiter, tolerance);
        _error("SparseLib++ error.");

    double *x;
    x = (double*) malloc(size * sizeof(double));

    for (int i = 0 ; i < xv.size() ; i++)
        x[i] = xv(i);

    memcpy(res, x, size*sizeof(double));
    delete[] x;

    if (!dynamic_cast<CSCMatrix*>(mat))
        delete Acsc;
void EN
( const Matrix<Real>& A,
  const Matrix<Real>& b,
        Real lambda1,
        Real lambda2,
        Matrix<Real>& x,
  const qp::affine::Ctrl<Real>& ctrl )
    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    const Range<Int> uInd(0,n), vInd(n,2*n), rInd(2*n,2*n+m);

    Matrix<Real> Q, c, AHat, G, h;

    // Q := | 2*lambda_2     0      0 |
    //      |     0      2*lambda_2 0 |
    //      |     0          0      2 |
    // ================================
    Zeros( Q, 2*n+m, 2*n+m );
    auto QTL = Q( IR(0,2*n), IR(0,2*n) );
    FillDiagonal( QTL, 2*lambda2 );
    auto Qrr = Q( rInd, rInd );
    FillDiagonal( Qrr, Real(1) );

    // c := lambda_1*[1;1;0]
    // =====================
    Zeros( c, 2*n+m, 1 );
    auto cuv = c( IR(0,2*n), ALL );
    Fill( cuv, lambda1 );

    // \hat A := [A, -A, I]
    // ====================
    Zeros( AHat, m, 2*n+m );
    auto AHatu = AHat( ALL, uInd );
    auto AHatv = AHat( ALL, vInd );
    auto AHatr = AHat( ALL, rInd );
    AHatu = A;
    AHatv -= A;
    FillDiagonal( AHatr, Real(1) );

    // G := | -I  0 0 |
    //      |  0 -I 0 |
    // ================
    Zeros( G, 2*n, 2*n+m );
    FillDiagonal( G, Real(-1) );

    // h := 0
    // ======
    Zeros( h, 2*n, 1 );

    // Solve the affine QP
    // ===================
    Matrix<Real> xHat, y, z, s;
    QP( Q, AHat, G, b, c, h, xHat, y, z, s, ctrl );

    // x := u - v
    // ==========
    x = xHat( uInd, ALL );
    x -= xHat( vInd, ALL );
void Var1
( const Matrix<Real>& A,
  const Matrix<Real>& b, 
        Real lambda,
        Matrix<Real>& x,
  const lp::affine::Ctrl<Real>& ctrl )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("ds::Var1"))
    const Int n = A.Width();
    const Range<Int> uInd(0,n), vInd(n,2*n), tInd(2*n,3*n);
    Matrix<Real> c, AHat, bHat, G, h;

    // c := [1;1;0]
    // ==============
    Zeros( c, 3*n, 1 );
    auto cuv = c( IR(0,2*n), ALL );
    Fill( cuv, Real(1) );

    // \hat A := [ A^T A, -A^T A,  I ]
    // ===============================
    Zeros( AHat, n, 3*n );
    auto AHatu = AHat( ALL, uInd );
    auto AHatv = AHat( ALL, vInd );
    auto AHatt = AHat( ALL, tInd );
    Herk( LOWER, TRANSPOSE, Real(1), A, Real(0), AHatu );
    MakeSymmetric( LOWER, AHatu );
    AHatv -= AHatu;
    FillDiagonal( AHatt, Real(1) );

    // \hat b := A^T b
    // ===============
AEDInfo Nibble
( Matrix<Real>& H,
  Int deflationSize,
  Matrix<Complex<Real>>& w,
  Matrix<Real>& Z,
  const HessenbergSchurCtrl& ctrl )
    const Int n = H.Height();
    Int winBeg = ( ctrl.winBeg==END ? n : ctrl.winBeg );
    Int winEnd = ( ctrl.winEnd==END ? n : ctrl.winEnd );
    AEDInfo info;

    const Real zero(0);
    const Real ulp = limits::Precision<Real>();
    const Real safeMin = limits::SafeMin<Real>();
    const Real smallNum = safeMin*(Real(n)/ulp);

    if( winBeg > winEnd )
        return info;
    if( deflationSize < 1 )
        return info;

    Int blockSize = Min( deflationSize, winEnd-winBeg );
    const Int deflateBeg = winEnd-blockSize;

    // If the deflation window touches the beginning of the full window,
    // then there is no spike
    Real spikeValue =
      ( deflateBeg==winBeg ? zero : H(deflateBeg,deflateBeg-1) );

    if( blockSize == 1 )
        w(deflateBeg) = H(deflateBeg,deflateBeg);
        if( Abs(spikeValue) <= Max( smallNum, ulp*Abs(w(deflateBeg).real()) ) )
            // The offdiagonal entry was small enough to deflate
            info.numDeflated = 1;
            if( deflateBeg > winBeg )
                // Explicitly deflate by zeroing the offdiagonal entry
                H(deflateBeg,deflateBeg-1) = zero;
            // The offdiagonal entry was too large to deflate
            info.numShiftCandidates = 1;
        return info;

    auto deflateInd = IR(deflateBeg,winEnd);
    auto H11 = H( deflateInd, deflateInd );

    // NOTE(poulson): We could only copy the upper-Hessenberg portion of H11
    auto T( H11 ); // TODO(poulson): Reuse this matrix?
    auto w1 = w( deflateInd, ALL );
    Matrix<Real> V;
    Identity( V, blockSize, blockSize );
    auto ctrlSub( ctrl );
    ctrlSub.winBeg = 0;
    ctrlSub.winEnd = blockSize;
    ctrlSub.fullTriangle = true;
    ctrlSub.wantSchurVecs = true;
    ctrlSub.demandConverged = false;
    ctrlSub.alg = ( ctrl.recursiveAED ? HESSENBERG_SCHUR_AED
                                      : HESSENBERG_SCHUR_MULTIBULGE );
    auto infoSub = HessenbergSchur( T, w1, V, ctrlSub );
      if( infoSub.numUnconverged != 0 )
          Output(infoSub.numUnconverged," eigenvalues did not converge");
/* Emit or eliminate collected PHIs. */
static void loop_emit_phi(jit_State *J, IRRef1 *subst, IRRef1 *phi, IRRef nphi,
			  SnapNo onsnap)
  int passx = 0;
  IRRef i, j, nslots;
  IRRef invar = J->chain[IR_LOOP];
  /* Pass #1: mark redundant and potentially redundant PHIs. */
  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nphi; i++) {
    IRRef lref = phi[i];
    IRRef rref = subst[lref];
    if (lref == rref || rref == REF_DROP) {  /* Invariants are redundant. */
    } else {
      phi[j++] = (IRRef1)lref;
      if (!(IR(rref)->op1 == lref || IR(rref)->op2 == lref)) {
	/* Quick check for simple recurrences failed, need pass2. */
	passx = 1;
  nphi = j;
  /* Pass #2: traverse variant part and clear marks of non-redundant PHIs. */
  if (passx) {
    SnapNo s;
    for (i = J->cur.nins-1; i > invar; i--) {
      IRIns *ir = IR(i);
      if (!irref_isk(ir->op2)) irt_clearmark(IR(ir->op2)->t);
      if (!irref_isk(ir->op1)) {
	if (ir->op1 < invar &&
	    ir->o >= IR_CALLN && ir->o <= IR_CARG) {  /* ORDER IR */
	  ir = IR(ir->op1);
	  while (ir->o == IR_CARG) {
	    if (!irref_isk(ir->op2)) irt_clearmark(IR(ir->op2)->t);
	    if (irref_isk(ir->op1)) break;
	    ir = IR(ir->op1);
    for (s = J->cur.nsnap-1; s >= onsnap; s--) {
      SnapShot *snap = &J->cur.snap[s];
      SnapEntry *map = &J->cur.snapmap[snap->mapofs];
      MSize n, nent = snap->nent;
      for (n = 0; n < nent; n++) {
	IRRef ref = snap_ref(map[n]);
	if (!irref_isk(ref)) irt_clearmark(IR(ref)->t);
  /* Pass #3: add PHIs for variant slots without a corresponding SLOAD. */
  nslots = J->baseslot+J->maxslot;
  for (i = 1; i < nslots; i++) {
    IRRef ref = tref_ref(J->slot[i]);
    while (!irref_isk(ref) && ref != subst[ref]) {
      IRIns *ir = IR(ref);
      irt_clearmark(ir->t);  /* Unmark potential uses, too. */
      if (irt_isphi(ir->t) || irt_ispri(ir->t))
      if (nphi >= LJ_MAX_PHI)
	lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_PHIOV);
      phi[nphi++] = (IRRef1)ref;
      ref = subst[ref];
      if (ref > invar)
  /* Pass #4: propagate non-redundant PHIs. */
  while (passx) {
    passx = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nphi; i++) {
      IRRef lref = phi[i];
      IRIns *ir = IR(lref);
      if (!irt_ismarked(ir->t)) {  /* Propagate only from unmarked PHIs. */
	IRIns *irr = IR(subst[lref]);
	if (irt_ismarked(irr->t)) {  /* Right ref points to other PHI? */
	  irt_clearmark(irr->t);  /* Mark that PHI as non-redundant. */
	  passx = 1;  /* Retry. */
  /* Pass #5: emit PHI instructions or eliminate PHIs. */
  for (i = 0; i < nphi; i++) {
    IRRef lref = phi[i];
    IRIns *ir = IR(lref);
    if (!irt_ismarked(ir->t)) {  /* Emit PHI if not marked. */
      IRRef rref = subst[lref];
      if (rref > invar)
      emitir_raw(IRT(IR_PHI, irt_type(ir->t)), lref, rref);
    } else {  /* Otherwise eliminate PHI. */
void ApplyQ
( LeftOrRight side,
  Orientation orientation, 
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& APre,
  const ElementalMatrix<F>& phasePre, 
  const ElementalMatrix<Base<F>>& signature,
        ElementalMatrix<F>& BPre )
    const bool normal = (orientation==NORMAL);
    const bool onLeft = (side==LEFT);
    const bool applyDFirst = normal!=onLeft;
    const Int minDim = Min(APre.Height(),APre.Width()); 

    const ForwardOrBackward direction = ( normal==onLeft ? FORWARD : BACKWARD );
    const Conjugation conjugation = ( normal ? CONJUGATED : UNCONJUGATED );

    DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MC,MR> AProx( APre );
    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> BProx( BPre );
    auto& A = AProx.GetLocked();
    auto& B = BProx.Get();

    ElementalProxyCtrl phaseCtrl;
    phaseCtrl.rootConstrain = true;
    phaseCtrl.colConstrain = true;
    phaseCtrl.root = A.DiagonalRoot();
    phaseCtrl.colAlign = A.DiagonalAlign();

    DistMatrixReadProxy<F,F,MD,STAR> phaseProx( phasePre, phaseCtrl );
    auto& phase = phaseProx.GetLocked();

    const Int m = B.Height();
    const Int n = B.Width();

    if( applyDFirst )
        if( onLeft )
            auto BTop = B( IR(0,minDim), IR(0,n) );
            DiagonalScale( side, orientation, signature, BTop );
            auto BLeft = B( IR(0,m), IR(0,minDim) );
            DiagonalScale( side, orientation, signature, BLeft );

    ( side, UPPER, HORIZONTAL, direction, conjugation, 0, A, phase, B );

    if( !applyDFirst )
        if( onLeft )
            auto BTop = B( IR(0,minDim), IR(0,n) );
            DiagonalScale( side, orientation, signature, BTop );
            auto BLeft = B( IR(0,m), IR(0,minDim) );
            DiagonalScale( side, orientation, signature, BLeft );
    JordanCholesky( ATL, n );
    Identity( ATR, n, n );
    Identity( ABL, n, n );
    Identity( ABR, n, n );
    ABR *= -1;

template<typename T>
void DynamicRegCounter( ElementalMatrix<T>& APre, Int n )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("DynamicRegCounter"))
    auto APtr = WriteProxy<T,MC,MR>(&APre);
    auto& A = *APtr;

    Zeros( A, 2*n, 2*n );
    auto ATL = A( IR(0,n),   IR(0,n)   );
    auto ATR = A( IR(0,n),   IR(n,2*n) );
    auto ABL = A( IR(n,2*n), IR(0,n)   );
    auto ABR = A( IR(n,2*n), IR(n,2*n) );

    JordanCholesky( ATL, n );
    Identity( ATR, n, n );
    Identity( ABL, n, n );
    Identity( ABR, n, n );
    ABR *= -1;

template<typename T>
void DynamicRegCounter( SparseMatrix<T>& A, Int n )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("DynamicRegCounter"))
void Tikhonov
( Orientation orientation,
  const DistSparseMatrix<F>& A,
  const DistMultiVec<F>& B,
  const DistSparseMatrix<F>& G,
        DistMultiVec<F>& X, 
  const LeastSquaresCtrl<Base<F>>& ctrl )
    mpi::Comm comm = A.Comm();
    // Explicitly form W := op(A)
    // ==========================
    DistSparseMatrix<F> W(comm);
    if( orientation == NORMAL )
        W = A;
    else if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
        Transpose( A, W );
        Adjoint( A, W );

    const Int m = W.Height();
    const Int n = W.Width();
    const Int numRHS = B.Width();

    // Embed into a higher-dimensional problem via appending regularization
    // ====================================================================
    DistSparseMatrix<F> WEmb(comm);
    if( m >= n )
        VCat( W, G, WEmb ); 
        HCat( W, G, WEmb );

    DistMultiVec<F> BEmb(comm);
    Zeros( BEmb, WEmb.Height(), numRHS );
    if( m >= n )
        // BEmb := [B; 0]
        // --------------
        const Int mLocB = B.LocalHeight();
        BEmb.Reserve( mLocB*numRHS );
        for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<mLocB; ++iLoc )
            const Int i = B.GlobalRow(iLoc);
            for( Int j=0; j<numRHS; ++j )
                BEmb.QueueUpdate( i, j, B.GetLocal(iLoc,j) );
        BEmb = B;

    // Solve the higher-dimensional problem
    // ====================================
    DistMultiVec<F> XEmb(comm);
    LeastSquares( NORMAL, WEmb, BEmb, XEmb, ctrl );

    // Extract the solution
    // ====================
    if( m >= n )
        X = XEmb;
        GetSubmatrix( XEmb, IR(0,n), IR(0,numRHS), X );
int main() {
  //Handle Ctrl-C quit
  signal(SIGINT, sig_handler);

  Shield *shield = new Shield();

  //two motor setup
  Motor left_motor(15, 2);
  Motor right_motor(4, 8);

  Gyro gyro;

  IR medA = IR(1, 6149.816568, 4.468768853);

  //was 0.015, 0, 0.4
  PIDDrive drive(&left_motor, &right_motor, shield, 0.05, 0, 0.2);

  int straight = 0;
  int turning = 0;
  double curAngle = gyro.get_angle();
  /*double startDist = medA.getDistance();
  double dist[5] = {startDist, startDist, startDist, startDist, startDist};
  double avg = startDist;
  double sum = 0;
  while (running) {
    /*sum = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
      dist[i-1] = dist[i];
    dist[4] = medA.getDistance();
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
       sum +=  dist[i];
    avg = sum / 5.;
    std::cout << "sensor: " << medA.getDistance() << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "avg: " << avg << std::endl;

    if (medA.getDistance() < 30) {
      if (turning == 0) {
        curAngle = gyro.get_angle();
      drive.drive(curAngle + 90, gyro.get_angle(), .25); //turn away from wall
      straight = 0;
      std::cout << "turning " << "angle: " << curAngle << std::endl;
    } else {
      turning = 0;
      if (straight == 0) {
        curAngle = gyro.get_angle();
      drive.drive(curAngle, gyro.get_angle(), 0.25); //keep driving straight
      std::cout << "straight\t" << "angle: " << curAngle <<  std::endl;

    /*if (avg < 30) {
      drive.drive(gyro.get_angle(), gyro.get_angle(), -.25);
    } else {
      drive.drive(gyro.get_angle(), gyro.get_angle(), 0.25);
	for (short i=0; i<NIR(); i++) {
		delete (MFCInstanceView *)IR(i);