  * @brief  Initializes the ADCx peripheral according to the specified parameters
  *         in the ADC_InitStruct.
  * @note   This function is used to configure the global features of the ADC (
  *         Resolution, Data Alignment, continuous mode activation, External
  *         trigger source and edge, Sequence Scan Direction).
  * @param  ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC peripheral.
  * @param  ADC_InitStruct: pointer to an ADC_InitTypeDef structure that contains
  *         the configuration information for the specified ADC peripheral.
  * @retval None
void ADC_Init(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, ADC_InitTypeDef* ADC_InitStruct)
    uint32_t tmpreg = 0;

    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Get the ADCx CFGR value */
    tmpreg = ADCx->CFGR1;

    /* Clear SCANDIR, RES[1:0], ALIGN, EXTSEL[2:0], EXTEN[1:0] and CONT bits */
    tmpreg &= CFGR1_CLEAR_MASK;

    /*---------------------------- ADCx CFGR Configuration ---------------------*/

    /* Set RES[1:0] bits according to ADC_Resolution value */
    /* Set CONT bit according to ADC_ContinuousConvMode value */
    /* Set EXTEN[1:0] bits according to ADC_ExternalTrigConvEdge value */
    /* Set EXTSEL[2:0] bits according to ADC_ExternalTrigConv value */
    /* Set ALIGN bit according to ADC_DataAlign value */
    /* Set SCANDIR bit according to ADC_ScanDirection value */

    tmpreg  |= (uint32_t)(ADC_InitStruct->ADC_Resolution | ((uint32_t)(ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ContinuousConvMode) << 13) |
                          ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ExternalTrigConvEdge | ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ExternalTrigConv |
                          ADC_InitStruct->ADC_DataAlign | ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ScanDirection);

    /* Write to ADCx CFGR */
    ADCx->CFGR1 = tmpreg;
  * @brief  Enables ADC DMA request after last transfer (Single-ADC mode) and enables ADC peripheral  
  * @param  hadc: pointer to a ADC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *         the configuration information for the specified ADC.
  * @param  pData: The destination Buffer address.
  * @param  Length: The length of data to be transferred from ADC peripheral to memory.
  * @retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc, uint32_t* pData, uint32_t Length)
  uint16_t i = 0;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Process locked */
  /* Enable ADC overrun interrupt */
  /* Enable ADC DMA mode */
  hadc->Instance->CR2 |= ADC_CR2_DMA;
  /* Set the DMA transfer complete callback */
  hadc->DMA_Handle->XferCpltCallback = ADC_DMAConvCplt;
  /* Set the DMA half transfer complete callback */
  hadc->DMA_Handle->XferHalfCpltCallback = ADC_DMAHalfConvCplt;
  /* Set the DMA error callback */
  hadc->DMA_Handle->XferErrorCallback = ADC_DMAError ;
  /* Enable the DMA Stream */
  HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hadc->DMA_Handle, (uint32_t)&hadc->Instance->DR, (uint32_t)pData, Length);
  /* Change ADC state */
  hadc->State = HAL_ADC_STATE_BUSY_REG;
  /* Check if ADC peripheral is disabled in order to enable it and wait during 
     Tstab time the ADC's stabilization */
  if((hadc->Instance->CR2 & ADC_CR2_ADON) != ADC_CR2_ADON)
    /* Enable the Peripheral */
    /* Delay inserted to wait during Tstab time the ADC's stabilazation */
    for(; i <= 540; i++)
  /* if no external trigger present enable software conversion of regular channels */
  if (hadc->Init.ExternalTrigConvEdge == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONVEDGE_NONE)
    /* Enable the selected ADC software conversion for regular group */
    hadc->Instance->CR2 |= ADC_CR2_SWSTART;
  /* Process unlocked */
  /* Return function status */
  return HAL_OK;
  * @brief  Enables ADC DMA request after last transfer (Single-ADC mode) and enables ADC peripheral
  * @param  hadc: pointer to a ADC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *         the configuration information for the specified ADC.
  * @param  pData: The destination Buffer address.
  * @param  Length: The length of data to be transferred from ADC peripheral to memory.
  * @retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc, uint32_t* pData, uint32_t Length)
    __IO uint32_t counter = 0;

    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Process locked */

    /* Enable ADC overrun interrupt */

    /* Enable ADC DMA mode */
    hadc->Instance->CR2 |= ADC_CR2_DMA;

    /* Set the DMA transfer complete callback */
    hadc->DMA_Handle->XferCpltCallback = ADC_DMAConvCplt;

    /* Set the DMA half transfer complete callback */
    hadc->DMA_Handle->XferHalfCpltCallback = ADC_DMAHalfConvCplt;

    /* Set the DMA error callback */
    hadc->DMA_Handle->XferErrorCallback = ADC_DMAError ;

    /* Enable the DMA Stream */
    HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hadc->DMA_Handle, (uint32_t)&hadc->Instance->DR, (uint32_t)pData, Length);

    /* Change ADC state */
    hadc->State = HAL_ADC_STATE_BUSY_REG;

    /* Process unlocked */

    /* Check if ADC peripheral is disabled in order to enable it and wait during
       Tstab time the ADC's stabilization */
    if ((hadc->Instance->CR2 & ADC_CR2_ADON) != ADC_CR2_ADON) {
        /* Enable the Peripheral */

        /* Delay for ADC stabilization time */
        /* Compute number of CPU cycles to wait for */
        counter = (ADC_STAB_DELAY_US * (SystemCoreClock / 1000000));
        while (counter != 0) {

    /* if no external trigger present enable software conversion of regular channels */
    if ((hadc->Instance->CR2 & ADC_CR2_EXTEN) == RESET) {
        /* Enable the selected ADC software conversion for regular group */
        hadc->Instance->CR2 |= ADC_CR2_SWSTART;

    /* Return function status */
    return HAL_OK;
  * @brief  Enables ADC and starts conversion of the regular channels.
  * @param  hadc: pointer to a ADC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *         the configuration information for the specified ADC.
  * @retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_Start(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc)
    __IO uint32_t counter = 0;

    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Process locked */

    /* Check if an injected conversion is ongoing */
    if (hadc->State == HAL_ADC_STATE_BUSY_INJ) {
        /* Change ADC state */
        hadc->State = HAL_ADC_STATE_BUSY_INJ_REG;
    } else {
        /* Change ADC state */
        hadc->State = HAL_ADC_STATE_BUSY_REG;

    /* Check if ADC peripheral is disabled in order to enable it and wait during
    Tstab time the ADC's stabilization */
    if ((hadc->Instance->CR2 & ADC_CR2_ADON) != ADC_CR2_ADON) {
        /* Enable the Peripheral */

        /* Delay for ADC stabilization time */
        /* Compute number of CPU cycles to wait for */
        counter = (ADC_STAB_DELAY_US * (SystemCoreClock / 1000000));
        while (counter != 0) {

    /* Process unlocked */

    /* Check if Multimode enabled */
        /* if no external trigger present enable software conversion of regular channels */
        if ((hadc->Instance->CR2 & ADC_CR2_EXTEN) == RESET) {
            /* Enable the selected ADC software conversion for regular group */
            hadc->Instance->CR2 |= (uint32_t)ADC_CR2_SWSTART;
    } else {
        /* if instance of handle correspond to ADC1 and  no external trigger present enable software conversion of regular channels */
        if ((hadc->Instance == ADC1) && ((hadc->Instance->CR2 & ADC_CR2_EXTEN) == RESET)) {
            /* Enable the selected ADC software conversion for regular group */
            hadc->Instance->CR2 |= (uint32_t)ADC_CR2_SWSTART;

    /* Return function status */
    return HAL_OK;
  * @brief  Initializes the ADCx peripheral according to the specified parameters 
  *         in the ADC_InitStruct and initializes the ADC MSP.
  * @note   This function is used to configure the global features of the ADC ( 
  *         ClockPrescaler, Resolution, Data Alignment and number of conversion), however,
  *         the rest of the configuration parameters are specific to the regular
  *         channels group (scan mode activation, continuous mode activation,
  *         External trigger source and edge, DMA continuous request after the  
  *         last transfer and End of conversion selection).
  * @param  hadc: pointer to a ADC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *         the configuration information for the specified ADC.  
  * @retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_Init(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc)
  /* Check ADC handle */
  if(hadc == NULL)
     return HAL_ERROR;
  /* Check the parameters */
  if(hadc->Init.ExternalTrigConv != ADC_SOFTWARE_START)
  if(hadc->State == HAL_ADC_STATE_RESET)
    /* Allocate lock resource and initialize it */
    hadc->Lock = HAL_UNLOCKED;
    /* Init the low level hardware */
  /* Initialize the ADC state */
  hadc->State = HAL_ADC_STATE_BUSY;
  /* Set ADC parameters */
  /* Set ADC error code to none */
  hadc->ErrorCode = HAL_ADC_ERROR_NONE;
  /* Initialize the ADC state */
  hadc->State = HAL_ADC_STATE_READY;

  /* Release Lock */

  /* Return function status */
  return HAL_OK;
  * @brief  Initializes the ADCx peripheral according to the specified parameters 
  *   in the ADC_InitStruct.
  * @param  ADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the ADC peripheral.
  * @param  ADC_InitStruct: pointer to an ADC_InitTypeDef structure that contains
  *   the configuration information for the specified ADC peripheral.
  * @retval None
void ADC_Init(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, ADC_InitTypeDef* ADC_InitStruct)               
  uint32_t tmpreg1 = 0;
  uint8_t tmpreg2 = 0;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /*---------------------------- ADCx CR1 Configuration -----------------*/
  /* Get the ADCx CR1 value */
  tmpreg1 = ADCx->CR1;
  /* Clear RES and SCAN bits */
  tmpreg1 &= CR1_CLEAR_MASK;
  /* Configure ADCx: scan conversion mode and resolution */
  /* Set SCAN bit according to ADC_ScanConvMode value */
  /* Set RES bit according to ADC_Resolution value */ 
  tmpreg1 |= (uint32_t)(((uint32_t)ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ScanConvMode << 8) | ADC_InitStruct->ADC_Resolution);
  /* Write to ADCx CR1 */
  ADCx->CR1 = tmpreg1;
  /*---------------------------- ADCx CR2 Configuration -----------------*/
  /* Get the ADCx CR2 value */
  tmpreg1 = ADCx->CR2;
  /* Clear CONT, ALIGN, EXTEN and EXTSEL bits */
  tmpreg1 &= CR2_CLEAR_MASK;
  /* Configure ADCx: external trigger event and edge, data alignment and continuous conversion mode */
  /* Set ALIGN bit according to ADC_DataAlign value */
  /* Set EXTEN bits according to ADC_ExternalTrigConvEdge value */ 
  /* Set EXTSEL bits according to ADC_ExternalTrigConv value */
  /* Set CONT bit according to ADC_ContinuousConvMode value */
  tmpreg1 |= (uint32_t)(ADC_InitStruct->ADC_DataAlign | ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ExternalTrigConv | 
                   ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ExternalTrigConvEdge | ((uint32_t)ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ContinuousConvMode << 1));
  /* Write to ADCx CR2 */
  ADCx->CR2 = tmpreg1;
  /*---------------------------- ADCx SQR1 Configuration -----------------*/
  /* Get the ADCx SQR1 value */
  tmpreg1 = ADCx->SQR1;
  /* Clear L bits */
  tmpreg1 &= SQR1_L_RSEET;
  /* Configure ADCx: regular channel sequence length */
  /* Set L bits according to ADC_NbrOfConversion value */
  tmpreg2 |= (uint8_t)(ADC_InitStruct->ADC_NbrOfConversion - (uint8_t)1);
  tmpreg1 |= ((uint32_t)tmpreg2 << 20);
  /* Write to ADCx SQR1 */
  ADCx->SQR1 = tmpreg1;
  * @brief  Enables ADC DMA request after last transfer (Multi-ADC mode) and enables ADC peripheral
  * @note   Caution: This function must be used only with the ADC master.  
  * @param  hadc: pointer to a ADC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *         the configuration information for the specified ADC.
  * @param  pData:   Pointer to buffer in which transferred from ADC peripheral to memory will be stored. 
  * @param  Length:  The length of data to be transferred from ADC peripheral to memory.  
  * @retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeStart_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc, uint32_t* pData, uint32_t Length)
  __IO uint32_t counter = 0U;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Process locked */
  /* Check if ADC peripheral is disabled in order to enable it and wait during 
     Tstab time the ADC's stabilization */
  if((hadc->Instance->CR2 & ADC_CR2_ADON) != ADC_CR2_ADON)
    /* Enable the Peripheral */
    /* Delay for temperature sensor stabilization time */
    /* Compute number of CPU cycles to wait for */
    counter = (ADC_STAB_DELAY_US * (SystemCoreClock / 1000000U));
    while(counter != 0U)
  /* Start conversion if ADC is effectively enabled */
  if(HAL_IS_BIT_SET(hadc->Instance->CR2, ADC_CR2_ADON))
    /* Set ADC state                                                          */
    /* - Clear state bitfield related to regular group conversion results     */
    /* - Set state bitfield related to regular group operation                */
    /* If conversions on group regular are also triggering group injected,    */
    /* update ADC state.                                                      */
    if (READ_BIT(hadc->Instance->CR1, ADC_CR1_JAUTO) != RESET)
    /* State machine update: Check if an injected conversion is ongoing */
    if (HAL_IS_BIT_SET(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY))
      /* Reset ADC error code fields related to conversions on group regular */
      CLEAR_BIT(hadc->ErrorCode, (HAL_ADC_ERROR_OVR | HAL_ADC_ERROR_DMA));         
      /* Reset ADC all error code fields */
    /* Process unlocked */
    /* Unlock before starting ADC conversions: in case of potential           */
    /* interruption, to let the process to ADC IRQ Handler.                   */
    /* Set the DMA transfer complete callback */
    hadc->DMA_Handle->XferCpltCallback = ADC_MultiModeDMAConvCplt;
    /* Set the DMA half transfer complete callback */
    hadc->DMA_Handle->XferHalfCpltCallback = ADC_MultiModeDMAHalfConvCplt;
    /* Set the DMA error callback */
    hadc->DMA_Handle->XferErrorCallback = ADC_MultiModeDMAError ;
    /* Manage ADC and DMA start: ADC overrun interruption, DMA start, ADC     */
    /* start (in case of SW start):                                           */
    /* Clear regular group conversion flag and overrun flag */
    /* (To ensure of no unknown state from potential previous ADC operations) */

    /* Enable ADC overrun interrupt */
    if (hadc->Init.DMAContinuousRequests != DISABLE)
      /* Enable the selected ADC DMA request after last transfer */
      ADC->CCR |= ADC_CCR_DDS;
      /* Disable the selected ADC EOC rising on each regular channel conversion */
      ADC->CCR &= ~ADC_CCR_DDS;
    /* Enable the DMA Stream */
    HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hadc->DMA_Handle, (uint32_t)&ADC->CDR, (uint32_t)pData, Length);
    /* if no external trigger present enable software conversion of regular channels */
    if((hadc->Instance->CR2 & ADC_CR2_EXTEN) == RESET) 
      /* Enable the selected ADC software conversion for regular group */
      hadc->Instance->CR2 |= (uint32_t)ADC_CR2_SWSTART;
  /* Return function status */
  return HAL_OK;
  * @brief  Enables the interrupt and starts ADC conversion of regular channels.
  * @param  hadc: pointer to a ADC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *         the configuration information for the specified ADC.
  * @retval HAL status.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_Start_IT(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc)
  uint16_t i = 0;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Process locked */
  /* Check if an injected conversion is ongoing */
  if(hadc->State == HAL_ADC_STATE_BUSY_INJ)
    /* Change ADC state */
    hadc->State = HAL_ADC_STATE_BUSY_INJ_REG;  
    /* Change ADC state */
    hadc->State = HAL_ADC_STATE_BUSY_REG;
  /* Set ADC error code to none */
  hadc->ErrorCode = HAL_ADC_ERROR_NONE;
  /* Check if ADC peripheral is disabled in order to enable it and wait during 
     Tstab time the ADC's stabilization */
  if((hadc->Instance->CR2 & ADC_CR2_ADON) != ADC_CR2_ADON)
    /* Enable the Peripheral */
    /* Delay inserted to wait during Tstab time the ADC's stabilazation */
    for(; i <= 540; i++)
  /* Enable the ADC overrun interrupt */
  /* Enable the ADC end of conversion interrupt for regular group */
  /* Check if Multimode enabled */
    /* if no externel trigger present enable software conversion of regular channels */
    if (hadc->Init.ExternalTrigConvEdge == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONVEDGE_NONE)
      /* Enable the selected ADC software conversion for regular group */
      hadc->Instance->CR2 |= (uint32_t)ADC_CR2_SWSTART;
    /* if instance of handle correspond to ADC1 and  no external trigger present enable software conversion of regular channels */
    if ((hadc->Instance == (ADC_TypeDef*)0x40012000) && (hadc->Init.ExternalTrigConvEdge == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGCONVEDGE_NONE))
      /* Enable the selected ADC software conversion for regular group */
        hadc->Instance->CR2 |= (uint32_t)ADC_CR2_SWSTART;
  /* Process unlocked */
  /* Return function status */
  return HAL_OK;