int find_ball_area( int x, int y, int *green_c )
	int area = 1;

    if( IS_COLOR( 3*x, y, ORANGE ) ) correct_c++;

    if( x < b_min_x ) b_min_x = x;
	if( x > b_max_x ) b_max_x = x;
	if( y < b_min_y ) b_min_y = y;
	if( y > b_max_y ) b_max_y = y;

	// Märgime läbitud pikslid ära
	data[ y ] [ 3*x + 0 ] = 255;
	data[ y ] [ 3*x + 1 ] = 0;
	data[ y ] [ 3*x + 2 ] = 0;

	// Laieneme rekursiivselt kõrvalasuvatesse samavärvi pikslitesse
	if( x > 0 && IS_AD_COLOR( 3*(x-1), y,  ORANGE ) )		    area += find_ball_area( x-1, y, green_c );
	if( x < gwidth-1 && IS_AD_COLOR( 3*(x+1), y,  ORANGE ) )        area += find_ball_area( x+1, y, green_c );
	if( y > 0 && IS_AD_COLOR( 3*x, y-1,  ORANGE ) )  		    area += find_ball_area( x, y-1, green_c );
	if( y < gheight-1 && IS_AD_COLOR( 3*x, y+1,  ORANGE ) )	    area += find_ball_area( x, y+1, green_c );

	// Kontrollime rohelisi piksleid
	if( x > 30 && IS_COLOR( 3*(x-10), y , GREEN ) ) (*green_c)++;
	if( x < gwidth-30 && IS_COLOR( 3*(x+10), y , GREEN ) ) (*green_c)++;
	if( y > 10 && IS_COLOR( 3*x, y-10 , GREEN ) ) (*green_c)++;

	return area;
bool check_for_line( int x, int y, int b_min_x, int b_max_x )
	float m;
	float b;
	int new_x, new_y;
	int last[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
	int cur = 0;
	int white_c, black_c;
	int cur_x;
	bool gr_chk = false;

    for( int k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) {

        if( k == 0 ) cur_x = x;
        if( k == 1 ) cur_x = b_min_x;
        if( k == 2 ) cur_x = b_max_x;

        // Leian joone võrrandi
        if( y == gheight ) return false;
        m = (float) ( gwidth/2 - cur_x ) / (float) ( gheight - y );
        b = (float) cur_x - m*(float)y;

        gr_chk = false;

        for( int i = y; i < gheight; i++ ) {

            black_c = 0;
            white_c = 0;

            new_y = i;
            new_x = int ( m*i + b );

            if( !gr_chk ){
                if ( IS_COLOR( 3*new_x, new_y, GREEN ) ) gr_chk = true;
            else {

                if( IS_COLOR( 3*new_x, new_y, WHITE ) ) last[cur] = WHITE;
                else if( IS_COLOR( 3*new_x, new_y, BLACK ) ) last[cur] = BLACK;
                else last[cur] = 0;

                if( cur < 4 ) cur++;
                else cur = 0;

                for( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) {
                    if( last[j] == WHITE ) white_c++;
                    else if( last[j] == BLACK ) black_c++;

                if( black_c > 0 && white_c > 0 ) return true;

	return false;
int find_gate_area( int x, int y, int color )
	int area = 1;

	// Väravatuvastuse jaoks vajalik, nende järgi saab keskpunkti leida
	if( x < g_min_x ) g_min_x = x;
	if( x > g_max_x ) g_max_x = x;
	if( y < g_min_y ) g_min_y = y;
	if( y > g_max_y ) g_max_y = y;

	if( y > gate_min_low[ x / 5 ] ) gate_min_low[ x / 5 ] = y;

    if( IS_COLOR( 3*x, y, color ) ) correct_c++;

	// Märgime läbitud pikslid ära
	data[ y ] [ 3*x + 0 ] = 255;
	data[ y ] [ 3*x + 1 ] = 0;
	data[ y ] [ 3*x + 2 ] = 0;

	// Laieneme rekursiivselt kõrvalasuvatesse samavärvi pikslitesse
	if( x > 4 && IS_AD_COLOR( 3*(x-5), y,  color ) )			area += find_gate_area( x-5, y, color );
	if( x < gwidth-5 && IS_AD_COLOR( 3*(x+5), y,  color ) )		area += find_gate_area( x+5, y, color );
	if( y > 4 && IS_AD_COLOR( 3*x, y-5,  color ) )				area += find_gate_area( x, y-5, color );
	if( y < gheight-5 && IS_AD_COLOR( 3*x, y+5,  color ) )		area += find_gate_area( x, y+5, color );

	return area;
 * @brief Draws at most len chars or size bytes of the specified string. Color escape
 * sequences are not visible chars. Returns the number of chars drawn.
size_t R_DrawSizedString(r_pixel_t x, r_pixel_t y, const char *s, size_t len, size_t size,
		int32_t color) {
	size_t i, j;

	i = j = 0;
	while (*s && i < len && j < size) {

		if (IS_COLOR(s)) { // color escapes
			color = *(s + 1) - '0';
			j += 2;
			s += 2;

		if (IS_LEGACY_COLOR(s)) { // legacy colors
			color = CON_COLOR_ALT;

		R_DrawChar(x, y, *s, color);
		x += r_draw.font->char_width; // next char position in line


	return i;
 * @brief
static void Sv_DrawConsole_Buffer(void) {

	char *lines[sv_console.height];
	const size_t count = Con_Tail(&sv_console, lines, sv_console.height);

	size_t row = sv_console.height;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		const size_t j = count - i - 1;
		char *line = lines[j];
		char *s = line;

		Sv_DrawConsole_Color(j ? StrrColor(lines[j - 1]) : CON_COLOR_DEFAULT);

		size_t col = 1;
		while (*s) {
			if (IS_LEGACY_COLOR(s)) {
			} else if (IS_COLOR(s)) {
				Sv_DrawConsole_Color(*(s + 1) - '0');
			} else if (isascii(*s)) {
				mvaddch((int32_t) row, (int32_t) col++, *s);


void black_ch()
    for(int i=gheight-1; i>=0; i--) for(int j=gwidth-3; j>=0; j--)
        if( IS_COLOR( 3*j, i, YELLOW ) ) {
            data [i][3*j + 0 ] = 0;
            data [i][3*j + 1 ] = 255;
            data [i][3*j + 2 ] = 0;
static void set_entity_color( void )
   Group group;

   load_group( &group );
   if( IS_COLOR( group ) )
      header.color = atoi( group.value );
      error( "Bad color group" );

   if( setup.verbose )
      message( "    ENTITY color: %hu", header.color );
void detect_gate( int *x, int *y, int *x1, int *y1, int *x2, int *y2, int color )
    int g_area;
    float aspect;
    double color_coef;

    *x = -1;
    *y = -1;

    for( int i = 0; i < gwidth-1; i += 20 ) {

        for( int j = gheight-1; j >= 0; j -= 20 ) {

            if( IS_AD_COLOR( 3*i, j, color ) ) {

                g_min_x = gwidth;
                g_max_x = 0;
                g_min_y = gheight;
                g_max_y = 0;

                correct_c = 0;

                memset( gate_min_low, 0, sizeof(gate_min_low) );

                g_area = find_gate_area( i, j, color  );
                if( g_min_y != g_max_y ) aspect = (float) (g_max_x - g_min_x) / (g_max_y - g_min_y);
                else aspect = 0.0f;

                if( g_area > 20 && aspect > 0.5f && aspect < 7.0 && ( (double)correct_c / (double)g_area ) > 0.025 ) {

                    if( color == BLUE ) color_coef = 1.5;
                    else color_coef = 2.0;

                    double min_area;
                    if(g_max_y < 200) min_area = (0.3289*pow((double)g_max_y, 1.6197)) / (1.5*color_coef);
                    else min_area = (0.3289*pow((double)g_max_y, 1.6197)) / (4.0*color_coef);

                    double max_area = (0.3289*pow((double)g_max_y, 1.6197)) * 1.2;
                    printf("%f\n", min_area);
                    if( g_area < min_area || g_area > max_area ) break;

                    *x = g_min_x + ( g_max_x - g_min_x ) / 2;
                    *y = g_max_y;

                    *x1 = g_min_x;
                    *y1 = gate_min_low[ g_min_x / 5 + 2 ];
                    *x2 = g_max_x;
                    *y2 = gate_min_low[ g_max_x / 5 - 2 ];

                    draw_dot( *x, *y );
                    if( *x1 > 5 && *x1 < gwidth - 5 && *y1 > 5 && *y1 < gheight - 5 ) draw_dot( *x1, *y1 );
                    if( *x2 > 5 && *x2 < gwidth - 5 && *y2 > 5 && *y2 < gheight - 5 ) draw_dot( *x2, *y2 );

                } else


            if( !(IS_COLOR( 3*i, j, GREEN )) && !(IS_COLOR( 3*i, j, WHITE )) && !(IS_COLOR( 3*i, j, BLACK )) ) break;

            /*data[j][3*i+0] = 255;
            data[j][3*i+1] = 255;
            data[j][3*i+2] = 255;*/


 * G_ClientUserInfoChanged
void G_ClientUserInfoChanged(g_edict_t *ent, const char *user_info) {
	const char *s;
	char *c;
	char name[MAX_NET_NAME];
	int player_num, i;
	boolean_t color;
	g_client_t *cl;

	// check for malformed or illegal info strings
	if (!ValidateUserInfo(user_info)) {
		user_info = "\\name\\newbie\\skin\\qforcer/enforcer";

	cl = ent->client;

	// set name, use a temp buffer to compute length and crutch up bad names
	s = GetUserInfo(user_info, "name");

	strncpy(name, s, sizeof(name) - 1);
	name[sizeof(name) - 1] = 0;

	color = false;
	c = name;
	i = 0;

	// trim to 15 printable chars
	while (i < 15) {

		if (!*c)

		if (IS_COLOR(c)) {
			color = true;
			c += 2;

	name[c - name] = 0;

	if (!i) // name had nothing printable
		strcpy(name, "newbie");

	if (color) // reset to white
		strcat(name, "^7");

	if (strncmp(cl->persistent.net_name, name, sizeof(cl->persistent.net_name))) {

		if (*cl->persistent.net_name != '\0')
			gi.BroadcastPrint(PRINT_MEDIUM, "%s changed name to %s\n",
					cl->persistent.net_name, name);

		strncpy(cl->persistent.net_name, name, sizeof(cl->persistent.net_name) - 1);
		cl->persistent.net_name[sizeof(cl->persistent.net_name) - 1] = 0;

	if(mysql != NULL) { // escape name for safe db insertions

		StripColor(cl->persistent.net_name, name);

		mysql_real_escape_string(mysql, name, cl->persistent.sql_name,

	// set skin
	if ((g_level.teams || g_level.ctf) && cl->persistent.team) // players must use team_skin to change
		s = cl->persistent.team->skin;
		s = GetUserInfo(user_info, "skin");

	if (*s != '\0') // something valid-ish was provided
		strncpy(cl->persistent.skin, s, sizeof(cl->persistent.skin) - 1);
	else {
		strcpy(cl->persistent.skin, "qforcer/enforcer");
		cl->persistent.skin[sizeof(cl->persistent.skin) - 1] = 0;

	// set color
	s = GetUserInfo(user_info, "color");
	cl->persistent.color = ColorByName(s, 243);

	player_num = ent - g_game.edicts - 1;

	// combine name and skin into a config_string
	gi.ConfigString(CS_CLIENT_INFO + player_num,
			va("%s\\%s", cl->persistent.net_name, cl->persistent.skin));

	// save off the user_info in case we want to check something later
	strncpy(ent->client->persistent.user_info, user_info, sizeof(ent->client->persistent.user_info) - 1);