 * \brief   Log the dropped packets when engine is running in inline mode
 * \param tv    Pointer the current thread variables
 * \param p     Pointer the packet which is being logged
 * \param data  Pointer to the droplog struct
 * \param pq    Pointer the packet queue
 * \param postpq Pointer the packet queue where this packet will be sent
 * \return return TM_EODE_OK on success
TmEcode LogDropLog (ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, void *data, PacketQueue *pq,
                      PacketQueue *postpq)
    /* Check if we are in inline mode or not, if not then no need to log */
    extern uint8_t engine_mode;
    if (!IS_ENGINE_MODE_IPS(engine_mode)) {
        SCLogDebug("engine is not running in inline mode, so returning");
        return TM_ECODE_OK;

    if ((p->flow != NULL) && (p->flow->flags & FLOW_ACTION_DROP)) {
        if (PKT_IS_TOSERVER(p) && !(p->flow->flags & FLOW_TOSERVER_DROP_LOGGED)) {
            p->flow->flags |= FLOW_TOSERVER_DROP_LOGGED;
            return LogDropLogNetFilter(tv, p, data, pq, NULL);

        } else if (PKT_IS_TOCLIENT(p) && !(p->flow->flags & FLOW_TOCLIENT_DROP_LOGGED)) {
            p->flow->flags |= FLOW_TOCLIENT_DROP_LOGGED;
            return LogDropLogNetFilter(tv, p, data, pq, NULL);
    } else {
        return LogDropLogNetFilter(tv, p, data, pq, postpq);

    return TM_ECODE_OK;

 * \brief Check if we need to drop-log this packet
 * \param tv    Pointer the current thread variables
 * \param p     Pointer the packet which is tested
 * \retval bool TRUE or FALSE
static int JsonDropLogCondition(ThreadVars *tv, const Packet *p) {
    extern uint8_t engine_mode;
    if (!IS_ENGINE_MODE_IPS(engine_mode)) {
        SCLogDebug("engine is not running in inline mode, so returning");
        return FALSE;
    if (PKT_IS_PSEUDOPKT(p)) {
        SCLogDebug("drop log doesn't log pseudo packets");
        return FALSE;

    if (p->flow != NULL) {
        int ret = FALSE;
        if (p->flow->flags & FLOW_ACTION_DROP) {
            if (PKT_IS_TOSERVER(p) && !(p->flow->flags & FLOW_TOSERVER_DROP_LOGGED))
                ret = TRUE;
            else if (PKT_IS_TOCLIENT(p) && !(p->flow->flags & FLOW_TOCLIENT_DROP_LOGGED))
                ret = TRUE;
        return ret;
    } else if (PACKET_TEST_ACTION(p, ACTION_DROP)) {
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
 * \brief   Function which is called to print the decode alerts to the syslog
 * \param tv    Pointer to the threadvars
 * \param p     Pointer to the packet
 * \param data  pointer to the AlertSyslogThread
 * \param pq    pointer the to packet queue
 * \param postpq pointer to the post processed packet queue
 * \return On succes return TM_ECODE_OK
static TmEcode AlertSyslogDecoderEvent(ThreadVars *tv, const Packet *p, void *data)
    AlertSyslogThread *ast = (AlertSyslogThread *)data;
    int i;
    char *action = "";

    if (p->alerts.cnt == 0)
        return TM_ECODE_OK;


    ast->file_ctx->alerts += p->alerts.cnt;
    char temp_buf_hdr[512];
    char temp_buf_pkt[65] = "";
    char temp_buf_tail[32];
    char alert[2048] = "";

    for (i = 0; i < p->alerts.cnt; i++) {
        const PacketAlert *pa = &p->alerts.alerts[i];
        if (unlikely(pa->s == NULL)) {

        if ((pa->action & ACTION_DROP) && IS_ENGINE_MODE_IPS(engine_mode)) {
            action = "[Drop] ";
        } else if (pa->action & ACTION_DROP) {
            action = "[wDrop] ";

        snprintf(temp_buf_hdr, sizeof(temp_buf_hdr), "%s[%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32
                ":%" PRIu32 "] %s [Classification: %s] [Priority: %" PRIu32
                "] [**] [Raw pkt: ", action, pa->s->gid, pa->s->id, pa->s->rev, pa->s->msg,
                pa->s->class_msg, pa->s->prio);
        strlcpy(alert, temp_buf_hdr, sizeof(alert));

        PrintRawLineHexBuf(temp_buf_pkt, sizeof(temp_buf_pkt), GET_PKT_DATA(p), GET_PKT_LEN(p) < 32 ? GET_PKT_LEN(p) : 32);
        strlcat(alert, temp_buf_pkt, sizeof(alert));

        if (p->pcap_cnt != 0) {
            snprintf(temp_buf_tail, sizeof(temp_buf_tail), "] [pcap file packet: %"PRIu64"]",
        } else {
            temp_buf_tail[0] = ']';
            temp_buf_tail[1] = '\0';
        strlcat(alert, temp_buf_tail, sizeof(alert));

        syslog(alert_syslog_level, "%s", alert);

    return TM_ECODE_OK;
TmEcode AlertFastLogIPv6(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, void *data, PacketQueue *pq, PacketQueue *postpq)
    AlertFastLogThread *aft = (AlertFastLogThread *)data;
    int i;
    char timebuf[64];
    char *action = "";
    extern uint8_t engine_mode;

    if (p->alerts.cnt == 0)
        return TM_ECODE_OK;

    CreateTimeString(&p->ts, timebuf, sizeof(timebuf));

    char srcip[46], dstip[46];
    PrintInet(AF_INET6, (const void *)GET_IPV6_SRC_ADDR(p), srcip, sizeof(srcip));
    PrintInet(AF_INET6, (const void *)GET_IPV6_DST_ADDR(p), dstip, sizeof(dstip));

    for (i = 0; i < p->alerts.cnt; i++) {
        PacketAlert *pa = &p->alerts.alerts[i];
        if (unlikely(pa->s == NULL)) {

        if ((pa->action & ACTION_DROP) && IS_ENGINE_MODE_IPS(engine_mode)) {
            action = "[Drop] ";
        } else if (pa->action & ACTION_DROP) {
            action = "[wDrop] ";

        char proto[16] = "";
        if (SCProtoNameValid(IP_GET_IPPROTO(p)) == TRUE) {
            strlcpy(proto, known_proto[IP_GET_IPPROTO(p)], sizeof(proto));
        } else {
            snprintf(proto, sizeof(proto), "PROTO:%03" PRIu32, IP_GET_IPPROTO(p));

        fprintf(aft->file_ctx->fp, "%s  %s[**] [%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 ":%"
                PRIu32 "] %s [**] [Classification: %s] [Priority: %"
                PRIu32 "] {%s} %s:%" PRIu32 " -> %s:%" PRIu32 "\n", timebuf,
                action, pa->s->gid, pa->s->id, pa->s->rev, pa->s->msg, pa->s->class_msg,
                pa->s->prio, proto, srcip, p->sp,
                dstip, p->dp);


    return TM_ECODE_OK;
 * \brief   Function which is called to print the IPv6 alerts to the syslog
 * \param tv    Pointer to the threadvars
 * \param p     Pointer to the packet
 * \param data  pointer to the AlertSyslogThread
 * \return On succes return TM_ECODE_OK
static TmEcode AlertSyslogIPv6(ThreadVars *tv, const Packet *p, void *data)
    AlertSyslogThread *ast = (AlertSyslogThread *)data;
    int i;
    char *action = "";

    if (p->alerts.cnt == 0)
        return TM_ECODE_OK;


    ast->file_ctx->alerts += p->alerts.cnt;

    for (i = 0; i < p->alerts.cnt; i++) {
        const PacketAlert *pa = &p->alerts.alerts[i];
        if (unlikely(pa->s == NULL)) {

        char srcip[46], dstip[46];

        PrintInet(AF_INET6, (const void *)GET_IPV6_SRC_ADDR(p), srcip, sizeof(srcip));
        PrintInet(AF_INET6, (const void *)GET_IPV6_DST_ADDR(p), dstip, sizeof(dstip));

        if ((pa->action & ACTION_DROP) && IS_ENGINE_MODE_IPS(engine_mode)) {
            action = "[Drop] ";
        } else if (pa->action & ACTION_DROP) {
            action = "[wDrop] ";

        if (SCProtoNameValid(IPV6_GET_L4PROTO(p)) == TRUE) {
            syslog(alert_syslog_level, "%s[%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 ":%"
                    "" PRIu32 "] %s [Classification: %s] [Priority: %"
                    "" PRIu32 "] {%s} %s:%" PRIu32 " -> %s:%" PRIu32 "",
                    action, pa->s->gid, pa->s->id, pa->s->rev, pa->s->msg, pa->s->class_msg,
                    pa->s->prio, known_proto[IPV6_GET_L4PROTO(p)], srcip, p->sp,
                    dstip, p->dp);

        } else {
            syslog(alert_syslog_level, "%s[%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 ":%"
                    "" PRIu32 "] %s [Classification: %s] [Priority: %"
                    "" PRIu32 "] {PROTO:%03" PRIu32 "} %s:%" PRIu32 " -> %s:%" PRIu32 "",
                    action, pa->s->gid, pa->s->id, pa->s->rev, pa->s->msg, pa->s->class_msg,
                    pa->s->prio, IPV6_GET_L4PROTO(p), srcip, p->sp, dstip, p->dp);


    return TM_ECODE_OK;
TmEcode AlertFastLogDecoderEvent(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, void *data, PacketQueue *pq, PacketQueue *postpq)
    AlertFastLogThread *aft = (AlertFastLogThread *)data;
    int i;
    char timebuf[64];
    char *action = "";
    extern uint8_t engine_mode;

    if (p->alerts.cnt == 0)
        return TM_ECODE_OK;

    CreateTimeString(&p->ts, timebuf, sizeof(timebuf));

    for (i = 0; i < p->alerts.cnt; i++) {
        PacketAlert *pa = &p->alerts.alerts[i];
        if (unlikely(pa->s == NULL)) {

        if ((pa->action & ACTION_DROP) && IS_ENGINE_MODE_IPS(engine_mode)) {
            action = "[Drop] ";
        } else if (pa->action & ACTION_DROP) {
            action = "[wDrop] ";

        fprintf(aft->file_ctx->fp, "%s  %s[**] [%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32
                ":%" PRIu32 "] %s [**] [Classification: %s] [Priority: "
                "%" PRIu32 "] [**] [Raw pkt: ", timebuf, action, pa->s->gid,
                pa->s->id, pa->s->rev, pa->s->msg, pa->s->class_msg, pa->s->prio);

        PrintRawLineHexFp(aft->file_ctx->fp, GET_PKT_DATA(p), GET_PKT_LEN(p) < 32 ? GET_PKT_LEN(p) : 32);

        if (p->pcap_cnt != 0) {
            fprintf(aft->file_ctx->fp, "] [pcap file packet: %"PRIu64"]\n", p->pcap_cnt);
        } else {
            fprintf(aft->file_ctx->fp, "]\n");


    return TM_ECODE_OK;