/** * @brief Enables or disables the specified SSP interrupts. * @param SSPx: Select the SSP peripheral. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * SSP1, SSP2. * @param SSP_IT: specifies the SSP interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg SSP_IT_TX * @arg SSP_IT_RX * @arg SSP_IT_RT * @arg SSP_IT_ROR * @param NewState: new state of the specified SSPx interrupts. * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * @retval None */ void SSP_ITConfig(MDR_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, uint32_t SSP_IT, FunctionalState NewState) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_SSP_ALL_PERIPH(SSPx)); assert_param(IS_SSP_CONFIG_IT(SSP_IT)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState)); if (NewState != DISABLE) { SSPx->IMSC |= SSP_IT; } else { SSPx->IMSC &= ~SSP_IT; } }
/** * @brief Checks whether the specified SSP interrupt (masked) has occurred or not. * @param SSPx: Select the SSP peripheral. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * SSP1, SSP2. * @param SSP_IT: specifies the SSP interrupt source to check. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg SSP_IT_TX * @arg SSP_IT_RX * @arg SSP_IT_RT * @arg SSP_IT_ROR * @retval The new state of SSP_IT (SET or RESET). */ ITStatus SSP_GetITStatusMasked(MDR_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, uint32_t SSP_IT) { ITStatus bitstatus; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_SSP_ALL_PERIPH(SSPx)); assert_param(IS_SSP_CONFIG_IT(SSP_IT)); if (SSPx->MIS & SSP_IT) { bitstatus = SET; } else { bitstatus = RESET; } return (bitstatus); }
/** * @brief Enables or disables the specified SSP/I2S interrupts. * @param SSPx: where x can be * - SSP0, SSP1 * @param SSP_IT: specifies the SSP interrupt source to be enabled or disabled. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg SSP_IT_TXIM: Tx FIFO interrupt mask * @arg SSP_IT_RXIM: Rx FIFO interrupt mask * @arg SSP_IT_RTIM: RX Timeout interrupt mask * @arg SSP_IT_RORIM: RX overrun interrupt mask * @param NewState: new state of the specified SSP/I2S interrupt. * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * @retval None */ void SSP_ITConfig(SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, uint32_t SSP_IT, FunctionalState NewState) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_SSP_ALL_PERIPH(SSPx)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState)); assert_param(IS_SSP_CONFIG_IT(SSP_IT)); if (NewState != DISABLE) { /* Enable the selected SSP/I2S interrupt */ SSPx->IMSC |= SSP_IT; } else { /* Disable the selected SSP/I2S interrupt */ SSPx->IMSC &= SSP_IT; } }