static IWebBrowser2 *create_ie_window(LPCSTR cmdline)
    IWebBrowser2 *wb = NULL;

    InternetExplorer_Create(NULL, &IID_IWebBrowser2, (void**)&wb);
        return NULL;

    IWebBrowser2_put_Visible(wb, VARIANT_TRUE);

    if(!*cmdline) {
    }else {
        VARIANT var_url;
        DWORD len;

        if(!strncasecmp(cmdline, "-nohome", 7))
            cmdline += 7;

        V_VT(&var_url) = VT_BSTR;

        len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, cmdline, -1, NULL, 0);
        V_BSTR(&var_url) = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, len);
        MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, cmdline, -1, V_BSTR(&var_url), len);

        /* navigate to the first page */
        IWebBrowser2_Navigate2(wb, &var_url, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);


    return wb;
文件: ie.c 项目: GeonHun/wine
static void test_visible(IWebBrowser2 *wb)
    HRESULT hres;

    b = 0x100;
    hres = IWebBrowser2_get_Visible(wb, &b);
    ok(hres == S_OK, "get_Visible failed: %08x\n", hres);
    ok(b == VARIANT_FALSE, "Visible = %x\n", hres);

    hres = IWebBrowser2_put_Visible(wb, VARIANT_TRUE);
    ok(hres == S_OK, "put_Visible failed: %08x\n", hres);

    b = 0x100;
    hres = IWebBrowser2_get_Visible(wb, &b);
    ok(hres == S_OK, "get_Visible failed: %08x\n", hres);
    ok(b == VARIANT_TRUE, "Visible = %x\n", hres);

    hres = IWebBrowser2_put_Visible(wb, VARIANT_FALSE);
    ok(hres == S_OK, "put_Visible failed: %08x\n", hres);
文件: atl_ax.c 项目: Fredz66/wine
 *           AtlAxCreateControlEx            [atl100.@]
 *   See http://www.codeproject.com/com/cwebpage.asp for some background
HRESULT WINAPI AtlAxCreateControlEx(LPCOLESTR lpszName, HWND hWnd,
        IStream *pStream, IUnknown **ppUnkContainer, IUnknown **ppUnkControl,
        REFIID iidSink, IUnknown *punkSink)
    CLSID controlId;
    HRESULT hRes;
    IOleObject *pControl;
    IUnknown *pUnkControl;
    IPersistStreamInit *pPSInit;
    IUnknown *pContainer;
    enum {IsGUID=0,IsHTML=1,IsURL=2} content;

    TRACE("(%s %p %p %p %p %p %p)\n", debugstr_w(lpszName), hWnd, pStream,
            ppUnkContainer, ppUnkControl, iidSink, punkSink);

    hRes = CLSIDFromString( lpszName, &controlId );
    if ( FAILED(hRes) )
        hRes = CLSIDFromProgID( lpszName, &controlId );
    if ( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) )
        content = IsGUID;
    else {
        /* FIXME - check for MSHTML: prefix! */
        content = IsURL;
        controlId = CLSID_WebBrowser;

    hRes = CoCreateInstance( &controlId, 0, CLSCTX_ALL, &IID_IOleObject,
            (void**) &pControl );
    if ( FAILED( hRes ) )
        WARN( "cannot create ActiveX control %s instance - error 0x%08x\n",
                debugstr_guid( &controlId ), hRes );
        return hRes;

    hRes = IOleObject_QueryInterface( pControl, &IID_IPersistStreamInit, (void**) &pPSInit );
    if ( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) )
        if (!pStream)
            IPersistStreamInit_InitNew( pPSInit );
            IPersistStreamInit_Load( pPSInit, pStream );
        IPersistStreamInit_Release( pPSInit );
    } else
        WARN("cannot get IID_IPersistStreamInit out of control\n");

    IOleObject_QueryInterface( pControl, &IID_IUnknown, (void**) &pUnkControl );
    IOleObject_Release( pControl );

    hRes = AtlAxAttachControl( pUnkControl, hWnd, &pContainer );
    if ( FAILED( hRes ) )
        WARN("cannot attach control to window\n");

    if ( content == IsURL )
        IWebBrowser2 *browser;

        hRes = IOleObject_QueryInterface( pControl, &IID_IWebBrowser2, (void**) &browser );
        if ( !browser )
            WARN( "Cannot query IWebBrowser2 interface: %08x\n", hRes );
        else {
            VARIANT url;

            IWebBrowser2_put_Visible( browser, VARIANT_TRUE ); /* it seems that native does this on URL (but do not on MSHTML:! why? */

            V_VT(&url) = VT_BSTR;
            V_BSTR(&url) = SysAllocString( lpszName );

            hRes = IWebBrowser2_Navigate2( browser, &url, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
            if ( FAILED( hRes ) )
                WARN( "IWebBrowser2::Navigate2 failed: %08x\n", hRes );
            SysFreeString( V_BSTR(&url) );

            IWebBrowser2_Release( browser );

    if (ppUnkContainer)
        *ppUnkContainer = pContainer;
        if ( pContainer )
            IUnknown_AddRef( pContainer );
    if (ppUnkControl)
        *ppUnkControl = pUnkControl;
        if ( pUnkControl )
            IUnknown_AddRef( pUnkControl );

    if ( pUnkControl )
        IUnknown_Release( pUnkControl );
    if ( pContainer )
        IUnknown_Release( pContainer );

    return S_OK;