// The method describes how input stream is transformed to the output stream. Called once per applied stream.
// Scale transformer transforms the stream so that all samples are of the same size.
StreamInformation ScaleTransformer::Transform(const StreamInformation& inputStream)

    auto dims = ImageDimensions(m_imgWidth, m_imgHeight, m_imgChannels).AsTensorShape(HWC).GetDims();

    m_outputStream.m_sampleLayout = NDShape(std::vector<size_t>(dims.begin(), dims.end()));
    return m_outputStream;
ImageDimensions GetClosestImageSize( Integration::ResourcePointer resourceBuffer,
                                     ImageDimensions size,
                                     FittingMode::Type fittingMode,
                                     SamplingMode::Type samplingMode,
                                     bool orientationCorrection )
  unsigned int width = 0;
  unsigned int height = 0;

  // Get the blob of binary data that we need to decode:
  DALI_ASSERT_DEBUG( resourceBuffer );
  Dali::RefCountedVector<uint8_t>* const encodedBlob = reinterpret_cast<Dali::RefCountedVector<uint8_t>*>( resourceBuffer.Get() );

  if( encodedBlob != 0 )
    const size_t blobSize     = encodedBlob->GetVector().Size();
    uint8_t * const blobBytes = &(encodedBlob->GetVector()[0]);
    DALI_ASSERT_DEBUG( blobSize > 0U );
    DALI_ASSERT_DEBUG( blobBytes != 0U );

    if( blobBytes != 0 && blobSize > 0U )
      // Open a file handle on the memory buffer:
      Internal::Platform::FileCloser fc( blobBytes, blobSize, "rb" );
      FILE *fp = fc.GetFile();
      if ( fp != NULL )
        LoadBitmapFunction loaderFunction;
        LoadBitmapHeaderFunction headerFunction;
        Bitmap::Profile profile;

        if ( GetBitmapLoaderFunctions( fp,
                                       profile ) )
          const ImageLoader::Input input( fp, ScalingParameters( size, fittingMode, samplingMode ), orientationCorrection );
          const bool read_res = headerFunction( input, width, height );
          if( !read_res )
            DALI_LOG_WARNING( "Image Decoder failed to read header for resourceBuffer\n" );
  return ImageDimensions( width, height );
///@ToDo: Rename GetClosestImageSize() functions. Make them use the orientation correction and scaling information. Requires jpeg loader to tell us about reorientation. [Is there still a requirement for this functionality at all?]
ImageDimensions  GetClosestImageSize( const std::string& filename,
                                      ImageDimensions size,
                                      FittingMode::Type fittingMode,
                                      SamplingMode::Type samplingMode,
                                      bool orientationCorrection )
  unsigned int width = 0;
  unsigned int height = 0;

  Internal::Platform::FileCloser fc(filename.c_str(), "rb");
  FILE *fp = fc.GetFile();
  if (fp != NULL)
    LoadBitmapFunction loaderFunction;
    LoadBitmapHeaderFunction headerFunction;
    Bitmap::Profile profile;

    if ( GetBitmapLoaderFunctions( fp,
                                   profile ) )
      const ImageLoader::Input input( fp, ScalingParameters( size, fittingMode, samplingMode ), orientationCorrection );

      const bool read_res = headerFunction( input, width, height );
        DALI_LOG_WARNING("Image Decoder failed to read header for %s\n", filename.c_str());
      DALI_LOG_WARNING("Image Decoder for %s unavailable\n", filename.c_str());
  return ImageDimensions( width, height );
// The method describes how input stream is transformed to the output stream. Called once per applied stream.
// Scale transformer transforms the stream so that all samples are of the same size.
StreamDescription ScaleTransformer::Transform(const StreamDescription& inputStream)
    m_outputStream.m_sampleLayout = std::make_shared<TensorShape>(ImageDimensions(m_imgWidth, m_imgHeight, m_imgChannels).AsTensorShape(HWC));
    return m_outputStream;
    ImageConfigHelper::ImageConfigHelper(const ConfigParameters& config)
        : m_dataFormat(CHW)
        std::vector<std::string> featureNames = GetSectionsWithParameter(config, "width");
        std::vector<std::string> labelNames = GetSectionsWithParameter(config, "labelDim");

        // REVIEW alexeyk: currently support only one feature and label section.
        if (featureNames.size() != 1 || labelNames.size() != 1)
                "ImageReader currently supports a single feature and label stream. '%d' features , '%d' labels found.",

        ConfigParameters featureSection = config(featureNames[0]);
        size_t w = featureSection("width");
        size_t h = featureSection("height");
        size_t c = featureSection("channels");

        std::string mbFmt = featureSection("mbFormat", "nchw");
        if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(mbFmt, "nhwc") || AreEqualIgnoreCase(mbFmt, "legacy"))
            m_dataFormat = HWC;
        else if (!AreEqualIgnoreCase(mbFmt, "nchw") || AreEqualIgnoreCase(mbFmt, "cudnn"))
            RuntimeError("ImageReader does not support the sample format '%s', only 'nchw' and 'nhwc' are supported.", mbFmt.c_str());

        auto features = std::make_shared<StreamDescription>();
        features->m_id = 0;
        features->m_name = msra::strfun::utf16(featureSection.ConfigName());
        features->m_sampleLayout = std::make_shared<TensorShape>(ImageDimensions(w, h, c).AsTensorShape(m_dataFormat));

        ConfigParameters label = config(labelNames[0]);
        size_t labelDimension = label("labelDim");

        auto labelSection = std::make_shared<StreamDescription>();
        labelSection->m_id = 1;
        labelSection->m_name = msra::strfun::utf16(label.ConfigName());
        labelSection->m_sampleLayout = std::make_shared<TensorShape>(labelDimension);

        m_mapPath = config(L"file");

        std::string rand = config(L"randomize", "auto");

        if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(rand, "auto"))
            m_randomize = true;
        else if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(rand, "none"))
            m_randomize = false;
            RuntimeError("'randomize' parameter must be set to 'auto' or 'none'");

        // Identify precision
        string precision = config.Find("precision", "float");
        if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(precision, "float"))
            features->m_elementType = ElementType::tfloat;
            labelSection->m_elementType = ElementType::tfloat;
        else if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(precision, "double"))
            features->m_elementType = ElementType::tdouble;
            labelSection->m_elementType = ElementType::tdouble;
            RuntimeError("Not supported precision '%s'. Expected 'double' or 'float'.", precision.c_str());

        m_cpuThreadCount = config(L"numCPUThreads", 0);
Image NewImage( const Property::Value& property )
  Image ret;

  std::string filename;
  Internal::ImageAttributes attributes = Internal::ImageAttributes::New();

  const Property::Map* map = property.GetMap();
  ImageType imageType = RESOURCE_IMAGE; // default to resource image
  if( map )
    // first check the type as it determines, which other parameters are needed
    const Property::Value* value = map->Find( "type" );
    if( value )
      std::string type;
      value->Get( type );
      for( unsigned int i = 0; i < imageTypeCount; ++i )
        if( 0 == type.compare( ImageTypeName[ i ] ) )
          imageType = static_cast<ImageType>( i );

    // filename is only needed for resource images
    if( RESOURCE_IMAGE == imageType )
      const Property::Value* value = map->Find( "filename" );
      if( value )
        value->Get( filename );
      // if empty file, no need to go further
      if( filename.size() == 0 )
        DALI_LOG_ERROR( "No filename\n" );
        return Image();

    // Width and height can be set individually. Dali derives the unspecified
    // dimension from the aspect ratio of the raw image.
    int width = 0, height = 0;

    value = map->Find( "width" );
    if( value )
      // handle floats and integer the same for json script
      if( value->GetType() == Property::FLOAT )
        width = static_cast<unsigned int>( value->Get<float>() );
        value->Get( width );
    value = map->Find( "height" );
    if( value )
      if( value->GetType() == Property::FLOAT )
        height = static_cast<int>( value->Get<float>() );
        value->Get( height );
    attributes.SetSize( width, height );

    Pixel::Format pixelFormat = Pixel::RGBA8888;
    value = map->Find( "pixelFormat" );
    if( value )
      std::string format;
      value->Get( format );
      GetEnumeration< Pixel::Format >( format.c_str(), PIXEL_FORMAT_TABLE, PIXEL_FORMAT_TABLE_COUNT, pixelFormat );

    value = map->Find( "fittingMode" );
    if( value )
      std::string fitting;
      value->Get( fitting );
      FittingMode::Type mode;
      if( GetEnumeration< FittingMode::Type >( fitting.c_str(), IMAGE_FITTING_MODE_TABLE, IMAGE_FITTING_MODE_TABLE_COUNT, mode ) )
        attributes.SetScalingMode( mode );

    value = map->Find( "samplingMode" );
    if( value )
      std::string sampling;
      value->Get( sampling );
      SamplingMode::Type mode;
      if( GetEnumeration< SamplingMode::Type >( sampling.c_str(), IMAGE_SAMPLING_MODE_TABLE, IMAGE_SAMPLING_MODE_TABLE_COUNT, mode ) )
        attributes.SetFilterMode( mode );

    value = map->Find( "orientation" );
    if( value )
      bool b = value->Get<bool>();
      attributes.SetOrientationCorrection( b );

    switch( imageType )
      case RESOURCE_IMAGE :
        ret = ResourceImage::New( filename, ImageDimensions( attributes.GetSize().x, attributes.GetSize().y ),
                                  attributes.GetScalingMode(), attributes.GetFilterMode(), attributes.GetOrientationCorrection() );
      case BUFFER_IMAGE :
        ret = BufferImage::New( attributes.GetWidth(),
                                pixelFormat );
        ret = FrameBufferImage::New( attributes.GetWidth(),
                                     pixelFormat );

  return ret;

} // Image NewImage( Property::Value map )