static int com2tcp(
    const char *pPath,
    const ComParams &comParams,
    const char *pIF,
    const char *pAddr,
    const char *pPort,
    Protocol &protocol,
    const BYTE *pAwakSeq)
  HANDLE hC0C = OpenC0C(pPath, comParams);

    return 2;

  while (WaitComReady(hC0C, comParams.IgnoreDSR(), pAwakSeq)) {
    SOCKET hSock = Connect(pIF, pAddr, pPort);

    if (hSock == INVALID_SOCKET)

    InOut(hC0C, hSock, protocol, comParams.IgnoreDSR());



  return 2;
static int tcp2com(
    const char *pPath,
    const ComParams &comParams,
    const char *pIF,
    const char *pPort,
    Protocol &protocol)
  SOCKET hSockListen = Socket(pIF, pPort);

  if (hSockListen == INVALID_SOCKET)
    return 2;

  if (listen(hSockListen, SOMAXCONN) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
    TraceLastError("tcp2com(): listen(\"%s\", \"%s\")", pIF, pPort);
    return 2;

  for (;;) {
    SOCKET hSock = Accept(hSockListen);

    if (hSock == INVALID_SOCKET)

    HANDLE hC0C = OpenC0C(pPath, comParams);

      InOut(hC0C, hSock, protocol, comParams.IgnoreDSR(), hSockListen);



  return 2;
void    ConvexIntersect( tPolygoni P, tPolygoni Q, int n, int m )
                           /* P has n vertices, Q has m vertices. */
   int     a, b;           /* indices on P and Q (resp.) */
   int     a1, b1;         /* a-1, b-1 (resp.) */
   tPointi A, B;           /* directed edges on P and Q (resp.) */
   int     cross;          /* sign of z-component of A x B */
   int     bHA, aHB;       /* b in H(A); a in H(b). */
   tPointi Origin = {0,0}; /* (0,0) */
   tPointd p;              /* double point of intersection */
   tPointd q;              /* second point of intersection */
   tInFlag inflag;         /* {Pin, Qin, Unknown}: which inside */
   int     aa, ba;         /* # advances on a & b indices (after 1st inter.) */
   bool    FirstPoint;     /* Is this the first point? (used to initialize).*/
   tPointd p0;             /* The first point. */
   int     code;           /* SegSegInt return code. */ 

   /* Initialize variables. */
   a = 0; b = 0; aa = 0; ba = 0;
   inflag = Unknown; FirstPoint = TRUE;

   do {
      /*printf("%%Before Advances:a=%d, b=%d; aa=%d, ba=%d; inflag=%d\n", a, b, aa, ba, inflag);*/
      /* Computations of key variables. */
      a1 = (a + n - 1) % n;
      b1 = (b + m - 1) % m;

      SubVec( P[a], P[a1], A );
      SubVec( Q[b], Q[b1], B );

      cross = AreaSign( Origin, A, B );
      aHB   = AreaSign( Q[b1], Q[b], P[a] );
      bHA   = AreaSign( P[a1], P[a], Q[b] );
      printf("%%cross=%d, aHB=%d, bHA=%d\n", cross, aHB, bHA );

      /* If A & B intersect, update inflag. */
      code = SegSegInt( P[a1], P[a], Q[b1], Q[b], p, q );
      printf("%%SegSegInt: code = %c\n", code );
      if ( code == '1' || code == 'v' ) {
         if ( inflag == Unknown && FirstPoint ) {
            aa = ba = 0;
            FirstPoint = FALSE;
            p0[X] = p[X]; p0[Y] = p[Y];
            printf("%8.2lf %8.2lf moveto\n", p0[X], p0[Y] );
         inflag = InOut( p, inflag, aHB, bHA );
         printf("%%InOut sets inflag=%d\n", inflag);

      /*-----Advance rules-----*/

      /* Special case: A & B overlap and oppositely oriented. */
      if ( ( code == 'e' ) && (Dot( A, B ) < 0) )
            PrintSharedSeg( p, q ), exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);

      /* Special case: A & B parallel and separated. */
      if ( (cross == 0) && ( aHB < 0) && ( bHA < 0 ) )
            printf("%%P and Q are disjoint.\n"), exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);

      /* Special case: A & B collinear. */
      else if ( (cross == 0) && ( aHB == 0) && ( bHA == 0 ) ) {
            /* Advance but do not output point. */
            if ( inflag == Pin )
               b = Advance( b, &ba, m, inflag == Qin, Q[b] );
               a = Advance( a, &aa, n, inflag == Pin, P[a] );

      /* Generic cases. */
      else if ( cross >= 0 ) {
         if ( bHA > 0)
            a = Advance( a, &aa, n, inflag == Pin, P[a] );
            b = Advance( b, &ba, m, inflag == Qin, Q[b] );
      else /* if ( cross < 0 ) */{
         if ( aHB > 0)
            b = Advance( b, &ba, m, inflag == Qin, Q[b] );
            a = Advance( a, &aa, n, inflag == Pin, P[a] );
      printf("%%After advances:a=%d, b=%d; aa=%d, ba=%d; inflag=%d\n", a, b, aa, ba, inflag);

   /* Quit when both adv. indices have cycled, or one has cycled twice. */
   } while ( ((aa < n) || (ba < m)) && (aa < 2*n) && (ba < 2*m) );

   if ( !FirstPoint ) /* If at least one point output, close up. */
            printf("%8.2lf %8.2lf lineto\n", p0[X], p0[Y] );

   /* Deal with special cases: not implemented. */
   if ( inflag == Unknown) 
      printf("%%The boundaries of P and Q do not cross.\n");