CBotInstr* CBotFor::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
    CBotFor*    inst = new CBotFor();           // creates the object
    CBotToken*  pp = p;                         // preserves at the ^ token (starting position)

    if ( IsOfType( p, TokenTypVar ) &&
         IsOfType( p, ID_DOTS ) )
        inst->m_label = pp->GetString();        // register the name of label

    if (!IsOfType(p, ID_FOR)) return nullptr;      // should never happen

    if ( !IsOfType(p, ID_OPENPAR))              // missing parenthesis ?
        pStack->SetError(TX_OPENPAR, p->GetStart());
        return nullptr;

    CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp, true);    // un petit bout de pile svp

    // compiles instructions for initialization
    inst->m_Init = CBotListExpression::Compile( p, pStk );
    if ( pStk->IsOk() )
        if ( !IsOfType(p, ID_SEP))                      // lack the semicolon?
            pStack->SetError(TX_OPENPAR, p->GetStart());
            delete inst;
            return pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk);          // no object, the error is on the stack
        inst->m_Test = CBotBoolExpr::Compile( p, pStk );
        if ( pStk->IsOk() )
            if ( !IsOfType(p, ID_SEP))                      // lack the semicolon?
                pStack->SetError(TX_OPENPAR, p->GetStart());
                delete inst;
                return pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk);          // no object, the error is on the stack
            inst->m_Incr = CBotListExpression::Compile( p, pStk );
            if ( pStk->IsOk() )
                if ( IsOfType(p, ID_CLOSEPAR))              // missing parenthesis ?
                    inst->m_Block = CBotBlock::CompileBlkOrInst( p, pStk, true );
                    if ( pStk->IsOk() )
                        return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);;
                pStack->SetError(TX_CLOSEPAR, p->GetStart());

    delete inst;                                // error, frees up
    return pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk);          // no object, the error is on the stack
CBotInstr* CBotDo::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
    CBotDo* inst = new CBotDo();                // creates the object

    CBotToken*  pp = p;                         // preserves at the ^ token (starting position)

    if ( IsOfType( p, TokenTypVar ) &&
         IsOfType( p, ID_DOTS ) )
        inst->m_label = pp->GetString();        // register the name of label

    if (!IsOfType(p, ID_DO)) return nullptr;       // should never happen

    CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp);  // un petit bout de pile svp

    // looking for a statement block after the do
    inst->m_Block = CBotBlock::CompileBlkOrInst( p, pStk, true );

    if ( pStk->IsOk() )
        if (IsOfType(p, ID_WHILE))
            if ( nullptr != (inst->m_Condition = CBotCondition::Compile( p, pStk )) )
                // the condition exists
                if (IsOfType(p, ID_SEP))
                    return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);  // return an object to the application
                pStk->SetError(TX_ENDOF, p->GetStart());
        pStk->SetError(TX_WHILE, p->GetStart());

    delete inst;                                // error, frees up
    return pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk);          // no object, the error is on the stack
CBotInstr* CBotWhile::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
    CBotWhile*  inst = new CBotWhile();         // creates the object
    CBotToken*  pp = p;                         // preserves at the ^ token (starting position)

    if ( IsOfType( p, TokenTypVar ) &&
         IsOfType( p, ID_DOTS ) )
        inst->m_label = pp->GetString();        // records the name of the label

    if (!IsOfType(p, ID_WHILE)) return nullptr;    // should never happen

    CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp);  // un petit bout de pile svp
                                                // a bit of battery please (??)

    if ( nullptr != (inst->m_condition = CBotCondition::Compile(p, pStk )) )
        // the condition exists

        inst->m_block = CBotBlock::CompileBlkOrInst(p, pStk, true );

        if ( pStk->IsOk() )
            // the statement block is ok (it may be empty!

            return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);  // return an object to the application
                                                // makes the object to which the application

    delete inst;                                // error, frees the place
    return pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk);          // no object, the error is on the stack
CBotInstr* CBotSwitch::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
    CBotSwitch* inst = new CBotSwitch();        // creates the object
    CBotToken*  pp = p;                         // preserves at the ^ token (starting position)

    if (!IsOfType(p, ID_SWITCH)) return nullptr;   // should never happen

    CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack(pp);  // un petit bout de pile svp

    if ( IsOfType(p, ID_OPENPAR ) )
        if ( nullptr != (inst->m_Value = CBotExpression::Compile( p, pStk )) )
            if ( pStk->GetType() < CBotTypLong )
                if ( IsOfType(p, ID_CLOSEPAR ) )
                    if ( IsOfType(p, ID_OPBLK ) )

                        while( !IsOfType( p, ID_CLBLK ) )
                            if ( p->GetType() == ID_CASE || p->GetType() == ID_DEFAULT)
                                CBotCStack* pStk2 = pStk->TokenStack(p);    // un petit bout de pile svp

                                CBotInstr* i = CBotCase::Compile( p, pStk2 );
                                if (i == nullptr)
                                    delete inst;
                                    return pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk2);
                                delete pStk2;
                                if ( inst->m_Block == nullptr ) inst->m_Block = i;
                                else inst->m_Block->AddNext(i);

                            if ( inst->m_Block == nullptr )
                                pStk->SetError(TX_NOCASE, p->GetStart());
                                delete inst;
                                return pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk);

                            CBotInstr* i = CBotBlock::CompileBlkOrInst( p, pStk, true );
                            if ( !pStk->IsOk() )
                                delete inst;
                                return pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk);

                            if ( p == nullptr )
                                pStk->SetError(TX_CLOSEBLK, -1);
                                delete inst;
                                return pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk);

                        if ( inst->m_Block == nullptr )
                            pStk->SetError(TX_NOCASE, p->GetStart());
                            delete inst;
                            return pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk);
                        // the statement block is ok
                        return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);  // return an object to the application
                    pStk->SetError( TX_OPENBLK, p->GetStart() );
                pStk->SetError( TX_CLOSEPAR, p->GetStart() );
            pStk->SetError( TX_BADTYPE, p->GetStart() );
    pStk->SetError( TX_OPENPAR, p->GetStart());

    delete inst;                                // error, frees up
    return pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk);          // no object, the error is on the stack