/* Main function */
int main(int argc, char** argv){
	char* trainingFile, * trainingTargetFile, * testingFile;
	double duration = 0;

	verbose = 0;

	if(getenv("VERBOSE") != 0)
		verbose = atoi(getenv("VERBOSE"));

	/* read num inputs/outputs nodes */
	numInputNodes = atoi(argv[1]);

	numOutputNodes = atoi(argv[2]);

	numTrainingSamples = atoi(argv[3]);

	numTestSamples = atoi(argv[4]);

	/* read the number of Hidden layers in net */
	numHiddenLayers = atoi(argv[5]);

	neuronsPerLayer = atoi(argv[6]);

	/* read learning rate */
	learningRate = atof(argv[7]);

	/* read testing data file */
	testingFile = argv[8];

	/* read training data file */
	trainingFile = argv[9];

	/* read training target data  */
	trainingTargetFile = argv[10];

	/* initialize the neural network */
	InitSamples(numTrainingSamples, numTestSamples);

	ReadFile(trainingFile, numInputNodes, numTrainingSamples, trainingSamples);
	ReadFile(trainingTargetFile, numOutputNodes, numTrainingSamples, trainingTargets);
	ReadFile(testingFile, numInputNodes, numTestSamples, testSamples);

	/* train the neural network */


	duration = timerStop();
	printf("Duration: %f seconds\n", (duration));



	return 0;
/* Main function */
int main(int argc, char** argv){
	int** trainingData,**  targetValues;
	char* trainingFile, * trainingTargetFile, * testingFile;

	/* read num inputs/outputs nodes */
	neuronsPerLayer = atoi(argv[1]);

	numOutputNodes = atoi(argv[2]);

	numTrainingSamples = atoi(argv[3]);

	numTestSamples = atoi(argv[4]);

	/* read the number of Hidden layers in net */
	numHiddenLayers = atoi(argv[5]);

	/* read learning rate */
	learningRate = atof(argv[6]);

	/* read testing data file */
	testingFile = argv[7];

	/* read training data file */
	trainingFile = argv[8];

	/* read training target data  */
	trainingTargetFile = argv[9];

	/* initialize the neural network */
	InitSamples(numTrainingSamples, numTestSamples);

	ReadFile(trainingFile, neuronsPerLayer, numTrainingSamples, trainingSamples);
	ReadFile(trainingTargetFile, numOutputNodes, numTrainingSamples, trainingTargets);
	ReadFile(testingFile, neuronsPerLayer, numTestSamples, testSamples);

	/* train the neural network */


	return 0;
文件: main.cpp 项目: alexunder/X-toys
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    if (argc != 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: mbrast [grid_file.out]\n");
        return 1;

    // Read grids from grid dump file
    std::vector<ShadedGrid> grids;
    if (!ReadGrids(argv[1], &grids))
        return 1;


    // Extract the name of the scene in case a full pathname was provided
    // on the command line
    char *sceneName = rindex(argv[1], '/');
    if (sceneName != NULL)
        sceneName = argv[1];

    // Remove trailing ".grids" from scene name
    char *end = rindex(sceneName, '.');
    *end = '\0';

    printf("Rendering scene \"%s\"\n", sceneName);

    // Change this call to switch to creating an instance of your 3D
    // rasterizer once you start implementing it.

    Rasterizer *rast = Create2DRasterizer();
    Rasterizer *rast = Create3DRasterizer();
    Rasterizer *rast = Create5DRasterizer();

    // Initialize task system for multithreading if the rasterizer
    // indicates that it's thread safe.
    bool useTasks = rast->IsThreadSafe();
    int nThreads = NumSystemCores();
    assert(nThreads < MAX_CORES);
    if (useTasks) {
        printf("Using %d threads!\n", nThreads);

    // Render the scene multiple times, with each of the pixelSamples
    // sample counts.  The sample counts must all be powers of two.
    // The bucketSize array, which must be the same size as
    // pixelSamples[], gives the length of the side of the bucket we'll
    // decompose the image into for the corresponding sample count.
    int pixelSamples[] = { 1, 4, 32 };
    int bucketSize[] = { 64, 32, 8 };
    assert(sizeof(pixelSamples) == sizeof(bucketSize));
    int samplesSize = sizeof(pixelSamples) / sizeof(pixelSamples[0]);

    int failures = 0;
    for (int samplesIndex = 0; samplesIndex < samplesSize; ++samplesIndex) {
        assert(pixelSamples[samplesIndex] <= MAX_SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL);
        int nPixelSamples = pixelSamples[samplesIndex];
        int bucketExtent = bucketSize[samplesIndex];

        printf("Rendering with %d samples per pixel\n", nPixelSamples);

        // 720p resolution.  (This can't be easily changed, as it's baked
        // into the xy coordinates of the micropolygons.  So changing this
        // here would require a corresponding adjustment to those
        // coordinate values when the grids are read in....)
        int xRes = 1280, yRes = 720;

        // Allow the rasterizer to preprocess the grids
        rast->PreprocessGrids(grids, bucketExtent, xRes, yRes);
        double preprocessCycles = GetElapsedMCycles() / 1024.;
        printf("  Spent %.3f billion cycles on grid preprocessing.\n",

        // Allocate final output image as well as one Bucket structure for
        // each rasterization task thread we're running; this way the
        // rasterizer can update the framebuffer in its Bucket directly
        // without needing to coordinate with any other rasterizer threads.
        uint8_t *image = new uint8_t[xRes * yRes * 3];
        Bucket *buckets[MAX_CORES];
        int nBuckets = useTasks ? nThreads : 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < nBuckets; ++i)
            buckets[i] = new Bucket(bucketExtent, nPixelSamples);

        // Render with intervals set from 1 to the number of pixel samples
        // in multiples of two.
        for (int logIntervals = 0; (1 << logIntervals) <= nPixelSamples;
             ++logIntervals) {
            int nIntervals = (1 << logIntervals);

            printf("  Rendering with %d intervals: ", nIntervals);

            if (useTasks) {
                // Create a RastTask instance for each of the buckets of
                // the image; do this outside of the timer so as not to
                // penalize for the unnecessary dynamic allocation overhead
                // in the implementation here.
                std::vector<Task *> rastTasks;
                for (int y = 0; y < yRes; y += bucketExtent) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < xRes; x += bucketExtent) {
                        int x1 = std::min(x + bucketExtent, xRes);
                        int y1 = std::min(y + bucketExtent, yRes);
                        RastTask *rt = new RastTask(rast, &buckets[0], x, y,
                                                    x1, y1, nIntervals, grids,
                                                    image, xRes, yRes);

            else {
                // If not using tasks, just loop over all of the buckets
                // and rasterize.
                for (int y = 0; y < yRes; y += bucketExtent) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < xRes; x += bucketExtent) {
                        buckets[0]->Start(x, y, std::min(x + bucketExtent, xRes),
                                          std::min(y + bucketExtent, yRes));
                        rast->Rasterize(grids, nIntervals, buckets[0]);
                        buckets[0]->Resolve(image, xRes, yRes);

            // Report total time for rasterization
            double rastGCycles = GetElapsedMCycles() / 1024.;
            printf("  %.3f billion cycles\n", rastGCycles);

            // Write the image
            char outName[256];
            sprintf(outName, "%s_int%d_samp%d.ppm", sceneName, nIntervals,
            WritePPM(image, xRes, yRes, outName);
            printf("  Wrote output image \"%s\"\n", outName);

            // Compare to the "golden" image for correctness
            char goldenName[256];
            sprintf(goldenName, "golden/%s_%d.ppm", sceneName,
            if (!CompareToGolden(image, xRes, yRes, goldenName, outName))

        for (int i = 0; i < nBuckets; ++i)
            delete buckets[i];

        delete[] image;

    if (useTasks)

    delete rast;
    return failures;