static void initializeFlags() { // Once we add our own flags we'll parse them here. // For now the common ones are sufficient. FlagParser Parser; SetCommonFlagsDefaults(); RegisterCommonFlags(&Parser); Parser.ParseString(GetEnv(EsanOptsEnv)); InitializeCommonFlags(); if (Verbosity()) ReportUnrecognizedFlags(); if (common_flags()->help) Parser.PrintFlagDescriptions(); __sanitizer_set_report_path(common_flags()->log_path); }
void initFlags() { SetCommonFlagsDefaults(); { CommonFlags cf; cf.CopyFrom(*common_flags()); cf.exitcode = 1; OverrideCommonFlags(cf); } Flags *f = getFlags(); f->setDefaults(); FlagParser scudo_parser; RegisterScudoFlags(&scudo_parser, f); RegisterCommonFlags(&scudo_parser); scudo_parser.ParseString(GetEnv("SCUDO_OPTIONS")); InitializeCommonFlags(); // Sanity checks and default settings for the Quarantine parameters. if (f->QuarantineSizeMb < 0) { const int DefaultQuarantineSizeMb = 64; f->QuarantineSizeMb = DefaultQuarantineSizeMb; } // We enforce an upper limit for the quarantine size of 4Gb. if (f->QuarantineSizeMb > (4 * 1024)) { dieWithMessage("ERROR: the quarantine size is too large\n"); } if (f->ThreadLocalQuarantineSizeKb < 0) { const int DefaultThreadLocalQuarantineSizeKb = 1024; f->ThreadLocalQuarantineSizeKb = DefaultThreadLocalQuarantineSizeKb; } // And an upper limit of 128Mb for the thread quarantine cache. if (f->ThreadLocalQuarantineSizeKb > (128 * 1024)) { dieWithMessage("ERROR: the per thread quarantine cache size is too " "large\n"); } }