s32 what_to_do()
	u32 pressed;
	u32 pressedGC;
	int selection = 0;
	int ret;
	char *optionsstring[3] = { "<Install IOS118 and 118 Channel>", "<Uninstall IOS118 and 118 Channel>", "<Exit>" };
	while (true)
		waitforbuttonpress(&pressed, &pressedGC);
		if (pressed == WPAD_BUTTON_LEFT || pressedGC == PAD_BUTTON_LEFT)
			if (selection > 0)
			} else
				selection =2;

		if (pressed == WPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT || pressedGC == PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT)
			if (selection < 2)
			} else
				selection = 0;

		if (pressed == WPAD_BUTTON_A || pressedGC == PAD_BUTTON_A)
			if (selection == 0) {
				printf("About to install IOS118\n");
				ret = Install_patched_IOS(36, IOS36version, true, true, true, true, 118, 65535, false);
				if (ret < 0) {
					printf("IOS118 Install failed.  Press any button to exit...\n");
					waitforbuttonpress(NULL, NULL);
				printf("\nStep 1 Complete!\n");
				printf("IOS118 Installation is complete!\n");

				printf("\nStep 2 Complete!\n");
				printf("118Channel Installation is complete!\n");
				printf("Press any button to exit...\n");
				waitforbuttonpress(NULL, NULL);
				return 0;
			if (selection == 1)
				Uninstall_DeleteTicket(1, 118);
				Uninstall_DeleteTitle(1, 118);
			if (selection == 2)
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	int ret;
	u32 pressed;
	u32 pressedGC;	

	printf("\x1b[%u;%um", 37, false);



	ret = *((int *)MAGIC1);
	if (ret == MAGIC2) {
		ret = *((int *)MAGIC3);
		if (ret == MAGIC4) {
			ret = *((int *)MAGIC3 + 1);
			printf("\nSo this now makes %d times you've tried to rerun me, pirate.\n", ret);
			printf("I told you before, you need to try harder than that.\n\n");
			printf("Keep trying and I'll give you a hint...\n\n");
			if (ret > 5) {
				printf("You're persistent aren't you?  Here's a hint:\nShow me that you don't pirate all of your Wii games.\n\n");
			if (ret > 10) {
				printf("You're really persistent!  The hint means to play a game normally in your Wii.\n");
				printf("There are other ways around the trap too, but figure them out yourself.\n");
		} else {
			ret = 2;
			printf("\nSo you tell me you're a pirate and you expect that running\n");
			printf("the application a second time is enough for me to forgive you?\n");
			printf("You're going to have to try something harder than that, mate.\n");
			*((int *)MAGIC3) = MAGIC4;
		*((int *)MAGIC3 + 1) = ret;
		printf("\nPress any button to exit...\n");
		waitforbuttonpress(NULL, NULL);

	printf("WARNING: If you are not connected to the Internet, this app might crash.\n");
	printf("If you get a DSI error, rerun the app and be a little quicker.\n\n");
	printf("\nThis Application will install IOS236 onto your Wii.\n");
	printf("It relies on the fact that you launched this app with.\n");
	printf("the AHBPROT flags set, so you must be using HBC 1.07 or\n");
	printf("\nIOS236 is a patched IOS36 v3351 and this app can be used\n");
	printf("instead of the Trucha Bug Restorer, upon which the app\n");
	printf("was based.\n");
	printf("\nThis application should work on all Wii firmwares 4.3 and below,\n");
	printf("and as long as the HBC supports AHBPROT, it should work on newer\n");
	printf("firmwares too.  It is safe to use this application to reinstall\n");
	printf("IOS236 or replace a different IOS236.\n");
	printf("\nThanks, in no particular order, go to Wiipower, oggzee, Team Twiizers,\n");
	printf("tona, Joseph Jordan and anybody else who has code included in\n");
	printf("the app.  The app was quite a simple job, built upon their\n");
	printf("actual real work.\n");
	/*printf("\nPlease Wait...\n");
	time_t t = time(NULL) + 7;
	while (time(NULL) < t)
		if(WPAD_ButtonsDown(0) || PAD_ButtonsDown(0)) 
			printf("Don't be impatient, press any button to exit...\n");
			waitforbuttonpress(NULL, NULL);

	printf("Press 1 or Start to start the application...\n");

	waitforbuttonpress(&pressed, &pressedGC);
	if (pressed != WPAD_BUTTON_1 && pressedGC != PAD_BUTTON_START)
		printf("Other button pressed, press any button to exit...\n");
		waitforbuttonpress(NULL, NULL);

	printf("Performing Step 1\n");

	printf("Patching IOS\n");
	if (!IOSPATCH_Apply()) {
        printf("Unable to initialise the initial patches.\n");
		printf("This either means you didn't follow the download\n");
		printf("and launching instructions correctly, or your IOS\n");
		printf("is not vulnerable for an unknown reason.\n");
		printf("Perhaps you need to update the Homebrew Channel (HBC).\n");
		printf("Installation cannot continue.  Press any button to exit...\n");
        waitforbuttonpress(NULL, NULL);
	printf("IOS patched\n");
	printf("About to install IOS236\n");

	ret = Install_patched_IOS(36, IOS36version, true, true, true, true, 236, 65535, false);
	if (ret < 0) {
		printf("IOS236 Install failed.  Press any button to exit...\n");
		waitforbuttonpress(NULL, NULL);

	printf("\nStep 1 Complete!\n");
	printf("\nStep 2 is an alteration that is only needed if you plan\n");
	printf("to play games you don't own the original disc for.\n");
	printf("Do you need this alteration?\n\n");
	printf("Press the 1 or X button if you want to play pirated games.\n");
	printf("Press the 2 or Y button if you have no need for piracy.\n");
	char found = 0;
	while(!found) {
		waitforbuttonpress(&pressed, &pressedGC);
		if (pressed == WPAD_BUTTON_1 || pressedGC == PAD_BUTTON_X) {
			found = 1;
		if (pressed == WPAD_BUTTON_2 || pressedGC == PAD_BUTTON_Y) {
			found = 2;

	if (found == 1) {
		printf("\nPerforming Step 2\n");
		Uninstall_DeleteTicket(1, 236);
		Uninstall_DeleteTitle(1, 236);
		*((int *)MAGIC1) = MAGIC2;
		printf("\nStep 2 Complete!\n");
		printf("\nStep 2 was to delete IOS236.  You will need\n");
		printf("to install it again.\n\n");
		printf("Shame on you for being a pirate!\n");
		printf("Sorry if you were just curious or not paying\n");
		printf("attention, but you need to learn to be careful.\n\n");
		printf("While I can't stop you from lying next time,\n");
		printf("I can at least have the satisfaction that I've\n");
		printf("wasted some of your time.\n");
		printf("\nSeriously, though.  Developers do deserve to be paid\n");
		printf("to provide you with entertainment.  At least consider\n");
		printf("buying any game that you play a lot, or that you enjoy\n");
		printf("enough to finish.\n");
		printf("\nOh, and just be glad I didn't delete your HBC ;)\n");
		printf("Press any button to exit\n");
		waitforbuttonpress(NULL, NULL);

	printf("IOS236 Installation is complete!\n");
	printf("Press any button to exit...\n");
	waitforbuttonpress(NULL, NULL);

	return 0;