      // Registers this module with Node
      static void Register (v8::Handle <v8::Object> target)
         auto isolate = target->GetIsolate ();

         // Prepare constructor template
         auto function_template = v8::FunctionTemplate::New (isolate, Create);
         function_template->SetClassName (v8::String::NewFromUtf8 (isolate, descriptor.GetName ().c_str ()));
         function_template->InstanceTemplate ()->SetInternalFieldCount (1);

         // add GetModuleInfo function
         descriptor.AddFunction ("getModuleInfo", GetModuleInfo, "Retrieves framework information about this module.", NO_PARAMETERS, RETURNS_AN OBJECT);

         // Set up exported function prototypes
         for (auto function : descriptor.GetFunctions ())
            NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD (function_template, function.name.c_str (), function.callback);

         constructor.Reset (isolate, function_template->GetFunction ());
         target->Set (v8::String::NewFromUtf8 (isolate, descriptor.GetName ().c_str ()), function_template->GetFunction ());
void HelloObject::Init(v8::Local<v8::Object> target) {
    // A handlescope is needed so that v8 objects created in the local memory
    // space (this function in this case)
    // are cleaned up when the function is done running (and the handlescope is
    // destroyed)
    // Fun trivia: forgetting a handlescope is one of the most common causes of
    // memory leaks in node.js core
    // https://www.joyent.com/blog/walmart-node-js-memory-leak
    Nan::HandleScope scope;

    // This is saying:
    // "Node, please allocate a new Javascript string object
    // inside the V8 local memory space, with the value 'HelloObject' "
    v8::Local<v8::String> whoami = Nan::New("HelloObject").ToLocalChecked();

    // Officially create the HelloObject
    auto fnTp = Nan::New<v8::FunctionTemplate>(
        HelloObject::New, v8::Local<v8::Value>());      // Passing the HelloObject::New method above
    fnTp->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); // It's 1 when holding the ObjectWrap itself and nothing else
    fnTp->SetClassName(whoami);                         // Passing the Javascript string object above

    // Add custom methods here.
    // This is how hello() is exposed as part of HelloObject.
    // This line is attaching the "hello" method to a JavaScript function
    // prototype.
    // "hello" is therefore like a property of the fnTp object
    // ex: console.log(HelloObject.hello) --> [Function: hello]
    SetPrototypeMethod(fnTp, "helloMethod", hello);

    // Create an unique instance of the HelloObject function template,
    // then set this unique instance to the target
    const auto fn = Nan::GetFunction(fnTp).ToLocalChecked();
    create_once().Reset(fn); // calls the static &HelloObject::create_once method
                             // above. This ensures the instructions in this Init
                             // function are retained in memory even after this
                             // code block ends.
    Nan::Set(target, whoami, fn);