GameStateShop::GameStateShop(GameApp* parent) :
    GameState(parent, "shop")
    menu = NULL;
    boosterDisplay = NULL;
    taskList = NULL;
    srcCards = NULL;
    shopMenu = NULL;
    bigDisplay = NULL;
    myCollection = NULL;
    packlist = NULL;
    pricelist = NULL;
    playerdata = NULL;
    booster = NULL;
    lightAlpha = 0;
    filterMenu = NULL;
    alphaChange = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < SHOP_ITEMS; i++)
        mPrices[i] = 0;
        mCounts[i] = 0;
    mTouched = false;

    kOtherCardsString = _(kOtherCardsString);
    kCreditsString = _(kCreditsString);
    cycleCardsButton = NEW InteractiveButton(NULL, kCycleCardsButtonId, Fonts::MAIN_FONT, "New Cards", SCREEN_WIDTH_F - 80, SCREEN_HEIGHT_F - 20, JGE_BTN_PRI);
    showCardListButton = NEW InteractiveButton(NULL, kShowCardListButtonId, Fonts::MAIN_FONT, "Show List", SCREEN_WIDTH_F - 150, SCREEN_HEIGHT_F - 20, JGE_BTN_SEC);
    disablePurchase = false;
    clearInput = false;
SimplePopup::SimplePopup(int id, JGuiListener* listener, const int fontId, const char * _title, DeckMetaData* deckMetaData, MTGAllCards * collection, float cancelX, float cancelY) :
    JGuiController(JGE::GetInstance(), id, listener), mCollection(collection)
    mX = 19;
    mY = 66;
    mWidth = 180.0f;
    mTitle = _title;
    mMaxLines = 12;

    mTextFont = WResourceManager::Instance()->GetWFont(fontId);
    this->mCount = 1; // a hack to ensure the menus do book keeping correctly.  Since we aren't adding items to the menu, this is required
    mStatsWrapper = NULL;
    JGuiController::Add(NEW InteractiveButton(this, kDismissButtonId, Fonts::MAIN_FONT, "Detailed Info", cancelX, cancelY, JGE_BTN_CANCEL), true);
DeckMenu::DeckMenu(int id, JGuiListener* listener, int fontId, const string _title, const int&, bool showDetailsOverride) :
JGuiController(JGE::GetInstance(), id, listener), fontId(fontId), mShowDetailsScreen( showDetailsOverride )

    backgroundName = "DeckMenuBackdrop";
    mAlwaysShowDetailsButton = false;
    mSelectedDeck = NULL;
    mY = 50;
    mWidth = 176;
    mX = 115;

    titleX = 110; // center point in title box
    titleY = 15;
    titleWidth = 180; // width of inner box of title

    descX = 260 + DeckMenuConst::kDescriptionHorizontalBoxPadding;
    descY = 100 + DeckMenuConst::kDescriptionVerticalBoxPadding;
    descHeight = 145;
    descWidth = 195;

    detailedInfoBoxX = 400;
    detailedInfoBoxY = 235;
    starsOffsetX = 50;

    statsX = 300;
    statsY = 15;
    statsHeight = 50;
    statsWidth = 227;

    avatarX = 232;
    avatarY = 11;

    menuInitialized = false;

    float scrollerWidth = 200.0f;
	float scrollerHeight = 28.0f;
    mScroller = NEW VerticalTextScroller(Fonts::MAIN_FONT, 14, 235, scrollerWidth, scrollerHeight, DeckMenuConst::kVerticalScrollSpeed);

    mAutoTranslate = true;
    maxItems = 6;
    mHeight = 2 * DeckMenuConst::kVerticalMargin + (maxItems * DeckMenuConst::kLineHeight);

    // we want to cap the deck titles to 15 characters to avoid overflowing deck names
    title = _(_title);
    displayTitle = title;
    mFont = WResourceManager::Instance()->GetWFont(fontId);

    startId = 0;
    selectionT = 0;
    timeOpen = 0;
    mClosed = false;

    if (mFont->GetStringWidth(title.c_str()) > titleWidth)
        titleFontScale = SCALE_SHRINK;
        titleFontScale = SCALE_NORMAL;

    mSelectionTargetY = selectionY = DeckMenuConst::kVerticalMargin;

    if (NULL == stars)
		stars = NEW hgeParticleSystem(WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrievePSI("stars.psi", WResourceManager::Instance()->GetQuad("stars").get()));
    stars->FireAt(mX, mY);
    const string detailedInfoString = _("Detailed Info");
    WFont *descriptionFont = WResourceManager::Instance()->GetWFont(Fonts::MAIN_FONT);

    float stringWidth = descriptionFont->GetStringWidth(detailedInfoString.c_str());
    float boxStartX = detailedInfoBoxX - stringWidth / 2 + 20;

    dismissButton = NEW InteractiveButton( this, DeckMenuConst::kDetailedInfoButtonId, Fonts::MAIN_FONT, detailedInfoString, boxStartX, detailedInfoBoxY, JGE_BTN_CANCEL);
    JGuiController::Add(dismissButton, true);
