// Purpose: Deal with input
void C_VGuiScreen::ClientThink( void )

	// FIXME: We should really be taking bob, shake, and roll into account
	// but if we did, then all the inputs would be generated multiple times
	// if the world was rendered multiple times (for things like water, etc.)

	vgui::Panel *pPanel = m_PanelWrapper.GetPanel();
	if (!pPanel)
	C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if (!pLocalPlayer)

	// Generate a ray along the view direction
	Vector vecEyePosition = pLocalPlayer->EyePosition();
	QAngle viewAngles = pLocalPlayer->EyeAngles( );

	Vector viewDir, endPos;
	AngleVectors( viewAngles, &viewDir );
	VectorMA( vecEyePosition, 1000.0f, viewDir, endPos );

	// Compute cursor position...
	Ray_t lookDir;
	lookDir.Init( vecEyePosition, endPos );
	float u, v;

	if (!IntersectWithRay( lookDir, &u, &v, NULL ))

	if ( ((u < 0) || (v < 0) || (u > 1) || (v > 1)) && !m_bLooseThinkNextFrame)

	// This will cause our panel to grab all input!
	g_pClientMode->ActivateInGameVGuiContext( pPanel );

	// Convert (u,v) into (px,py)
	int px = (int)(u * m_nPixelWidth + 0.5f);
	int py = (int)(v * m_nPixelHeight + 0.5f);

	// Generate mouse input commands
	if ((px != m_nOldPx) || (py != m_nOldPy))
		g_InputInternal->InternalCursorMoved( px, py );
		m_nOldPx = px;
		m_nOldPy = py;

	if (m_nButtonPressed & IN_ATTACK)
	if (m_nButtonPressed & IN_ATTACK2)
	if ( (m_nButtonReleased & IN_ATTACK) || m_bLooseThinkNextFrame) // for a button release on loosing focus
	if (m_nButtonReleased & IN_ATTACK2)

	if ( m_bLooseThinkNextFrame == true )
		m_bLooseThinkNextFrame = false;
		SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_NEVER );

	g_pClientMode->DeactivateInGameVGuiContext( );
// Purpose: Deal with input
void C_VGuiScreen::ClientThink( void )
	int nButtonsChanged = m_nOldButtonState ^ m_nButtonState;

	m_nOldButtonState = m_nButtonState;

	// Debounced button codes for pressed/released
	// UNDONE: Do we need auto-repeat?
	m_nButtonPressed =  nButtonsChanged & m_nButtonState;		// The changed ones still down are "pressed"
	m_nButtonReleased = nButtonsChanged & (~m_nButtonState);	// The ones not down are "released"


	// FIXME: We should really be taking bob, shake, and roll into account
	// but if we did, then all the inputs would be generated multiple times
	// if the world was rendered multiple times (for things like water, etc.)

	vgui::Panel *pPanel = m_PanelWrapper.GetPanel();
	if (!pPanel)
	C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if (!pLocalPlayer)

	// Generate a ray along the view direction
	Vector vecEyePosition = pLocalPlayer->EyePosition();
	QAngle viewAngles = pLocalPlayer->EyeAngles( );

	// Compute cursor position...
	Ray_t lookDir;
	Vector endPos;
	float u, v;

	// Viewmodel attached screens that take input need to have a moving cursor
	// Do a pick under the cursor as our selection
	Vector viewDir;
	AngleVectors( viewAngles, &viewDir );
	VectorMA( vecEyePosition, 1000.0f, viewDir, endPos );
	lookDir.Init( vecEyePosition, endPos );

	if (!IntersectWithRay( lookDir, &u, &v, NULL ))

	if ( ((u < 0) || (v < 0) || (u > 1) || (v > 1)) && !m_bLoseThinkNextFrame)

	// This will cause our panel to grab all input!
	g_pClientMode->ActivateInGameVGuiContext( pPanel );

	// Convert (u,v) into (px,py)
	int px = (int)(u * m_nPixelWidth + 0.5f);
	int py = (int)(v * m_nPixelHeight + 0.5f);

	// Generate mouse input commands
	if ((px != m_nOldPx) || (py != m_nOldPy))
		g_InputInternal->InternalCursorMoved( px, py );
		m_nOldPx = px;
		m_nOldPy = py;

	if (m_nButtonPressed & IN_ATTACK)
		g_InputInternal->SetMouseCodeState( MOUSE_LEFT, vgui::BUTTON_PRESSED );
	if (m_nButtonPressed & IN_ATTACK2)
		g_InputInternal->SetMouseCodeState( MOUSE_RIGHT, vgui::BUTTON_PRESSED );
		g_InputInternal->InternalMousePressed( MOUSE_RIGHT );
	if ( (m_nButtonReleased & IN_ATTACK) || m_bLoseThinkNextFrame) // for a button release on loosing focus
		g_InputInternal->SetMouseCodeState( MOUSE_LEFT, vgui::BUTTON_RELEASED );
		g_InputInternal->InternalMouseReleased( MOUSE_LEFT );
	if (m_nButtonReleased & IN_ATTACK2)
		g_InputInternal->SetMouseCodeState( MOUSE_RIGHT, vgui::BUTTON_RELEASED );
		g_InputInternal->InternalMouseReleased( MOUSE_RIGHT );

	if ( m_bLoseThinkNextFrame == true )
		m_bLoseThinkNextFrame = false;
		SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_NEVER );

	g_pClientMode->DeactivateInGameVGuiContext( );