void CNetworkPlayer::HandlePlayerDeath( void )

	// Is the localplayer not spawned?
	if( !pCore->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer()->IsSpawned() )

	// Is the player invalid?
	if( !IsSpawned() || !m_pPlayerPed )

	// Reset invulnerability
	m_pPlayerPed->SetInvulnerable( false );

	// Set the player health
	m_pPlayerPed->SetHealth( 0.0f );

	// Mark as dead
	SetDead( true );

	// Mark as not spawned
	SetSpawned( false );

	// Are we in a vehicle as driver?
	if( IsInVehicle() )
		// Reset the vehicle interpolation

	// Set the playerstate
	m_playerState = ePlayerState::PLAYERSTATE_DEAD;
	Vehicle ^Ped::CurrentVehicle::get()
		if (!IsInVehicle())
			return nullptr;

		return gcnew Vehicle(Native::Function::Call<int>(Native::Hash::GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_IN, this->Handle, false));
void CLocalPlayer::HandleSpawn( bool bRespawn )
	// Are we respawning and not dead?
	if( bRespawn && !IsDead() )

	// Have we already just spawned?
	if( (SharedUtility::GetTime() - m_ulSpawnTime) < 500 )

	// Set the spawn time
	m_ulSpawnTime = SharedUtility::GetTime();

	// Reset the death time
	m_ulDeathTime = 0;

	// Set the state
	SetState( ePlayerState::PLAYERSTATE_ONFOOT );

	// Mark as not dead
	SetDead( false );

	// Mark as spawned
	SetSpawned( true );

	// Are we in a vehicle?
	if( IsInVehicle() )
		// Handle this enter with the network vehicle
		m_pVehicle->HandlePlayerExit( this, m_seat, false );

		// Reset the vehicle
		SetVehicle( NULL );

		// Reset the seat

	// Reset the player position and rotation
	Teleport ( CVector3() );
	SetRotation ( CVector3() );

	// Send RPC to server
	pCore->GetNetworkModule()->Call( RPC_PLAYER_SPAWN, NULL, HIGH_PRIORITY, RELIABLE, true );

	// Restore the camera (TODO: Use real game function to reset camera behind player!)
	pCore->GetCamera()->LockControl ( false );
	LockControls ( false );

	// Restore the camera control
	pCore->GetCamera()->LockControl ( bOldCameraState );

	// Restore the control state
	LockControls ( bOldCTRLState );
	bool Ped::IsIdle::get()
		return !IsInjured && !IsRagdoll && !IsInAir && !IsOnFire && !IsDucking && !IsGettingIntoAVehicle && !IsInCombat && !IsInMeleeCombat && !(IsInVehicle() && !IsSittingInVehicle());
void CLocalPlayer::Pulse( void )
	// Are we experiencing connection trouble?
	if ( IsSpawned() && (SharedUtility::GetTime() - m_ulLastPingTime) > 6000 )
		pCore->SetConnectionProblem ( true );

	// Get our current position and rotation
	CVector3 vecCurrentPosition, vecCurrentRotation;
	GetPosition( &vecCurrentPosition );
	GetRotation( &vecCurrentRotation );

	// Is our position or rotation invalid?
	if ( !Math::IsValidVector ( vecCurrentPosition ) || !Math::IsValidVector ( vecCurrentRotation ) )
		CLogFile::Printf ( "ERROR - Player position or rotation was invalid. Warped back to the last good saved state." );

		// Warp the player back to their last good saved position and rotation
		Teleport ( m_vecLastGoodPosition );
		SetRotation ( m_vecLastGoodRotation );

		// Is the last good state invalid?
		if ( !Math::IsValidVector ( m_vecLastGoodPosition ) || !Math::IsValidVector ( m_vecLastGoodRotation ) )
			// Fade hud and sound quickly
			pCore->GetHud()->FadeOut ( 0 );
			pCore->GetGame()->FadeSound ( true, 0 );

			// Reset position
			Teleport ( CVector3() );
			SetRotation ( CVector3() );

			// Kill the player
			SetHealth ( 0.0f );

		// Return so we don't overwrite the last good position with invalid positions

	// Save this current position and rotation
	memcpy ( &m_vecLastGoodPosition, &vecCurrentPosition, sizeof ( CVector3 ) );
	memcpy ( &m_vecLastGoodRotation, &vecCurrentRotation, sizeof ( CVector3 ) );

	// Do we need a full sync?
	if( IsFullSyncNeeded () )
		// Are we not in a vehicle?
		if( !InternalIsInVehicle() )
			// Send onfoot sync data
			// Are we the vehicle driver?
			if( GetState() == PLAYERSTATE_DRIVER )
				// Send invehicle sync data

			// Send passenger sync data

	// Are we spawned and not dead?
	if( IsSpawned() && ((SharedUtility::GetTime() - m_ulSpawnTime) > 5000) && !IsDead() )
		// Are we falling below the map?
		if( vecCurrentPosition.fZ <= -150.0f )
			// Kill ourself
			SetHealth( 0.0f );

	// Have we been dead for 3 seconds?
	if ( (SharedUtility::GetTime() - m_ulDeathTime) > 4000 && IsDead() )
		// Deactivate the player ped
		m_pPlayerPed->Deactivate ();

		// Respawn
		HandleSpawn ( true );

		// Fade the hud back in
		pCore->GetHud()->FadeIn ( 1000 );

		// Fade the sound back in
		pCore->GetGame()->FadeSound ( false, 1 );

		// Activate the player ped
		m_pPlayerPed->Activate ();

	// Are we spawned, in a vehicle and typing?
	if( IsSpawned() && IsInVehicle() && pCore->GetChat()->IsInputVisible() )
		// Reset the vehicle steering (prevent car turning to sides)
		if( m_pVehicle->GetVehicle() )
			m_pVehicle->GetVehicle()->AddSteer( 0.0f );

	// Loop over all vehicles we're syncing
	//for( std::list< CNetworkVehicle* >::iterator iter = m_syncingVehicles.begin(); iter != m_syncingVehicles.end(); iter++ )
		// Send the vehicle sync for this vehicle
	//	SendUnoccupiedVehicleSync( *iter );