文件: winmain.c 项目: rmallof/reactos
EnumAvailableAppProc(APPLICATION_INFO Info)
    INT Index;

    /* Only add a ListView entry if...
         - no RegName was supplied (so we cannot determine whether the application is installed or not) or
         - a RegName was supplied and the application is not installed
    if (!*Info.szRegName || (!IsInstalledApplication(Info.szRegName, FALSE) && !IsInstalledApplication(Info.szRegName, TRUE)))
        ItemInfo = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(APPLICATION_INFO));
        if (!ItemInfo) return FALSE;

        *ItemInfo = Info;

        Index = ListViewAddItem(Info.Category, 0, Info.szName, (LPARAM)ItemInfo);
        ListView_SetItemText(hListView, Index, 1, Info.szVersion);
        ListView_SetItemText(hListView, Index, 2, Info.szDesc);

    return TRUE;
文件: winmain.c 项目: Strongc/reactos
EnumAvailableAppProc(PAPPLICATION_INFO Info)
    INT Index;

    if (!SearchPatternMatch(Info->szName, szSearchPattern) &&
        !SearchPatternMatch(Info->szDesc, szSearchPattern))
        return TRUE;

    /* Only add a ListView entry if...
         - no RegName was supplied (so we cannot determine whether the application is installed or not) or
         -  a RegName was supplied and the application is not installed
    if (!*Info->szRegName || (!IsInstalledApplication(Info->szRegName, FALSE) && !IsInstalledApplication(Info->szRegName, TRUE)))
        Index = ListViewAddItem(Info->Category, 0, Info->szName, (LPARAM)Info);

        ListView_SetItemText(hListView, Index, 1, Info->szVersion);
        ListView_SetItemText(hListView, Index, 2, Info->szDesc);

    return TRUE;
//    ScanWindowsInstaller
//    ====================
//    Scan the Windows installer registry key for installed applications not detected previously
void CApplicationInstanceList::ScanWindowsInstaller(HKEY rootKey)
	char szBuffer[REG_BUFFER_SIZE];
	DWORD dwIndex = 0;

	// Enumerate the sub-keys beneath the Windows installer
	while (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != RegEnumKeyEx (rootKey,  dwIndex, szBuffer, &dwLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) 
		// prepare to get next key
		dwLength = REG_BUFFER_SIZE;
		CString subKeyName = szBuffer;

		CLogFile log;

		// Open the Install Features sub-key
		CString productKey;
		productKey.Format("%s\\%s" ,WINDOWS_INSTALLERKEY ,subKeyName);
		HKEY hProductKey;

		if (RegOpenKeyEx (rootKey, subKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hProductKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) 
			// Is this a valid installed application?
			if (IsInstalledApplication(rootKey ,subKeyName))
				CString applicationName = GetApplicationName(rootKey ,subKeyName, (CString)DISPLAYNAME);

				CString version = CReg::GetItemString(rootKey ,subKeyName ,DISPLAYVERSION);
				CString publisher = CReg::GetItemString(rootKey ,subKeyName ,PUBLISHER);
				publisher = RationalizePublisher(publisher);

				// Recover (any) product ID / Serial Number specified for the application
				CString productID = CReg::GetItemString(rootKey ,subKeyName ,PRODUCTID);
				if (productID.IsEmpty())
					productID = CReg::GetItemString(rootKey ,subKeyName ,SERIALNUMBER);

				// Format the product GUID from the sub-key name
				CString productGUID = subKeyName.Mid(0, 8) + "-" + subKeyName.Mid(8, 4) + "-" + subKeyName.Mid(12, 4) + "-" + subKeyName.Mid(0x10, 4) + "-" + subKeyName.Mid(20, 8);

				// Add this instance to our internal list
				AddApplicationInstance(applicationName, publisher, productGUID, productID, version);
//    ScanUninstallKey
//    ================
//    Scan the UNINSTALL registry key beneath the supplied registry hive lookimg for applications that 
//    have been installed.
void CApplicationInstanceList::ScanUninstallKey(HKEY hKey)
	char szBuffer[REG_BUFFER_SIZE];
	DWORD dwIndex = 0;

	// Enumerate the sub-keys
	while (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != RegEnumKeyEx (hKey,  dwIndex, szBuffer, &dwLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) 
		// prepare to get next key
		dwLength = REG_BUFFER_SIZE;

		// Is this an installed application?
		CString subKeyName = szBuffer;

		if (IsInstalledApplication(hKey ,subKeyName))
			CString displayName = GetApplicationName(hKey ,subKeyName, (CString)DISPLAYNAME);

			CString productGUID = "";			

			// Is the sub-key name a GUID - if so recover the GUID as this can be used to find a serial number
			if (subKeyName[0] == '{' && subKeyName[subKeyName.GetLength() - 1] == '}')
				productGUID = subKeyName.Mid(1, subKeyName.GetLength() - 2);			

			// Recover other attributes for the application
			CString version = CReg::GetItemString(hKey ,subKeyName ,DISPLAYVERSION);
			CString publisher = CReg::GetItemString(hKey ,subKeyName ,PUBLISHER);
			publisher = RationalizePublisher(publisher);

			// Recover (any) product ID / Serial Number specified for the application
			CString productID = CReg::GetItemString(hKey ,subKeyName ,PRODUCTID);

			if (productID.IsEmpty())
				productID = CReg::GetItemString(hKey ,subKeyName ,SERIALNUMBER);			

			// Add this instance to our internal list
			AddApplicationInstance(displayName, publisher, productGUID, productID, version);