visualization_msgs::MarkerArray VisualizeDetectedObjects::ObjectsToCentroids(const autoware_msgs::DetectedObjectArray &in_objects) { visualization_msgs::MarkerArray centroid_markers; for (auto const &object: in_objects.objects) { if (IsObjectValid(object)) { visualization_msgs::Marker centroid_marker; centroid_marker.lifetime = ros::Duration(marker_display_duration_); centroid_marker.header = in_objects.header; centroid_marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE; centroid_marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; centroid_marker.pose = object.pose; centroid_marker.ns = ros_namespace_ + "/centroid_markers"; centroid_marker.scale.x = 0.5; centroid_marker.scale.y = 0.5; centroid_marker.scale.z = 0.5; if (object.color.a == 0) { centroid_marker.color = centroid_color_; } else { centroid_marker.color = object.color; } = marker_id_++; centroid_markers.markers.push_back(centroid_marker); } } return centroid_markers; }//ObjectsToCentroids
NTSTATUS HOOKPORT_CALLTYPE HookNtSetInformationThread( PSYSCALL_INFO SysCallInfo, PSYSTEM_CALL_ACTION Action, HANDLE ThreadHandle, THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS ThreadInformationClass, PVOID ThreadInformation, ULONG ThreadInformationLength ) { NTSTATUS Status; switch (ThreadInformationClass) { case ThreadHideFromDebugger: Status = IsObjectValid(ThreadHandle); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; return Status; default: return STATUS_SUCCESS; } Action->Action = BlockSystemCall; return Status; }
visualization_msgs::MarkerArray VisualizeDetectedObjects::ObjectsToModels(const autoware_msgs::DetectedObjectArray &in_objects) { visualization_msgs::MarkerArray object_models; for (auto const &object: in_objects.objects) { if (IsObjectValid(object) && object.label != "unknown" && (object.dimensions.x + object.dimensions.y + object.dimensions.z) < object_max_linear_size_) { visualization_msgs::Marker model; model.lifetime = ros::Duration(marker_display_duration_); model.header = in_objects.header; model.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::MESH_RESOURCE; model.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; model.ns = ros_namespace_ + "/model_markers"; model.mesh_use_embedded_materials = false; model.color = model_color_; if(object.label == "car") { model.mesh_resource = "package://detected_objects_visualizer/models/car.dae"; } else if (object.label == "person") { model.mesh_resource = "package://detected_objects_visualizer/models/person.dae"; } else if (object.label == "bicycle" || object.label == "bike") { model.mesh_resource = "package://detected_objects_visualizer/models/bike.dae"; } else if (object.label == "bus") { model.mesh_resource = "package://detected_objects_visualizer/models/bus.dae"; } else if(object.label == "truck") { model.mesh_resource = "package://detected_objects_visualizer/models/truck.dae"; } else { model.mesh_resource = "package://detected_objects_visualizer/models/box.dae"; } model.scale.x = 1; model.scale.y = 1; model.scale.z = 1; = marker_id_++; model.pose.position = object.pose.position; model.pose.position.z-= object.dimensions.z/2; if (object.pose_reliable) model.pose.orientation = object.pose.orientation; object_models.markers.push_back(model); } } return object_models; }//ObjectsToModels
NTSTATUS HOOKPORT_CALLTYPE HookNtClose( PSYSCALL_INFO SysCallInfo, PSYSTEM_CALL_ACTION Action, HANDLE Handle ) { NTSTATUS Status; Status = IsObjectValid(Handle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) Action->Action = BlockSystemCall; return Status; }
visualization_msgs::MarkerArray VisualizeDetectedObjects::ObjectsToHulls(const autoware_msgs::DetectedObjectArray &in_objects) { visualization_msgs::MarkerArray polygon_hulls; for (auto const &object: in_objects.objects) { if (IsObjectValid(object) && !object.convex_hull.polygon.points.empty() && object.label == "unknown") { visualization_msgs::Marker hull; hull.lifetime = ros::Duration(marker_display_duration_); hull.header = in_objects.header; hull.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_STRIP; hull.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; hull.ns = ros_namespace_ + "/hull_markers"; = marker_id_++; hull.scale.x = 0.2; for(auto const &point: object.convex_hull.polygon.points) { geometry_msgs::Point tmp_point; tmp_point.x = point.x; tmp_point.y = point.y; tmp_point.z = point.z; hull.points.push_back(tmp_point); } if (object.color.a == 0) { hull.color = hull_color_; } else { hull.color = object.color; } polygon_hulls.markers.push_back(hull); } } return polygon_hulls; }
visualization_msgs::MarkerArray VisualizeDetectedObjects::ObjectsToBoxes(const autoware_msgs::DetectedObjectArray &in_objects) { visualization_msgs::MarkerArray object_boxes; for (auto const &object: in_objects.objects) { if (IsObjectValid(object) && object.label != "unknown" && (object.dimensions.x + object.dimensions.y + object.dimensions.z) < object_max_linear_size_) { visualization_msgs::Marker box; box.lifetime = ros::Duration(marker_display_duration_); box.header = in_objects.header; box.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE; box.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; box.ns = ros_namespace_ + "/box_markers"; = marker_id_++; box.scale = object.dimensions; box.pose.position = object.pose.position; if (object.pose_reliable) box.pose.orientation = object.pose.orientation; if (object.color.a == 0) { box.color = box_color_; } else { box.color = object.color; } object_boxes.markers.push_back(box); } } return object_boxes; }//ObjectsToBoxes
visualization_msgs::MarkerArray VisualizeDetectedObjects::ObjectsToLabels(const autoware_msgs::DetectedObjectArray &in_objects) { visualization_msgs::MarkerArray label_markers; for (auto const &object: in_objects.objects) { if (IsObjectValid(object)) { visualization_msgs::Marker label_marker; label_marker.lifetime = ros::Duration(marker_display_duration_); label_marker.header = in_objects.header; label_marker.ns = ros_namespace_ + "/label_markers"; label_marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; label_marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::TEXT_VIEW_FACING; label_marker.scale.x = 1.5; label_marker.scale.y = 1.5; label_marker.scale.z = 1.5; label_marker.color = label_color_; = marker_id_++; if(!object.label.empty() && object.label != "unknown") label_marker.text = object.label + " "; //Object Class if available std::stringstream distance_stream; distance_stream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << sqrt((object.pose.position.x * object.pose.position.x) + (object.pose.position.y * object.pose.position.y)); std::string distance_str = distance_stream.str() + " m"; label_marker.text += distance_str; if (object.velocity_reliable) { double velocity = object.velocity.linear.x; if (velocity < -0.1) { velocity *= -1; } if (abs(velocity) < object_speed_threshold_) { velocity = 0.0; } tf::Quaternion q(object.pose.orientation.x, object.pose.orientation.y, object.pose.orientation.z, object.pose.orientation.w); double roll, pitch, yaw; tf::Matrix3x3(q).getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw); // convert m/s to km/h std::stringstream kmh_velocity_stream; kmh_velocity_stream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << (velocity * 3.6); std::string text = "\n<" + std::to_string( + "> " + kmh_velocity_stream.str() + " km/h"; label_marker.text += text; } label_marker.pose.position.x = object.pose.position.x; label_marker.pose.position.y = object.pose.position.y; label_marker.pose.position.z = label_height_; label_marker.scale.z = 1.0; if (!label_marker.text.empty()) label_markers.markers.push_back(label_marker); } } // end in_objects.objects loop return label_markers; }//ObjectsToLabels
visualization_msgs::MarkerArray VisualizeDetectedObjects::ObjectsToArrows(const autoware_msgs::DetectedObjectArray &in_objects) { visualization_msgs::MarkerArray arrow_markers; for (auto const &object: in_objects.objects) { if (IsObjectValid(object) && object.pose_reliable) { double velocity = object.velocity.linear.x; if (abs(velocity) >= arrow_speed_threshold_) { visualization_msgs::Marker arrow_marker; arrow_marker.lifetime = ros::Duration(marker_display_duration_); tf::Quaternion q(object.pose.orientation.x, object.pose.orientation.y, object.pose.orientation.z, object.pose.orientation.w); double roll, pitch, yaw; tf::Matrix3x3(q).getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw); // in the case motion model fit opposite direction if (velocity < -0.1) { yaw += M_PI; // normalize angle while (yaw > M_PI) yaw -= 2. * M_PI; while (yaw < -M_PI) yaw += 2. * M_PI; } tf::Matrix3x3 obs_mat; tf::Quaternion q_tf; obs_mat.setEulerYPR(yaw, 0, 0); // yaw, pitch, roll obs_mat.getRotation(q_tf); arrow_marker.header = in_objects.header; arrow_marker.ns = ros_namespace_ + "/arrow_markers"; arrow_marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; arrow_marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW; // green if (object.color.a == 0) { arrow_marker.color = arrow_color_; } else { arrow_marker.color = object.color; } = marker_id_++; // Set the pose of the marker. This is a full 6DOF pose relative to the frame/time specified in the header arrow_marker.pose.position.x = object.pose.position.x; arrow_marker.pose.position.y = object.pose.position.y; arrow_marker.pose.position.z = arrow_height_; arrow_marker.pose.orientation.x = q_tf.getX(); arrow_marker.pose.orientation.y = q_tf.getY(); arrow_marker.pose.orientation.z = q_tf.getZ(); arrow_marker.pose.orientation.w = q_tf.getW(); // Set the scale of the arrow -- 1x1x1 here means 1m on a side arrow_marker.scale.x = 3; arrow_marker.scale.y = 0.1; arrow_marker.scale.z = 0.1; arrow_markers.markers.push_back(arrow_marker); }//velocity threshold }//valid object }//end for return arrow_markers; }//ObjectsToArrows
void CVisDemoSorterClassifier::DoProcessing() { Uint32 i; m_nNumObjectsClassifier_last = 0; if ( m_pModel == NULL ) return; FastLabelObject * objLabels = (FastLabelObject*)m_iportLabelData.GetBuffer(); ColorObject * objColors = (ColorObject*)m_iportColorData.GetBuffer(); // Get extents of valid area CVisFixpoint fLeft, fRight, fTop, fBottom; m_pModel->GetValidArea( fLeft, fRight, fTop, fBottom ); for ( i=1; i<objLabels[0].unNumObjects; i++) { // Clear the object's flags. objLabels[i].unFlags = 0; // See if the object is valid (i.e. it is in a valid position and has sensibel // sizes. if ( IsObjectValid( objLabels[i] ) ) { // The object is valid. m_nNumObjectsClassified++; m_nNumObjectsClassifier_last++; m_nNumFramesWithoutObjects = 0; // Classify the object. Int nClass = ClassifiyColor( objColors[i].Color.unHue, objColors[i].Color.unSat, objColors[i].Color.unLum ); // Increment count for that class. if ( nClass != -1 ) m_aryColorClasses[nClass].nCount++; // Mark the object as due for ejection if the class is valid and scheduled for ejection. if ( (nClass != -1) && ( m_aryColorClasses[nClass].nEject != 0 ) ) objLabels[i].unFlags |= FLF_EJECT; else objLabels[i].unFlags &= ~FLF_EJECT; } // if object valid } // for all objects // Resolve critical ejections //ResolveCriticalEjections( objLabels ); // Generate ejection commands for ( i=1; i<objLabels[0].unNumObjects; i++) { if ( (objLabels[i].unFlags & FLF_EJECT) != 0 ) EjectObject( objLabels[i] ); } #ifndef _WINDOWS // See if we've seen no objects for a while and turn of the jets if that's the case Uint32 unTime = timeGetHighResTime() + timeFromMs( 10 ); if ( m_nNumFramesWithoutObjects > 25 ) { for ( int i=0; i<m_pModel->GetNumJets(); i++ ) COutputDispatcher::Instance()->Channel( i ).AddCommand( unTime , false ); } #endif }
NTSTATUS HOOKPORT_CALLTYPE HookNtQueryInformationProcess( PSYSCALL_INFO SysCallInfo, PSYSTEM_CALL_ACTION Action, HANDLE ProcessHandle, PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS ProcessInformationClass, PVOID ProcessInformation, ULONG ProcessInformationLength, PULONG ReturnLength ) { NTSTATUS Status; /* static ULONG Count; PrintConsoleW( L"%08X: %S\n" L"ProcessInformationClass = %08d\n" L"ProcessInformation = %08X\n" L"ProcessInformationLength = %08X\n" L"ReturnLength = %08X\n" L"\n", Count++, g_pSysCallFilters[ServiceIndex].Reserve, ProcessInformationClass, ProcessInformation, ProcessInformationLength, ReturnLength ); */ Status = IsObjectValid(ProcessHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto _Exit; switch (ProcessInformationClass) { case ProcessDebugObjectHandle: Status = STATUS_PORT_NOT_SET; case ProcessDebugPort: if (ProcessInformation != NULL) { ZeroMemory(ProcessInformation, ProcessInformationLength); } if (ReturnLength != NULL) { *ReturnLength = 4; } break; /* case ProcessDebugFlags: if (ProcessInformation != 0) *(PULONG)ProcessInformation = TRUE; if (ReturnLength != NULL) *ReturnLength = 4; break; */ /* case ProcessBasicInformation: if (ProcessHandle != NtCurrentProcess()) goto _Exit; Status = CallSysCall( NtQueryInformationProcess, SysCallInfo, ProcessHandle, ProcessInformationClass, ProcessInformation, ProcessInformationLength, ReturnLength ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) ((PPROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION)ProcessInformation)->InheritedFromUniqueProcessId = g_ExplorerPID; break; */ default: goto _Exit; } Action->Action = BlockSystemCall; _Exit: return Status; }