FX_BOOL CPWL_Edit::OnKeyDown(FX_WORD nChar, FX_DWORD nFlag) {
  if (m_bMouseDown)
    return TRUE;

  if (nChar == FWL_VKEY_Delete) {
    if (m_pFillerNotify) {
      FX_BOOL bRC = TRUE;
      FX_BOOL bExit = FALSE;
      CFX_WideString strChange;
      CFX_WideString strChangeEx;

      int nSelStart = 0;
      int nSelEnd = 0;
      GetSel(nSelStart, nSelEnd);

      if (nSelStart == nSelEnd)
        nSelEnd = nSelStart + 1;
      m_pFillerNotify->OnBeforeKeyStroke(GetAttachedData(), strChange,
                                         strChangeEx, nSelStart, nSelEnd, TRUE,
                                         bRC, bExit, nFlag);
      if (!bRC)
        return FALSE;
      if (bExit)
        return FALSE;

  FX_BOOL bRet = CPWL_EditCtrl::OnKeyDown(nChar, nFlag);

  // In case of implementation swallow the OnKeyDown event.
  if (IsProceedtoOnChar(nChar, nFlag))
    return TRUE;

  return bRet;
bool CPWL_Edit::OnKeyDown(uint16_t nChar, uint32_t nFlag) {
  if (m_bMouseDown)
    return true;

  if (nChar == FWL_VKEY_Delete) {
    if (m_pFillerNotify) {
      bool bRC = true;
      bool bExit = false;
      CFX_WideString strChange;
      CFX_WideString strChangeEx;

      int nSelStart = 0;
      int nSelEnd = 0;
      GetSel(nSelStart, nSelEnd);

      if (nSelStart == nSelEnd)
        nSelEnd = nSelStart + 1;
      m_pFillerNotify->OnBeforeKeyStroke(GetAttachedData(), strChange,
                                         strChangeEx, nSelStart, nSelEnd, true,
                                         bRC, bExit, nFlag);
      if (!bRC)
        return false;
      if (bExit)
        return false;

  bool bRet = CPWL_EditCtrl::OnKeyDown(nChar, nFlag);

  // In case of implementation swallow the OnKeyDown event.
  if (IsProceedtoOnChar(nChar, nFlag))
    return true;

  return bRet;