// Returns true iff regex matches a prefix of str.  regex must be a
// valid simple regular expression and not start with "^", or the
// result is undefined.
bool MatchRegexAtHead(const char* regex, const char* str) {
  if (*regex == '\0')  // An empty regex matches a prefix of anything.
    return true;

  // "$" only matches the end of a string.  Note that regex being
  // valid guarantees that there's nothing after "$" in it.
  if (*regex == '$')
    return *str == '\0';

  // Is the first thing in regex an escape sequence?
  const bool escaped = *regex == '\\';
  if (escaped)
  if (IsRepeat(regex[1])) {
    // MatchRepetitionAndRegexAtHead() calls MatchRegexAtHead(), so
    // here's an indirect recursion.  It terminates as the regex gets
    // shorter in each recursion.
    return MatchRepetitionAndRegexAtHead(
        escaped, regex[0], regex[1], regex + 2, str);
  } else {
    // regex isn't empty, isn't "$", and doesn't start with a
    // repetition.  We match the first atom of regex with the first
    // character of str and recurse.
    return (*str != '\0') && AtomMatchesChar(escaped, *regex, *str) &&
        MatchRegexAtHead(regex + 1, str + 1);
// Generates non-fatal failures and returns false if regex is invalid;
// otherwise returns true.
bool ValidateRegex(const char* regex) {
  if (regex == NULL) {
    // TODO([email protected]): fix the source file location in the
    // assertion failures to match where the regex is used in user
    // code.
    ADD_FAILURE() << "NULL is not a valid simple regular expression.";
    return false;

  bool is_valid = true;

  // True iff ?, *, or + can follow the previous atom.
  bool prev_repeatable = false;
  for (int i = 0; regex[i]; i++) {
    if (regex[i] == '\\') {  // An escape sequence
      if (regex[i] == '\0') {
        ADD_FAILURE() << FormatRegexSyntaxError(regex, i - 1)
                      << "'\\' cannot appear at the end.";
        return false;

      if (!IsValidEscape(regex[i])) {
        ADD_FAILURE() << FormatRegexSyntaxError(regex, i - 1)
                      << "invalid escape sequence \"\\" << regex[i] << "\".";
        is_valid = false;
      prev_repeatable = true;
    } else {  // Not an escape sequence.
      const char ch = regex[i];

      if (ch == '^' && i > 0) {
        ADD_FAILURE() << FormatRegexSyntaxError(regex, i)
                      << "'^' can only appear at the beginning.";
        is_valid = false;
      } else if (ch == '$' && regex[i + 1] != '\0') {
        ADD_FAILURE() << FormatRegexSyntaxError(regex, i)
                      << "'$' can only appear at the end.";
        is_valid = false;
      } else if (IsInSet(ch, "()[]{}|")) {
        ADD_FAILURE() << FormatRegexSyntaxError(regex, i)
                      << "'" << ch << "' is unsupported.";
        is_valid = false;
      } else if (IsRepeat(ch) && !prev_repeatable) {
        ADD_FAILURE() << FormatRegexSyntaxError(regex, i)
                      << "'" << ch << "' can only follow a repeatable token.";
        is_valid = false;

      prev_repeatable = !IsInSet(ch, "^$?*+");

  return is_valid;
int main()
    int chainLength = 0 ;
    unsigned int num1 = 0, num2 = 0, diff = 0 ;
    Str100 input, theBiggestNum, theSmallestNum ;
    for( int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++ )    input[i] = theBiggestNum[i] = theSmallestNum[i] = '\0' ;

    cin >> input ;
    while( strcmp( input, "0" ) != 0 )
        cout << "Original number was " << input << endl ;

        while( !IsRepeat( diff ) )
            FindBiggestAndSmallestNum( input, theBiggestNum, theSmallestNum ) ;

            num1 = atoi( theBiggestNum ) ;
            num2 = atoi( theSmallestNum ) ;

            diff = num1 - num2 ;

            cout << num1 << " - " << num2 << " = " << diff << endl ;
                sprintf是將數字轉成字串,中間的%u代表的是我的數字是unsigned int
            sprintf( input, "%u", diff ) ;
            chainLength++ ;
        } // while

        cout << "Chain Length " << chainLength << "\n" << endl ;

        gLastDiff = DEFALUT_DIFF ;
        chainLength = 0 ;

        cin >> input ;
    } // while

    return 0 ;
} // main()