  /** \brief Read the next token from the string. */ 
  ParserTokenReader::token_type ParserTokenReader::ReadNextToken()

    std::stack<int> FunArgs;
    const char_type *szFormula = m_strFormula.c_str();
    token_type tok;

    // Ignore all non printable characters when reading the expression
    while (szFormula[m_iPos]>0 && szFormula[m_iPos]<=0x20) 

    if ( IsEOF(tok) )        return SaveBeforeReturn(tok); // Check for end of formula
    if ( IsOprt(tok) )       return SaveBeforeReturn(tok); // Check for user defined binary operator
    if ( IsFunTok(tok) )     return SaveBeforeReturn(tok); // Check for function token
    if ( IsBuiltIn(tok) )    return SaveBeforeReturn(tok); // Check built in operators / tokens
    if ( IsArgSep(tok) )     return SaveBeforeReturn(tok); // Check for function argument separators
    if ( IsValTok(tok) )     return SaveBeforeReturn(tok); // Check for values / constant tokens
    if ( IsVarTok(tok) )     return SaveBeforeReturn(tok); // Check for variable tokens
    if ( IsStrVarTok(tok) )  return SaveBeforeReturn(tok); // Check for string variables
    if ( IsString(tok) )     return SaveBeforeReturn(tok); // Check for String tokens
    if ( IsInfixOpTok(tok) ) return SaveBeforeReturn(tok); // Check for unary operators
    if ( IsPostOpTok(tok) )  return SaveBeforeReturn(tok); // Check for unary operators

    // Check String for undefined variable token. Done only if a 
    // flag is set indicating to ignore undefined variables.
    // This is a way to conditionally avoid an error if 
    // undefined variables occur. 
    // (The GetUsedVar function must suppress the error for
    // undefined variables in order to collect all variable 
    // names including the undefined ones.)
    if ( (m_bIgnoreUndefVar || m_pFactory) && IsUndefVarTok(tok) )  
      return SaveBeforeReturn(tok);

    // Check for unknown token
    // !!! From this point on there is no exit without an exception possible...
    string_type strTok;
    int iEnd = ExtractToken(m_pParser->ValidNameChars(), strTok, m_iPos);
    if (iEnd!=m_iPos)
      Error(ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN, m_iPos, strTok);

    Error(ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN, m_iPos, m_strFormula.substr(m_iPos));
    return token_type(); // never reached
/** \brief Read the next token from the string. */
ptr_tok_type TokenReader::ReadNextToken()


    int token_pos = m_nPos;
    ptr_tok_type pTok;

    // Check for end of expression
    if (IsEOF(pTok))
        return Store(pTok, token_pos);

    if (IsNewline(pTok))
        return Store(pTok, token_pos);

    if (!(m_nSynFlags & noOPT) && IsOprt(pTok))
        return Store(pTok, token_pos); // Check for user defined binary operator

    if (!(m_nSynFlags & noIFX) && IsInfixOpTok(pTok))
        return Store(pTok, token_pos); // Check for unary operators

    if (IsValTok(pTok))
        return Store(pTok, token_pos); // Check for values / constant tokens

    if (IsBuiltIn(pTok))
        return Store(pTok, token_pos); // Check built in operators / tokens

    if (IsVarOrConstTok(pTok))
        return Store(pTok, token_pos); // Check for variable tokens

    if (IsFunTok(pTok))
        return Store(pTok, token_pos);

    if (!(m_nSynFlags & noPFX) && IsPostOpTok(pTok))
        return Store(pTok, token_pos); // Check for unary operators

    // 2.) We have found no token, maybe there is a token that we don't expect here.
    //     Again call the Identifier functions but this time only those we don't expect 
    //     to find.
    if ((m_nSynFlags & noOPT) && IsOprt(pTok))
        return Store(pTok, token_pos); // Check for user defined binary operator

    if ((m_nSynFlags & noIFX) && IsInfixOpTok(pTok))
        return Store(pTok, token_pos); // Check for unary operators

    if ((m_nSynFlags & noPFX) && IsPostOpTok(pTok))
        return Store(pTok, token_pos); // Check for unary operators
    // </ibg>

    // Now we are in trouble because there is something completely unknown....

    // Check the string for an undefined variable token. This is done 
    // only if a flag is set indicating to ignore undefined variables.
    // This is a way to conditionally avoid an error if undefined variables 
    // occur. The GetExprVar function must supress the error for undefined 
    // variables in order to collect all variable names including the 
    // undefined ones.
    if ((m_pParser->m_bIsQueryingExprVar || m_pParser->m_bAutoCreateVar) && IsUndefVarTok(pTok))
        return Store(pTok, token_pos);

    // Check for unknown token
    // !!! From this point on there is no exit without an exception possible...
    string_type sTok;
    int iEnd = ExtractToken(m_pParser->ValidNameChars(), sTok, m_nPos);

    ErrorContext err;
    err.Errc = ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN;
    err.Expr = m_sExpr;
    err.Pos = m_nPos;

    if (iEnd != m_nPos)
        err.Ident = sTok;
        err.Ident = m_sExpr.substr(m_nPos);

    throw ParserError(err);