GlobalsArray::ValidMArrayIter(const ArrayData* ad,
                                       const MArrayIter & fp) {
  assert(fp.getContainer() == ad);
  auto a = asGlobals(ad);
  if (fp.getResetFlag()) return false;
  if (fp.m_pos == IterEnd(a)) return false;
  NameValueTable::Iterator iter(a->m_tab, fp.m_pos);
  return iter.valid();
size_t GlobalsArray::Vsize(const ArrayData* ad) {
  // We need to iterate to find out the actual size, since kNamedLocalDataType
  // elements in the array may have been set to KindOfUninit.
  auto a = asGlobals(ad);
  size_t count = 0;
  auto iter_limit = IterEnd(a);
  for (auto iter = IterBegin(a);
       iter != iter_limit;
       iter = IterAdvance(a, iter)) {
  return count;
size_t NameValueTableWrapper::Vsize(const ArrayData* ad) {
  // We need to iterate to find out the actual size, since
  // KindOfNamedLocal elements in the array may have been set to
  // KindOfUninit.
  auto a = asNVTW(ad);
  size_t count = 0;
  auto iter_limit = IterEnd(a);
  for (auto iter = IterBegin(a);
       iter != iter_limit;
       iter = IterAdvance(a, iter)) {
  return count;
std::string ASE::QueryFull ( void )
    std::stringstream reply;
    std::stringstream temp;

    reply << "EYE1";
    // game
    reply << ( unsigned char ) 4;
    reply << "mta";
    // port
    reply << ( unsigned char ) ( m_strPort.length() + 1 );
    reply << m_strPort;
    // server name
    reply << ( unsigned char ) ( m_pMainConfig->GetServerName ().length() + 1 );
    reply << m_pMainConfig->GetServerName ();
    // game type
    reply << ( unsigned char ) ( m_strGameType.length() + 1 );
    reply << m_strGameType;
    // map name
    reply << ( unsigned char ) ( m_strMapName.length() + 1 );
    reply << m_strMapName;
    // version
    temp << MTA_DM_ASE_VERSION;
    reply << ( unsigned char ) ( temp.str().length() + 1 );
    reply << temp.str();
    // passworded
    reply << ( unsigned char ) 2;
    reply << ( ( m_pMainConfig->HasPassword () ) ? 1 : 0 );
    // players count
    temp.str ( "" );
    temp << m_pPlayerManager->CountJoined ();
    reply << ( unsigned char ) ( temp.str().length () + 1 );
    reply << temp.str();
    // players max
    temp.str ( "" );
    temp << m_pMainConfig->GetMaxPlayers ();
    reply << ( unsigned char ) ( temp.str().length () + 1 );
    reply << temp.str();

    // rules
    list < CASERule* > ::iterator rIter = IterBegin ();
    for ( ; rIter != IterEnd () ; rIter++ )
        // maybe use a map and std strings for rules?
        reply << ( unsigned char ) ( strlen ( (*rIter)->GetKey () ) + 1 );
        reply << (*rIter)->GetKey ();
        reply << ( unsigned char ) ( strlen ( (*rIter)->GetValue () ) + 1 );
        reply << (*rIter)->GetValue ();
    reply << ( unsigned char ) 1;

    // players

    // the flags that tell what data we carry per player ( apparently we need all set cause of GM atm )
    unsigned char ucFlags = 0;
    ucFlags |= 0x01; // nick
    ucFlags |= 0x02; // team
    ucFlags |= 0x04; // skin
    ucFlags |= 0x08; // score
    ucFlags |= 0x16; // ping
    ucFlags |= 0x32; // time

    char szTemp[256] = { '\0' };
    CPlayer* pPlayer = NULL;

    list < CPlayer* > ::const_iterator pIter = m_pPlayerManager->IterBegin ();
    for ( ; pIter != m_pPlayerManager->IterEnd (); pIter++ )
        pPlayer = *pIter;
        if ( pPlayer->IsJoined () )
            reply << ucFlags;
            // nick
            std::string strPlayerName = RemoveColorCodes ( pPlayer->GetNick () );
            if ( strPlayerName.length () == 0 )
                strPlayerName = pPlayer->GetNick ();
            reply << ( unsigned char ) ( strPlayerName.length () + 1 );
            reply << strPlayerName.c_str ();
            // team (skip)
            reply << ( unsigned char ) 1;
            // skin (skip)
            reply << ( unsigned char ) 1;
            // score
            const std::string& strScore = pPlayer->GetAnnounceValue ( "score" );
            reply << ( unsigned char ) ( strScore.length () + 1 );
            reply << strScore.c_str ();
            // ping
            snprintf ( szTemp, 255, "%u", pPlayer->GetPing () );
            reply << ( unsigned char ) ( strlen ( szTemp ) + 1 );
            reply << szTemp;
            // time (skip)
            reply << ( unsigned char ) 1;

    return reply.str();
void CAreaManager::UpdateEntity(Vec3 const& rPos, IEntity const* const pEntity)
	EntityId const nEntityID = pEntity->GetId();
	SAreasCache* pAreaCache = GetAreaCache(nEntityID);

	// Create a new area cache if necessary.
	if (pAreaCache == NULL)
		pAreaCache = MakeAreaCache(nEntityID);

	assert(pAreaCache != NULL);

	// Audio listeners and moving entities affected by environment changes need to update more often 
	// to ensure smooth fading.
	uint32 const nExtendedFlags = pEntity->GetFlagsExtended();
	float const fPosDelta = 
		? 0.01f
		: CVar::es_EntityUpdatePosDelta;

	if (pAreaCache != NULL && !rPos.IsEquivalent(pAreaCache->vLastUpdatePos, fPosDelta))
		pAreaCache->vLastUpdatePos = rPos;

		// First mark all cache entries that as if they are not in the grid.
		TAreaCacheVector::iterator Iter(pAreaCache->aoAreas.begin());
		TAreaCacheVector::const_iterator IterEnd(pAreaCache->aoAreas.end());

		for (; Iter != IterEnd; ++Iter)
			SAreaCacheEntry& rAreaCacheEntry = (*Iter);
			CArea* const pArea = rAreaCacheEntry.pArea;

			if (!stl::find(m_apAreas, pArea))
				CryFatalError("<AreaManager>: area in entity-area-cache not found in overall areas list!");

			rAreaCacheEntry.bInGrid = false;
			// Now pre-calculate position data.
			pArea->CalcPosType(nEntityID, rPos);

		TAreaPointers const& rAreasAtPos(m_areaGrid.GetAreas(rPos));
		TAreaPointers::const_iterator IterAreas(rAreasAtPos.begin());
		TAreaPointers::const_iterator const IterAreasEnd(rAreasAtPos.end());

		for (; IterAreas != IterAreasEnd; ++IterAreas)
			// Mark cache entries as if they are in the grid.
			CArea* const pArea = *IterAreas;
			SAreaCacheEntry* pAreaCacheEntry = NULL;

			if (pAreaCache->GetCacheEntry(pArea, &pAreaCacheEntry))
				// cppcheck-suppress nullPointer
				pAreaCacheEntry->bInGrid = true;
				// if they are not yet in the cache, add them
				pAreaCache->aoAreas.push_back(SAreaCacheEntry(pArea, false, false));

			if (!stl::find(m_apAreas, pArea))
				CryFatalError("<AreaManager>: area in entity-area-cache not found in overall areas list!");

		// Go through all cache entries and process the areas.
		Iter = pAreaCache->aoAreas.begin();
		IterEnd = pAreaCache->aoAreas.end();

		for (; Iter != IterEnd; ++Iter)
			SAreaCacheEntry& rAreaCacheEntry = (*Iter);
			CArea* const pArea = rAreaCacheEntry.pArea;

			if (!stl::find(m_apAreas, pArea))
				CryFatalError("<AreaManager>: area in entity-area-cache not found in overall areas list!");

			// check if Area is hidden
			IEntity const* const pAreaEntity = m_pEntitySystem->GetEntity(pArea->GetEntityID());
			bool bIsHidden = (pAreaEntity && pAreaEntity->IsHidden());

			// area was just hidden
			if (bIsHidden && pArea->IsActive())
				rAreaCacheEntry.bNear		= false;
				rAreaCacheEntry.bInside	= false;

			// area was just unhidden
			if (!bIsHidden && !pArea->IsActive())
				// ProcessArea will take care of properly setting cache entry data.
				rAreaCacheEntry.bNear		= false;
				rAreaCacheEntry.bInside	= false;

			// We process only for active areas in which grid we are.
			// Areas in our cache in which grid we are not get removed down below anyhow.
			if (pArea->IsActive())
				ProcessArea(pArea, rAreaCacheEntry, pAreaCache, rPos, pEntity);

		// Go through all areas again and send accumulated events. (needs to be done in a separate step)
		Iter = pAreaCache->aoAreas.begin();

		for (; Iter != IterEnd; ++Iter)
			SAreaCacheEntry& rAreaCacheEntry = (*Iter);
			CArea* const pArea = rAreaCacheEntry.pArea;

			if (!stl::find(m_apAreas, pArea))
				CryFatalError("<AreaManager>: area in entity-area-cache not found in overall areas list!");


		// Remove all entries in the cache which are no longer in the grid.
		if (!pAreaCache->aoAreas.empty())
			pAreaCache->aoAreas.erase(std::remove_if(pAreaCache->aoAreas.begin(), pAreaCache->aoAreas.end(), SIsNotInGrid(pEntity, m_apAreas, m_apAreas.size())), pAreaCache->aoAreas.end());

		if (pAreaCache->aoAreas.empty())