bool Fractal::Inside(const Vector3d& IPoint, TraceThreadData *Thread) const { bool Result; Vector3d New_Point; if (Trans != NULL) { MInvTransPoint(New_Point, IPoint, Trans); Result = Iteration(New_Point, this, Thread->Fractal_IStack); } else { Result = Iteration(IPoint, this, Thread->Fractal_IStack); } if (Test_Flag(this, INVERTED_FLAG)) { return (!Result); } else { return (Result); } }
void Iteration(pIntStack stack, int ocolor, int ncolor){ if(stack->Num>0){ int y=IntPop(stack), x=IntPop(stack); //printf("(%d,%d)\n",x,y); if(IsValid(x,y)){ image[y][x]=ncolor; if(IsValid(x,y-1) && image[y-1][x]==ocolor){ IntPush(stack,x); IntPush(stack,y-1); } if(IsValid(x,y+1) && image[y+1][x]==ocolor){ IntPush(stack,x); IntPush(stack,y+1); } if(IsValid(x-1,y) && image[y][x-1]==ocolor){ IntPush(stack,x-1); IntPush(stack,y); } if(IsValid(x+1,y) && image[y][x+1]==ocolor){ IntPush(stack,x+1); IntPush(stack,y); } Iteration(stack,ocolor,ncolor); } } }
/// paint void Paint(int x, int y, int color){ printf("Position: (%d,%d)\n",x,y); printf("Repaint color %d to %d\n",image[y-1][x-1],color); pIntStack stack=(pIntStack)malloc(sizeof(IntStack)); IntInit(stack); /// push start point IntPush(stack,x-1); IntPush(stack,y-1); Iteration(stack,image[y-1][x-1],color); }
void display(void) { //清除颜色缓存和深度缓存 glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glColor3f(1.0,1.0,0); glLoadIdentity(); gluLookAt(1, -1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0.4, -3, 0.5); //视点转换 float center[] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float radius = 2; float color[] = {1.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0}; Square(center, radius, color); Iteration(center, radius,6); glutSwapBuffers(); //交换双缓存 }
int main() { Unit *unit; srand( time( NULL ) ); UnitCollection *c = new UnitCollection; Unit *u[SIZE]; time_t seconds; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) u[i] = createUnit(); seconds = time( NULL ); for (int i = 0; i < (SIZE/2); ++i) c->prepend( u[i] ); seconds = time( NULL )-seconds; printf( "constructed list of size : %d in %d seconds using prepend\n", SIZE/2, seconds ); printf( "Randomnly inserting %d \n", SIZE/2 ); int ii = SIZE/2; seconds = time( NULL ); while (ii < SIZE) for (un_iter iter = c->createIterator(); !iter.isDone() && ii < SIZE; ++iter) { int rnd = rand(); if (rnd < RAND_MAX/200) { iter.postinsert( u[ii] ); ++ii; } else if (rnd < RAND_MAX/100) { iter.preinsert( u[ii] ); ++ii; } } seconds = time( NULL )-seconds; printf( ".... took %d seconds \n", seconds ); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE/32; ++i) if (rand() < RAND_MAX/20) u[i]->Kill(); printf( "randomly killed SIZE/32 to start off with \n" ); printf( "beginning unitCollection removal/advance operations\n" ); seconds = time( NULL ); int passes = 0; int levels = 0; while ( !c->empty() ) { ++passes; Iteration( c, &levels ); #if !oldtest } #else UnitCollection::FreeUnusedNodes(); }
void Mandelbrot(tComplex k) { int x,y,wdh; tComplex neu = k; for (y=0; y<SIZE_Y; y++) { k.Im += 0.004; for (x=0; x<SIZE_X; x++) { k.Re += 0.004; wdh = Iteration(k); PutPixel(x,y,colorList[wdh]); } k.Re = neu.Re; } }
void Iteration( UnitCollection *c, int *levels2 ) { Unit *unit = NULL; ++(*levels2); for (un_iter iter = c->createIterator(); unit = *iter;) { int temp = rand(); if (temp < RAND_MAX/400) { unit->Kill(); } else if (temp < RAND_MAX/102) { iter.remove(); continue; } else if (temp < RAND_MAX/90) { Iteration( c, levels2 ); } ++iter; } }
void Iteration(float center[3], float size, int nIter) { if(nIter<0)return; SurroundSquare(center, size, colortab[nIter]); float halfcenter[6][3] = { center[0] + size * 3/4.0, center[1], center[2], center[0] - size * 3/4.0, center[1], center[2], center[0] , center[1] + size * 3/4.0, center[2], center[0] , center[1] - size * 3/4.0, center[2], center[0] , center[1], center[2] + size * 3/4.0, center[0] , center[1], center[2] - size * 3/4.0, }; for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { Iteration(halfcenter[i], size/2, nIter-1); } }
bool Fractal::All_Intersections(const Ray& ray, IStack& Depth_Stack, TraceThreadData *Thread) { bool Intersection_Found; bool LastIsInside = false; bool CurrentIsInside, NextIsInside; DBL Depth, Depth_Max; DBL Dist, Dist_Next, LenSqr, LenInv; Vector3d IPoint, Mid_Point, Next_Point, Real_Pt; Vector3d Real_Normal, F_Normal; Vector3d Direction; BasicRay New_Ray; Thread->Stats()[Ray_Fractal_Tests]++; Intersection_Found = false; /* Get into Fractal's world. */ if (Trans != NULL) { MInvTransDirection(Direction, ray.Direction, Trans); LenSqr = Direction.lengthSqr(); if (LenSqr == 0.0) { return (false); } if (LenSqr != 1.0) { LenInv = 1.0 / sqrt(LenSqr); Direction *= LenInv; } else LenInv = 1.0; New_Ray.Direction = Direction; MInvTransPoint(New_Ray.Origin, ray.Origin, Trans); } else { Direction = ray.Direction; New_Ray = ray; LenInv = 1.0; } /* Bound fractal. */ if (!F_Bound(New_Ray, this, &Depth, &Depth_Max)) { return (false); } if (Depth_Max < Fractal_Tolerance) { return (false); } if (Depth < Fractal_Tolerance) { Depth = Fractal_Tolerance; } /* Jump to starting point */ Next_Point = New_Ray.Origin + Direction * Depth; CurrentIsInside = D_Iteration(Next_Point, this, Direction, &Dist, Thread->Fractal_IStack); /* Light ray starting inside ? */ if (CurrentIsInside) { Next_Point += (2.0 * Fractal_Tolerance) * Direction; Depth += 2.0 * Fractal_Tolerance; if (Depth > Depth_Max) { return (false); } CurrentIsInside = D_Iteration(Next_Point, this, Direction, &Dist, Thread->Fractal_IStack); } /* Ok. Trace it */ while (Depth < Depth_Max) { /* * Get close to the root: Advance with Next_Point, keeping track of last * position in IPoint... */ while (1) { if (Dist < Precision) Dist = Precision; Depth += Dist; if (Depth > Depth_Max) { if (Intersection_Found) Thread->Stats()[Ray_Fractal_Tests_Succeeded]++; return (Intersection_Found); } IPoint = Next_Point; Next_Point += Dist * Direction; NextIsInside = D_Iteration(Next_Point, this, Direction, &Dist_Next, Thread->Fractal_IStack); if (NextIsInside != CurrentIsInside) { /* Set surface was crossed... */ Depth -= Dist; break; } else { Dist = Dist_Next; /* not reached */ } } /* then, polish the root via bisection method... */ while (Dist > Fractal_Tolerance) { Dist *= 0.5; Mid_Point = IPoint + Dist * Direction; LastIsInside = Iteration(Mid_Point, this, Thread->Fractal_IStack); if (LastIsInside == CurrentIsInside) { IPoint = Mid_Point; Depth += Dist; if (Depth > Depth_Max) { if (Intersection_Found) Thread->Stats()[Ray_Fractal_Tests_Succeeded]++; return (Intersection_Found); } } } if (!CurrentIsInside) /* Mid_Point isn't inside the set */ { IPoint += Dist * Direction; Depth += Dist; Iteration(IPoint, this, Thread->Fractal_IStack); } else { if (LastIsInside != CurrentIsInside) { Iteration(IPoint, this, Thread->Fractal_IStack); } } if (Trans != NULL) { MTransPoint(Real_Pt, IPoint, Trans); Normal_Calc(this, F_Normal, Thread->Fractal_IStack); MTransNormal(Real_Normal, F_Normal, Trans); } else { Real_Pt = IPoint; Normal_Calc(this, Real_Normal, Thread->Fractal_IStack); } if (Clip.empty() || Point_In_Clip(Real_Pt, Clip, Thread)) { Real_Normal.normalize(); Depth_Stack->push(Intersection(Depth * LenInv, Real_Pt, Real_Normal, this)); Intersection_Found = true; /* If fractal isn't used with CSG we can exit now. */ if (!(Type & IS_CHILD_OBJECT)) { break; } } /* Start over where work was left */ IPoint = Next_Point; Dist = Dist_Next; CurrentIsInside = NextIsInside; } if (Intersection_Found) Thread->Stats()[Ray_Fractal_Tests_Succeeded]++; return (Intersection_Found); }
TPicResult TPXPictureValidator::Scan(LPTSTR input, uint termCh, uint& i, uint& j) { tchar ch; TPicResult rslt = prEmpty; uint len = ::_tcslen(input); while (i != termCh && Pic[i] != _T(',')) { if (j >= len) return CheckComplete(termCh, i, rslt); ch = input[j]; switch (Pic[i]) { case _T('#'): if (!_istdigit((tchar)ch)) return prError; else { input[j++] = ch; i++; } break; case _T('?'): if (!_istalpha((tchar)ch)) return prError; else { input[j++] = ch; i++; } break; case _T('&'): if (!_istalpha((tchar)ch)) return prError; else { input[j++] = (tchar)_totupper(ch); i++; } break; case _T('!'): { #if defined(BI_DBCS_SUPPORT) uint n = CharSize(&input[j]) / sizeof(tchar); if (j + n >= len) j = len; else{ if (n == 1) input[j++] = (tchar)_totupper((tchar)ch); else j += n; } #else input[j++] = (tchar)_totupper(ch); #endif i++; break; } case _T('@'): { #if defined(BI_DBCS_SUPPORT) uint n = CharSize(&input[j]) / sizeof(tchar); if (j + n >= len) j = len; else j += n; #else input[j++] = ch; #endif i++; break; } case _T('*'): rslt = Iteration(input, termCh, i, j); if (!IsComplete(rslt)) return rslt; if (rslt == prError) rslt = prAmbiguous; break; case _T('{'): rslt = Group(input, termCh, i, j); if (!IsComplete(rslt)) return rslt; break; case _T('['): rslt = Group(input, termCh, i, j); if (IsIncomplete(rslt)) return rslt; if (rslt == prError) rslt = prAmbiguous; break; default: { #if defined(BI_DBCS_SUPPORT) #if defined(BI_PDOXWINJ_SUPPORT) // Paradox for Windows/J database program has two special picture to // support Japanese characters in CodePage 932 // // '��' 0x81+0x93 - (2 byte '%' symbol) // 1 byte KATAKANA and KATAKANA symbols (0xA1 - 0xDF) // '��' 0x81+0x97 - (2 byte '@' symbol) // any 2 byte characters except 2 byte space (0x81+0x40) // // This is hard coded, because we don't know how to get current // code page in Windows 3.1 // uint n = CharSize(&input[j]) / sizeof(tchar); uint n2 = CharSize(((const char *))Pic.c_str() + i) / sizeof(tchar); if (n2 == 2) { utchar uc1, uc2; uc1 = (utchar)Pic[i]; uc2 = (utchar)Pic[i+1]; if (uc1 == 0x81 && uc2 == 0x93) { if ((utchar)ch >= 0xA1 && (utchar)ch <= 0xDF){ i += n2; j += n; break; } else return prError; } else if (uc1 == 0x81 && uc2 == 0x97){ if (n == 2 && j + n < len && ((utchar)ch != 0x81 || (utchar)input[j+1] != 0x40)) { i += n2; j += n; break; } else return prError; } } if (n2 == 1 && Pic[i] == ';'){ i++; n2 = CharSize((const char *)Pic.c_str() + i) / sizeof(tchar); } #else if (Pic[i] == _T(';')) i++; uint n = CharSize(&input[j]) / sizeof(tchar); uint n2 = CharSize((LPCTSTR)Pic.c_str() + i) / sizeof(tchar); #endif if (j + n >= len) n = len - j; if (n == 1) { if (ch == _T(' ')) { #if defined(BI_AUTO_COMPLETION_DBCS_BY_SPACE) // But, couldn't expand input buffer TValidator classes. // if (n < n2) { memmove(input+n2, input+n, len-n+1); len += n2 - n; n = n2; } while (n-- > 0) input[j++] = Pic[i++]; #else if (n != n2) return prError; input[j++] = Pic[i++]; #endif } else { if (n != n2) return prError; if (_totupper((tchar)Pic[i]) != _totupper((tchar)ch)) return prError; input[j++] = Pic[i++]; } } else { if (n > n2) return prError; for (uint i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++) if (input[j+i1] != Pic[i+i1]) return prError; while (n-- > 0) input[j++] = Pic[i++]; } #else if (Pic[i] == _T(';')) i++; if (_totupper(Pic[i]) != _totupper(ch)) if (ch == _T(' ')) ch = Pic[i]; else return prError; input[j++] = Pic[i]; i++; #endif } } if (rslt == prAmbiguous) rslt = prIncompNoFill; else rslt = prIncomplete; } return (rslt == prIncompNoFill) ? prAmbiguous : prComplete; }
/**迭代控制次数*/ void Garment::numIteration(int number,NetGrid * netGrid){ //int num = 0; while(!Iteration(netGrid)){ //num++; } //num++; int i = numdiedadi; while(i--){ CollisonIteration(netGrid); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 读衣服的下半部分 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //FILE *dataFile1d; //读入的文件showMass_body_down //dataFile1d = fopen("bodydown_out.txt", "w"); // //fprintf(dataFile1d,"# ----------------------------------------------------------\n"); //fprintf(dataFile1d,"# Num verts: %d\n",showMass_body_down.size()*>size()+showMass_body_down.size()); //fprintf(dataFile1d,"# Num rc: %d %d\n",showMass_body_down.size(),>size()+1); //fprintf(dataFile1d,"# Num tElems: 8\n"); //for(int i = 0; i < showMass_body_down.size(); i++) //长 //{ // for(int j = 0; j <>size(); j++) //宽 // { // fprintf(dataFile1d,"v %f %f %f\n",>at(j)->x,>at(j)->y,>at(j)->z); // } // fprintf(dataFile1d,"v %f %f %f\n",>at(0)->x,>at(0)->y,>at(0)->z); //} //fclose(dataFile1d); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 读衣服的中间前半部分 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //FILE *dataFile1centerf; //读入的文件showMass_body_centerf //dataFile1centerf = fopen("bodycenterf_out.txt", "w"); // //fprintf(dataFile1centerf,"# ----------------------------------------------------------\n"); //fprintf(dataFile1centerf,"# Num verts: %d\n",showMass_body_centerf.size()*; //fprintf(dataFile1centerf,"# Num rc: %d %d\n",showMass_body_centerf.size(),; //fprintf(dataFile1centerf,"# Num tElems: 8\n"); //for(int i = 0; i < showMass_body_centerf.size(); i++) //长 //{ // for(int j = 0; j <; j++) //宽 // { // fprintf(dataFile1centerf,"v %f %f %f\n",>x,>y,>z); // } //} //fclose(dataFile1centerf); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 读衣服的中间前半部分 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //FILE *dataFile1centerb; //读入的文件showMass_body_centerf //dataFile1centerb = fopen("bodycenterb_out.txt", "w"); // //fprintf(dataFile1centerb,"# ----------------------------------------------------------\n"); //fprintf(dataFile1centerb,"# Num verts: %d\n",showMass_body_centerb.size()*; //fprintf(dataFile1centerb,"# Num rc: %d %d\n",showMass_body_centerb.size(),; //fprintf(dataFile1centerb,"# Num tElems: 8\n"); //for(int i = 0; i < showMass_body_centerb.size(); i++) //长 //{ // for(int j = 0; j <; j++) //宽 // { // fprintf(dataFile1centerb,"v %f %f %f\n",>x,>y,>z); // } //} //fclose(dataFile1centerb); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 读左手臂 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //FILE *dataFile2; //读入的文件 //dataFile2 = fopen("arml_out.txt", "w"); // //fprintf(dataFile2,"# ----------------------------------------------------------\n"); //fprintf(dataFile2,"# Num verts: %d\n",showMass_larm.size()*; //fprintf(dataFile2,"# Num rc: %d %d\n",showMass_larm.size(),; //fprintf(dataFile2,"# Num tElems: 8\n"); //for(int i = 0; i < showMass_larm.size(); i++) //长 //{ // for(int j = 0; j <; j++) //宽 // { // fprintf(dataFile2,"v %f %f %f\n",>x,>y,>z); // } // fprintf(dataFile2,"v %f %f %f\n",>x,>y,>z); //} //fclose(dataFile2); /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 读右手臂 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ //FILE *dataFile3; //读入的文件 //dataFile3 = fopen("armr_out.txt", "w"); // //fprintf(dataFile3,"# ----------------------------------------------------------\n"); //fprintf(dataFile3,"# Num verts: %d\n",showMass_rarm.size()*; //fprintf(dataFile3,"# Num rc: %d %d\n",showMass_rarm.size(),; //fprintf(dataFile3,"# Num tElems: 8\n"); //for(int i = 0; i < showMass_rarm.size(); i++) //长 //{ // for(int j = 0; j <; j++) //宽 // { // fprintf(dataFile3,"v %f %f %f\n",>x,>y,>z); // } // fprintf(dataFile3,"v %f %f %f\n",>x,>y,>z); //} //fclose(dataFile3); }
Simulation::Simulation(double perchvalue, double speedvalue,double maxchangeanglevalue) { std::string savevalue = make_directory("/Users/student/Documents/Bats/Simulations/Run23Oct2013", perchvalue, speedvalue, maxchangeanglevalue); std::string returnvalue = make_directory("/Users/student/Dropbox/SimulationReached", perchvalue, speedvalue, maxchangeanglevalue); //------------------------------------------------------- // Creates files for saving - Including headings //-------------------------------------------------------- //Creates file for Sensors (CSV file) and writes in the header std::ofstream Sensors;, ",Sensors.csv" ).c_str()); Sensors << "ID" << "," << "X location" << "," << "Y location" << "," << "CentreAngle" << "," << "HalfWidthAngle" << "," << "Radius" << "\n"; //Creates file for Captures (CSV file) and writes in the header std::ofstream CapturesNotRef; std::ofstream &Captures = CapturesNotRef;, ",Captures.csv" ).c_str()); Captures << "AnimalNumber" << "," << "Time_step" << "," << "SensorID" << "," << "Iteration number" << "," << "location_x_animal" << "," << "location_y_animal" << "," << "time" << "," << "angle from Camera To Animal" << "," << "angle from Animal to Camera" << "," << "DistToCam" << "\n"; //Creates file for Movement (CSV file) and writes in the header std::ofstream MovementNotRef; std::ofstream &Movement = MovementNotRef;, ",Movement.csv" ).c_str()); Movement << "AnimalNumber" << "," << "StepNumber" << "," << "Xlocation" << "," << "Ylocation" << "," << "Angle" << "," << "TotalDistance" << "," << "Speed" << "," << "Re-enterWorld" << "," << "Dist" << "," << "Iternation number" << "\n"; // Saves the settings used std::ofstream Settings;,",Settings.csv").c_str()); //Simulation values - #Animals, #Steps, #CT Settings << "DensityAnimals" << ","<< DensityAnimals << "\n" << "NoOfAnimals" << "," << NoAnimal << "\n" << "Area"<< "," << area << "\n" << "LengthMonitoring" << "," << LengthMonitoring << "\n" << "NoOfIterations" << "," << NoOfIterations << "\n" << "NoSteps" << "," << NoSteps << "\n" << "StepLength" << "," << StepLength << "\n" << "Seed" << "," << Seed << "\n" << "Sq_MinX" << ","<< Sq_MinX << "\n" << "Sq_MaxX" << ","<< Sq_MaxX << "\n" << "Sq_MinY" << ","<< Sq_MinY << "\n" << "Sq_MaxY" << ","<< Sq_MaxY << "\n" << "CorrWalkMaxAngleChange" << ","<< maxchangeanglevalue<< "\n" << "AnimalSpeed" << ","<< speedvalue<< "\n" << "Perch"<<","<< perchvalue<<"\n" ; //Closes file Settings.close(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // !!! WARNINGS && TESTS !!! // // Will automatically stop the simulation if certain conditions they aren't satisfied. // Runs automated unit tests on: // * Animal // * Sensor // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Number of animals needs to be greater than zero if(NoAnimal<=0) { std::cout<<"No of Animals = "<<NoAnimal<< ", Increase density"<< std::endl; exit (EXIT_FAILURE); }; // No steps if(NoSteps==0) { std::cout<<"No steps, Increase Length of monitoring"<< std::endl; exit (EXIT_FAILURE); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creating sensors // // Creates Sensors as they do not change location when the movement changes // - only after the set up parameters change (change in length of study, etc) // Saves the locations in a CSV file //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Creates a list of pointers to the Sensors std::vector<Sensor*> AllSensors(NoSensors); int sensorcount(0); for(int sensor1 =0; sensor1<LengthSW; sensor1 ++) { for(int sensor=0; sensor<LengthSR; sensor++) { AllSensors[sensorcount] =new Sensor(sensorcount,SensorWidth[sensor1],SensorRadius[sensor]); if(SaveSensor==1) { //Saves the locations and the angle of the Sensor Sensors << AllSensors[sensorcount] -> getID() << //1st column "," << AllSensors[sensorcount] -> getXloc() << //2nd column "," << AllSensors[sensorcount] -> getYloc() << //... "," << AllSensors[sensorcount] -> getAngle() << //... "," << AllSensors[sensorcount] -> getHalfAngle() << //4th column "," << AllSensors[sensorcount] -> getRadius() << //4th column "\n"; sensorcount +=1; }; }; }; //Closes the csv Sensor file Sensors.close(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Iteration Loop // // Starts a loop for the rest of the code, this loop "NoOfIterations" number of times // Each set of movement traces is saved where the file name ends with the number // The seed that starts all each simulation is the number of the simulation plus the start seed // This means that can run simulations in blocks 1-10 then 11-20 etc //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ for(int iterationnumber=Seed; iterationnumber<Seed + NoOfIterations; iterationnumber++) { Iteration(AllSensors, Captures, Movement, iterationnumber, speedvalue, perchvalue, maxchangeanglevalue); };//End of iteration // Closes files that are open in all iterations Captures.close(); Movement.close(); CapturesNotRef.close(); MovementNotRef.close(); std::ofstream Return;, ",finished.csv" ).c_str()); Return.close(); for(int i=0; i<NoSensors; i++) { delete AllSensors[i]; }; };
void Wideline(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint8_t width, uint8_t miter) { assert(x1 != x2 || y1 != y2); float offset = (float)width / 2.f; /* Initialisation */ u = x2 - x1; /* delta x */ v = y2 - y1; /* delta y */ if (u < 0) { /* swap to make sure we are in quadrants 1 or 4 */ std::swap(x1, x2); std::swap(y1, y2); u *= -1; v *= -1; } if (v < 0) { /* swap to 1st quadrant and flag */ v *= -1; quad4 = true; } else { quad4 = false; } if (v > u) { /* swap things if in 2 octant */ std::swap(u, v); oct2 = 1; } else { oct2 = 0; } ku = u + u; /* change in l for square shift */ kv = v + v; /* change in d for square shift */ kd = kv - ku; /* change in d for diagonal shift */ kt = u - kv; /* diag/square decision threshold */ /* difference terms d0=perpendicular to line, d1=along line */ int d0 = 0, d1 = 0; /* distance along line */ int dd = 0; /* angle for initial point calculation */ const double ang = atan((double) v / (double) u); const double sang = sin(ang); const double cang = cos(ang); int ptx, pty; if (oct2 == 0) { ptx = x1 + (int)lrint(offset * sang); if (!quad4) { pty = y1 - (int)lrint(offset * cang); } else { pty = y1 + (int)lrint(offset * cang); } } else { ptx = x1 - (int)lrint(offset * cang); if (!quad4) { pty = y1 + (int)lrint(offset * sang); } else { pty = y1 - (int)lrint(offset * sang); } } /* thickness threshold: used here for constant thickness line */ const int tk = int(4. * hypot(ptx - x1, pty - y1) * hypot(u, v)); if (miter == 0) { first1x = -32768; first1y = -32768; first2x = -32768; first2y = -32768; last1x = -32768; last1y = -32768; last2x = -32768; last2y = -32768; } /* outer loop, stepping perpendicular to line */ int ml1x, ml1y, ml2x, ml2y, ml1bx, ml1by, ml2bx, ml2by; for (unsigned q = 0; dd <= tk; q++) { /* call to inner loop - right edge */ Paraline(ptx, pty, d1); if (q == 0) { ml1x = ptx; ml1y = pty; ml1bx = tempx; ml1by = tempy; } else { ml2x = ptx; ml2y = pty; ml2bx = tempx; ml2by = tempy; } if (d0 < kt) { /* square move */ if (oct2 == 0) { if (!quad4) { pty++; } else { pty--; } } else { ptx++; } } else { /* diagonal move */ dd += kv; d0 -= ku; if (d1 < kt) { /* normal diagonal */ if (oct2 == 0) { ptx--; if (!quad4) { pty++; } else { pty--; } } else { ptx++; if (!quad4) { pty--; } else { pty++; } } d1 += kv; } else { /* double square move, extra parallel line */ if (oct2 == 0) { ptx--; } else { if (!quad4) { pty--; } else { pty++; } } d1 += kd; if (dd > tk) { Iteration(miter, ml1bx, ml1by, ml2bx, ml2by, ml1x, ml1y, ml2x, ml2y); /* breakout on the extra line */ return; } Paraline(ptx, pty, d1); if (oct2 == 0) { if (!quad4) { pty++; } else { pty--; } } else { ptx++; } } } dd += ku; d0 += kv; } Iteration(miter, ml1bx, ml1by, ml2bx, ml2by, ml1x, ml1y, ml2x, ml2y); }