ACE_Timer_List_T<TYPE, FUNCTOR, ACE_LOCK, TIME_POLICY>::ACE_Timer_List_T (FUNCTOR* uf, FreeList* fl, TIME_POLICY const & time_policy) : Base_Timer_Queue (uf, fl, time_policy) , head_ (new ACE_Timer_Node_T<TYPE>) , id_counter_ (0) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Timer_List_T::ACE_Timer_List_T"); this->head_->set_next (this->head_); this->head_->set_prev (this->head_); ACE_NEW (iterator_, Iterator(*this)); }
//non constant version of find Iterator Find(const T& value) { uint32_t hidx=getIndex(&value); Node** nodePtr=&hash[hidx]; if(!*nodePtr)return Iterator(0); if(TRAITS::isEqual((*nodePtr),&value)) { return Iterator(this,hidx,*nodePtr,nodePtr); } Node** parentPtr=nodePtr; Node* node=(Node*)(*nodePtr)->ihsNextNode; while(node) { if(TRAITS::isEqual(node,&value)) { return Iterator(this,hidx,node,parentPtr); } parentPtr=nodePtr; nodePtr=(Node**)&node->ihsNextNode; node=(Node*)node->ihsNextNode; } return Iterator(0); }
filter_iterator<Predicate,Iterator> make_filter_iterator( typename iterators::enable_if< is_class<Predicate> , Iterator >::type x , Iterator end = Iterator() #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, < 1300) , Predicate* = 0 #endif ) { return filter_iterator<Predicate,Iterator>(x,end); }
// Updates the timed callback functions void _Scripting::UpdateTimedCallbacks() { for(std::list<TimedCallbackStruct>::iterator Iterator(TimedCallbacks.begin()); Iterator != TimedCallbacks.end(); ++Iterator) { if(PlayState.GetTimer() >= (*Iterator).TimeStamp) { Scripting.CallFunction((*Iterator).Function); // Remove callback Iterator = TimedCallbacks.erase(Iterator); if(Iterator == TimedCallbacks.end()) break; } else return; } }
XmlReader::XmlReader(std::string const& filepath) : token_(token_none), is_empty_element(false) { std::ifstream stream(filepath, std::ios::binary); if (!stream) { throw std::runtime_error("cannot open file " + filepath); } stream.unsetf(std::ios::skipws); stream.seekg(0, std::ios::end); std::size_t size = static_cast<std::size_t>(stream.tellg()); stream.seekg(0); buffer.resize(size + 1); cursor = marker = Iterator(buffer.begin());[0], static_cast<std::streamsize>(size)); buffer[size] = 0; }
void test() { NodePtr hello = new Leaf("hello"); NodePtr world = new Leaf("world"); //check_node(hello); NodePtr hw = hello->concat_with(world); //hw->debug_print(); check_node(hw); //concatenation for (int i = 0; i<100; i++) { if (i%20 == 0) std::cout<<i<<std::endl; hw = hw->concat_with(hello); //hw->debug_print(); assert(check_node(hw)); } assert(check_node(hw)); hw->debug_print(); //random access for (int i = 0; i<100; i++) { Iterator iter = Iterator(hw); int pos = 0; std::string s = hw->as_string(); while (pos < hw->length()) { //std::cout<<pos<<" "; assert(s[pos] == iter.current()); int d = rand()%100; pos += d; iter.advance(d); } assert(!iter.valid); //std::cout<<std::endl; } //slices for (int i = 0; i<100; i++) { int begin = rand()%(hw->length()+1); int end = begin+rand()%(hw->length()-begin+1); NodePtr slice = hw->slice(begin, end); assert(check_node(slice)); std::cout<<begin<<" "<<end<<std::endl; } std::cout<<"hw depth "<<hw->depth()<<std::endl; }
namespace sfft { namespace detail { template<typename T> std::vector<std::complex<T> > getTwiddleFactors(size_t N, bool fwd, size_t Lm1Qm1 = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max) { std::vector<std::complex<T> > factors(std::min(N, Lm1Qm1)); if(factors.size() > 0) { factors[0] = 1; if(factors.size() > 1) { // Use high-precision multiplication of phasors. typedef std::complex<long double> HighPrecComplex; long double phase = 2*3.14159265358979323846/N; HighPrecComplex phasor(cos(phase), fwd ? -sin(phase) : sin(phase)); HighPrecComplex tmp(phasor); factors[1] = tmp; for(size_t i = 2; i < factors.size(); ++i) factors[i] = tmp = tmp * phasor; } } return factors; } } // namespace detail template<typename Iterator> using DereferencedType = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*(Iterator()))>::type; template<typename T> struct Twiddler { Twiddler(size_t N_, bool fwd, size_t Lm1Qm1 = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) :factors(detail::getTwiddleFactors<T>(N_, fwd, Lm1Qm1)), N(N_) {} const std::vector<std::complex<T> > factors; const size_t N; }; } //namespace sfft
namespace maxwell { /// \needsdoc template<class Iterator, class Mapping> class mapping_iterator : public Iterator { public: typedef mapping_iterator self; typedef Iterator iterator_type; typedef Mapping mapping_type; typedef typename Mapping::result_type result_type; explicit mapping_iterator(Mapping m): mapping(m) {} explicit mapping_iterator(Iterator it): Iterator(it) {} mapping_iterator(Iterator it, Mapping m): Iterator(it), mapping(m) {} result_type operator*() const { return mapping(Iterator::operator*()); } result_type operator->() const { return mapping(Iterator::operator->()); } private: mapping_type mapping; }; /// \needsdoc template<class T> struct dereference { typedef T argument_type; typedef decltype(*T(nullptr)) result_type; result_type operator() (T const& x) const { return *x; } }; /// \needsdoc template<class Iterator> using dereferencing_iterator = mapping_iterator<Iterator, dereference< typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*Iterator())>::type> >; } // namespace maxwell
Iterator erase_after(const Iterator& it) { auto target = it.ptr->next ; it.ptr->next = target->next; if(last == target) { last = target->next; if(last == nullptr) { first = nullptr; } } delete target; return Iterator(it.ptr->next); }
int main(int, char* [] ) { typedef itk::Image<unsigned char, 2> ImageType; ImageType::Pointer image = ImageType::New(); itk::Index<2> corner = {{0,0}}; itk::Size<2> size = {{10,10}}; itk::ImageRegion<2> region(corner,size); image->SetRegions(region); image->Allocate(); unsigned int counter = 0; // To make sure the loop isn't optimized away for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 1e7; ++i) { counter += Iterator(image.GetPointer()); // about 7.2 seconds // counter += IteratorWithIndex(image.GetPointer()); // about 2.6 seconds } std::cout << "counter " << counter << std::endl; // To make sure the loop isn't optimized away return 0; }
Iterator find(const Key_T &key) { Node* current_node; Node* fallback_node = levels; for(int i = (MaxLevel - 1); i >= 0; i--) { current_node = fallback_node; while(current_node != NULL) { fallback_node = current_node; if(current_node->nodes[i] == NULL || current_node->nodes[i]->dataPair.first > key) break; // Next string on this node else if (current_node->nodes[i]->dataPair.first == key) return Iterator(current_node->nodes[i]); else if(current_node->nodes[i]->dataPair.first < key) current_node = current_node->nodes[i]; } } return NULL; }
void SceneGraph::Iterator:: find_next_node_breadth() { if (breadth_nodes_.empty()) { Iterator end; for (Iterator it(start_node_); it != end; ++it) breadth_nodes_[it.get_depth()].push_back(it.current_node_); } auto end(breadth_nodes_[current_depth_].end()); for (auto node(breadth_nodes_[current_depth_].begin()); node != end; ++node) { if (*node == current_node_) { if (++node != end) { current_node_ = *node; } else if (++current_depth_ < breadth_nodes_.size()) { current_node_ = breadth_nodes_[current_depth_].front(); } else *this = Iterator(); break; } } }
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(*this); }
Iterator end() { return Iterator(0); }
Iterator begin() { return Iterator(first); }
Iterator end() const { return Iterator(_offset+_size); }
DBCFile::Iterator DBCFile::end() { assert(data); return Iterator(*this, stringTable); }
Iterator end() const { return Iterator( this->container.end(), this->container.end(), this->filter_func); }
inline filter_iterator<Predicate,Iterator> make_filter_iterator(Predicate f, Iterator x, Iterator end = Iterator()) { return filter_iterator<Predicate,Iterator>(f,x,end); }
token_iterator(Iterator begin, Iterator e = Iterator()) : f_(),begin_(begin),end_(e),valid_(false),tok_() { initialize(); }
SequenceSelector::Iterator SequenceSelector::Begin() { return Iterator(this); }
TerrainQuadTree::Iterator TerrainQuadTree::getIterator () const { return Iterator (m_nodes); }
Geometry::Iterator Geometry::tangentsCend() const { return Iterator( this, m_tangentsStride, m_vertexSize, m_indices.cend() ); }
inline Iterator connect(basic_socket<Protocol ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s, Iterator begin, asio::error_code& ec, typename enable_if<!is_endpoint_sequence<Iterator>::value>::type*) { return connect(s, begin, Iterator(), detail::default_connect_condition(), ec); }
void ClientList::SendClientVersionSummary(const char *Name) { uint32 Client62Count = 0; uint32 ClientTitaniumCount = 0; uint32 ClientSoFCount = 0; uint32 ClientSoDCount = 0; uint32 ClientUnderfootCount = 0; uint32 ClientRoFCount = 0; LinkedListIterator<ClientListEntry*> Iterator(clientlist); Iterator.Reset(); while(Iterator.MoreElements()) { ClientListEntry* CLE = Iterator.GetData(); if(CLE && CLE->zone()) { switch(CLE->GetClientVersion()) { case 1: { ++Client62Count; break; } case 2: { ++ClientTitaniumCount; break; } case 3: { ++ClientSoFCount; break; } case 4: { ++ClientSoDCount; break; } case 5: { ++ClientUnderfootCount; break; } case 6: { ++ClientRoFCount; break; } default: break; } } Iterator.Advance(); } zoneserver_list.SendEmoteMessage(Name, 0, 0, 13, "There are %i 6.2, %i Titanium, %i SoF, %i SoD, %i UF, %i RoF clients currently connected.", Client62Count, ClientTitaniumCount, ClientSoFCount, ClientSoDCount, ClientUnderfootCount, ClientRoFCount); }
filter_iterator(Predicate f, Iterator x, Iterator end_ = Iterator()) : super_t(x), m_predicate(f), m_end(end_) { satisfy_predicate(); }
DBCFile::Iterator DBCFile::begin() { assert(data); return Iterator(*this, data); }
Iterator operator - (difference_type d) const { return Iterator(_index-d); }
const EntityView::Iterator EntityView::begin() const { return Iterator(_manager, _mask); }
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(_offset); }