int main ( int argc, char** argv ) { JInitCore(); JChooseSaveFile* csf = JGetChooseSaveFile(); JString resultStr; if (csf->ChooseFile("Name of file:", NULL, &resultStr)) { std::cout << resultStr << std::endl; JWaitForReturn(); } if (csf->ChooseFile("Name of file:", "Please select a file...", &resultStr)) { std::cout << resultStr << std::endl; JWaitForReturn(); } if (csf->ChooseRPath("", "Please select a directory...", NULL, &resultStr)) { std::cout << resultStr << std::endl; JWaitForReturn(); } if (csf->ChooseRWPath("", "Please select a writable directory:", NULL, &resultStr)) { std::cout << resultStr << std::endl; JWaitForReturn(); } if (csf->SaveFile("Save file as:", NULL, "junk", &resultStr)) { std::cout << resultStr << std::endl; JWaitForReturn(); } if (csf->SaveFile("Save file as:", "Please save the file...", "more junk", &resultStr)) { std::cout << resultStr << std::endl; JWaitForReturn(); } return 0; }
int main ( int argc, char** argv ) { JInitCore(); JString fileName; if (!(JGetChooseSaveFile())->SaveFile("Save file as:", NULL, "junk", &fileName)) { return 0; } ofstream file0(fileName); file0 << "0123456789"; file0.close(); // force write to disk fstream file1(fileName, kJTextFile); cout << "Length of file (10): " << JGetFStreamLength(file1) << endl; fstream* file2 = JSetFStreamLength(fileName, file1, 20, kJTextFile); cout << "Old fstream open? (0) " << (file1.rdbuf())->is_open() << endl; cout << "Length of file (20): " << JGetFStreamLength(*file2) << endl; fstream* file3 = JSetFStreamLength(fileName, *file2, 5, kJTextFile); cout << "Old fstream open? (0) " << (file2->rdbuf())->is_open() << endl; cout << "Length of file (5): " << JGetFStreamLength(*file3) << endl; file3->close(); ofstream file4(fileName); file4.close();, kJTextFile); cout << "default open of ofstream should erase file" << endl; cout << "Length of file (0): " << JGetFStreamLength(file1) << endl; file1.close(); remove(fileName); return 0; }
int main ( int argc, char* argv[] ) { if (argc == 1) { char buffer[BUFSIZ]; while (1) { ssize_t count = read(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (count < 0 && jerrno() == EINTR) { // keep going } else if (count <= 0) { break; } else { // cerr << count << endl; cout.write(buffer, count); JWait(0.01); } } return 0; } JProcess* p; int fromFD; const JError err = JProcess::Create(&p, argv[1], kJIgnoreConnection, NULL, kJForceNonblockingPipe, &fromFD, kJAttachToFromFD, NULL); if (err.OK()) { char buffer[BUFSIZ]; while (1) { ssize_t count = read(fromFD, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (count < 0 && jerrno() == EINTR) { // keep going } else if (count <= 0) { break; } else { // cerr << count << endl; cout.write(buffer, count); JWait(0.02); } } /* ProcessLink* link = new ProcessLink(fromFD); assert( link != NULL ); ACE_Time_Value delta(20); ACE_Reactor::instance()->run_reactor_event_loop(delta); link->Dump(); delete link; */ return 0; } else { JInitCore(); err.ReportIfError(); return 1; } }
JError CBSearchDocument::Create ( const JPtrArray<JString>& fileList, const JPtrArray<JString>& nameList, const JCharacter* searchStr, const JBoolean onlyListFiles, const JBoolean listFilesWithoutMatch ) { assert( !fileList.IsEmpty() ); assert( fileList.GetElementCount() == nameList.GetElementCount() ); int fd[2]; JError err = JCreatePipe(fd); if (!err.OK()) { return err; } pid_t pid; err = JThisProcess::Fork(&pid); if (!err.OK()) { return err; } // child else if (pid == 0) { close(fd[0]); // get rid of JXCreatePG, since we must not use X connection // (binary files may trigger it) JInitCore(); CBSearchTE te; JOutPipeStream output(fd[1], kJTrue); te.SearchFiles(fileList, nameList, onlyListFiles, listFilesWithoutMatch, output); output.close(); exit(0); } // parent else { close(fd[1]); JProcess* process = jnew JProcess(pid); assert( process != NULL ); const JCharacter* map[] = { "s", searchStr }; const JString windowTitle = JGetString("SearchTitle::CBSearchDocument", map, sizeof(map)); CBSearchDocument* doc = jnew CBSearchDocument(kJFalse, JI2B(onlyListFiles || listFilesWithoutMatch), fileList.GetElementCount(), process, fd[0], windowTitle); assert( doc != NULL ); doc->Activate(); RecordLink* link; const JBoolean ok = doc->GetRecordLink(&link); assert( ok ); CBSearchTE::SetProtocol(link); } return JNoError(); }