/* This called for TP and non-TP, but not for ZTP */ void jnl_write_logical(sgmnt_addrs *csa, jnl_format_buffer *jfb) { struct_jrec_upd *jrec; jnl_private_control *jpc; /* If REPL_WAS_ENABLED(csa) is TRUE, then we would not have gone through the code that initializes * jgbl.gbl_jrec_time or jpc->pini_addr. But in this case, we are not writing the journal record * to the journal buffer or journal file but write it only to the journal pool from where it gets * sent across to the update process that does not care about these fields so it is ok to leave them as is. */ jpc = csa->jnl; assert((0 != jpc->pini_addr) || REPL_WAS_ENABLED(csa)); assert(jgbl.gbl_jrec_time || REPL_WAS_ENABLED(csa)); assert(csa->now_crit); assert(IS_SET_KILL_ZKILL(jfb->rectype)); assert(!IS_ZTP(jfb->rectype)); jrec = (struct_jrec_upd *)jfb->buff; jrec->prefix.pini_addr = (0 == jpc->pini_addr) ? JNL_HDR_LEN : jpc->pini_addr; jrec->prefix.tn = csa->ti->curr_tn; jrec->prefix.time = jgbl.gbl_jrec_time; jrec->prefix.checksum = jfb->checksum; if (jgbl.forw_phase_recovery) { QWASSIGN(jrec->token_seq, jgbl.mur_jrec_token_seq); } else { /* t_end and tp_tend already has set token or jnl_seqno into jnl_fence_ctl.token */ QWASSIGN(jrec->token_seq.token, jnl_fence_ctl.token); } JNL_WRITE_APPROPRIATE(csa, jpc, jfb->rectype, (jnl_record *)jrec, NULL, jfb); }
/* This called for TP and non-TP, but not for ZTP */ void jnl_write_logical(sgmnt_addrs *csa, jnl_format_buffer *jfb, uint4 com_csum, jnlpool_write_ctx_t *jplctx) { struct_jrec_upd *jrec; struct_jrec_null *jrec_null; struct_jrec_upd *jrec_alt; jnl_private_control *jpc; /* If REPL_WAS_ENABLED(csa) is TRUE, then we would not have gone through the code that initializes * jgbl.gbl_jrec_time or jpc->pini_addr. But in this case, we are not writing the journal record * to the journal buffer or journal file but write it only to the journal pool from where it gets * sent across to the update process that does not care about these fields so it is ok to leave them as is. */ jpc = csa->jnl; assert((0 != jpc->pini_addr) || REPL_WAS_ENABLED(csa)); assert(jgbl.gbl_jrec_time || REPL_WAS_ENABLED(csa)); assert(csa->now_crit); assert(IS_SET_KILL_ZKILL_ZTWORM_LGTRIG_ZTRIG(jfb->rectype) || (JRT_NULL == jfb->rectype)); assert(!IS_ZTP(jfb->rectype)); jrec = (struct_jrec_upd *)jfb->buff; assert(OFFSETOF(struct_jrec_null, prefix) == OFFSETOF(struct_jrec_upd, prefix)); assert(SIZEOF(jrec_null->prefix) == SIZEOF(jrec->prefix)); jrec->prefix.pini_addr = (0 == jpc->pini_addr) ? JNL_HDR_LEN : jpc->pini_addr; jrec->prefix.tn = csa->ti->curr_tn; jrec->prefix.time = jgbl.gbl_jrec_time; /* t_end/tp_tend/mur_output_record has already set token/jnl_seqno into jnl_fence_ctl.token */ assert((0 != jnl_fence_ctl.token) || (!dollar_tlevel && !jgbl.forw_phase_recovery && !REPL_ENABLED(csa)) || (!dollar_tlevel && jgbl.forw_phase_recovery && (repl_open != csa->hdr->intrpt_recov_repl_state))); assert(OFFSETOF(struct_jrec_null, jnl_seqno) == OFFSETOF(struct_jrec_upd, token_seq)); assert(SIZEOF(jrec_null->jnl_seqno) == SIZEOF(jrec->token_seq)); jrec->token_seq.token = jnl_fence_ctl.token; assert(OFFSETOF(struct_jrec_null, strm_seqno) == OFFSETOF(struct_jrec_upd, strm_seqno)); assert(SIZEOF(jrec_null->strm_seqno) == SIZEOF(jrec->strm_seqno)); jrec->strm_seqno = jnl_fence_ctl.strm_seqno; /* update checksum below */ if(JRT_NULL != jrec->prefix.jrec_type) { COMPUTE_LOGICAL_REC_CHECKSUM(jfb->checksum, jrec, com_csum, jrec->prefix.checksum); } else jrec->prefix.checksum = compute_checksum(INIT_CHECKSUM_SEED, (unsigned char *)jrec, SIZEOF(struct_jrec_null)); if (REPL_ALLOWED(csa) && USES_ANY_KEY(csa->hdr)) { jrec_alt = (struct_jrec_upd *)jfb->alt_buff; jrec_alt->prefix = jrec->prefix; jrec_alt->token_seq = jrec->token_seq; jrec_alt->strm_seqno = jrec->strm_seqno; jrec_alt->num_participants = jrec->num_participants; } JNL_WRITE_APPROPRIATE(csa, jpc, jfb->rectype, (jnl_record *)jrec, NULL, jfb, jplctx); }