void JPLua_Serialiser_IterateTableRead( cJSON *parent, const char *name, lua_State *L ) {
	cJSON *t = NULL;
	int numElements, i, top;

	lua_newtable( L );
	top = lua_gettop( L );

	t = cJSON_GetObjectItem( parent, name );
	numElements = cJSON_GetArraySize( t );

	for ( i = 0; i < numElements; i++ ) {
		cJSON *e, *it;
		int kType, vType;
		const char *tmp;
		char k[256];

		e = cJSON_GetArrayItem( t, i );

		// key
		it = cJSON_GetObjectItem( e, "key" );
		kType = cJSON_ToInteger( cJSON_GetObjectItem( e, "key_type" ) );
		if ( (tmp = cJSON_ToString( it )) )
			Q_strncpyz( k, tmp, sizeof(k) );

		if ( kType == LUA_TSTRING ) {
			lua_pushstring( L, k );
		else if ( kType == LUA_TNUMBER ) {
			lua_pushnumber( L, cJSON_ToNumber( it ) );
		else {
			Com_Printf( "Invalid key type %s when reading table %s\n", lua_typename( L, kType ), name );

		// value must be created based on type.
		it = cJSON_GetObjectItem( e, "value" );
		vType = cJSON_ToInteger( cJSON_GetObjectItem( e, "value_type" ) );
		if ( vType == LUA_TTABLE ) {
			JPLua_Serialiser_IterateTableRead( e, "value", L );
		else if ( vType == LUA_TNUMBER ) {
			lua_pushnumber( L, cJSON_ToNumber( it ) );
		else if ( vType == LUA_TBOOLEAN ) {
			lua_pushboolean( L, cJSON_ToBoolean( it ) );
		else if ( vType == LUA_TSTRING ) {
			char v[1024 * 8]; // should be plenty..
			if ( (tmp = cJSON_ToString( it )) )
				Q_strncpyz( v, tmp, sizeof(v) );
			lua_pushstring( L, v );

		lua_settable( L, top );
//Func: GetTable('string')
//Retn: table
int JPLua_Serialiser_GetTable( lua_State *L )
	jplua_serialiser_t *serialiser = JPLua_CheckSerialiser( L, 1 );
	const char *tableName = NULL;
	luaL_argcheck( L, lua_type( L, 2 ) == LUA_TSTRING, 2, "'string' expected" );
	tableName = lua_tostring( L, 2 );
	JPLua_Serialiser_IterateTableRead( serialiser->inRoot, tableName, L );

	return 0;
//Func: GetTable( string name )
//Retn: table
int JPLua_Serialiser_GetTable( lua_State *L ) {
	jplua_serialiser_t *serialiser = JPLua_CheckSerialiser( L, 1 );

	if ( lua_type( L, 2 ) != LUA_TSTRING ) {
		JPLua_Serialiser_Close( L );
		luaL_argcheck( L, 1, 2, "'string' expected" );

	if ( !serialiser->read ) {
		Com_Printf( "Serialiser is not available to read table\n" );
		return 0;

	JPLua_Serialiser_IterateTableRead( serialiser->inRoot, lua_tostring( L, 2 ), L );

	return 1;