static void seq_load_info( regions_stat * stat )
    KLogLevel tmp_lvl = KLogLevelGet();
    KLogLevelSet( klogInfo );

    if ( stat->expands_a > 0 )
        PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo,
             "adapter expanded: $(times) ( in $(spots) spots )",
             stat->expands_a, stat->expands_spots ));
    if ( stat->expands_i > 0 )
        PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo,
             "insert expanded : $(times) ( in $(spots) spots )",
              stat->expands_i, stat->expands_spots ));
    if ( stat->inserts > 0 )
        PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo,
             "regions inserted: $(times) ( in $(spots) spots )",
             stat->inserts, stat->inserts_spots ));
    if ( stat->end_gap > 0 )
        PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo,
             "end-gap inserted: $(times)",
             "times=%u", stat->end_gap ));
    if ( stat->overlapps > 0 )
        PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo,
             "overlapping rngs: $(times)",
             "times=%u", stat->overlapps ));
    if ( stat->removed > 0 )
        PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo,
             "removed rgns    : $(times)",
             "times=%u", stat->removed ));

    KLogLevelSet( tmp_lvl );
rc_t load_consensus_src( con_ctx * sctx, KDirectory * hdf5_src )
    BaseCalls_cmn ConsensusTab;

    rc_t rc = 0;
    if ( sctx->lctx->check_src_obj )
        rc = check_src_objects( hdf5_src, consensus_groups_to_check, 
                                consensus_tables_to_check, false );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        rc = open_BaseCalls_cmn( hdf5_src, &ConsensusTab, true,
                                 "PulseData/ConsensusBaseCalls", sctx->lctx->cache_content, true );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        uint64_t total_bases = zmw_total( &ConsensusTab.zmw );
        uint64_t total_spots = ConsensusTab.zmw.NumEvent.extents[ 0 ];

        KLogLevel tmp_lvl = KLogLevelGet();
        KLogLevelSet( klogInfo );
        PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo,
                 "loading consensus-table ( $(bases) bases / $(spots) spots ):",
                 "bases=%lu,spots=%lu", total_bases, total_spots ));
        KLogLevelSet( tmp_lvl );

        if ( !check_Consensus_totalcount( &ConsensusTab, total_bases ) )
            rc = RC( rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcAllocating, rcParam, rcInvalid );
            rc = zmw_for_each( &ConsensusTab.zmw, &sctx->lctx->xml_progress, sctx->cursor,
                               sctx->lctx->with_progress, sctx->col_idx, NULL,
                               true, consensus_load_spot, &ConsensusTab );
        close_BaseCalls_cmn( &ConsensusTab );
    return rc;
static rc_t consensus_loader( ld_context *lctx, const char * table_name,
                              bool cache_content )
    uint32_t col_idx[ consensus_tab_count ];
    rc_t rc = add_columns( lctx->cursor, consensus_tab_count, -1,
                           col_idx, consensus_tab_names );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        rc = VCursorOpen( lctx->cursor );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot open cursor on consensus-table" );

            BaseCalls_cmn ConsensusTab;
            const INSDC_SRA_platform_id platform = SRA_PLATFORM_PACBIO_SMRT;

            rc = VCursorDefault ( lctx->cursor, col_idx[ consensus_tab_PLATFORM ],
                                  sizeof platform * 8, &platform, 0, 1 );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot set cursor-default on consensus-table for platform-column" );
                const INSDC_SRA_read_filter filter = SRA_READ_FILTER_PASS;
                rc = VCursorDefault ( lctx->cursor, col_idx[ consensus_tab_READ_FILTER ],
                                  sizeof filter * 8, &filter, 0, 1 );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot set cursor-default on consensus-table for read-filter-column" );

            if ( rc == 0 )
                rc = open_BaseCalls_cmn( lctx->hdf5_dir, &ConsensusTab, true,
                                     "PulseData/ConsensusBaseCalls", cache_content, true );

            if ( rc == 0 )
                uint64_t total_bases = zmw_total( &ConsensusTab.zmw );
                uint64_t total_spots = ConsensusTab.zmw.NumEvent.extents[ 0 ];

                KLogLevel tmp_lvl = KLogLevelGet();
                KLogLevelSet( klogInfo );
                PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo,
                         "loading consensus-table ( $(bases) bases / $(spots) spots ):",
                         "bases=%lu,spots=%lu", total_bases, total_spots ));
                KLogLevelSet( tmp_lvl );

                if ( check_Consensus_totalcount( &ConsensusTab, total_bases ) )
                    rc = zmw_for_each( &ConsensusTab.zmw, lctx, col_idx, NULL,
                                       true, consensus_load_spot, &ConsensusTab );
                    rc = RC( rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcAllocating, rcParam, rcInvalid );
                close_BaseCalls_cmn( &ConsensusTab );
    return rc;
static rc_t passes_load_loop( ld_context *lctx, VCursor * cursor, Passes_src *tab,
                              uint32_t *col_idx )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    KLogLevel tmp_lvl;
    pass_block block;
    pl_progress *progress;
    uint64_t pos = 0;
    uint64_t total_passes = tab->AdapterHitBefore.extents[0];

    pl_progress_make( &progress, total_passes );
    rc = progress_chunk( &lctx->xml_progress, total_passes );

    tmp_lvl = KLogLevelGet();
    KLogLevelSet( klogInfo );
    PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo,
                         "loading passes-table ( $(rows) rows ) :",
                         "rows=%lu", total_passes ));
    KLogLevelSet( tmp_lvl );

    while( pos < total_passes && rc == 0 )
        rc = pass_block_read_from_src( tab, total_passes, pos, &block );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            uint32_t i;
            for ( i = 0; i < block.n_read && rc == 0; ++i )
                rc = Quitting();
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    rc = passes_load_pass( cursor, &block, i, col_idx );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        rc = progress_step( lctx->xml_progress );
                        if ( lctx->with_progress )
                            pl_progress_increment( progress, 1 );
                    LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "...loading passes interrupted" );
            pos += block.n_read;

    pl_progress_destroy( progress );

    if ( rc == 0 )
        rc = VCursorCommit( cursor );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot commit cursor on PASSES-tab" );
    return rc;
rc_t CC KMain (int argc, char * argv[])
    rc_t rc = 0;
    KDirectory* wd;
    LogMsg ( klogInfo, "KeyringServer: starting");

    rc = KDirectoryNativeDir (&wd);
    if (rc == 0)
        KFile* lockedFile;
        const char* dataDir;
        char lockFileName[MAX_PATH];
        if (argc < 2 || argv[1] == NULL)
            dataDir = KeyRingDefaultDataDir;
            dataDir = argv[1];
        rc = string_printf(lockFileName, sizeof(lockFileName)-1, NULL, "%s/keyring_lock", dataDir);
        if (rc == 0)
            rc = KDirectoryCreateExclusiveAccessFile(wd, &lockedFile, true, 0600, kcmOpen, "%s", lockFileName);
            if (rc == 0)
                KNSManager* mgr;
                rc = KNSManagerMake(&mgr);
                if (rc == 0)
                    rc = string_printf(keyRingFileName, sizeof(keyRingFileName)-1, NULL, "%s/keyring", dataDir);
                    if (rc == 0)
                        rc = Server(mgr);
                    LogErr(klogErr, rc, "KeyringServer: KNSManagerMake failed");
                LogMsg ( klogInfo, "KeyringServer: removing lock file.");
                KDirectoryRemove(wd, true, "%s", lockFileName);
            {   /*TODO: check for stale lock file*/
                LogMsg ( klogInfo, "KeyringServer: another instance appears to be running.");
                rc = 0;
            LogErr ( klogErr, rc, "KeyringServer: failed to build the lock file name" );
        LogErr(klogErr, rc, "KeyringServer: KDirectoryNativeDir failed");
    LogMsg ( klogInfo, "KeyringServer: finishing");
    return rc;
void seq_report_totals( ld_context *lctx )
    const char* accession;
    KLogLevel tmp_lvl = KLogLevelGet();
    KLogLevelSet( klogInfo );

    accession = strrchr( lctx->dst_path, '/' );
    if( accession == NULL )
        accession = lctx->dst_path;

    PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo, "loaded",
             accession, lctx->total_seq_spots, lctx->total_seq_bases ));

    KLogLevelSet( tmp_lvl );
void CVDBMgr::x_Init(void)
    if ( rc_t rc = VDBManagerMakeRead(x_InitPtr(), 0) ) {
        *x_InitPtr() = 0;
        NCBI_THROW2(CSraException, eInitFailed,
                    "Cannot open VDBManager", rc);
    uint32_t sdk_ver;
    if ( rc_t rc = VDBManagerVersion(*this, &sdk_ver) ) {
        NCBI_THROW2(CSraException, eInitFailed,
                    "Cannot get VDBManager version", rc);
    CKNSManager kns_mgr(CVFSManager(*this));
    CNcbiOstrstream str;
    CNcbiApplication* app = CNcbiApplication::Instance();
    if ( app ) {
        str << app->GetAppName() << ": " << app->GetVersion().Print() << "; ";
    str << "Package: " << NCBI_PACKAGE_NAME << ' ' <<
        NCBI_PACKAGE_VERSION << "; ";
    str << "C++ ";
    str << NCBI_PRODUCTION_VER << "/";
    string prefix = CNcbiOstrstreamToString(str);
    KNSManagerSetUserAgent(kns_mgr, "%s; SRA Toolkit %V",

    // redirect VDB log to C++ Toolkit
    if ( s_GetDiagHandler() ) {
        KLogLibHandlerSet(VDBLogWriter, 0);

    if ( app ) {
        string host = app->GetConfig().GetString("CONN", "HTTP_PROXY_HOST", kEmptyStr);
        int port = app->GetConfig().GetInt("CONN", "HTTP_PROXY_PORT", 0);
        if ( !host.empty() && port != 0 ) {
            if ( rc_t rc = KNSManagerSetHTTPProxyPath(kns_mgr, "%s:%d", host.c_str(), port) ) {
                NCBI_THROW2(CSraException, eInitFailed,
                            "Cannot set KNSManager proxy parameters", rc);
            KNSManagerSetHTTPProxyEnabled(kns_mgr, true);
rc_t CC KMain ( int argc, char *argv [] )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    Args * args;

    rc = ArgsMakeAndHandle (&args, argc, argv, 0);
    if (rc == 0)
            uint32_t pcount;

            rc = ArgsParamCount (args, &pcount);
            if (rc)
            if (pcount == 0) {
                rc = RC(rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcAllocating, rcParam, rcInvalid);
                const char * pc;
                rc_t exp;
                uint32_t ix;

                /* over rule any set log level */
                rc = KLogLevelSet (klogInfo);

                for (ix = 0; ix < pcount; ++ix)
                    rc = ArgsParamValue (args, ix, (const void **)&pc);
                    if (rc)

                    exp = AsciiToU32 (pc, NULL, NULL);
                    rc = LOGERR (klogInfo, exp, pc);

        } while (0);

        ArgsWhack (args);
    return rc;
rc_t CC KMain ( int argc, char *argv [] )
    XMLLogger const *xlogger = NULL;
    Args * args;
    rc_t rc;
    bool any_failed = false;
    CheckCorruptConfig config = { -1.0, SA_TABLE_LOOKUP_LIMIT, -1.0, SEQ_TABLE_LOOKUP_LIMIT, PA_LONGER_SA_LIMIT, 0 };


    rc = ArgsMakeAndHandle (&args, argc, argv, 2, Options,
                            sizeof (Options) / sizeof (Options[0]),
                            XMLLogger_Args, XMLLogger_ArgsQty);
    if (rc)
        LOGERR (klogInt, rc, "failed to parse command line parameters");
        rc = XMLLogger_Make(&xlogger, NULL, args);
        if (rc)
            LOGERR (klogInt, rc, "failed to make xml logger");
            rc = parseArgs ( args, &config );
            if (rc == 0)
                uint32_t pcount;
                rc = ArgsParamCount ( args, &pcount );
                if (rc)
                    LOGERR (klogInt, rc, "ArgsParamCount() failed");
                    if ( pcount == 0 )
                        LOGMSG (klogErr, "no accessions were passed in");
                        for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < pcount; ++i )
                            const char * accession;
                            rc = ArgsParamValue ( args, i, (const void **)&accession );
                            if (rc)
                                PLOGERR (klogInt, (klogInt, rc, "failed to get $(PARAM_I) accession from command line", "PARAM_I=%d", i));
                                any_failed = true;
                                if (!checkAccession ( accession, &config ))
                                    any_failed = true;

                        if (!any_failed)
                            LOGMSG (klogInfo, "All accessions are good!");
        ArgsWhack ( args );
    return rc != 0 || any_failed ? 1 : 0;
rc_t load_seq_src( seq_ctx * sctx, KDirectory * hdf5_src )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    if ( sctx->lctx->check_src_obj )
        rc = check_src_objects( hdf5_src, seq_groups_to_check, seq_tables_to_check, true );

    if ( rc == 0 && !sctx->src_open )
        rc = open_BaseCalls( hdf5_src, &sctx->BaseCallsTab, "PulseData/BaseCalls", sctx->lctx->cache_content, &sctx->rgn_present );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        /* calculates the total number of bases, according to the zmw-table */
        uint64_t total_bases = zmw_total( &sctx->BaseCallsTab.cmn.zmw );
        /* calculates the total number of spots, according to the zmw-table */
        uint64_t total_spots = sctx->BaseCallsTab.cmn.zmw.NumEvent.extents[ 0 ];

        KLogLevel tmp_lvl = KLogLevelGet();
        KLogLevelSet( klogInfo );
        PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo,
                 "loading sequence-table ( $(bases) bases / $(spots) spots ):",
                 "bases=%lu,spots=%lu", total_bases, total_spots ));
        KLogLevelSet( tmp_lvl );

        /* checks that all tables, which are loaded do have the correct
           number of values (the number that the zmw-table requests) */
        if ( !check_BaseCall_totalcount( &sctx->BaseCallsTab, total_bases ) )
            rc = RC( rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcAllocating, rcParam, rcInvalid );
            region_type_mapping mapping;

            if ( sctx->rgn_present )
                const KNamelist *region_types;
                /* read the meta-data-entry "RegionTypes" of the hdf5-regions-table
                   into a KNamelist */
                rc = KArrayFileGetMeta ( sctx->BaseCallsTab.rgn.hdf5_regions.af, "RegionTypes", &region_types );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot read Regions.RegionTypes" );
                    /* extract the region-type-mapping out of the read KNamelist */
                    rc = rgn_extract_type_mappings( region_types, &mapping, false );
                    KNamelistRelease ( region_types );
                    if ( rc != 0 )
                        LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot map regions-types" );

            if ( rc == 0 )
                region_type_mapping *mapping_ptr = NULL;

                if ( sctx->rgn_present )
                    mapping_ptr = &mapping;

                /* call for every spot the function >seq_load_spot< */
                rc = zmw_for_each( &sctx->BaseCallsTab.cmn.zmw, &sctx->lctx->xml_progress, sctx->cursor,
                                   sctx->lctx->with_progress, sctx->col_idx, mapping_ptr, false,
                                   seq_load_spot, &sctx->BaseCallsTab );

            if ( sctx->rgn_present )
                seq_load_info( &sctx->BaseCallsTab.rgn.stat );

            sctx->lctx->total_seq_bases += total_bases;
            sctx->lctx->total_seq_spots += total_spots;
        close_BaseCalls( &sctx->BaseCallsTab );
        sctx->src_open = false;
    return rc;
static rc_t seq_loader( ld_context *lctx, KDirectory * hdf5_src, VCursor * cursor, const char * table_name )
    BaseCalls BaseCallsTab;
    bool rgn_present;

    /* opens all hdf5-tables, which are needed to load the sequence-table */
    rc_t rc = open_BaseCalls( hdf5_src, &BaseCallsTab,
                              "PulseData/BaseCalls", lctx->cache_content, &rgn_present );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        /* calculates the total number of bases, according to the zmw-table */
        uint64_t total_bases = zmw_total( &BaseCallsTab.cmn.zmw );
        /* calculates the total number of spots, according to the zmw-table */
        uint64_t total_spots = BaseCallsTab.cmn.zmw.NumEvent.extents[ 0 ];

        KLogLevel tmp_lvl = KLogLevelGet();
        KLogLevelSet( klogInfo );
        PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo,
                 "loading sequence-table ( $(bases) bases / $(spots) spots ):",
                 "bases=%lu,spots=%lu", total_bases, total_spots ));
        KLogLevelSet( tmp_lvl );

        /* checks that all tables, which are loaded do have the correct
           number of values (the number that the zmw-table requests) */
        if ( check_BaseCall_totalcount( &BaseCallsTab, total_bases ) )
            region_type_mapping mapping;

            if ( rgn_present )
                const KNamelist *region_types;
                /* read the meta-data-entry "RegionTypes" of the hdf5-regions-table
                   into a KNamelist */
                rc = KArrayFileGetMeta ( BaseCallsTab.rgn.hdf5_regions.af, "RegionTypes", &region_types );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot read Regions.RegionTypes" );
                    /* extract the region-type-mapping out of the read KNamelist */
                    rc = rgn_extract_type_mappings( region_types, &mapping, false );
                    KNamelistRelease ( region_types );
                    if ( rc != 0 )
                        LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot map regions-types" );

            if ( rc == 0 )
                /* holds the vdb-column-index for every column we write */
                uint32_t col_idx[ seq_tab_count ];
                int32_t to_exclude;

                /* depending on the bit-size of the PulseIndex-table in HDF5
                   exclude the opposite column from VDB */
                if ( BaseCallsTab.PulseIndex.element_bits == PULSE_INDEX_BITSIZE_16 )
                    to_exclude = seq_tab_PULSE_INDEX_32;
                    to_exclude = seq_tab_PULSE_INDEX_16;

                /* add all columns to the vdb-cursor */
                rc = add_columns( cursor, seq_tab_count, to_exclude, col_idx, seq_tab_names );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    rc = VCursorOpen( cursor );
                    if ( rc != 0 )
                        LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot open cursor on seq-table" );
                        const uint8_t platform = SRA_PLATFORM_PACBIO_SMRT;

                        rc = VCursorDefault ( cursor, col_idx[ seq_tab_PLATFORM ], 8, &platform, 0, 1 );
                        if ( rc != 0 )
                            LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot set cursor-default on seq-table for platform-column" );
                            region_type_mapping *mapping_ptr = NULL;
                            if ( rgn_present )
                                mapping_ptr = &mapping;
                            /* call for every spot the function >seq_load_spot< */
                            rc = zmw_for_each( &BaseCallsTab.cmn.zmw, &lctx->xml_progress, cursor,
                                               lctx->with_progress, col_idx, mapping_ptr, false, seq_load_spot, &BaseCallsTab );

            if ( rgn_present )
                seq_load_info( &BaseCallsTab.rgn.stat );

                if ( mapping.count_of_unknown_rgn_types > 0 )
                    KLogLevel tmp_lvl = KLogLevelGet();
                    KLogLevelSet( klogInfo );

                    PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo,
                        "$(times) x unknown region types encountered",
                        "times=%i", mapping.count_of_unknown_rgn_types ) );
                    KLogLevelSet( tmp_lvl );


            lctx->total_seq_bases += total_bases;
            lctx->total_seq_spots += total_spots;
            rc = RC( rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcAllocating, rcParam, rcInvalid );
        close_BaseCalls( &BaseCallsTab );

    return rc;