KateTextCursor KateUndo::cursorAfter() const
    if(m_type == KateUndoGroup::editRemoveLine || m_type == KateUndoGroup::editWrapLine)
        return KateTextCursor(m_line + 1, m_col);
    else if(m_type == KateUndoGroup::editInsertText)
        return KateTextCursor(m_line, m_col + m_len);

    return KateTextCursor(m_line, m_col);
KateTextCursor KateSearch::getCursor( SearchFlags flags )
  if (flags.backward && !flags.selected && view()->hasSelection())
    // We're heading backwards (and not within a selection),
    // the selection might start before the cursor.
    return kMin( KateTextCursor(view()->selStartLine(), view()->selStartCol()),
                 KateTextCursor(view()->cursorLine(), view()->cursorColumnReal()));
  return KateTextCursor(view()->cursorLine(), view()->cursorColumnReal());
void KateSearch::find( const TQString &pattern, long flags, bool add, bool shownotfound )
  KateViewConfig::global()->setSearchFlags( flags );
  if( add )
    addToList( s_searchList, pattern );

   s_pattern = pattern;

  SearchFlags searchFlags;

  searchFlags.caseSensitive = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::CaseSensitive;
  searchFlags.wholeWords = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::WholeWordsOnly;
  searchFlags.fromBeginning = !(KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::FromCursor)
      && !(KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::SelectedText);
  searchFlags.backward = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::FindBackwards;
  searchFlags.selected = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::SelectedText;
  searchFlags.prompt = false;
  searchFlags.replace = false;
  searchFlags.finished = false;
  searchFlags.regExp = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::RegularExpression;
  searchFlags.useBackRefs = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KReplaceDialog::BackReference;

  if ( searchFlags.selected )
    s.selBegin = KateTextCursor( m_view->selStartLine(), m_view->selStartCol() );
    s.selEnd   = KateTextCursor( m_view->selEndLine(),   m_view->selEndCol()   );
    s.cursor   = s.flags.backward ? s.selEnd : s.selBegin;
  } else {
    s.cursor = getCursor( searchFlags );

  s.wrappedEnd = s.cursor;
  s.wrapped = false;
  s.showNotFound = shownotfound;

  search( searchFlags );
void KateSearch::replace( const TQString& pattern, const TQString &replacement, long flags )
  if (!doc()->isReadWrite()) return;

  addToList( s_searchList, pattern );
   s_pattern = pattern;
  addToList( s_replaceList, replacement );
  m_replacement = replacement;
  KateViewConfig::global()->setSearchFlags( flags );

  SearchFlags searchFlags;
  searchFlags.caseSensitive = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::CaseSensitive;
  searchFlags.wholeWords = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::WholeWordsOnly;
  searchFlags.fromBeginning = !(KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::FromCursor)
      && !(KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::SelectedText);
  searchFlags.backward = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::FindBackwards;
  searchFlags.selected = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::SelectedText;
  searchFlags.prompt = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KReplaceDialog::PromptOnReplace;
  searchFlags.replace = true;
  searchFlags.finished = false;
  searchFlags.regExp = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::RegularExpression;
  searchFlags.useBackRefs = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KReplaceDialog::BackReference;
  if ( searchFlags.selected )
    s.selBegin = KateTextCursor( m_view->selStartLine(), m_view->selStartCol() );
    s.selEnd   = KateTextCursor( m_view->selEndLine(), m_view->selEndCol()   );
    s.cursor   = s.flags.backward ? s.selEnd : s.selBegin;
  } else {
    s.cursor = getCursor( searchFlags );

  s.wrappedEnd = s.cursor;
  s.wrapped = false;

  search( searchFlags );
bool KateSearch::doSearch( const TQString& text )
  rodda: Still Working on this... :)

  bool result = false;

  if (m_searchResults.count()) {
    if (m_resultIndex < (int)m_searchResults.count()) {
      s = m_searchResults[m_resultIndex];
      result = true;

  } else {
    int temp = 0;
    do {*/

#if 0
  static int oldLine = -1;
  static int oldCol = -1;

  uint line = s.cursor.line();
  uint col = s.cursor.col();// + (result ? s.matchedLength : 0);
  bool backward = s.flags.backward;
  bool caseSensitive = s.flags.caseSensitive;
  bool regExp = s.flags.regExp;
  bool wholeWords = s.flags.wholeWords;
  uint foundLine, foundCol, matchLen;
  bool found = false;
  //kdDebug() << "Searching at " << line << ", " << col << endl;
//   kdDebug()<<"KateSearch::doSearch: "<<line<<", "<<col<<", "<<backward<<endl;

  if (backward)
    KateDocCursor docCursor(line, col, doc());

    // If we're at the top of the document, we're not gonna find anything, so bail.
    if (docCursor.line() == 0 && docCursor.col() == 0)
      return false;

    // Move one step backward before searching, if this is a "find again", we don't
    // want to find the same match.
    line = docCursor.line();
    col = docCursor.col();

  do {
      if( regExp ) {
        m_re = TQRegExp( text, caseSensitive );
        found = doc()->searchText( line, col, m_re,
                                  &foundLine, &foundCol,
                                  &matchLen, backward );
      else if ( wholeWords )
        bool maybefound = false;
          maybefound = doc()->searchText( line, col, text,
                                  &foundLine, &foundCol,
                                  &matchLen, caseSensitive, backward );
          if ( maybefound )
            found = (
                      ( foundCol == 0 ||
                        ! doc()->highlight()->isInWord( doc()->textLine( foundLine ).at( foundCol - 1 ) ) ) &&
                      ( foundCol + matchLen == doc()->lineLength( foundLine ) ||
                        ! doc()->highlight()->isInWord( doc()->textLine( foundLine ).at( foundCol + matchLen ) ) )
            if ( found )
            else if ( backward && foundCol == 0 ) // we are done on this line and want to avoid endless loops like in #137312
              if ( line == 0 ) // we are completely done...
              line = foundLine;
              col = foundCol + 1;
        } while ( maybefound );
      else {
        found = doc()->searchText( line, col, text,
                                  &foundLine, &foundCol,
                                  &matchLen, caseSensitive, backward );

    if ( found && s.flags.selected )
      KateTextCursor start (s.selBegin);
      KateTextCursor end (s.selEnd);

      // recalc for block sel, to have start with lowest col, end with highest
      if (m_view->blockSelectionMode())
        start.setCol (kMin(s.selBegin.col(), s.selEnd.col()));
        end.setCol (kMax(s.selBegin.col(), s.selEnd.col()));

      if ( !s.flags.backward && KateTextCursor( foundLine, foundCol ) >= end
        ||  s.flags.backward && KateTextCursor( foundLine, foundCol ) < start )
        found = false;
      else if (m_view->blockSelectionMode())
        if ((int)foundCol >= start.col() && (int)foundCol < end.col())

    line = foundLine;
    col = foundCol+1;
  while (s.flags.selected && m_view->blockSelectionMode() && found);
  // in the case we want to search in selection + blockselection we need to loop

  if( !found ) return false;

  // save the search result
  s.cursor.setPos(foundLine, foundCol);
  s.matchedLength = matchLen;

  // we allready wrapped around one time
  if (s.wrapped)
    if (s.flags.backward)
      if ( (s.cursor.line() < s.wrappedEnd.line())
           || ( (s.cursor.line() == s.wrappedEnd.line()) && ((s.cursor.col()+matchLen) <= uint(s.wrappedEnd.col())) ) )
        return false;
      if ( (s.cursor.line() > s.wrappedEnd.line())
           || ( (s.cursor.line() == s.wrappedEnd.line()) && (s.cursor.col() > s.wrappedEnd.col()) ) )
        return false;

//   kdDebug() << "Found at " << s.cursor.line() << ", " << s.cursor.col() << endl;


  if (arbitraryHLExample)  {
    KateArbitraryHighlightRange* hl = new KateArbitraryHighlightRange(new KateSuperCursor(m_doc, true, s.cursor), new KateSuperCursor(m_doc, true, s.cursor.line(), s.cursor.col() + s.matchedLength), this);
    // destroy the highlight upon change
    connect(hl, TQT_SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), hl, TQT_SIGNAL(eliminated()));

  return true;

    /* rodda: more of my search highlighting work

    } while (++temp < 100);

    if (result) {
      s = m_searchResults.first();
      m_resultIndex = 0;

  return result;*/