    LPSPS_END_TEST      pET;

    switch (uMsg)
    case SPM_LOAD_DLL:
        // Sent once to the DLL immediately after it is loaded. The spParam
        // parameter will contain a pointer to a SPS_LOAD_DLL structure. The
        // DLL should set the fUnicode member of this structure to TRUE if the
        // DLL is built with the UNICODE flag set. If you set this flag, Tux
        // will ensure that all strings passed to your DLL will be in UNICODE
        // format, and all strings within your function table will be processed
        // by Tux as UNICODE. The DLL may return SPR_FAIL to prevent the DLL
        // from continuing to load.
        Debug(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_LOAD_DLL, ...) called"));

        // If we are UNICODE, then tell Tux this by setting the following flag.
#ifdef UNICODE
        ((LPSPS_LOAD_DLL)spParam)->fUnicode = TRUE;
#endif // UNICODE
        g_pKato = (CKato*)KatoGetDefaultObject();

    case SPM_UNLOAD_DLL:
        // Sent once to the DLL immediately before it is unloaded.
        Debug(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_UNLOAD_DLL, ...) called"));

    case SPM_SHELL_INFO:
        // Sent once to the DLL immediately after SPM_LOAD_DLL to give the DLL
        // some useful information about its parent shell and environment. The
        // spParam parameter will contain a pointer to a SPS_SHELL_INFO
        // structure. The pointer to the structure may be stored for later use
        // as it will remain valid for the life of this Tux Dll. The DLL may
        // return SPR_FAIL to prevent the DLL from continuing to load.
        Debug(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_SHELL_INFO, ...) called"));

        // Store a pointer to our shell info for later use.
        g_pShellInfo = (LPSPS_SHELL_INFO)spParam;

    case SPM_REGISTER:
        // This is the only ShellProc() message that a DLL is required to
        // handle (except for SPM_LOAD_DLL if you are UNICODE). This message is
        // sent once to the DLL immediately after the SPM_SHELL_INFO message to
        // query the DLL for its function table. The spParam will contain a
        // pointer to a SPS_REGISTER structure. The DLL should store its
        // function table in the lpFunctionTable member of the SPS_REGISTER
        // structure. The DLL may return SPR_FAIL to prevent the DLL from
        // continuing to load.
        Debug(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_REGISTER, ...) called"));
        ((LPSPS_REGISTER)spParam)->lpFunctionTable = g_lpFTE;
#ifdef UNICODE
        return SPR_HANDLED | SPF_UNICODE;
#else // UNICODE
        return SPR_HANDLED;
#endif // UNICODE

        // Sent to the DLL immediately before a script is started. It is sent
        // to all Tux DLLs, including loaded Tux DLLs that are not in the
        // script. All DLLs will receive this message before the first
        // TestProc() in the script is called.
        Debug(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_START_SCRIPT, ...) called"));

        // Sent to the DLL when the script has stopped. This message is sent
        // when the script reaches its end, or because the user pressed
        // stopped prior to the end of the script. This message is sent to
        // all Tux DLLs, including loaded Tux DLLs that are not in the script.
        Debug(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_STOP_SCRIPT, ...) called"));

        // Sent to the DLL before a group of tests from that DLL is about to
        // be executed. This gives the DLL a time to initialize or allocate
        // data for the tests to follow. Only the DLL that is next to run
        // receives this message. The prior DLL, if any, will first receive
        // a SPM_END_GROUP message. For global initialization and
        // de-initialization, the DLL should probably use SPM_START_SCRIPT
        // and SPM_STOP_SCRIPT, or even SPM_LOAD_DLL and SPM_UNLOAD_DLL.
        Debug(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_BEGIN_GROUP, ...) called"));
        g_pKato->BeginLevel(0, TEXT("BEGIN GROUP: Tux_SPI.DLL"));

    case SPM_END_GROUP:
        // Sent to the DLL after a group of tests from that DLL has completed
        // running. This gives the DLL a time to cleanup after it has been
        // run. This message does not mean that the DLL will not be called
        // again; it just means that the next test to run belongs to a
        // different DLL. SPM_BEGIN_GROUP and SPM_END_GROUP allow the DLL
        // to track when it is active and when it is not active.
        Debug(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_END_GROUP, ...) called"));
        g_pKato->EndLevel(TEXT("END GROUP: Tux_SPI.DLL"));

    case SPM_BEGIN_TEST:
        // Sent to the DLL immediately before a test executes. This gives
        // the DLL a chance to perform any common action that occurs at the
        // beginning of each test, such as entering a new logging level.
        // The spParam parameter will contain a pointer to a SPS_BEGIN_TEST
        // structure, which contains the function table entry and some other
        // useful information for the next test to execute. If the ShellProc
        // function returns SPR_SKIP, then the test case will not execute.
        Debug(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_BEGIN_TEST, ...) called"));
        // Start our logging level.
        pBT = (LPSPS_BEGIN_TEST)spParam;
            TEXT("BEGIN TEST: \"%s\", Threads=%u, Seed=%u"),

    case SPM_END_TEST:
        // Sent to the DLL after a single test executes from the DLL.
        // This gives the DLL a time perform any common action that occurs at
        // the completion of each test, such as exiting the current logging
        // level. The spParam parameter will contain a pointer to a
        // SPS_END_TEST structure, which contains the function table entry and
        // some other useful information for the test that just completed. If
        // the ShellProc returned SPR_SKIP for a given test case, then the
        // ShellProc() will not receive a SPM_END_TEST for that given test case.
        Debug(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_END_TEST, ...) called"));
        // End our logging level.
        pET = (LPSPS_END_TEST)spParam;
            TEXT("END TEST: \"%s\", %s, Time=%u.%03u"),
            pET->dwResult == TPR_SKIP ? TEXT("SKIPPED") :
            pET->dwResult == TPR_PASS ? TEXT("PASSED") :
            pET->dwResult == TPR_FAIL ? TEXT("FAILED") : TEXT("ABORTED"),
            pET->dwExecutionTime / 1000, pET->dwExecutionTime % 1000);

        // Sent to the DLL whenever code execution in the DLL causes and
        // exception fault. TUX traps all exceptions that occur while
        // executing code inside a test DLL.
        Debug(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_EXCEPTION, ...) called"));
        g_pKato->Log(LOG_EXCEPTION, TEXT("Exception occurred!"));

        // Any messages that we haven't processed must, by default, cause us
        // to return SPR_NOT_HANDLED. This preserves compatibility with future
        // versions of the TUX shell protocol, even if new messages are added.
        return SPR_NOT_HANDLED;

    return SPR_HANDLED;

   switch (uMsg) {

      // Message: SPM_LOAD_DLL
      // Sent once to the DLL immediately after it is loaded.  The spParam 
      // parameter will contain a pointer to a SPS_LOAD_DLL structure.  The DLL
      // should set the fUnicode member of this structre to TRUE if the DLL is
      // built with the UNICODE flag set.  By setting this flag, Tux will ensure
      // that all strings passed to your DLL will be in UNICODE format, and all
      // strings within your function table will be processed by Tux as UNICODE.
      // The DLL may return SPR_FAIL to prevent the DLL from continuing to load.

      case SPM_LOAD_DLL: {
         TRACE(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_LOAD_DLL, ...) called"));

         // If we are UNICODE, then tell Tux this by setting the following flag.
         #ifdef UNICODE
            ((LPSPS_LOAD_DLL)spParam)->fUnicode = TRUE;
            ((LPSPS_LOAD_DLL)spParam)->fUnicode = FALSE;

         // Get/Create our global logging object.
         g_pKato = (CKato*)KatoGetDefaultObject();


         // Initialize our global critical section.

         return SPR_HANDLED;

      // Message: SPM_UNLOAD_DLL
      // Sent once to the DLL immediately before it is unloaded.

      case SPM_UNLOAD_DLL: {
         TRACE(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_UNLOAD_DLL, ...) called"));

         // This is a good place to destroy our global critical section.

		 //cleanup test
		 // counitialize

         return SPR_HANDLED;

      // Message: SPM_SHELL_INFO
      // Sent once to the DLL immediately after SPM_LOAD_DLL to give the DLL
      // some useful information about its parent shell and environment.  The
      // spParam parameter will contain a pointer to a SPS_SHELL_INFO structure.
      // The pointer to the structure may be stored for later use as it will
      // remain valid for the life of this Tux Dll.  The DLL may return SPR_FAIL
      // to prevent the DLL from continuing to load.

      case SPM_SHELL_INFO: {
         TRACE(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_SHELL_INFO, ...) called"));
         // Store a pointer to our shell info for later use.
         g_pShellInfo = (LPSPS_SHELL_INFO)spParam;

         // Display our Dlls command line if we have one.
         if (g_pShellInfo->szDllCmdLine && *g_pShellInfo->szDllCmdLine) {
            MessageBox(g_pShellInfo->hWnd, g_pShellInfo->szDllCmdLine,
                       TEXT("TUXDLL.DLL Command Line Arguments"), MB_OK);
         return SPR_HANDLED;

      // Message: SPM_REGISTER
      // This is the only ShellProc() message that a DLL is required to handle
      // (except for SPM_LOAD_DLL if you are UNICODE).  This message is sent
      // once to the DLL immediately after the SPM_SHELL_INFO message to query
      // the DLL for it’s function table.  The spParam will contain a pointer to
      // a SPS_REGISTER structure.  The DLL should store its function table in
      // the lpFunctionTable member of the SPS_REGISTER structure.  The DLL may
      // return SPR_FAIL to prevent the DLL from continuing to load.

      case SPM_REGISTER: {
         TRACE(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_REGISTER, ...) called"));
         ((LPSPS_REGISTER)spParam)->lpFunctionTable = g_lpFTE;
         #ifdef UNICODE
            return SPR_HANDLED | SPF_UNICODE;
            return SPR_HANDLED;

      // Message: SPM_START_SCRIPT
      // Sent to the DLL immediately before a script is started.  It is sent to
      // all Tux DLLs, including loaded Tux DLLs that are not in the script.
      // All DLLs will receive this message before the first TestProc() in the
      // script is called.

      case SPM_START_SCRIPT: {
         TRACE(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_START_SCRIPT, ...) called"));
         return SPR_HANDLED;

      // Message: SPM_STOP_SCRIPT
      // Sent to the DLL when the script has stopped.  This message is sent when
      // the script reaches its end, or because the user pressed stopped prior
      // to the end of the script.  This message is sent to all Tux DLLs,
      // including loaded Tux DLLs that are not in the script.

      case SPM_STOP_SCRIPT: {
         TRACE(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_STOP_SCRIPT, ...) called"));
         return SPR_HANDLED;

      // Message: SPM_BEGIN_GROUP
      // Sent to the DLL before a group of tests from that DLL is about to be
      // executed.  This gives the DLL a time to initialize or allocate data for
      // the tests to follow.  Only the DLL that is next to run receives this
      // message.  The prior DLL, if any, will first receive a SPM_END_GROUP
      // message.  For global initialization and de-initialization, the DLL
      // should probably use SPM_START_SCRIPT and SPM_STOP_SCRIPT, or even

      case SPM_BEGIN_GROUP: {
         TRACE(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_BEGIN_GROUP, ...) called"));
         g_pKato->BeginLevel(0, TEXT("BEGIN GROUP: TUXDLL.DLL"));
         return SPR_HANDLED;

      // Message: SPM_END_GROUP
      // Sent to the DLL after a group of tests from that DLL has completed
      // running.  This gives the DLL a time to cleanup after it has been run.
      // This message does not mean that the DLL will not be called again to run
      // tests; it just means that the next test to run belongs to a different
      // DLL.  SPM_BEGIN_GROUP and SPM_END_GROUP allow the DLL to track when it
      // is active and when it is not active.

      case SPM_END_GROUP: {
         TRACE(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_END_GROUP, ...) called"));
         g_pKato->EndLevel(TEXT("END GROUP: TUXDLL.DLL"));
         return SPR_HANDLED;

      // Message: SPM_BEGIN_TEST
      // Sent to the DLL immediately before a test executes.  This gives the DLL
      // a chance to perform any common action that occurs at the beginning of
      // each test, such as entering a new logging level.  The spParam parameter
      // will contain a pointer to a SPS_BEGIN_TEST structure, which contains
      // the function table entry and some other useful information for the next
      // test to execute.  If the ShellProc function returns SPR_SKIP, then the
      // test case will not execute.

      case SPM_BEGIN_TEST: {
         TRACE(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_BEGIN_TEST, ...) called"));

         // Start our logging level.
                             TEXT("BEGIN TEST: \"%s\", Threads=%u, Seed=%u"),
                             pBT->lpFTE->lpDescription, pBT->dwThreadCount,

         if (S_OK != PreTestSetup() ) {
             g_pKato->Log(LOG_SKIP, TEXT("Pre-Test Setup failed - Skipping test"));
             return SPR_SKIP;

         return SPR_HANDLED;

      // Message: SPM_END_TEST
      // Sent to the DLL after a single test executes from the DLL.  This gives
      // the DLL a time perform any common action that occurs at the completion
      // of each test, such as exiting the current logging level.  The spParam
      // parameter will contain a pointer to a SPS_END_TEST structure, which
      // contains the function table entry and some other useful information for
      // the test that just completed.

      case SPM_END_TEST: {
         TRACE(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_END_TEST, ...) called"));


         // End our logging level.
         LPSPS_END_TEST pET = (LPSPS_END_TEST)spParam;
         g_pKato->EndLevel(TEXT("END TEST: \"%s\", %s, Time=%u.%03u"),
                           pET->dwResult == TPR_SKIP ? TEXT("SKIPPED") :
                           pET->dwResult == TPR_PASS ? TEXT("PASSED") :
                           pET->dwResult == TPR_FAIL ? TEXT("FAILED") : 
						   pET->dwResult == TPR_SUPPORTED ? TEXT("SUPPORTED") :
                           pET->dwExecutionTime / 1000, pET->dwExecutionTime % 1000);

         return SPR_HANDLED;

      // Message: SPM_EXCEPTION
      // Sent to the DLL whenever code execution in the DLL causes and exception
      // fault.  By default, Tux traps all exceptions that occur while executing
      // code inside a Tux DLL.

      case SPM_EXCEPTION: {
         TRACE(TEXT("ShellProc(SPM_EXCEPTION, ...) called"));
         g_pKato->Log(LOG_EXCEPTION, TEXT("Exception occurred!"));
         return SPR_HANDLED;

   return SPR_NOT_HANDLED;