文件: intobj.c 项目: conioh/os-design
KeDisconnectInterrupt (
    IN PKINTERRUPT Interrupt


Routine Description:

    This function disconnects an interrupt object from the interrupt vector
    specified by the interrupt object. If the interrupt object is not
    connected, then a value of FALSE is returned. Else the specified interrupt
    object is disconnected from the interrupt vector, the connected state is
    set to FALSE, and TRUE is returned as the function value.


    Interrupt - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type interrupt.

Return Value:

    If the interrupt object is not connected, then a value of FALSE is
    returned. Else a value of TRUE is returned.



    BOOLEAN Connected;
    PKINTERRUPT Interruptx;
    PKINTERRUPT Interrupty;
    KIRQL Irql;
    KIRQL OldIrql;
    KIRQL PreviousIrql;
    ULONG Vector;

    // Set system affinity to the specified processor.

    KeSetSystemAffinityThread((KAFFINITY)(1 << Interrupt->Number));

    // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database.


    // If the interrupt object is connected, then disconnect it from the
    // specified vector.

    Connected = Interrupt->Connected;
    if (Connected != FALSE) {
        Irql = Interrupt->Irql;
        Vector = Interrupt->Vector;

        // If the specified interrupt vector is not connected to the chained
        // interrupt dispatcher, then disconnect it by setting its dispatch
        // address to the unexpected interrupt routine. Else remove the
        // interrupt object from the interrupt chain. If there is only
        // one entry remaining in the list, then reestablish the dispatch
        // address.

        Interruptx = CONTAINING_RECORD(PCR->InterruptRoutine[Vector],

        if (Interruptx->DispatchAddress ==
                                (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)KiChainedDispatch) {
            KeRaiseIrql((KIRQL)(max(Irql, SYNCH_LEVEL)), &PreviousIrql);
            if (Interrupt == Interruptx) {
                Interruptx = CONTAINING_RECORD(Interruptx->InterruptListEntry.Flink,
                                               KINTERRUPT, InterruptListEntry);
                Interruptx->DispatchAddress =
                Interruptx->DispatchCode[0] = *(PULONG)KiChainedDispatch;
                Interruptx->DispatchCode[1] = *(((PULONG)KiChainedDispatch)+1);
                PCR->InterruptRoutine[Vector] =


            Interrupty = CONTAINING_RECORD(Interruptx->InterruptListEntry.Flink,

            if (Interruptx == Interrupty) {
                if (Interrupt->FloatingSave) {
                    Interrupt->DispatchAddress = KiFloatingDispatch;

                } else {
                    if (Interrupt->Irql == Interrupt->SynchronizeIrql) {
#if defined(NT_UP)
                        Interrupt->DispatchAddress =
                        Interrupt->DispatchAddress =

                    } else {
                        Interrupt->DispatchAddress =

                // Copy the function descriptor for the Dispatch routine
                // into DispatchCode.  This will be used by KiInterruptEx-
                // ception to dispatch the interrupt.
                Interrupty->DispatchCode[0] =
                Interrupty->DispatchCode[1] =
                PCR->InterruptRoutine[Vector] =



        } else {
            HalDisableSystemInterrupt(Vector, Irql);
            PCR->InterruptRoutine[Vector] =
#ifdef NOTDEF
        Interrupt->Connected = FALSE;

    // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous value.


    // Set system affinity back to the original value.


    // Return whether interrupt was disconnected from the specified vector.

    return Connected;
KeDisconnectInterrupt (
    __inout PKINTERRUPT Interrupt


Routine Description:

    This function disconnects an interrupt object from the interrupt vector
    specified by the interrupt object. If the interrupt object is not
    connected, then a value of FALSE is returned. Else the specified interrupt
    object is disconnected from the interrupt vector, the connected state is
    set to FALSE, and TRUE is returned as the function value.


    Interrupt - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type interrupt.

Return Value:

    If the interrupt object is not connected, then a value of FALSE is
    returned. Else a value of TRUE is returned.



    DISPATCH_INFO DispatchInfo;
    BOOLEAN Connected;
    PKINTERRUPT Interrupty;
    KIRQL Irql;
    KIRQL OldIrql;
    ULONG Vector;

    // Set system affinity to the specified processor.


    // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database.


    // If the interrupt object is connected, then disconnect it from the
    // specified vector.

    Connected = Interrupt->Connected;
    if (Connected) {
        Irql = Interrupt->Irql;
        Vector = Interrupt->Vector;

        // If the specified interrupt vector is not connected to the chained
        // interrupt dispatcher, then disconnect it by setting its dispatch
        // address to the unexpected interrupt routine. Else remove the
        // interrupt object from the interrupt chain. If there is only
        // one entry remaining in the list, then reestablish the dispatch
        // address.

        // Determine interrupt dispatch vector

        KiGetVectorInfo (

        // Is dispatch a chained handler?

        if (DispatchInfo.Type == ChainConnect) {

            ASSERT (Irql <= SYNCH_LEVEL);

            // Is interrupt being removed from head?

            if (Interrupt == DispatchInfo.Interrupt) {

                // Update next interrupt object to be head

                DispatchInfo.Interrupt = CONTAINING_RECORD(

                KiConnectVectorAndInterruptObject (DispatchInfo.Interrupt, ChainConnect);

            // Remove interrupt object


            // If there's only one interrupt object left on this vector,
            // determine proper interrupt dispatcher

            Interrupty = CONTAINING_RECORD(

            if (DispatchInfo.Interrupt == Interrupty) {
                KiConnectVectorAndInterruptObject (Interrupty, NormalConnect);

        } else {

            // Removing last interrupt object from the vector.  Disable the
            // vector, and set it to unconnected

            HalDisableSystemInterrupt(Interrupt->Vector, Irql);
            KiConnectVectorAndInterruptObject (Interrupt, NoConnect);

        Interrupt->Connected = FALSE;

    // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous value.


    // Set system affinity back to the original value.


    // Return whether interrupt was disconnected from the specified vector.

    return Connected;
KeInitializeInterrupt (
    IN PKINTERRUPT Interrupt,
    IN PKSERVICE_ROUTINE ServiceRoutine,
    IN PVOID ServiceContext,
    IN ULONG Vector,
    IN KIRQL Irql,
    IN KIRQL SynchronizeIrql,
    IN KINTERRUPT_MODE InterruptMode,
    IN BOOLEAN ShareVector,
    IN CCHAR ProcessorNumber,
    IN BOOLEAN FloatingSave


Routine Description:

    This function initializes a kernel interrupt object. The service routine,
    service context, spin lock, vector, IRQL, Synchronized IRQL, and floating
    context save flag are initialized.


    Interrupt - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type interrupt.

    ServiceRoutine - Supplies a pointer to a function that is to be
        executed when an interrupt occurs via the specified interrupt

    ServiceContext - Supplies a pointer to an arbitrary data structure which is
        to be passed to the function specified by the ServiceRoutine parameter.

    SpinLock - Supplies an optional pointer to an executive spin lock.

    Vector - Supplies the index of the entry in the Interrupt Dispatch Table
        that is to be associated with the ServiceRoutine function.

    Irql - Supplies the request priority of the interrupting source.

    SynchronizeIrql - The request priority that the interrupt should be
        synchronized with.

    InterruptMode - Supplies the mode of the interrupt; LevelSensitive or

    ShareVector - Supplies a boolean value that specifies whether the
        vector can be shared with other interrupt objects or not.  If FALSE
        then the vector may not be shared, if TRUE it may be.

    ProcessorNumber - Supplies the number of the processor to which the
        interrupt will be connected.

    FloatingSave - Supplies a boolean value that determines whether the
        floating point registers and pipe line are to be saved before calling
        the ServiceRoutine function.

Return Value:




    LONG Index;

    // Initialize standard control object header.

    Interrupt->Type = InterruptObject;
    Interrupt->Size = sizeof(KINTERRUPT);

    // Initialize the address of the service routine, the service context,
    // the address of the spin lock, the address of the actual spin lock
    // that will be used, the vector number, the IRQL of the interrupting
    // source, the Synchronized IRQL of the interrupt object, the interrupt
    // mode, the processor number, and the floating context save flag.

    Interrupt->ServiceRoutine = ServiceRoutine;
    Interrupt->ServiceContext = ServiceContext;

    if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(SpinLock)) {
        Interrupt->ActualLock = SpinLock;

    } else {
        Interrupt->SpinLock = 0;
        Interrupt->ActualLock = &Interrupt->SpinLock;

    Interrupt->Vector = Vector;
    Interrupt->Irql = Irql;
    Interrupt->SynchronizeIrql = SynchronizeIrql;
    Interrupt->Mode = InterruptMode;
    Interrupt->ShareVector = ShareVector;
    Interrupt->Number = ProcessorNumber;
    Interrupt->FloatingSave = FloatingSave;

    // Copy the interrupt dispatch code template into the interrupt object
    // and flush the dcache on all processors that the current thread can
    // run on to ensure that the code is actually in memory.

    for (Index = 0; Index < DISPATCH_LENGTH; Index += 1) {
        Interrupt->DispatchCode[Index] = KiInterruptTemplate[Index];


    // Set the connected state of the interrupt object to FALSE.

    Interrupt->Connected = FALSE;