bool WindowControl::OnKeyDown(unsigned key_code) { KeyTimer(true, key_code); return ContainerWindow::OnKeyDown(key_code); }
bool WndProperty::Editor::on_key_down(unsigned key_code) { // If return key pressed (Compaq uses VKF23) if (key_code == VK_RETURN && parent->on_mouse_down(0, 0)) return true; // Check for long key press // tmep hack, do not process nav keys if (KeyTimer(true, key_code)) { // Activate Help dialog if (key_code == VK_RETURN) { if (parent->OnHelp()) return true; } } switch (key_code) { case VK_RIGHT: parent->IncValue(); return true; case VK_LEFT: parent->DecValue(); return true; } return EditWindow::on_key_down(key_code); }
bool WndProperty::Editor::OnKeyDown(unsigned key_code) { // If return key pressed (Compaq uses VKF23) if (key_code == VK_RETURN && parent->OnMouseDown(0, 0)) return true; switch (key_code) { case VK_RIGHT: if (IsReadOnly()) break; parent->IncValue(); return true; case VK_LEFT: if (IsReadOnly()) break; parent->DecValue(); return true; } KeyTimer(true, key_code); return EditWindow::OnKeyDown(key_code); }
void WndProperty::Editor::OnKillFocus() { KeyTimer(true, 0); parent->on_editor_killfocus(); EditWindow::OnKillFocus(); }
bool WndProperty::Editor::on_killfocus() { KeyTimer(true, 0); parent->on_editor_killfocus(); EditWindow::on_killfocus(); return true; }
void WndProperty::Editor::OnSetFocus() { KeyTimer(true, 0); EditWindow::OnSetFocus(); parent->on_editor_setfocus(); SelectAll(); }
bool WndProperty::Editor::on_setfocus() { KeyTimer(true, 0); EditWindow::on_setfocus(); parent->on_editor_setfocus(); set_selection(); return true; }
bool WindowControl::OnKeyUp(unsigned key_code) { // JMW: detect long enter release // VENTA4: PNAs don't have Enter, so it should be better to find an alternate solution // activate tool tips if hit return for long time if (KeyTimer(false, key_code) && key_code == VK_RETURN && OnHelp()) return true; return ContainerWindow::OnKeyUp(key_code); }
bool WndProperty::Editor::on_key_up(unsigned key_code) { if (KeyTimer(false, key_code)) { // activate tool tips if hit return for long time if (key_code == VK_RETURN) { if (parent->OnHelp()) return true; } } else if (key_code == VK_RETURN) { if (parent->CallSpecial()) return true; } return false; }