/** @internal Retrieve C layer api wrapper. */
static const knot_layer_api_t* l_ffi_layer(struct kr_module *module)
    lua_State *L = module->lib;
    lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, (intptr_t)module->data);
    lua_getfield(L, -1, "_layer_capi");
    knot_layer_api_t *api = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
    lua_pop(L, 1);
    if (!api) {
        /* Fabricate layer API wrapping the Lua functions */
        api = malloc(sizeof(*api));
        if (api) {
            memset(api, 0, sizeof(*api));
            /* Begin is always set, as it initializes layer baton. */
            api->begin = l_ffi_layer_begin;
            LAYER_REGISTER(L, api, finish);
            LAYER_REGISTER(L, api, consume);
            LAYER_REGISTER(L, api, produce);
            LAYER_REGISTER(L, api, reset);
            LAYER_REGISTER(L, api, fail);
            api->data = module;
        /* Store the api in the registry. */
        lua_pushlightuserdata(L, api);
        lua_setfield(L, -2, "_layer_capi");
    lua_pop(L, 1); /* Clear module table */
    return api;
/** @internal Create C layer api wrapper. */
static knot_layer_api_t *l_ffi_layer_create(lua_State *L, struct kr_module *module)
	/* Fabricate layer API wrapping the Lua functions
	 * reserve slots after it for references to Lua callbacks. */
	const size_t api_length = sizeof(knot_layer_api_t) + (SLOT_count * SLOT_size);
	knot_layer_api_t *api = malloc(api_length);
	if (api) {
		memset(api, 0, api_length);
		LAYER_REGISTER(L, api, begin);
		LAYER_REGISTER(L, api, finish);
		LAYER_REGISTER(L, api, consume);
		LAYER_REGISTER(L, api, produce);
		LAYER_REGISTER(L, api, reset);
		/* Begin is always set, as it initializes layer baton. */
		api->begin = l_ffi_layer_begin;
		api->data = module;
	return api;