void main(void) { /*--------------initialization-----------*/ Set_System(); NVIC_Configuration(); GPIO_Config(); SD_Card_Check(); USB_Init(); ADC_Configuration(); Timer_Configuration(); LCD_Initial(); Clear_Screen(BLACK); Display_Logo(110,150); /*----------Power ON Information----------*/ Display_Str(80, 87, GRN, PRN, "System Initializing"); Display_Str(102, 71, GRN, PRN, "Please Wait"); Display_Str(8, 39, WHITE, PRN, "DSO FW Copyright (c) BenF 2010-2011"); Display_Str(8, 23, YEL, PRN, "LIB ver 3.13"); //WaitForKey(); // check for presence of APP and jump to start pApp = (APP_Interface *)*(u32 *)(APP_VECTORS + 7 * 4); if (pApp->Signature == APP_SIGNATURE) pApp->APP_Start(); Display_Str(150, 23, RED, PRN, "No APP found"); while (1); }
void Soft_Reset(void) { xSemaphoreTake(xDispSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY); { LCD_Reset(); Delay1ms(500); LCD_Initial(); Two_Layers(); Delay1ms(100); Active_Window(0,479,0,271); Background_color(color_black); Text_color(color_white); Text_Cursor_Disable(); Layer1_Visible(); Write_To_Bank1(); Clear_Active_Window(); Write_To_Bank2(); Clear_Full_Window(); Display_ON(); //backlight on for RAiO RA8875_demo_board_V2 PWM1_enable(); PWM1_duty_cycle(0xff); Text_color(color_white); Background_color(color_black); xSemaphoreGive(xDispSemaphore); } }
int main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_16MHZ; // Set range DCOCTL = CALDCO_16MHZ; // Set DCO step + modulation Setup_Port(); LCD_Initial(); for (;;) { Dsp_Single_Colour(RED); Dsp_Single_Colour(GREEN); Dsp_Single_Colour(BLUE); delay_ms(500); Dsp_Single_Colour(WHITE); Display_Desc(); delay_ms(500); } return 0; }
int main( void) { unsigned int Count = 0; P0 = 0xff; P1 = 0xff; P2 = 0xff; P3 = 0xff; LCD_Initial(); GotoXY(0,0); Print(" Freq: 10 Hz"); GotoXY(0,1); Print("squa Vpp : 5 V"); Timer_init(); while(1) { if (P3 != 0xff) { Deal_key(); } if (mode == 0) { DA_out(sin[Number_Frequency]); } else if (mode == 1) { DA_out(triangle[Number_Frequency]); } else if (mode == 2) { DA_out(square[Number_Frequency / 60]); } } }