void APP_HandleEvent(byte event) { switch(event) { case EVNT1_INIT: LED1_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(200); LED2_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(200); LED3_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(200); LED4_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(200); LED1_Off(); LED2_Off(); LED3_Off(); LED4_Off(); break; case EVNT1_SW1_PRESSED: LED1_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(200); LED1_Off(); break; case EVNT1_SW2_PRESSED: LED2_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(200); LED2_Off(); break; case EVNT1_SW3_PRESSED: LED3_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(200); LED3_Off(); break; case EVNT1_SW4_PRESSED: LED4_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(200); LED4_Off(); break; case EVNT1_SW1_LONG_PRESSED: LED1_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(500); LED1_Off(); break; case EVNT1_SW2_LONG_PRESSED: LED2_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(500); LED2_Off(); break; case EVNT1_SW3_LONG_PRESSED: LED3_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(500); LED3_Off(); break; case EVNT1_SW4_LONG_PRESSED: LED4_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(500); LED4_Off(); break; } /* switch */ }
void APP_Start(void) { PL_Init(); /* platform initialization */ //TEST_Test(); EVNT_SetEvent(EVNT_INIT); /* set initial event */ #if PL_HAS_RTOS if (FRTOS1_xTaskCreate(AppTask, (signed portCHAR *)"App", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL) != pdPASS) { for(;;){} /* error */ } RTOS_Run(); #else APP_Loop(); #endif #if 0 for(;;) { #if PL_HAS_MEALY MEALY_Step(); #else LED1_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(300); LED1_Off(); LED2_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(300); LED2_Off(); LED3_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(300); LED3_Off(); #endif } #endif /* just in case we leave the main application loop */ PL_Deinit(); }
/*! * \brief LED test routine. * This routine tests if: * - we can turn the LEDs properly on and off * - if we can negate them * - if we can set an LED value * - if we can get the LED value * If the test fails, the program will hanging in an endless loop */ void LED_Test(void) { bool isOn = TRUE; LED1_On(); LED2_On(); LED3_On(); LED1_Off(); LED2_Off(); LED3_Off(); LED1_Neg(); LED2_Neg(); LED3_Neg(); LED1_On(); /* if (!LED1_Get()) { LED3_Off(); } LED1_Off(); if (LED1_Get()) { for(;;){}; /* error } LED1_Put(isOn); if (!LED1_Get()) { for(;;){}; /* error } */ }
static void CDC_Run(void) { int i; for(;;) { while(CDC1_App_Task(cdc_buffer, sizeof(cdc_buffer))==ERR_BUSOFF) { /* device not enumerated */ LED1_Neg(); LED2_Off(); // WAIT1_Waitms(1); /* just give back some CPU time. S08JM60 does not allow much spare time here! */ } LED1_Off(); LED2_Neg(); if (CDC1_GetCharsInRxBuf()!=0) { i = 0; while( i<sizeof(in_buffer)-1 && CDC1_GetChar(&in_buffer[i])==ERR_OK ) { i++; } in_buffer[i] = '\0'; (void)CDC1_SendString((unsigned char*)"echo: "); (void)CDC1_SendString(in_buffer); (void)CDC1_SendString((unsigned char*)"\r\n"); } else { //WAIT1_Waitms(5); } } }
void APP_Run(void) { int i; uint32_t val = 0; unsigned char buf[16]; for(;;) { while(CDC1_App_Task(cdc_buffer, sizeof(cdc_buffer))==ERR_BUSOFF) { /* device not enumerated */ LED1_Neg(); LED2_Off(); WAIT1_Waitms(10); } LED1_Off(); LED2_Neg(); if (CDC1_GetCharsInRxBuf()!=0) { i = 0; while( i<sizeof(in_buffer)-1 && CDC1_GetChar(&in_buffer[i])==ERR_OK ) { i++; } in_buffer[i] = '\0'; (void)CDC1_SendString((unsigned char*)"echo: "); (void)CDC1_SendString(in_buffer); UTIL1_strcpy(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)"val: "); UTIL1_strcatNum32u(buf, sizeof(buf), val); UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)"\r\n"); (void)CDC1_SendString(buf); val++; } else { WAIT1_Waitms(10); } } }
/*lint -save -e970 Disable MISRA rule (6.3) checking. */ int main(void) /*lint -restore Enable MISRA rule (6.3) checking. */ { /* Write your local variable definition here */ /*** Processor Expert internal initialization. DON'T REMOVE THIS CODE!!! ***/ PE_low_level_init(); /*** End of Processor Expert internal initialization. ***/ /* Write your code here */ LED1_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(100); LED1_Off(); LED2_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(100); LED2_Off(); LED3_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(100); LED3_Off(); CDC_Run(); /*** Don't write any code pass this line, or it will be deleted during code generation. ***/ /*** RTOS startup code. Macro PEX_RTOS_START is defined by the RTOS component. DON'T MODIFY THIS CODE!!! ***/ #ifdef PEX_RTOS_START PEX_RTOS_START(); /* Startup of the selected RTOS. Macro is defined by the RTOS component. */ #endif /*** End of RTOS startup code. ***/ /*** Processor Expert end of main routine. DON'T MODIFY THIS CODE!!! ***/ for(;;){} /*** Processor Expert end of main routine. DON'T WRITE CODE BELOW!!! ***/ } /*** End of main routine. DO NOT MODIFY THIS TEXT!!! ***/
void APP_Run(void) { LED1_On(); LED1_Off(); LED2_On(); LED2_Off(); LED3_On(); LED3_Off(); #if PL_HAS_SHELL SHELL_Init(); #endif #if PL_HAS_ESC ESC_Init(); #endif if (FRTOS1_xTaskCreate( AppTask, /* pointer to the task */ "Main", /* task name for kernel awareness debugging */ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, /* task stack size */ (void*)NULL, /* optional task startup argument */ tskIDLE_PRIORITY, /* initial priority */ (xTaskHandle*)NULL /* optional task handle to create */ ) != pdPASS) { for(;;){} /* error! probably out of memory */ } FRTOS1_vTaskStartScheduler(); for(;;) {} }
static void CDC_Run(void) { int i; SendStr((unsigned char*)"Hello World to Kinetis SCI3!\r\n"); for(;;) { while(CDC1_App_Task(cdc_buffer, sizeof(cdc_buffer))==ERR_BUSOFF) { /* device not enumerated */ LED1_Neg(); LED2_Off(); // WAIT1_Waitms(1); /* just give back some CPU time. */ SendStr((unsigned char*)"waiting to enumerate...\r\n"); } LED1_Off(); LED2_Neg(); if (CDC1_GetCharsInRxBuf()!=0) { i = 0; while( i<sizeof(in_buffer)-1 && CDC1_GetChar(&in_buffer[i])==ERR_OK ) { i++; } in_buffer[i] = '\0'; (void)CDC1_SendString((unsigned char*)"echo: "); (void)CDC1_SendString(in_buffer); (void)CDC1_SendString((unsigned char*)"\r\n"); SendStr((unsigned char*)"echo to SCI3: "); SendStr(in_buffer); SendStr((unsigned char*)"\r\n"); } else { // WAIT1_Waitms(5); } } }
static void CDC_Run(void) { int i; for(;;) { while(CDC1_App_Task(cdc_buffer, sizeof(cdc_buffer))==ERR_BUSOFF) { /* device not enumerated */ LED1_Neg(); LED2_Off(); WAIT1_Waitms(10); } LED1_Off(); LED2_Neg(); if (CDC1_GetCharsInRxBuf()!=0) { i = 0; while( i<sizeof(in_buffer)-1 && CDC1_GetChar(&in_buffer[i])==ERR_OK ) { i++; } in_buffer[i] = '\0'; (void)CDC1_SendString((unsigned char*)"echo: "); (void)CDC1_SendString(in_buffer); (void)CDC1_SendString((unsigned char*)"\r\n"); } else { WAIT1_Waitms(10); } } }
/* ** =================================================================== ** Method : LED1_SetRatio16 (component LED) ** Description : ** Method to specify the duty cycle. If using a PWM pin, this ** means the duty cycle is set. For On/off pins, values smaller ** 0x7FFF means off, while values greater means on. ** Parameters : ** NAME - DESCRIPTION ** ratio - Ratio value, where 0 means 'off' and ** 0xffff means 'on' ** Returns : Nothing ** =================================================================== */ void LED1_SetRatio16(word ratio) { /* on/off LED: binary on or off */ if (ratio<(0xffff/2)) { LED1_Off(); } else { LED1_On(); } }
/* User includes (#include below this line is not maintained by Processor Expert) */ static portTASK_FUNCTION(LedTask, pvParameters) { (void)pvParameters; /* parameter not used */ LED1_Off(); LED2_Off(); LED3_Off(); for(;;) { LED1_Neg(); FRTOS1_vTaskDelay(100/portTICK_RATE_MS); } }
/**************************************************************************** Function: void SetLEDs(BYTE setting) Summary: change the LED settings of the boards Description: change the LED settings of the boards Precondition: None Parameters: BYTE setting - bitmap for desired LED setting (1 = On, 0 = Off) bit 0 = LED 0 bit 1 = LED 1 bit 2 = LED 2 ... bit 7 = LED 7 Return Values: None Remarks: None ***************************************************************************/ static void SetLEDs(BYTE setting) { if((setting & 0x01) == 0x01) { LED0_On(); } else { LED0_Off(); } if((setting & 0x02) == 0x02) { LED1_On(); } else { LED1_Off(); } if((setting & 0x04) == 0x04) { LED2_On(); } else { LED2_Off(); } if((setting & 0x08) == 0x08) { LED3_On(); } else { LED3_Off(); } if((setting & 0x10) == 0x10) { LED4_On(); } else { LED4_Off(); } if((setting & 0x20) == 0x20) { LED5_On(); } else { LED5_Off(); } if((setting & 0x40) == 0x40) { LED6_On(); } else { LED6_Off(); } if((setting & 0x80) == 0x80) { LED7_On(); } else { LED7_Off(); } }
void Led_Setup(void) { /* Setup the Green Led I/O */ LED0_Setup(); LED0_Off(); /* Setup the Blue Led I/O */ LED1_Setup(); LED1_Off(); }
void LED_Deinit(void) { #if PL_CONFIG_NOF_LED>=1 LED1_Off(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_NOF_LED>=2 LED2_Off(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_NOF_LED>=3 LED3_Off(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_NOF_LED>=4 #error "only 3 LEDs supported" #endif }
static void APP_HandleEvent(EVNT_Handle event) { switch(event) { case EVNT_INIT: LED1_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(500); LED1_Off(); break; #if PL_NOF_KEYS>=1 case EVNT_SW1_PRESSED: LED1_Neg(); #if PL_HAS_BUZZER (void)BUZ_Beep(300, 500); #endif #if PL_HAS_REMOTE if (REMOTE_GetOnOff()) { REMOTE_SetOnOff(FALSE); } else { REMOTE_SetOnOff(TRUE); } #endif break; #endif #if PL_NOF_KEYS>=2 case EVNT_SW2_PRESSED: LED2_Neg(); #if PL_HAS_REMOTE && PL_APP_ACCEL_CONTROL_SENDER //(void)RSTDIO_SendToTxStdio(RSTDIO_QUEUE_TX_IN, "buzzer buz 800 400\r\n", sizeof("buzzer buz 800 400\r\n")-1); #endif break; #endif #if PL_NOF_KEYS>=3 case EVNT_SW3_PRESSED: LED3_Neg(); break; #endif #if PL_NOF_KEYS>=4 case EVNT_SW4_PRESSED: LED4_Neg(); break; #endif #if PL_HAS_LED_HEARTBEAT case EVNT_LED_HEARTBEAT: LED4_Neg(); break; #endif default: #if PL_HAS_RADIO //RADIO_AppHandleEvent(event); #endif break; } }
/*lint -save -e970 Disable MISRA rule (6.3) checking. */ int main(void) /*lint -restore Enable MISRA rule (6.3) checking. */ { /* Write your local variable definition here */ /*** Processor Expert internal initialization. DON'T REMOVE THIS CODE!!! ***/ PE_low_level_init(); /*** End of Processor Expert internal initialization. ***/ #if PL_HAS_SD_CARD /* SD card detection: PTE6 with pull-down! */ PORT_PDD_SetPinPullSelect(PORTE_BASE_PTR, 6, PORT_PDD_PULL_DOWN); PORT_PDD_SetPinPullEnable(PORTE_BASE_PTR, 6, PORT_PDD_PULL_ENABLE); #endif #if PL_HAS_KEYS /* SW3: PTA4 */ PORT_PDD_SetPinPullSelect(PORTA_BASE_PTR, 4, PORT_PDD_PULL_UP); PORT_PDD_SetPinPullEnable(PORTA_BASE_PTR, 4, PORT_PDD_PULL_ENABLE); /* SW2: PTC6 */ PORT_PDD_SetPinPullSelect(PORTC_BASE_PTR, 6, PORT_PDD_PULL_UP); PORT_PDD_SetPinPullEnable(PORTC_BASE_PTR, 6, PORT_PDD_PULL_ENABLE); #endif #if PL_HAS_BLUETOOTH /* pull up Rx pin (PTC14) for Bluetooth module */ PORT_PDD_SetPinPullSelect(PORTC_BASE_PTR, 14, PORT_PDD_PULL_UP); PORT_PDD_SetPinPullEnable(PORTC_BASE_PTR, 14, PORT_PDD_PULL_ENABLE); #endif LED1_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(50); LED1_Off(); WAIT1_Waitms(50); LED2_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(50); LED2_Off(); WAIT1_Waitms(50); LED3_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(50); LED3_Off(); WAIT1_Waitms(50); APP_Start(); /*** Don't write any code pass this line, or it will be deleted during code generation. ***/ /*** RTOS startup code. Macro PEX_RTOS_START is defined by the RTOS component. DON'T MODIFY THIS CODE!!! ***/ #ifdef PEX_RTOS_START PEX_RTOS_START(); /* Startup of the selected RTOS. Macro is defined by the RTOS component. */ #endif /*** End of RTOS startup code. ***/ /*** Processor Expert end of main routine. DON'T MODIFY THIS CODE!!! ***/ for(;;){} /*** Processor Expert end of main routine. DON'T WRITE CODE BELOW!!! ***/ } /*** End of main routine. DO NOT MODIFY THIS TEXT!!! ***/
void APP_Run(void) { int16_t x,y,z; uint8_t res; #define ACCEL_VAL 2000 res = FX1_Enable(); /* enable accelerometer (just in case) */ if (res!=ERR_OK) { Err(); } if (FAT1_Init()!=ERR_OK) { Err(); } if (FAT1_mount(0, &fileSystemObject) != FR_OK) { /* mount file system */ Err(); } for(;;) { //LED1_Neg(); x = FX1_GetX(); y = FX1_GetY(); z = FX1_GetZ(); if (x>ACCEL_VAL || x<-ACCEL_VAL) { LED1_On(); LED2_Off(); LED3_Off(); } else if (y>ACCEL_VAL || y<-ACCEL_VAL) { LED1_Off(); LED2_On(); LED3_Off(); } else if (z>ACCEL_VAL || z<-ACCEL_VAL) { LED1_Off(); LED2_Off(); LED3_On(); } LogToFile(x, y, z); WAIT1_Waitms(1000); } }
void Cpu_OnLLSWakeUpINT(void) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = Cpu_GetLLSWakeUpFlags(); if (tmp&LLWU_INT_MODULE0) { /* LPTMR */ #if 0 LED1_On(); /* red */ WAIT1_Waitms(1); LED1_Off(); /* red */ WAIT1_Waitms(100); #endif LPTMR_PDD_ClearInterruptFlag(LPTMR0_BASE_PTR); /* Clear interrupt flag */ } }
void Led_Off(uint8 led) { switch(led) { case eGreen: LED0_Off(); break; case eBlue: LED1_Off(); break; default: break; } }
void LED_Init(void){ LED1_Init(); LED2_Init(); LED3_Init(); /*turn all LEDS OFF per default */ #if PL_NOF_LEDS>=1 LED1_Off(); #endif #if PL_NOF_LEDS>=2 LED2_Off(); #endif #if PL_NOF_LEDS>=3 LED3_Off(); #endif }
void APP_Run(void) { #if configUSE_TRACE_HOOKS if (RTOSTRC1_uiTraceStart()==0) { for(;;){} /* error starting trace recorder. Not setup for enough queues/tasks/etc? */ } #endif #if PL_HAS_SD_CARD /* SD card detection: PTB16 with pull-down! */ PORT_PDD_SetPinPullSelect(PORTB_BASE_PTR, 16, PORT_PDD_PULL_DOWN); PORT_PDD_SetPinPullEnable(PORTB_BASE_PTR, 16, PORT_PDD_PULL_ENABLE); #endif #if PL_HAS_PUSH_BUTTONS /* SW2: PTC1 */ PORT_PDD_SetPinPullSelect(PORTC_BASE_PTR, 1, PORT_PDD_PULL_UP); PORT_PDD_SetPinPullEnable(PORTC_BASE_PTR, 1, PORT_PDD_PULL_ENABLE); /* SW3: PTB17 */ PORT_PDD_SetPinPullSelect(PORTB_BASE_PTR, 17, PORT_PDD_PULL_UP); PORT_PDD_SetPinPullEnable(PORTB_BASE_PTR, 17, PORT_PDD_PULL_ENABLE); #endif LED1_On(); LED1_Off(); LED2_On(); LED2_Off(); LED3_On(); LED3_Off(); #if PL_HAS_SHELL SHELL_Init(); #endif #if PL_HAS_ESC ESC_Init(); #endif if (FRTOS1_xTaskCreate( AppTask, /* pointer to the task */ "Main", /* task name for kernel awareness debugging */ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, /* task stack size */ (void*)NULL, /* optional task startup argument */ tskIDLE_PRIORITY, /* initial priority */ (xTaskHandle*)NULL /* optional task handle to create */ ) != pdPASS) { for(;;){} /* error! probably out of memory */ } FRTOS1_vTaskStartScheduler(); for(;;) {} }
/*lint -save -e970 Disable MISRA rule (6.3) checking. */ int main(void) /*lint -restore Enable MISRA rule (6.3) checking. */ { /* Write your local variable definition here */ /*** Processor Expert internal initialization. DON'T REMOVE THIS CODE!!! ***/ PE_low_level_init(); /*** End of Processor Expert internal initialization. ***/ LED2_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(1000); LED2_Off(); #if PL_HAS_LOW_POWER LP_Init(); #endif #if PL_HAS_RTOS if (FRTOS1_xTaskCreate(BlinkTask, "Blink", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL) != pdPASS) { for(;;){} /* error */ } #endif #if PL_HAS_SHELL SHELL_Init(); #endif #if PL_HAS_RTOS PEX_RTOS_START(); #endif for(;;) { LP_EnterPowerMode(LP_WAIT); LED1_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(20); LED1_Off(); } /* For example: for(;;) { } */ /*** Don't write any code pass this line, or it will be deleted during code generation. ***/ /*** RTOS startup code. Macro PEX_RTOS_START is defined by the RTOS component. DON'T MODIFY THIS CODE!!! ***/ #ifdef PEX_RTOS_START PEX_RTOS_START(); /* Startup of the selected RTOS. Macro is defined by the RTOS component. */ #endif /*** End of RTOS startup code. ***/ /*** Processor Expert end of main routine. DON'T MODIFY THIS CODE!!! ***/ for(;;){} /*** Processor Expert end of main routine. DON'T WRITE CODE BELOW!!! ***/ } /*** End of main routine. DO NOT MODIFY THIS TEXT!!! ***/
void APP_Run(void) { uint8_t res=ERR_OK; uint8_t xyz[3]; LED1_On(); LED2_On(); LED3_On(); res = MMA8451_Init(); while (res==ERR_OK) { res = MMA8451_GetRawXYZ(&xyz[0]); LED1_Put(xyz[0]>50); LED2_Put(xyz[1]>50); LED3_Put(xyz[2]>50); } LED1_Off(); LED2_Off(); LED3_Off(); }
static void CDC_Run(void) { int i, cnt = 0; uint32_t val = 0; unsigned char buf[16]; (void)CDC1_SendString((unsigned char*)"Hello world from the KL25Z with USB CDC\r\n"); for(;;) { while(CDC1_App_Task(cdc_buffer, sizeof(cdc_buffer))==ERR_BUSOFF) { /* device not enumerated */ LED1_Neg(); LED2_Off(); WAIT1_Waitms(10); cnt++; if (cnt==100) { LED3_Neg(); cnt = 0; } } LED1_Off(); LED2_Neg(); LED3_Off(); if (CDC1_GetCharsInRxBuf()!=0) { i = 0; while( i<sizeof(in_buffer)-1 && CDC1_GetChar(&in_buffer[i])==ERR_OK ) { i++; } in_buffer[i] = '\0'; (void)CDC1_SendString((unsigned char*)"echo: "); (void)CDC1_SendString(in_buffer); UTIL1_strcpy(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)"val: "); UTIL1_strcatNum32u(buf, sizeof(buf), val); UTIL1_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), (unsigned char*)"\r\n"); (void)CDC1_SendString(buf); val++; } else { WAIT1_Waitms(10); cnt++; if ((cnt%1024)==0) { /* from time to time, write some text */ (void)CDC1_SendString((unsigned char*)"Type some text and it will echo.\r\n"); } } } }
void LED_Test(void) { #if PL_CONFIG_NOF_LED>=1 LED1_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(500); LED1_Off(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_NOF_LED>=2 LED2_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(500); LED2_Off(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_NOF_LED>=3 LED3_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(500); LED3_Off(); #endif #if PL_CONFIG_NOF_LED>=4 #error "only 3 LED ;)" #endif }
void FlashFailed(int warning) { int infinite = 1; int repeats = 0; if (warning) { infinite = 0; repeats = 3; } while(infinite || repeats > 0) { LED1_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(200); LED1_Off(); WAIT1_Waitms(200); if (!infinite) { repeats--; } } }
void APP_HandleEvent(byte event) { switch(event) { case EVNT1_INIT: LED1_On(); LED2_On(); LED3_On(); LED4_On(); WAIT1_Waitms(500); LED1_Off(); LED2_Off(); LED3_Off(); LED4_Off(); break; case EVNT1_BTN1_PRESSED: #if HAS_SOUND RTOS_StartSounder(300); #endif LED4_Neg(); SHELL_SendStr("SW1 pressed!\r\n"); break; case EVNT1_BTN2_PRESSED: #if HAS_SOUND RTOS_StartSounder(500); #endif LED5_Neg(); SHELL_SendStr("SW2 pressed!\r\n"); break; case EVNT1_BTN3_PRESSED: #if HAS_SOUND RTOS_StartSounder(700); #endif LED7_Neg(); SHELL_SendStr("SW3 pressed!\r\n"); break; case EVNT1_BTN4_PRESSED: #if HAS_SOUND RTOS_StartSounder(900); #endif LED8_Neg(); SHELL_SendStr("SW4 pressed!\r\n"); break; default: break; } /* switch */ }
uint8_t REMOTE_ParseCommand(const unsigned char *cmd, bool *handled, const CLS1_StdIOType *io) { uint8_t res = ERR_OK; if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)CLS1_CMD_HELP)==0 || UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"remote help")==0) { REMOTE_PrintHelp(io); *handled = TRUE; } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)CLS1_CMD_STATUS)==0 || UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"remote status")==0) { REMOTE_PrintStatus(io); *handled = TRUE; } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"remote on")==0) { REMOTE_isOn = TRUE; LED1_On(); *handled = TRUE; } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"remote off")==0) { #if PL_CONFIG_HAS_MOTOR MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), 0); MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), 0); #endif REMOTE_isOn = FALSE; LED1_Off(); *handled = TRUE; } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"remote verbose on")==0) { REMOTE_isVerbose = TRUE; *handled = TRUE; } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"remote verbose off")==0) { REMOTE_isVerbose = FALSE; *handled = TRUE; } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"remote joystick on")==0) { REMOTE_useJoystick = TRUE; *handled = TRUE; } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"remote joystick off")==0) { REMOTE_useJoystick = FALSE; *handled = TRUE; } return res; }
void SystemTick(void) { SystemTickCnt++; #ifdef LED1_On if(LED_Mask & 2) { LED_Mask &= 0xFD; LED1_On(); } else LED1_Off(); #endif // LED1_On #ifdef LED2_On if(LED_Mask & 4) { LED_Mask &= 0xFB; LED2_On(); } else LED2_Off(); #endif // LED2_On }
void main(void) { /* Write your local variable definition here */ /*** Processor Expert internal initialization. DON'T REMOVE THIS CODE!!! ***/ PE_low_level_init(); /*** End of Processor Expert internal initialization. ***/ LED1_Neg(); WAIT1_Waitms(100); LED2_Neg(); WAIT1_Waitms(100); LED3_Neg(); WAIT1_Waitms(100); LED4_Neg(); WAIT1_Waitms(100); LED1_Off(); LED2_Off(); LED3_Off(); LED4_Off(); CDC_Run(); /*** Don't write any code pass this line, or it will be deleted during code generation. ***/ /*** Processor Expert end of main routine. DON'T MODIFY THIS CODE!!! ***/ for(;;){} /*** Processor Expert end of main routine. DON'T WRITE CODE BELOW!!! ***/ } /*** End of main routine. DO NOT MODIFY THIS TEXT!!! ***/