static void runAddingFadDelay(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	FadDelay *plugin_data = (FadDelay *)instance;
	LADSPA_Data run_adding_gain = plugin_data->run_adding_gain;

	/* Delay (seconds) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data delay = *(plugin_data->delay);

	/* Feedback (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data fb_db = *(plugin_data->fb_db);

	/* Input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const input = plugin_data->input;

	/* Output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const output = plugin_data->output;
	LADSPA_Data * buffer = plugin_data->buffer;
	unsigned long buffer_mask = plugin_data->buffer_mask;
	unsigned long buffer_size = plugin_data->buffer_size;
	LADSPA_Data last_in = plugin_data->last_in;
	int last_phase = plugin_data->last_phase;
	float phase = plugin_data->phase;
	long sample_rate = plugin_data->sample_rate;

#line 51 "fad_delay_1192.xml"
	long int pos;
	float increment = (float)buffer_size / ((float)sample_rate *
	                                        f_max(fabs(delay), 0.01));
	float lin_int, lin_inc;
	int track;
	int fph;
	LADSPA_Data out;
	const float fb = DB_CO(fb_db);
	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	        fph = f_round(floor(phase));
	        last_phase = fph;
	        lin_int = phase - (float)fph;
	        out = LIN_INTERP(lin_int, buffer[(fph+1) & buffer_mask],
	         buffer[(fph+2) & buffer_mask]);
	        phase += increment;
	        lin_inc = 1.0f / (floor(phase) - last_phase + 1);
	        lin_inc = lin_inc > 1.0f ? 1.0f : lin_inc;
	        lin_int = 0.0f;
	        for (track = last_phase; track < phase; track++) {
	                lin_int += lin_inc;
	                buffer[track % buffer_size] = out * fb +
	                 LIN_INTERP(lin_int, last_in, input[pos]);
	        last_in = input[pos];
	        buffer_write(output[pos], out);
	        if (phase >= buffer_size) {
	                phase -= buffer_size;
	// Store current phase in instance
	plugin_data->phase = phase;
	plugin_data->last_phase = last_phase;
	plugin_data->last_in = last_in;
static void runFadDelay(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t sample_count)
  FadDelay *plugin_data = (FadDelay *)instance;

  const float delay = *(plugin_data->delay);
  const float fb_db = *(plugin_data->fb_db);
  const float * const input = plugin_data->input;
  float * const output = plugin_data->output;
  float * buffer = plugin_data->buffer;
  float phase = plugin_data->phase;
  int last_phase = plugin_data->last_phase;
  float last_in = plugin_data->last_in;
  unsigned long buffer_size = plugin_data->buffer_size;
  unsigned long buffer_mask = plugin_data->buffer_mask;
  long sample_rate = plugin_data->sample_rate;
long int pos;
float increment = (float)buffer_size / ((float)sample_rate *
					f_max(fabs(delay), 0.01));
float lin_int, lin_inc;
int track;
int fph;
float out;
const float fb = DB_CO(fb_db);

for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	fph = f_round(floor(phase));
	last_phase = fph;
	lin_int = phase - (float)fph;
	out = LIN_INTERP(lin_int, buffer[(fph+1) & buffer_mask],
	 buffer[(fph+2) & buffer_mask]);
	phase += increment;
	lin_inc = 1.0f / (floor(phase) - last_phase + 1);
	lin_inc = lin_inc > 1.0f ? 1.0f : lin_inc;
	lin_int = 0.0f;
	for (track = last_phase; track < phase; track++) {
		lin_int += lin_inc;
		buffer[track % buffer_size] = out * fb +
		 LIN_INTERP(lin_int, last_in, input[pos]);
	last_in = input[pos];
	buffer_write(output[pos], out);
	if (phase >= buffer_size) {
		phase -= buffer_size;

// Store current phase in instance
plugin_data->phase = phase;
plugin_data->last_phase = last_phase;
plugin_data->last_in = last_in;
static void runPointerCastDistortion(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	PointerCastDistortion *plugin_data = (PointerCastDistortion *)instance;

	/* Effect cutoff freq (Hz) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data cutoff = *(plugin_data->cutoff);

	/* Dry/wet mix (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data wet = *(plugin_data->wet);

	/* Input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const input = plugin_data->input;

	/* Output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const output = plugin_data->output;
	biquad * filt = plugin_data->filt;
	float fs = plugin_data->fs;

#line 40 "pointer_cast_1910.xml"
	unsigned long pos;
	const float filt_scale = cutoff < 50.0f ? cutoff / 50.0f : 1.0f;

	lp_set_params(filt, cutoff, 1.0f, fs);

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	  pcast val;
	  float sign, filt_val, dist_val;

	  filt_val = biquad_run(filt, input[pos]) * filt_scale;
	  sign = filt_val < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
	  val.fp = fabs(filt_val);
	  dist_val = sign * (LADSPA_Data)val.in / (LADSPA_Data)INT_MAX +
	             (input[pos] - filt_val);
	  buffer_write(output[pos], LIN_INTERP(wet, input[pos], dist_val));
void Compressor::process(int frames, float* ip, float *op)
      const float ga       = _attack < 2.0f ? 0.0f : as[f_round(_attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
      const float gr       = as[f_round(_release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
      const float rs       = (_ratio - 1.0f) / _ratio;
      const float mug      = db2lin(_makeupGain);
      const float knee_min = db2lin(_threshold - _knee);
      const float knee_max = db2lin(_threshold + _knee);
      const float ef_a     = ga * 0.25f;
      const float ef_ai    = 1.0f - ef_a;

      for (int pos = 0; pos < frames; pos++) {
            const float la = fabs(ip[pos * 2]);
            const float ra = fabs(ip[pos * 2 + 1]);
            const float lev_in = f_max(la, ra);

            sum += lev_in * lev_in;
            if (amp > env_rms)
                  env_rms = env_rms * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
                  env_rms = env_rms * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
            if (lev_in > env_peak)
                  env_peak = env_peak * ga + lev_in * (1.0f - ga);
                  env_peak = env_peak * gr + lev_in * (1.0f - gr);
            if ((count++ & 3) == 3) {
                  amp = rms.process(sum * 0.25f);
                  sum = 0.0f;
                  if (qIsNaN(env_rms))     // This can happen sometimes, but I don't know why
                        env_rms = 0.0f;
                  env = LIN_INTERP(rms_peak, env_rms, env_peak);
                  if (env <= knee_min)
                        gain_t = 1.0f;
                  else if (env < knee_max) {
                        const float x = -(_threshold - _knee - lin2db(env)) / _knee;
                        gain_t = db2lin(-_knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
                        gain_t = db2lin((_threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
            gain          = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
            op[pos * 2]   = ip[pos * 2] * gain * mug;
            op[pos * 2+1] = ip[pos * 2 + 1] * gain * mug;

//      printf("gain %f\n", gain);

//      amplitude = lin2db(env);
//      gain_red  = lin2db(gain);
static void runAddingCombSplitter(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	CombSplitter *plugin_data = (CombSplitter *)instance;
	LADSPA_Data run_adding_gain = plugin_data->run_adding_gain;

	/* Band separation (Hz) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data freq = *(plugin_data->freq);

	/* Input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const input = plugin_data->input;

	/* Output 1 (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const out1 = plugin_data->out1;

	/* Output 2 (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const out2 = plugin_data->out2;
	long comb_pos = plugin_data->comb_pos;
	LADSPA_Data * comb_tbl = plugin_data->comb_tbl;
	float last_offset = plugin_data->last_offset;
	long sample_rate = plugin_data->sample_rate;

	float offset;
	int data_pos;
	unsigned long pos;
	float xf, xf_step, d_pos, fr, interp, in;

	offset = sample_rate / freq;
	offset = f_clamp(offset, 0, COMB_SIZE - 1);
	xf_step = 1.0f / (float)sample_count;
	xf = 0.0f;

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	        xf += xf_step;
	        d_pos = comb_pos - LIN_INTERP(xf, last_offset, offset);
	        data_pos = f_trunc(d_pos);
	        fr = d_pos - data_pos;
	        interp =  cube_interp(fr, comb_tbl[(data_pos - 1) & COMB_MASK], comb_tbl[data_pos & COMB_MASK], comb_tbl[(data_pos + 1) & COMB_MASK], comb_tbl[(data_pos + 2) & COMB_MASK]);
	        in = input[pos];
	        comb_tbl[comb_pos] = in;
	        buffer_write(out1[pos], (in + interp) * 0.5f);
	        buffer_write(out2[pos], (in - interp) * 0.5f);
	        comb_pos = (comb_pos + 1) & COMB_MASK;

	plugin_data->comb_pos = comb_pos;
	plugin_data->last_offset = offset;
文件: comb_1190.c 项目: Cubiicle/lmms
static void runComb(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	Comb *plugin_data = (Comb *)instance;

	/* Band separation (Hz) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data freq = *(plugin_data->freq);

	/* Feedback (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data fb = *(plugin_data->fb);

	/* Input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const input = plugin_data->input;

	/* Output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const output = plugin_data->output;
	long comb_pos = plugin_data->comb_pos;
	LADSPA_Data * comb_tbl = plugin_data->comb_tbl;
	float last_offset = plugin_data->last_offset;
	long sample_rate = plugin_data->sample_rate;

#line 41 "comb_1190.xml"
	float offset;
	int data_pos;
	unsigned long pos;
	float xf, xf_step, d_pos, fr, interp;

	offset = sample_rate / freq;
	offset = f_clamp(offset, 0, COMB_SIZE - 1);
	xf_step = 1.0f / (float)sample_count;
	xf = 0.0f;

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	        xf += xf_step;
	        d_pos = comb_pos - LIN_INTERP(xf, last_offset, offset);
	        data_pos = f_trunc(d_pos);
	        fr = d_pos - data_pos;
	        interp =  cube_interp(fr, comb_tbl[(data_pos - 1) & COMB_MASK], comb_tbl[data_pos & COMB_MASK], comb_tbl[(data_pos + 1) & COMB_MASK], comb_tbl[(data_pos + 2) & COMB_MASK]);
	        comb_tbl[comb_pos] = input[pos] + fb * interp;
	        buffer_write(output[pos], (input[pos] + interp) * 0.5f);
	        comb_pos = (comb_pos + 1) & COMB_MASK;

	plugin_data->comb_pos = comb_pos;
	plugin_data->last_offset = offset;
static void runAddingSmoothDecimate(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	SmoothDecimate *plugin_data = (SmoothDecimate *)instance;
	LADSPA_Data run_adding_gain = plugin_data->run_adding_gain;

	/* Resample rate (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data rate = *(plugin_data->rate);

	/* Smoothing (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data smooth = *(plugin_data->smooth);

	/* Input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const input = plugin_data->input;

	/* Output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const output = plugin_data->output;
	float accum = plugin_data->accum;
	float * buffer = plugin_data->buffer;
	int buffer_pos = plugin_data->buffer_pos;
	float fs = plugin_data->fs;

#line 31 "smooth_decimate_1414.xml"
	unsigned long pos;
	float smoothed;
	float inc = (rate / fs);
	inc = f_clamp(inc, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	  accum += inc;
	  if (accum >= 1.0f) {
	    accum -= 1.0f;
	    buffer_pos = (buffer_pos + 1) & 7;
	    buffer[buffer_pos] = input[pos];
	  smoothed = cube_interp(accum, buffer[(buffer_pos - 3) & 7],
	                                buffer[(buffer_pos - 2) & 7],
	                                buffer[(buffer_pos - 1) & 7],
	  buffer_write(output[pos], LIN_INTERP(smooth, buffer[(buffer_pos - 3) & 7], smoothed));

	plugin_data->accum = accum;
	plugin_data->buffer_pos = buffer_pos;
static void runAddingComb_l(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	Comb_l *plugin_data = (Comb_l *)instance;
	LADSPA_Data run_adding_gain = plugin_data->run_adding_gain;

	/* Input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const in = plugin_data->in;

	/* Output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const out = plugin_data->out;

	/* Max Delay (s) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data max_delay = *(plugin_data->max_delay);

	/* Delay Time (s) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data delay_time = *(plugin_data->delay_time);

	/* Decay Time (s) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data decay_time = *(plugin_data->decay_time);
	LADSPA_Data * buffer = plugin_data->buffer;
	unsigned int buffer_mask = plugin_data->buffer_mask;
	LADSPA_Data delay_samples = plugin_data->delay_samples;
	LADSPA_Data feedback = plugin_data->feedback;
	LADSPA_Data last_decay_time = plugin_data->last_decay_time;
	LADSPA_Data last_delay_time = plugin_data->last_delay_time;
	unsigned int sample_rate = plugin_data->sample_rate;
	long write_phase = plugin_data->write_phase;

#line 79 "comb_1887.xml"
	int i;

	i = max_delay;

	if (write_phase == 0) {
	  plugin_data->last_delay_time = delay_time;
	  plugin_data->last_decay_time = decay_time;
	  plugin_data->delay_samples = delay_samples = CALC_DELAY (delay_time);
	  plugin_data->feedback = feedback = calc_feedback (delay_time, decay_time);
	if (delay_time == last_delay_time && decay_time == last_decay_time) {
	  long idelay_samples = (long)delay_samples;
	  LADSPA_Data frac = delay_samples - idelay_samples;

	  for (i=0; i<sample_count; i++) {
	    long read_phase = write_phase - (long)delay_samples;
	    LADSPA_Data r1 = buffer[read_phase & buffer_mask];
	    LADSPA_Data r2 = buffer[(read_phase-1) & buffer_mask];
	    LADSPA_Data read = LIN_INTERP (frac, r1, r2);

	    buffer[write_phase & buffer_mask] = read * feedback + in[i];
	    buffer_write(out[i], read);
	} else {
	  float next_delay_samples = CALC_DELAY (delay_time);
	  float delay_samples_slope = (next_delay_samples - delay_samples) / sample_count;
	  float next_feedback = calc_feedback (delay_time, decay_time);
	  float feedback_slope = (next_feedback - feedback) / sample_count;

	  for (i=0; i<sample_count; i++) {
	    long read_phase, idelay_samples;
	    LADSPA_Data read, frac;

	    delay_samples += delay_samples_slope;
	    read_phase = write_phase - (long)delay_samples;
	    idelay_samples = (long)delay_samples;
	    frac = delay_samples - idelay_samples;
	    read = LIN_INTERP (frac,
	                       buffer[read_phase & buffer_mask], 
	                       buffer[(read_phase-1) & buffer_mask]);
	    buffer[write_phase & buffer_mask] = read * feedback + in[i];
	    buffer_write(out[i], read);

	    feedback += feedback_slope;

	  plugin_data->last_delay_time = delay_time;
	  plugin_data->last_decay_time = decay_time;
	  plugin_data->feedback = feedback;
	  plugin_data->delay_samples = delay_samples;
	plugin_data->write_phase = write_phase;
文件: sc4m_1916.c 项目: rsenn/eXT2
static void runAddingSc4m(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	Sc4m *plugin_data = (Sc4m *)instance;
	LADSPA_Data run_adding_gain = plugin_data->run_adding_gain;

	/* RMS/peak (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data rms_peak = *(plugin_data->rms_peak);

	/* Attack time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data attack = *(plugin_data->attack);

	/* Release time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data release = *(plugin_data->release);

	/* Threshold level (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data threshold = *(plugin_data->threshold);

	/* Ratio (1:n) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data ratio = *(plugin_data->ratio);

	/* Knee radius (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data knee = *(plugin_data->knee);

	/* Makeup gain (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data makeup_gain = *(plugin_data->makeup_gain);

	/* Input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const input = plugin_data->input;

	/* Output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const output = plugin_data->output;
	float amp = plugin_data->amp;
	float * as = plugin_data->as;
	unsigned int count = plugin_data->count;
	float env = plugin_data->env;
	float env_peak = plugin_data->env_peak;
	float env_rms = plugin_data->env_rms;
	float gain = plugin_data->gain;
	float gain_t = plugin_data->gain_t;
	rms_env * rms = plugin_data->rms;
	float sum = plugin_data->sum;

	unsigned long pos;

	const float ga = attack < 2.0f ? 0.0f : as[f_round(attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float gr = as[f_round(release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float rs = (ratio - 1.0f) / ratio;
	const float mug = db2lin(makeup_gain);
	const float knee_min = db2lin(threshold - knee);
	const float knee_max = db2lin(threshold + knee);
	const float ef_a = ga * 0.25f;
	const float ef_ai = 1.0f - ef_a;

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	         const float lev_in = input[pos];
	  sum += lev_in * lev_in;

	  if (amp > env_rms) {
	    env_rms = env_rms * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
	  } else {
	    env_rms = env_rms * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
	  if (lev_in > env_peak) {
	    env_peak = env_peak * ga + lev_in * (1.0f - ga);
	  } else {
	    env_peak = env_peak * gr + lev_in * (1.0f - gr);
	  if ((count++ & 3) == 3) {
	    amp = rms_env_process(rms, sum * 0.25f);
	    sum = 0.0f;

	    env = LIN_INTERP(rms_peak, env_rms, env_peak);

	    if (env <= knee_min) {
	      gain_t = 1.0f;
	    } else if (env < knee_max) {
	      const float x = -(threshold - knee - lin2db(env)) / knee;
	      gain_t = db2lin(-knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
	    } else {
	      gain_t = db2lin((threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
	  gain = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
	  buffer_write(output[pos], input[pos] * gain * mug);
	plugin_data->sum = sum;
	plugin_data->amp = amp;
	plugin_data->gain = gain;
	plugin_data->gain_t = gain_t;
	plugin_data->env = env;
	plugin_data->env_rms = env_rms;
	plugin_data->env_peak = env_peak;
	plugin_data->count = count;

	*(plugin_data->amplitude) = lin2db(env);
	*(plugin_data->gain_red) = lin2db(gain);
  void processAudio(AudioBuffer& _buf){
    uint32_t sample_count = _buf.getSize();
    float s_rate = getSampleRate();
  delay_depth_avg = getParameterValue(PARAMETER_A)*10 - 0;
  law_freq = getParameterValue(PARAMETER_B)*7.5 - 0.5;
  input = _buf.getSamples(0);
  output = _buf.getSamples(0);
RetroFlangePatch* plugin_data = this;    

long int pos;
int law_p = f_trunc(LIMIT(sample_rate / f_clamp(law_freq, 0.0001f, 100.0f), 1, max_law_p));
float increment;
float lin_int, lin_inc;
int track;
int fph;
LADSPA_Data out = 0.0f;
const float dda_c = f_clamp(delay_depth_avg, 0.0f, 10.0f);
int dl_used = (dda_c * sample_rate) / 1000;
float inc_base = 1000.0f * (float)BASE_BUFFER;
const float delay_depth = 2.0f * dda_c;
float n_ph, p_ph, law;

for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	// Write into the delay line
	delay_line[delay_pos] = input[pos];
	z0 = delay_line[MOD(delay_pos - dl_used, delay_line_length)] + 0.12919609397f*z1 - 0.31050847f*z2;
	out = sat(z0*0.20466966f + z1*0.40933933f + z2*0.40933933f,
	                -0.23f, 3.3f);
	z2 = z1; z1 = z0;
	delay_pos = (delay_pos + 1) % delay_line_length;

        if ((count++ % law_p) == 0) {
		// Value for amplitude of law peak
		next_law_peak = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
		next_law_pos = count + law_p;
	} else if (count % law_p == law_p / 2) {
		// Value for amplitude of law peak
		prev_law_peak = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
		prev_law_pos = count + law_p;

        n_ph = (float)(law_p - abs(next_law_pos - count))/(float)law_p;
        p_ph = n_ph + 0.5f;
        if (p_ph > 1.0f) {
                p_ph -= 1.0f;
        law = f_sin_sq(3.1415926f*p_ph)*prev_law_peak +

	increment = inc_base / (delay_depth * law + 0.2);
	fph = f_trunc(phase);
	last_phase = fph;
	lin_int = phase - (float)fph;
	out += LIN_INTERP(lin_int, buffer[(fph+1) % buffer_size],
	 buffer[(fph+2) % buffer_size]);
	phase += increment;
	lin_inc = 1.0f / (floor(phase) - last_phase + 1);
	lin_inc = lin_inc > 1.0f ? 1.0f : lin_inc;
	lin_int = 0.0f;
	for (track = last_phase; track < phase; track++) {
		lin_int += lin_inc;
		buffer[track % buffer_size] =
		 LIN_INTERP(lin_int, last_in, input[pos]);
	last_in = input[pos];
	buffer_write(output[pos], out * 0.707f);
	if (phase >= buffer_size) {
		phase -= buffer_size;

// Store current phase in instance
plugin_data->phase = phase;
plugin_data->prev_law_peak = prev_law_peak;
plugin_data->next_law_peak = next_law_peak;
plugin_data->prev_law_pos = prev_law_pos;
plugin_data->next_law_pos = next_law_pos;
plugin_data->last_phase = last_phase;
plugin_data->last_in = last_in;
plugin_data->count = count;
plugin_data->last_law_p = last_law_p;
plugin_data->delay_pos = delay_pos;
plugin_data->z0 = z0;
plugin_data->z1 = z1;
plugin_data->z2 = z2;
static void runAddingDelayorama(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	Delayorama *plugin_data = (Delayorama *)instance;
	LADSPA_Data run_adding_gain = plugin_data->run_adding_gain;

	/* Random seed (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data seed = *(plugin_data->seed);

	/* Input gain (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data gain = *(plugin_data->gain);

	/* Feedback (%) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data feedback_pc = *(plugin_data->feedback_pc);

	/* Number of taps (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data tap_count = *(plugin_data->tap_count);

	/* First delay (s) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data first_delay = *(plugin_data->first_delay);

	/* Delay range (s) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data delay_range = *(plugin_data->delay_range);

	/* Delay change (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data delay_scale = *(plugin_data->delay_scale);

	/* Delay random (%) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data delay_rand_pc = *(plugin_data->delay_rand_pc);

	/* Amplitude change (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data gain_scale = *(plugin_data->gain_scale);

	/* Amplitude random (%) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data gain_rand_pc = *(plugin_data->gain_rand_pc);

	/* Dry/wet mix (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data wet = *(plugin_data->wet);

	/* Input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const input = plugin_data->input;

	/* Output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const output = plugin_data->output;
	unsigned int active_set = plugin_data->active_set;
	LADSPA_Data * buffer = plugin_data->buffer;
	unsigned long buffer_pos = plugin_data->buffer_pos;
	unsigned int buffer_size = plugin_data->buffer_size;
	float last_a_rand = plugin_data->last_a_rand;
	float last_ampsc = plugin_data->last_ampsc;
	float last_d_rand = plugin_data->last_d_rand;
	float last_delaysc = plugin_data->last_delaysc;
	unsigned int last_ntaps = plugin_data->last_ntaps;
	LADSPA_Data last_out = plugin_data->last_out;
	float last_range = plugin_data->last_range;
	float last_seed = plugin_data->last_seed;
	float last_start = plugin_data->last_start;
	unsigned int next_set = plugin_data->next_set;
	unsigned int sample_rate = plugin_data->sample_rate;
	tap ** taps = plugin_data->taps;

#line 73 "delayorama_1402.xml"
	unsigned long pos;
	float coef = DB_CO(gain);
	unsigned int i;
	unsigned int recalc = 0;
	unsigned int ntaps = LIMIT(f_round(tap_count), 2, N_TAPS);
	float range = f_clamp(delay_range * sample_rate, 0.0f,
	LADSPA_Data out;
	float xfade = 0.0f;

	const float feedback = feedback_pc * 0.01f;
	const float gain_rand = gain_rand_pc * 0.01f;
	const float delay_rand = delay_rand_pc * 0.01f;

	if (ntaps != last_ntaps) {
	  recalc = 1;
	  plugin_data->last_ntaps = ntaps;
	if (first_delay != last_start) {
	  recalc = 1;
	  plugin_data->last_start = first_delay;
	if (range != last_range) {
	  recalc = 1;
	  plugin_data->last_range = range;
	if (delay_scale != last_delaysc) {
	  recalc = 1;
	  plugin_data->last_delaysc = delay_scale;
	if (gain_scale != last_ampsc) {
	  recalc = 1;
	  plugin_data->last_ampsc = gain_scale;
	if (seed != last_seed) {
	  recalc = 1;
	  plugin_data->last_seed = seed;
	if (gain_rand != last_a_rand) {
	  recalc = 1;
	  plugin_data->last_a_rand = gain_rand;
	if (delay_rand != last_d_rand) {
	  recalc = 1;
	  plugin_data->last_d_rand = delay_rand;

	if (recalc) {
	  float delay_base = first_delay * sample_rate;
	  float delay_fix;
	  float gain, delay, delay_sum;
	  float d_rand, g_rand;

	  if (delay_base + range > buffer_size-1) {
	    delay_base = buffer_size - 1 - range;

	  if (gain_scale <= 1.0f) {
	    gain = 1.0f;
	  } else {
	    gain = 1.0f / pow(gain_scale, ntaps-1);

	  if (delay_scale == 1.0f) {
	          delay_fix = range / (ntaps - 1);
	  } else {
	          delay_fix = range * (delay_scale - 1.0f) / (pow(delay_scale, ntaps - 1) - 1.0f);
	  delay = 1.0f;
	  delay_sum = 0.0f;

	  for (i=0; i<ntaps; i++) {
	    g_rand = (1.0f-gain_rand) + (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX * 2.0f * gain_rand;
	    d_rand = (1.0f-delay_rand) + (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX * 2.0f * delay_rand;
	    taps[next_set][i].delay = LIMIT((unsigned int)(delay_base + delay_sum * delay_fix * d_rand), 0, buffer_size-1);
	    taps[next_set][i].gain = gain * g_rand;

	    delay_sum += delay;
	    delay *= delay_scale;
	    gain *= gain_scale;
	  for (; i<N_TAPS; i++) {
	    taps[next_set][i].delay = 0.0f;
	    taps[next_set][i].gain = 0.0f;

	out = last_out;
	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	  buffer[buffer_pos] = input[pos] * coef + (out * feedback);

	  out = 0.0f;
	  for (i=0; i<ntaps; i++) {
	    int p = buffer_pos - taps[active_set][i].delay;
	    if (p<0) p += buffer_size;
	    out += buffer[p] * taps[active_set][i].gain;

	  if (recalc) {
	    xfade += 1.0f / (float)sample_count;
	    out *= (1-xfade);
	    for (i=0; i<ntaps; i++) {
	      int p = buffer_pos - taps[next_set][i].delay;
	      if (p<0) p += buffer_size;
	      out += buffer[p] * taps[next_set][i].gain * xfade;

	  buffer_write(output[pos], LIN_INTERP(wet, input[pos], out));

	  if (++buffer_pos >= buffer_size) {
	    buffer_pos = 0;

	if (recalc) {
	  plugin_data->active_set = next_set;
	  plugin_data->next_set = active_set;

	plugin_data->buffer_pos = buffer_pos;
	plugin_data->last_out = out;
static void runAddingFlanger(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	Flanger *plugin_data = (Flanger *)instance;
	LADSPA_Data run_adding_gain = plugin_data->run_adding_gain;

	/* Delay base (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data delay_base = *(plugin_data->delay_base);

	/* Max slowdown (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data detune = *(plugin_data->detune);

	/* LFO frequency (Hz) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data law_freq = *(plugin_data->law_freq);

	/* Feedback (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data feedback = *(plugin_data->feedback);

	/* Input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const input = plugin_data->input;

	/* Output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const output = plugin_data->output;
	long count = plugin_data->count;
	long delay_pos = plugin_data->delay_pos;
	long delay_size = plugin_data->delay_size;
	LADSPA_Data * delay_tbl = plugin_data->delay_tbl;
	float next_law_peak = plugin_data->next_law_peak;
	int next_law_pos = plugin_data->next_law_pos;
	long old_d_base = plugin_data->old_d_base;
	float prev_law_peak = plugin_data->prev_law_peak;
	int prev_law_pos = plugin_data->prev_law_pos;
	long sample_rate = plugin_data->sample_rate;

#line 50 "flanger_1191.xml"
	unsigned long pos;
	long d_base, new_d_base;
	LADSPA_Data out;
	float delay_depth;
	float dp; // float delay position
	float dp_frac; // fractional part
	long dp_idx; // integer delay index
	long law_p; // period of law
	float frac = 0.0f, step; // Portion the way through the block
	float law; /* law amplitude */
	float n_ph, p_ph;
	const float fb = f_clamp(feedback, -0.999f, 0.999f);
	// Set law params
	law_p = (float)sample_rate / law_freq;
	if (law_p < 1) {
	        law_p = 1;
	// Calculate base delay size in samples
	new_d_base = (LIMIT(f_round(delay_base), 0, 25) * sample_rate) / 1000;
	// Calculate delay depth in samples
	delay_depth = f_clamp(detune * (float)sample_rate * 0.001f, 0.0f, delay_size - new_d_base - 1.0f);
	step = 1.0f/sample_count;
	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	        if (count % law_p == 0) {
	                // Value for amplitude of law peak
	                next_law_peak = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
	                next_law_pos = count + law_p;
	        } else if (count % law_p == law_p / 2) {
	                // Value for amplitude of law peak
	                prev_law_peak = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
	                prev_law_pos = count + law_p;
	        // Calculate position in delay table
	        d_base = LIN_INTERP(frac, old_d_base, new_d_base);
	        n_ph = (float)(law_p - abs(next_law_pos - count))/(float)law_p;
	        p_ph = n_ph + 0.5f;
	        while (p_ph > 1.0f) {
	                p_ph -= 1.0f;
	        law = f_sin_sq(3.1415926f*p_ph)*prev_law_peak +
	        dp = (float)(delay_pos - d_base) - (delay_depth * law);
	        // Get the integer part
	        dp_idx = f_round(dp - 0.5f);
	        // Get the fractional part
	        dp_frac = dp - dp_idx;
	        // Accumulate into output buffer
	        out = cube_interp(dp_frac, delay_tbl[(dp_idx-1) & (delay_size-1)], delay_tbl[dp_idx & (delay_size-1)], delay_tbl[(dp_idx+1) & (delay_size-1)], delay_tbl[(dp_idx+2) & (delay_size-1)]);
	        // Store new delayed value
	        delay_tbl[delay_pos] = flush_to_zero(input[pos] + (fb * out));
	        // Sometimes the delay can pick up NaN values, I'm not sure why
	        // and this is easier than fixing it
	        if (isnan(delay_tbl[delay_pos])) {
	                delay_tbl[delay_pos] = 0.0f;
	        out = f_clamp(delay_tbl[delay_pos] * 0.707f, -1.0, 1.0);
	        buffer_write(output[pos], out);
	        frac += step;
	        delay_pos = (delay_pos + 1) & (delay_size-1);
	plugin_data->count = count;
	plugin_data->prev_law_peak = prev_law_peak;
	plugin_data->next_law_peak = next_law_peak;
	plugin_data->prev_law_pos = prev_law_pos;
	plugin_data->next_law_pos = next_law_pos;
	plugin_data->delay_pos = delay_pos;
	plugin_data->old_d_base = new_d_base;
void Projector::rotate3D(MultidimArray<Complex > &f3d, Matrix2D<DOUBLE> &A, bool inv)
	DOUBLE fx, fy, fz, xp, yp, zp;
	int x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1, y, z, y2, z2, r2;
	bool is_neg_x;
	Complex d000, d010, d100, d110, d001, d011, d101, d111, dx00, dx10, dxy0, dx01, dx11, dxy1;
	Matrix2D<DOUBLE> Ainv;

    // f3d should already be in the right size (ori_size,orihalfdim)
    // AND the points outside max_r should already be zero...
    // f3d.initZeros();
	// Use the inverse matrix
    if (inv)
    	Ainv = A;
    	Ainv = A.transpose();

    // The f3d image may be smaller than r_max, in that case also make sure not to fill the corners!
    int my_r_max = XMIPP_MIN(r_max, XSIZE(f3d) - 1);

    // Go from the 3D rotated coordinates to the original map coordinates
    Ainv *= (DOUBLE)padding_factor;  // take scaling into account directly
    int max_r2 = my_r_max * my_r_max;
    int min_r2_nn = r_min_nn * r_min_nn;
#ifdef DEBUG
    std::cerr << " XSIZE(f3d)= "<< XSIZE(f3d) << std::endl;
    std::cerr << " YSIZE(f3d)= "<< YSIZE(f3d) << std::endl;
    std::cerr << " XSIZE(data)= "<< XSIZE(data) << std::endl;
    std::cerr << " YSIZE(data)= "<< YSIZE(data) << std::endl;
    std::cerr << " STARTINGX(data)= "<< STARTINGX(data) << std::endl;
    std::cerr << " STARTINGY(data)= "<< STARTINGY(data) << std::endl;
    std::cerr << " STARTINGZ(data)= "<< STARTINGZ(data) << std::endl;
    std::cerr << " max_r= "<< r_max << std::endl;
    std::cerr << " Ainv= " << Ainv << std::endl;
	for (int k=0; k < ZSIZE(f3d); k++)
		// Don't search beyond square with side max_r
		if (k <= my_r_max)
			z = k;
		else if (k >= ZSIZE(f3d) - my_r_max)
			z = k - ZSIZE(f3d);
		z2 = z * z;

		for (int i=0; i < YSIZE(f3d); i++)
			// Don't search beyond square with side max_r
			if (i <= my_r_max)
				y = i;
			else if (i >= YSIZE(f3d) - my_r_max)
				y = i - YSIZE(f3d);
			y2 = y * y;

			for (int x=0; x <= my_r_max; x++)
				// Only include points with radius < max_r (exclude points outside circle in square)
				r2 = x * x + y2 + z2;
				if (r2 > max_r2)

				// Get logical coordinates in the 3D map
				xp = Ainv(0,0) * x + Ainv(0,1) * y + Ainv(0,2) * z;
				yp = Ainv(1,0) * x + Ainv(1,1) * y + Ainv(1,2) * z;
				zp = Ainv(2,0) * x + Ainv(2,1) * y + Ainv(2,2) * z;

				if (interpolator == TRILINEAR || r2 < min_r2_nn)
					// Only asymmetric half is stored
					if (xp < 0)
						// Get complex conjugated hermitian symmetry pair
						xp = -xp;
						yp = -yp;
						zp = -zp;
						is_neg_x = true;
						is_neg_x = false;

					// Trilinear interpolation (with physical coords)
					// Subtract STARTINGY to accelerate access to data (STARTINGX=0)
					// In that way use DIRECT_A3D_ELEM, rather than A3D_ELEM
					x0 = FLOOR(xp);
					fx = xp - x0;
					x1 = x0 + 1;

					y0 = FLOOR(yp);
					fy = yp - y0;
					y0 -=  STARTINGY(data);
					y1 = y0 + 1;

					z0 = FLOOR(zp);
					fz = zp - z0;
					z0 -=  STARTINGZ(data);
					z1 = z0 + 1;

					// Matrix access can be accelerated through pre-calculation of z0*xydim etc.
					d000 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(data, z0, y0, x0);
					d001 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(data, z0, y0, x1);
					d010 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(data, z0, y1, x0);
					d011 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(data, z0, y1, x1);
					d100 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(data, z1, y0, x0);
					d101 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(data, z1, y0, x1);
					d110 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(data, z1, y1, x0);
					d111 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(data, z1, y1, x1);

					// Set the interpolated value in the 2D output array
					// interpolate in x
                    __m256d __fx = _mm256_set1_pd(fx);
                    __m256d __interpx1 = LIN_INTERP_AVX(_mm256_setr_pd(d000.real, d000.imag, d100.real, d100.imag),
                                                        _mm256_setr_pd(d001.real, d001.imag, d101.real, d101.imag),
                    __m256d __interpx2 = LIN_INTERP_AVX(_mm256_setr_pd(d010.real, d010.imag, d110.real, d110.imag),
                                                        _mm256_setr_pd(d011.real, d011.imag, d111.real, d111.imag),

                    // interpolate in y
                    __m256d __fy = _mm256_set1_pd(fy);
                    __m256d __interpy = LIN_INTERP_AVX(__interpx1, __interpx2, __fy);
                    __m128 __fx = _mm_set1_ps(fx);
                    __m128 __interpx1 = LIN_INTERP_AVX(_mm_setr_ps(d000.real, d000.imag, d100.real, d100.imag),
                                                       _mm_setr_ps(d001.real, d001.imag, d101.real, d101.imag),
                    __m128 __interpx2 = LIN_INTERP_AVX(_mm_setr_ps(d010.real, d010.imag, d110.real, d110.imag),
                                                       _mm_setr_ps(d011.real, d011.imag, d111.real, d111.imag),

                    // interpolate in y
                    __m128 __fy = _mm_set1_ps(fy);
                    __m128 __interpy = LIN_INTERP_AVX(__interpx1, __interpx2, __fy);

                    Complex* interpy = (Complex*)&__interpy;

					//interpolate in z
					DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(f3d, k, i, x) = LIN_INTERP(fz, interpy[0], interpy[1]);

					// Take complex conjugated for half with negative x
					if (is_neg_x)
						DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(f3d, k, i, x) = conj(DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(f3d, k, i, x));

				} // endif TRILINEAR
				else if (interpolator == NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR )
					x0 = ROUND(xp);
					y0 = ROUND(yp);
					z0 = ROUND(zp);

					if (x0 < 0)
						DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(f3d, k, i, x) = conj(A3D_ELEM(data, -z0, -y0, -x0));
						DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(f3d, k, i, x) = A3D_ELEM(data, z0, y0, x0);

				} // endif NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR
					REPORT_ERROR("Unrecognized interpolator in Projector::project");
			} // endif x-loop
		} // endif y-loop
	} // endif z-loop
static block_t * DoWork( filter_t * p_filter, block_t * p_in_buf )
    int i_samples = p_in_buf->i_nb_samples;
    int i_channels = aout_FormatNbChannels( &p_filter->fmt_in.audio );
    float *pf_buf = (float*)p_in_buf->p_buffer;

    /* Current parameters */
    filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;

    /* Fetch the configurable parameters */
    vlc_mutex_lock( &p_sys->lock );

    float f_rms_peak    = p_sys->f_rms_peak;     /* RMS/peak */
    float f_attack      = p_sys->f_attack;       /* Attack time (ms) */
    float f_release     = p_sys->f_release;      /* Release time (ms) */
    float f_threshold   = p_sys->f_threshold;    /* Threshold level (dB) */
    float f_ratio       = p_sys->f_ratio;        /* Ratio (n:1) */
    float f_knee        = p_sys->f_knee;         /* Knee radius (dB) */
    float f_makeup_gain = p_sys->f_makeup_gain;  /* Makeup gain (dB) */

    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_sys->lock );

    /* Fetch the internal parameters */
    float f_amp      =  p_sys->f_amp;
    float *pf_as     =  p_sys->pf_as;
    float f_env      =  p_sys->f_env;
    float f_env_peak =  p_sys->f_env_peak;
    float f_env_rms  =  p_sys->f_env_rms;
    float f_gain     =  p_sys->f_gain;
    float f_gain_out =  p_sys->f_gain_out;
    rms_env *p_rms   = &p_sys->rms;
    float f_sum      =  p_sys->f_sum;
    lookahead *p_la  = &p_sys->la;

    /* Prepare other compressor parameters */
    float f_ga       = f_attack < 2.0f ? 0.0f :
                       pf_as[Round( f_attack  * 0.001f * ( A_TBL - 1 ) )];
    float f_gr       = pf_as[Round( f_release * 0.001f * ( A_TBL - 1 ) )];
    float f_rs       = ( f_ratio - 1.0f ) / f_ratio;
    float f_mug      = Db2Lin( f_makeup_gain, p_sys );
    float f_knee_min = Db2Lin( f_threshold - f_knee, p_sys );
    float f_knee_max = Db2Lin( f_threshold + f_knee, p_sys );
    float f_ef_a     = f_ga * 0.25f;
    float f_ef_ai    = 1.0f - f_ef_a;

    /* Process the current buffer */
    for( int i = 0; i < i_samples; i++ )
        float f_lev_in_old, f_lev_in_new;

        /* Now, compress the pre-equalized audio (ported from sc4_1882
         * plugin with a few modifications) */

        /* Fetch the old delayed buffer value */
        f_lev_in_old = p_la->p_buf[p_la->i_pos].f_lev_in;

        /* Find the peak value of current sample.  This becomes the new delayed
         * buffer value that replaces the old one in the lookahead array */
        f_lev_in_new = fabs( pf_buf[0] );
        for( int i_chan = 1; i_chan < i_channels; i_chan++ )
            f_lev_in_new = Max( f_lev_in_new, fabs( pf_buf[i_chan] ) );
        p_la->p_buf[p_la->i_pos].f_lev_in = f_lev_in_new;

        /* Add the square of the peak value to a running sum */
        f_sum += f_lev_in_new * f_lev_in_new;

        /* Update the RMS envelope */
        if( f_amp > f_env_rms )
            f_env_rms = f_env_rms * f_ga + f_amp * ( 1.0f - f_ga );
            f_env_rms = f_env_rms * f_gr + f_amp * ( 1.0f - f_gr );
        RoundToZero( &f_env_rms );

        /* Update the peak envelope */
        if( f_lev_in_old > f_env_peak )
            f_env_peak = f_env_peak * f_ga + f_lev_in_old * ( 1.0f - f_ga );
            f_env_peak = f_env_peak * f_gr + f_lev_in_old * ( 1.0f - f_gr );
        RoundToZero( &f_env_peak );

        /* Process the RMS value and update the output gain every 4 samples */
        if( ( p_sys->i_count++ & 3 ) == 3 )
            /* Process the RMS value by placing in the mean square value, and
             * reset the running sum */
            f_amp = RmsEnvProcess( p_rms, f_sum * 0.25f );
            f_sum = 0.0f;
            if( cover_isnan( f_env_rms ) )			// sunqueen modify
                /* This can happen sometimes, but I don't know why. */
                f_env_rms = 0.0f;

            /* Find the superposition of the RMS and peak envelopes */
            f_env = LIN_INTERP( f_rms_peak, f_env_rms, f_env_peak );

            /* Update the output gain */
            if( f_env <= f_knee_min )
                /* Gain below the knee (and below the threshold) */
                f_gain_out = 1.0f;
            else if( f_env < f_knee_max )
                /* Gain within the knee */
                const float f_x = -( f_threshold
                                   - f_knee - Lin2Db( f_env, p_sys ) ) / f_knee;
                f_gain_out = Db2Lin( -f_knee * f_rs * f_x * f_x * 0.25f,
                                      p_sys );
                /* Gain above the knee (and above the threshold) */
                f_gain_out = Db2Lin( ( f_threshold - Lin2Db( f_env, p_sys ) )
                                     * f_rs, p_sys );

        /* Find the total gain */
        f_gain = f_gain * f_ef_a + f_gain_out * f_ef_ai;

        /* Write the resulting buffer to the output */
        BufferProcess( pf_buf, i_channels, f_gain, f_mug, p_la );
        pf_buf += i_channels;

    /* Update the internal parameters */
    p_sys->f_sum      = f_sum;
    p_sys->f_amp      = f_amp;
    p_sys->f_gain     = f_gain;
    p_sys->f_gain_out = f_gain_out;
    p_sys->f_env      = f_env;
    p_sys->f_env_rms  = f_env_rms;
    p_sys->f_env_peak = f_env_peak;

    return p_in_buf;
static void runAddingDelay_l(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	Delay_l *plugin_data = (Delay_l *)instance;
	LADSPA_Data run_adding_gain = plugin_data->run_adding_gain;

	/* Input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const in = plugin_data->in;

	/* Output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const out = plugin_data->out;

	/* Delay Time (s) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data delay_time = *(plugin_data->delay_time);
	LADSPA_Data * buffer = plugin_data->buffer;
	unsigned int buffer_mask = plugin_data->buffer_mask;
	LADSPA_Data delay_samples = plugin_data->delay_samples;
	LADSPA_Data last_delay_time = plugin_data->last_delay_time;
	unsigned int sample_rate = plugin_data->sample_rate;
	long write_phase = plugin_data->write_phase;

	unsigned int i;

	if (write_phase == 0) {
	  plugin_data->last_delay_time = delay_time;
	  plugin_data->delay_samples = delay_samples = CALC_DELAY (delay_time);
	if (delay_time == last_delay_time) {
	  long idelay_samples = (long)delay_samples;
	  LADSPA_Data frac = delay_samples - idelay_samples;

	  for (i=0; i<sample_count; i++) {
	    long read_phase = write_phase - (long)delay_samples;
	    LADSPA_Data read;
	    read = LIN_INTERP (frac,
	                           buffer[(read_phase-1) & buffer_mask],
	                           buffer[read_phase & buffer_mask]);
	    buffer[write_phase & buffer_mask] = in[i];
	    buffer_write(out[i], read);
	} else {
	  float next_delay_samples = CALC_DELAY (delay_time);
	  float delay_samples_slope = (next_delay_samples - delay_samples) / sample_count;

	  for (i=0; i<sample_count; i++) {
	    long read_phase, idelay_samples;
	    LADSPA_Data frac, read;

	    delay_samples += delay_samples_slope;
	    read_phase = write_phase - (long)delay_samples;
	    idelay_samples = (long)delay_samples;
	    frac = delay_samples - idelay_samples;
	    read = LIN_INTERP (frac,
	                       buffer[(read_phase-1) & buffer_mask],
	                       buffer[read_phase & buffer_mask]); 
	    buffer[write_phase & buffer_mask] = in[i];
	    buffer_write(out[i], read);

	  plugin_data->last_delay_time = delay_time;
	  plugin_data->delay_samples = delay_samples;
	plugin_data->write_phase = write_phase;
static void runVynil(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	Vynil *plugin_data = (Vynil *)instance;

	/* Year (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data year = *(plugin_data->year);

	/* RPM (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data rpm = *(plugin_data->rpm);

	/* Surface warping (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data warp = *(plugin_data->warp);

	/* Crackle (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data click = *(plugin_data->click);

	/* Wear (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data wear = *(plugin_data->wear);

	/* Input L (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const in_l = plugin_data->in_l;

	/* Input R (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const in_r = plugin_data->in_r;

	/* Output L (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const out_l = plugin_data->out_l;

	/* Output R (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const out_r = plugin_data->out_r;
	LADSPA_Data * buffer_m = plugin_data->buffer_m;
	unsigned int buffer_mask = plugin_data->buffer_mask;
	unsigned int buffer_pos = plugin_data->buffer_pos;
	LADSPA_Data * buffer_s = plugin_data->buffer_s;
	LADSPA_Data * click_buffer = plugin_data->click_buffer;
	fixp16 click_buffer_omega = plugin_data->click_buffer_omega;
	fixp16 click_buffer_pos = plugin_data->click_buffer_pos;
	float click_gain = plugin_data->click_gain;
	float def = plugin_data->def;
	float def_target = plugin_data->def_target;
	float fs = plugin_data->fs;
	biquad * highp = plugin_data->highp;
	biquad * lowp_m = plugin_data->lowp_m;
	biquad * lowp_s = plugin_data->lowp_s;
	biquad * noise_filt = plugin_data->noise_filt;
	float phi = plugin_data->phi;
	unsigned int sample_cnt = plugin_data->sample_cnt;

#line 90 "vynil_1905.xml"
	unsigned long pos;
	float deflec = def;
	float deflec_target = def_target;
	float src_m, src_s;

	/* angular velocity of platter * 16 */
	const float omega = 960.0f / (rpm * fs);
	const float age = (2000 - year) * 0.01f;
	const unsigned int click_prob = (age*age*(float)RAND_MAX)/10 + click * 0.02 * RAND_MAX;
	const float noise_amp = (click + wear * 0.3f) * 0.12f + (1993.0f - year) * 0.0031f;
	const float bandwidth = (year - 1880.0f) * (rpm * 1.9f);
	const float noise_bandwidth = bandwidth * (0.25 - wear * 0.02) + click * 200.0 + 300.0;
	const float stereo = f_clamp((year - 1940.0f) * 0.02f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	const float wrap_gain = age * 3.1f + 0.05f;
	const float wrap_bias = age * 0.1f;

	lp_set_params(lowp_m, bandwidth * (1.0 - wear * 0.86), 2.0, fs);
	lp_set_params(lowp_s, bandwidth * (1.0 - wear * 0.89), 2.0, fs);
	hp_set_params(highp, (2000-year) * 8.0, 1.5, fs);
	lp_set_params(noise_filt, noise_bandwidth, 4.0 + wear * 2.0, fs);

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	  unsigned int o1, o2;
	  float ofs;

	  if ((sample_cnt & 15) == 0) {
	    const float ang = phi * 2.0f * M_PI;
	    const float w = warp * (2000.0f - year) * 0.01f;
	    deflec_target = w*df(ang)*0.5f + w*w*df(2.0f*ang)*0.31f +
	    phi += omega;
	    while (phi > 1.0f) {
	      phi -= 1.0f;
	    if ((unsigned int)rand() < click_prob) {
	      click_buffer_omega.all = ((rand() >> 6) + 1000) * rpm;
	      click_gain = noise_amp * 5.0f * noise();
	  deflec = deflec * 0.1f + deflec_target * 0.9f;

	  /* matrix into mid_side representation (this is roughly what stereo
	   * LPs do) */
	  buffer_m[buffer_pos] = in_l[pos] + in_r[pos];
	  buffer_s[buffer_pos] = in_l[pos] - in_r[pos];

	  /* cacluate the effects of the surface warping */
	  ofs = fs * 0.009f * deflec;
	  o1 = f_round(floorf(ofs));
	  o2 = f_round(ceilf(ofs));
	  ofs -= o1;
	  src_m = LIN_INTERP(ofs, buffer_m[(buffer_pos - o1 - 1) & buffer_mask], buffer_m[(buffer_pos - o2 - 1) & buffer_mask]);
	  src_s = LIN_INTERP(ofs, buffer_s[(buffer_pos - o1 - 1) & buffer_mask], buffer_s[(buffer_pos - o2 - 1) & buffer_mask]);

	  src_m = biquad_run(lowp_m, src_m + click_buffer[click_buffer_pos.part.in & (CLICK_BUF_SIZE - 1)] * click_gain);

	  /* waveshaper */
	  src_m = LIN_INTERP(age, src_m, sinf(src_m * wrap_gain + wrap_bias));

	  /* output highpass */
	  src_m = biquad_run(highp, src_m) + biquad_run(noise_filt, noise()) * noise_amp + click_buffer[click_buffer_pos.part.in & (CLICK_BUF_SIZE - 1)] * click_gain * 0.5f;

	  /* stereo seperation filter */
	  src_s = biquad_run(lowp_s, src_s) * stereo;

	  buffer_write(out_l[pos], (src_s + src_m) * 0.5f);
	  buffer_write(out_r[pos], (src_m - src_s) * 0.5f);

	  /* roll buffer indexes */
	  buffer_pos = (buffer_pos + 1) & buffer_mask;
	  click_buffer_pos.all += click_buffer_omega.all;
	  if (click_buffer_pos.part.in >= CLICK_BUF_SIZE) {
	    click_buffer_pos.all = 0;
	    click_buffer_omega.all = 0;
static void runSc4(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	Sc4 *plugin_data = (Sc4 *)instance;

	/* RMS/peak (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data rms_peak = *(plugin_data->rms_peak);

	/* Attack time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data attack = *(plugin_data->attack);

	/* Release time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data release = *(plugin_data->release);

	/* Threshold level (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data threshold = *(plugin_data->threshold);

	/* Ratio (1:n) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data ratio = *(plugin_data->ratio);

	/* Knee radius (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data knee = *(plugin_data->knee);

	/* Makeup gain (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data makeup_gain = *(plugin_data->makeup_gain);

	/* Left input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const left_in = plugin_data->left_in;

	/* Right input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const right_in = plugin_data->right_in;

	/* Left output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const left_out = plugin_data->left_out;

	/* Right output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const right_out = plugin_data->right_out;
	float amp = plugin_data->amp;
	float * as = plugin_data->as;
	unsigned int count = plugin_data->count;
	float env = plugin_data->env;
	float env_peak = plugin_data->env_peak;
	float env_rms = plugin_data->env_rms;
	float gain = plugin_data->gain;
	float gain_t = plugin_data->gain_t;
	rms_env * rms = plugin_data->rms;
	float sum = plugin_data->sum;

#line 51 "sc4_1434.xml"
	unsigned long pos;

	const float ga = attack < 2.0f ? 0.0f : as[f_round(attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float gr = as[f_round(release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float rs = (ratio - 1.0f) / ratio;
	const float mug = db2lin(makeup_gain);
	const float knee_min = db2lin(threshold - knee);
	const float knee_max = db2lin(threshold + knee);
	const float ef_a = ga * 0.25f;
	const float ef_ai = 1.0f - ef_a;

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	  const float la = fabs(left_in[pos]);
	  const float ra = fabs(right_in[pos]);
	  const float lev_in = f_max(la, ra);
	  sum += lev_in * lev_in;

	  if (amp > env_rms) {
	    env_rms = env_rms * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
	  } else {
	    env_rms = env_rms * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
	  if (lev_in > env_peak) {
	    env_peak = env_peak * ga + lev_in * (1.0f - ga);
	  } else {
	    env_peak = env_peak * gr + lev_in * (1.0f - gr);
	  if ((count++ & 3) == 3) {
	    amp = rms_env_process(rms, sum * 0.25f);
	    sum = 0.0f;
	    if (isnan(env_rms)) {
	      // This can happen sometimes, but I don't know why
	      env_rms = 0.0f;

	    env = LIN_INTERP(rms_peak, env_rms, env_peak);

	    if (env <= knee_min) {
	      gain_t = 1.0f;
	    } else if (env < knee_max) {
	      const float x = -(threshold - knee - lin2db(env)) / knee;
	      gain_t = db2lin(-knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
	    } else {
	      gain_t = db2lin((threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
	  gain = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
	  buffer_write(left_out[pos], left_in[pos] * gain * mug);
	  buffer_write(right_out[pos], right_in[pos] * gain * mug);
	plugin_data->sum = sum;
	plugin_data->amp = amp;
	plugin_data->gain = gain;
	plugin_data->gain_t = gain_t;
	plugin_data->env = env;
	plugin_data->env_rms = env_rms;
	plugin_data->env_peak = env_peak;
	plugin_data->count = count;

	*(plugin_data->amplitude) = lin2db(env);
	*(plugin_data->gain_red) = lin2db(gain);
static void runAddingRetroFlange(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	RetroFlange *plugin_data = (RetroFlange *)instance;
	LADSPA_Data run_adding_gain = plugin_data->run_adding_gain;

	/* Average stall (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data delay_depth_avg = *(plugin_data->delay_depth_avg);

	/* Flange frequency (Hz) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data law_freq = *(plugin_data->law_freq);

	/* Input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const input = plugin_data->input;

	/* Output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const output = plugin_data->output;
	LADSPA_Data * buffer = plugin_data->buffer;
	long buffer_size = plugin_data->buffer_size;
	long count = plugin_data->count;
	LADSPA_Data * delay_line = plugin_data->delay_line;
	int delay_line_length = plugin_data->delay_line_length;
	int delay_pos = plugin_data->delay_pos;
	LADSPA_Data last_in = plugin_data->last_in;
	int last_law_p = plugin_data->last_law_p;
	int last_phase = plugin_data->last_phase;
	int max_law_p = plugin_data->max_law_p;
	float next_law_peak = plugin_data->next_law_peak;
	int next_law_pos = plugin_data->next_law_pos;
	float phase = plugin_data->phase;
	float prev_law_peak = plugin_data->prev_law_peak;
	int prev_law_pos = plugin_data->prev_law_pos;
	long sample_rate = plugin_data->sample_rate;
	LADSPA_Data z0 = plugin_data->z0;
	LADSPA_Data z1 = plugin_data->z1;
	LADSPA_Data z2 = plugin_data->z2;

#line 75 "retro_flange_1208.xml"
	long int pos;
	int law_p = f_trunc(LIMIT(sample_rate / f_clamp(law_freq, 0.0001f, 100.0f), 1, max_law_p));
	float increment;
	float lin_int, lin_inc;
	int track;
	int fph;
	LADSPA_Data out = 0.0f;
	const float dda_c = f_clamp(delay_depth_avg, 0.0f, 10.0f);
	int dl_used = (dda_c * sample_rate) / 1000;
	float inc_base = 1000.0f * (float)BASE_BUFFER;
	const float delay_depth = 2.0f * dda_c;
	float n_ph, p_ph, law;
	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	        // Write into the delay line
	        delay_line[delay_pos] = input[pos];
	        z0 = delay_line[MOD(delay_pos - dl_used, delay_line_length)] + 0.12919609397f*z1 - 0.31050847f*z2;
	        out = sat(z0*0.20466966f + z1*0.40933933f + z2*0.40933933f,
	                        -0.23f, 3.3f);
	        z2 = z1; z1 = z0;
	        delay_pos = (delay_pos + 1) % delay_line_length;
	        if ((count++ % law_p) == 0) {
	                // Value for amplitude of law peak
	                next_law_peak = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
	                next_law_pos = count + law_p;
	        } else if (count % law_p == law_p / 2) {
	                // Value for amplitude of law peak
	                prev_law_peak = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
	                prev_law_pos = count + law_p;
	        n_ph = (float)(law_p - abs(next_law_pos - count))/(float)law_p;
	        p_ph = n_ph + 0.5f;
	        if (p_ph > 1.0f) {
	                p_ph -= 1.0f;
	        law = f_sin_sq(3.1415926f*p_ph)*prev_law_peak +
	        increment = inc_base / (delay_depth * law + 0.2);
	        fph = f_trunc(phase);
	        last_phase = fph;
	        lin_int = phase - (float)fph;
	        out += LIN_INTERP(lin_int, buffer[(fph+1) % buffer_size],
	         buffer[(fph+2) % buffer_size]);
	        phase += increment;
	        lin_inc = 1.0f / (floor(phase) - last_phase + 1);
	        lin_inc = lin_inc > 1.0f ? 1.0f : lin_inc;
	        lin_int = 0.0f;
	        for (track = last_phase; track < phase; track++) {
	                lin_int += lin_inc;
	                buffer[track % buffer_size] =
	                 LIN_INTERP(lin_int, last_in, input[pos]);
	        last_in = input[pos];
	        buffer_write(output[pos], out * 0.707f);
	        if (phase >= buffer_size) {
	                phase -= buffer_size;
	// Store current phase in instance
	plugin_data->phase = phase;
	plugin_data->prev_law_peak = prev_law_peak;
	plugin_data->next_law_peak = next_law_peak;
	plugin_data->prev_law_pos = prev_law_pos;
	plugin_data->next_law_pos = next_law_pos;
	plugin_data->last_phase = last_phase;
	plugin_data->last_in = last_in;
	plugin_data->count = count;
	plugin_data->last_law_p = last_law_p;
	plugin_data->delay_pos = delay_pos;
	plugin_data->z0 = z0;
	plugin_data->z1 = z1;
	plugin_data->z2 = z2;
static void runAddingGiantFlange(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	GiantFlange *plugin_data = (GiantFlange *)instance;
	LADSPA_Data run_adding_gain = plugin_data->run_adding_gain;

	/* Double delay (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data deldouble = *(plugin_data->deldouble);

	/* LFO frequency 1 (Hz) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data freq1 = *(plugin_data->freq1);

	/* Delay 1 range (s) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data delay1 = *(plugin_data->delay1);

	/* LFO frequency 2 (Hz) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data freq2 = *(plugin_data->freq2);

	/* Delay 2 range (s) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data delay2 = *(plugin_data->delay2);

	/* Feedback (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data feedback = *(plugin_data->feedback);

	/* Dry/Wet level (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data wet = *(plugin_data->wet);

	/* Input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const input = plugin_data->input;

	/* Output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const output = plugin_data->output;
	int16_t * buffer = plugin_data->buffer;
	unsigned int buffer_mask = plugin_data->buffer_mask;
	unsigned int buffer_pos = plugin_data->buffer_pos;
	float fs = plugin_data->fs;
	float x1 = plugin_data->x1;
	float x2 = plugin_data->x2;
	float y1 = plugin_data->y1;
	float y2 = plugin_data->y2;

#line 59 "giant_flange_1437.xml"
	unsigned long pos;
	const float omega1 = 6.2831852f * (freq1 / fs);
	const float omega2 = 6.2831852f * (freq2 / fs);
	float fb;
	float d1, d2;
	float d1out, d2out;
	float fbs;

	if (feedback > 99.0f) {
	  fb = 0.99f;
	} else if (feedback < -99.0f) {
	  fb = -0.99f;
	} else {
	  fb = feedback * 0.01f;

	if (f_round(deldouble)) {
	  const float dr1 = delay1 * fs * 0.25f;
	  const float dr2 = delay2 * fs * 0.25f;

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	  /* Write input into delay line */
	  buffer[buffer_pos] = f_round(input[pos] * INT_SCALE);

	  /* Calcuate delays */
	  d1 = (x1 + 1.0f) * dr1;
	  d2 = (y2 + 1.0f) * dr2;

	  d1out = buffer[(buffer_pos - f_round(d1)) & buffer_mask] * INT_SCALE_R;
	  d2out = buffer[(buffer_pos - f_round(d2)) & buffer_mask] * INT_SCALE_R;

	  /* Add feedback, must be done afterwards for case where delay = 0 */
	  fbs = input[pos] + (d1out + d2out) * fb;
	  if(fbs < CLIP && fbs > -CLIP) {
	    buffer[buffer_pos] = fbs * INT_SCALE;
	  } else if (fbs > 0.0f) {
	    buffer[buffer_pos] = (MAX_AMP - (CLIP_A / (CLIP_B + fbs))) *
	  } else {
	    buffer[buffer_pos] =  (MAX_AMP - (CLIP_A / (CLIP_B - fbs))) *

	  /* Write output */
	  buffer_write(output[pos], LIN_INTERP(wet, input[pos], d1out + d2out));

	  if (pos % 2) {
	    buffer_pos = (buffer_pos + 1) & buffer_mask;

	  /* Run LFOs */
	  x1 -= omega1 * y1;
	  y1 += omega1 * x1;
	  x2 -= omega2 * y2;
	  y2 += omega2 * x2;
	} else {
	  const float dr1 = delay1 * fs * 0.5f;
	  const float dr2 = delay2 * fs * 0.5f;

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	  /* Write input into delay line */
	  buffer[buffer_pos] = f_round(input[pos] * INT_SCALE);

	  /* Calcuate delays */
	  d1 = (x1 + 1.0f) * dr1;
	  d2 = (y2 + 1.0f) * dr2;

	  d1out = buffer[(buffer_pos - f_round(d1)) & buffer_mask] * INT_SCALE_R;
	  d2out = buffer[(buffer_pos - f_round(d2)) & buffer_mask] * INT_SCALE_R;

	  /* Add feedback, must be done afterwards for case where delay = 0 */
	  fbs = input[pos] + (d1out + d2out) * fb;
	  if(fbs < CLIP && fbs > -CLIP) {
	          buffer[buffer_pos] = fbs * INT_SCALE;
	  } else if (fbs > 0.0f) {
	          buffer[buffer_pos] = (MAX_AMP - (CLIP_A / (CLIP_B + fbs))) *
	  } else {
	          buffer[buffer_pos] =  (MAX_AMP - (CLIP_A / (CLIP_B - fbs))) *

	  /* Write output */
	  buffer_write(output[pos], LIN_INTERP(wet, input[pos], d1out + d2out));

	  buffer_pos = (buffer_pos + 1) & buffer_mask;

	  /* Run LFOs */
	  x1 -= omega1 * y1;
	  y1 += omega1 * x1;
	  x2 -= omega2 * y2;
	  y2 += omega2 * x2;

	plugin_data->x1 = x1;
	plugin_data->y1 = y1;
	plugin_data->x2 = x2;
	plugin_data->y2 = y2;
	plugin_data->buffer_pos = buffer_pos;